Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure

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Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure Page 21

by E J Darling

  “I do not care what anyone thinks. I do what I must to survive.” Wilsit assumed Teak to be owned by a Tallek, and he never corrected him. It was best no one outside Vint’s home knew Maevelin to be his master. It was safer that way.

  “Then, that musst mean you are here under the guisse of ssurvival.” Wilsit looked around the tavern behind Teak, but he kept his eyes on the male across from him.

  Nothing rose the hairs on the back of his neck to make him think there was danger there. “There is no guise. I’m here to see if you could tell me anything on the council members. They are playing a dangerous game, and until yesterday, I didn’t think the ones I cared about were pawns in it. Now, I believe they are.”

  Wilsit hissed, his disgust clear. “They play a dangerouss game, that iss true enough. I know where you sstay, and I know your masster is one of them. How am I to know you are not here for a different reasson? Shall I be arressted ssoon when you get the answerss you sseek?”

  “If you are arrested, then I go with you. I am not here under anyone's command but my own, Wilsit. I come because there is something happening right under my nose and I want to know what it is.”

  Wilsit seemed to study Teak carefully, perhaps trying to see if he could detect any lie in Teak’s voice. He would find none.

  “Why did you send me to that back entry my first night in Subterranea? Did you wish me to see what was going on there and the cruelty of the species that rule this planet? What did you think I could possibly do?”

  “There are many a dark ssecret on thiss planet, Kade. I only wisshed you to ssee them for what they are.”

  “They’re calling it The Human Problem. Did you know that?”

  “I do not know anything the counccil doess. They do not talk politicss with ssubsspecciess, and if they did, it wouldn’t be me they sspoke to.”

  Considering his words, Teak found them to be true, but that didn’t mean he knew nothing. “How did you hear about the Turnish male that murdered those species on Hydron-5?” Teak hadn’t forgotten about that conversation, but now felt like the right time to get underneath it. “Who told you?”

  “Many beingss losse their thoughtss when they drink too heavily. Ssubterranea iss full of those with loose lips. A Turnissh on itss own iss hot newss, but a murderouss one? Who could posssibly keep that to themsselvess?”

  “Do you remember who said it?”

  Wilsit shook his head. “No, only that they were not from thiss planet. Could be posssible ssomeone iss looking for one ssuch ass you. I’d keep my head down for ass long ass posssible. Don’t rattle the Tallekian cage, or you’ll find yoursself on the other sside of it. I don’t know how you’ve kept yoursself out of trouble thiss long, but I hope your luck doessn’t run out. You are a good resspectable male, ssomething I have sseen with my own eyess. Lethal, but resspectable. You need to get off thiss planet ass ssoon ass you can. You are not ssafe here Teakin Kade.”

  “I’ll see you at the fights tonight.” He ignored Wilsit’s warning. He needed the credits and he’d missed out on them the night before. He had to make it up.

  Without allowing the male a rebuttal, Teak rose from his chair and walked out of the tavern.

  He stepped up the front steps of Vint’s home. He’d thought about his meeting with Wilsit the entire journey, while simultaneously making sure no one saw him walking about the market. He didn’t realize how close he’d been to being found out, but now that he did, he needed to be more careful.

  Zeke’s sway was less than he believed it to be there on Ascena Pura, and he was only safe as long as no one on the council knew who he was. Someone knew he was here on Aceena Pura, but they didn't know exactly where. That was his only advantage for the moment. He didn’t belong to Vint, therefore the ones looking for him didn’t just show up and ask. He was currently under the radar and he’d stay there.

  Quietly opening the door, and shutting it gently, Teak was met with the usual daily workers in the home. He could smell food coming from the kitchen, an older Human female was fluffing cushions in the living area that was hardly ever used, and another was cleaning the large formal dining table.

  A click sounded at the end of the hallway and Teak spun his head in that direction. Vint walked slowly, his face in his work and his hand in one of the pockets of his robe. Teak growled low, an instinct he couldn’t control at the moment. The male looked up then, lowering the pad to his side. Long silence passed between them. Their eyes locked on to each other in a battle of dominance before Vint spoke.

  “I do not wish to play this game with you, Kade.”

  “It is no game that you play. You are the puppet master and hold the strings to do with what you will.” If Teak could spit at the master’s feet without death looming over his head, he would. For now, he was resigned to sharp words and gritted teeth. “The rest of us just think we are part of something different to make ourselves feel better. A semblance of control is better than the truth, I guess.”

  “You may think what you want of me, but even this puppet master has rules to abide by.” Vint stepped closer until only a few inches separated them. They were similar in height, but Vint was leaner than he under those robes. “Even a puppet master sees the error in his ways. I spoke with Maevelin and gave my apologies for what she was forced to endure.”


  Vint’s eyes narrowed, focusing on Teak’s. “But I do not apologize to you.”

  Teak bottled down the rage that surfaced but deep down in his stomach a fire was burning. “I never believed you would. Am I to be carried off now to a prison until my very timely death? I’ve heard the rumors and I’m sure you have as well. The Vora enforcers are looking for me.”

  Vint stood firm and resolute, never giving away any sort of reaction one way or another. “As long as the council members believe you to be a stray Turnish slave, your secret is safe with me.” Teak studied the male a little longer, but Vint did something he never would have expected. The male lowered his head in a slight, nearly impossible to read bow. “I will not apologize for what I did to you yesterday, because I must thank you instead. What you did for Maevelin was courageous and so I thank you. You’ve once again proved to me you have her best interests in mind. She’ll need you when the time comes.”

  Teak’s eyes widened. He stood speechless, searching the male’s eyes for any sort of falsehood. He found none.

  “Do not think this will happen again, for I do not make it a habit of admitting my wrongs, nor will my gratitude extend past this conversation,” Vint added coldly. “I hold my judgement of you strongly, and I still believe you unworthy of her, but you are safe in this home for as long as you keep yourself out of trouble. I will not punish you for any crimes you’ve committed before coming here, but I will not be stepping my foot in your corner if you cannot keep your shit together while under this roof.”

  Teak inclined his head slightly. “I understand.”

  “Good.” Vint raised his electro pad back up and began to walk away, but stopped suddenly. His hand felt in his pocket once again, and he pulled out something small and metal, the device they’d picked up on Hydron-5. He stared at it a moment as Teak stood silent, watching him. “Have you ever had a family of your own, Kade?”

  Teak ground his teeth together before replying. “Never had the pleasure. I wasn’t allowed to have one while I did my service, then…well you know the rest. Weren’t many females who wanted someone with no home and no credits. It was hard enough taking care of myself and my crew on my small vessel. A female wouldn’t have been happy there. Families need stability and I haven’t had that in a very long time.”

  Vint nodded and studied the device further before looking back at Teak. “Did you ever want one?”

  Teak didn’t know where Vint was trying to take the conversation, but figured honesty would get him farther than lies. “Very much. Having a child of my own would be the ultimate gift, but I would never bring one into this world through bondage. It isn’t a way to live…sir.

  Vint huffed and smiled at the device. “The only family I have, the only blood relation, is right here on this drive.” Teak stared at the device again as Vint rolled it around in his hand and dropped it back into his pocket. “With any blessing I am afforded, I may soon have that piece returned to me.”

  “Why are they not with you now? If I may ask.”

  Vint searched Teak’s eyes for a moment and smiled. “You may, but I won’t answer. We all have our black spots, Kade.” That was the last he spoke before he walked away down a long hallway and towards a section of the home Teak wasn’t allowed. No slave was.

  There was much more to the secretive male than Teak had ever anticipated. If one of the most powerful males in the galaxy couldn’t hold on to his own family, what chance did Teak have of holding on to Maeve? That answer was nagging at his insides. He’d felt her sadness just before he’d walked into the home. He’d adopted it, felt it for himself, and now he needed to go see what had upset his Mahla so badly.

  Though, as he watched the master disappear, he couldn’t help but guess who’d done it.


  On the balcony, Maeve heard the door click and looked back to see Teak slipping through. There was worry set on his beautiful face, so she gave him a smile hoping to change that a little. Säiph emitted a low growl and slowly rose to his feet. He’d given her company through the day and it was nice to not be alone while Teak was out. The creature padded over and sniffed at the outstretched hand before Teak scratched the top of Säiph’s head. They’d become friends over their short time together, and she could hardly believe it. After he got his attention, Säiph left through the bedroom door and Teak closed it before cautiously approaching.

  She’d sobered up and was now fighting a massive headache threatening to split her head in two. But she spent the entirety of her alone time thinking about her conversation with Zeke. Everything he’d said was seared into her brain, unable to leave her in peace.

  The water before her fell under long shadows of the dense tree line as the Light Star lowered in the sky. She tried to see the beauty in it now, but it was hard. The sight was still the same, hadn’t changed one bit, but she had. She couldn’t shake the feeling there was more out there she hadn’t seen. Maybe it was because she was always busy with duties, or off on a mission for her master, but there was something she was missing, and it was cloaked right before her very eyes.

  Don’t ask questions. Don’t get in trouble. Do what you’re told. Buy your freedom. Those were the commands she lived by, but things changed. Teak opened her eyes and had her questioning the world around her. But there was more, always more. More secrets than answers. More deception than truth. And soon, she was going to be tired of it. For now, she wanted to figure it out.

  A hand touched her shoulder and Maeve nuzzled it with her cheek. Teak loved to nuzzle her, and she’d grown fond of it as well over their week together. Almost as instantly as he touched her though, her headache fell away into nothing, her worry and sadness filtering into contentment. Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at the hand on her skin.

  “What is happening between us?”

  “We need to talk.” His voice was low and hoarse, as if he’d been on the brink of strong emotion and that alien side of him was coming out. “About us.”

  Something in the way he said that created butterflies in her belly, and not the good kind. Nothing good ever came out of someone saying that. Ever.

  “But first, what has upset you my Mahla.” Teak crouched down beside her chair and placed a hand over hers, the other delicately caressed her cheek. Again, she couldn’t help but nuzzle it, urging him on silently. Touch had quickly become her favorite thing.

  “I spoke to Zekekiel about that document I found.”

  “What did he say?”

  Maeve closed her eyes. “The same thing he always says. Nothing.” When she opened them back up, Teak looked right back at her, his face so near to hers but he didn’t kiss her. Instantly, she no longer wanted to talk about her master. They had time to do that later. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  Teak sighed with a heavy smile, dropping his eyes. “Do you remember that first night, when I told you the price for loving me would cost us everything?”

  Her stomach sank and didn’t come back up. She nodded anyway.

  “Do you feel sick when I am gone too long?”

  She nodded again, hoping it was just a coincidence but getting the feeling it wasn’t.

  “We are bonding, and soon that bond will be complete. The sickness will only get worse if we fight it, and I do not want that for either of us. Once I began to taste you, my body became yours and in turn, you became mine.” He cleared his throat and finally looked back to her. There was something behind his darkening eyes, some emotion she could pick up. “It’s my species' way of continuing on, of persuading two beings to mate and breed a family. I can feel the bond opening up inside my chest, ripping my heart in two, and allowing yours to enter. I feel your emotions if I am near enough. I can feel if you’re sad, scared, happy. When it is complete, I will know your body’s every desire. I’ll know if you’re sick or scared, if it needs me between your thighs, and when you’ve been perfectly sated. I beg your forgiveness for not explaining it sooner, but I couldn’t lose you. If you walked away and rejected my affection I don’t know what would have become of me. I needed to know for certain you wouldn’t walk away or shut me out before I knew your full intention. I am certain of that now.”

  Maeve sat silent once he was done, not sure how to answer. She knew there were certain differences between alien races and that was one of the things she loved about learning. How they differed from what the Tallek’s did, or what their policies and laws said about their cultures. Together though, they all made up Vora Galaxy. Celebrating differences is what keeps each and every individual race whole and unique, while also bringing them all together as one in peace.

  Finally, Maeve found her voice. “I love you, Teak. Maybe even from the first time I saw you. I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I didn’t want to fix your broken pieces then and I don’t want to now. I want to cheer you on as you become the male you want to be. Never could I leave you. Never could I watch you walk away. You are mine, and I am yours.”

  “What I told you, Mahla, are the good parts. The parts that make us whole and one. The parts that will never allow me to leave your side or choose another.” He smiled and ducked his head. “The scent of another female turns me off already.”

  Maeve giggled softly. “Being around Keeli must be terrible for you then.”

  He nodded and flashed his teeth again, those sharp canines had her stomach in knots. “No, not that bad. She does not scent of arousal when she is near me, but your friend Gilla makes me want to vomit. Respectably of course. It isn’t a slight on her part I promise. I’m sure she’s a great friend to you, she just scents of arousal when I am near, and it is a natural reaction for me now that the bonding is taking hold.”

  “Have you seen her master? Hell, even I’d try to grasp on to the first male I saw.” Maeve shuddered. Gilla may have a relative life of luxury, but her price was too high in Maeve’s opinion. She thought for a moment before asking, “What is the price then for your love? The bad part I mean.”

  Teak stood, pulling her with him. She lifted her leg and he hoisted her up, kissing her neck and shoulder. He strode them both to the railing where he sat her down at almost the same height. His hands locked her in on either side and he invaded her space. She loved when he did that. He’d invaded her space from the moment they met, and she hoped he did it until the end of time.

  “You really want to know the bad parts? You don’t want to live in ignorant bliss?” He studied her face, but he didn’t smile. He was testing her reaction.

  “Yes. I want to know it all. Besides, it’s too late now. You’re stuck with me anyway. Tell me all of it so I never have to wonder.”

  His forehead r
ested on hers and a long silent moment passed before he whispered, “Death.”

  “If we bond we die?” Maeve was horrified. How could he let that happen? Why? No, wait. That’s illogical. Shut up. “Sorry. That was morbid.”

  “Yet, not entirely false,” he admitted, not making her feel any better. “If you leave me, if you do not wish to love me or be with me anymore, I will not be able to live.”

  That thought had never crossed her mind. Not in a thousand lifetimes would she ever think about leaving this male that stood before her. Her hands cupped his face, and she forced him to look at her. His eyes were the light gray she loved to stare into, and they were bracketed by the most beautiful black lashes.

  He loved her, and she loved him. It was the most beautiful love story never told.

  “Nothing could make me walk away from you, Teak. Nothing.” She kissed him, wildly and passionately, pulling him closer until her legs wrapped around his waist again. She felt the rock solid shaft against her parted thighs and it only made her more desperate. It didn’t take long for him to dominate her mouth and she felt his arms secure around her. Before she knew it, her back slammed against the bed and he was on top of her.

  Passion and power rained down as Teak took procession of her every thought and breath. There was nothing but him. Hell, there was never anything but him. Nothing could keep him away, and nothing could pull her away. Their love would bloom forever, and being beneath him like she was now, was the only place she wanted to be.

  He said he’d die without her. Well, in this moment, she believed she too would die without him.

  His hands roamed her body, caressing her every curve, until they stopped on her lower belly. He paused a moment, cooling the heat which built up so quickly. Maeve hid her smile when his lips touched her there. He did it as if the meaning were just for him, for now, and she would let him have it. The moment he kissed lower, Maeve gripped the blanket and held it tight as the vibrations hit her body.


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