Hated Secret Admirer

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by Vanessa Sueroz

  Hated Secret Admirer

  Vanessa Sueroz

  Translated by Rachel Lima Lopes

  “Hated Secret Admirer”

  Written By Vanessa Sueroz

  Copyright © 2018 Vanessa Sueroz

  All rights reserved

  Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.


  Translated by Rachel Lima Lopes

  “Babelcube Books” and “Babelcube” are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Hated Secret Admirer


  Chapter 1: The Worst Day of My Life

  Chapter 2: Roses

  Chapter 3:I Have a Date

  Chapter 4: I Found Out!

  Chapter 5: Lucas

  Chapter 6: Lost in Thought

  Chapter 7: Shall We Dance?

  Chapter 8: Dumbstruck

  Chapter 9: My Not-so-secret Admirer

  Chapter 10: Back at the Start


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  To all that helped me take one

  more step in pursuit of a dream.


  Chapter 1: The Worst Day of My Life

  Chapter 2: Roses

  Chapter 3: I Have a Date

  Chapter 4: I Found Out

  Chapter 5: Lucas

  Chapter 6: Lost in Thought

  Chapter 7: Shall We Dance?

  Chapter 8: Dumbstruck

  Chapter 9: My Not-so-secret Admirer

  Chapter 10: Back at the Start


  The author

  Chapter 1: The Worst Day of My Life

  It all started in that beautiful, wonderful day. A sunny day. Birds were singing, the wind rushed through the trees, the clouds in the sky cotton white, and I was incredibly happy...

  Okay, now coming back to real life. All of this started on a truly horrible, horrible day! Right... Let's not keep calling the shitty day the "horrible day" or "worst day of my life", let's just call it H-Day, H for horrible, of course.

  First of all, the day wasn't pretty at all, it was actually cold, and I hate the cold: my nose gets red and everyone starts calling me by Santa's red-nosed deer's name.

  Okay, okay... I confess, the cold is pretty good, especially when you stay under the covers doing nothing, but having friends like mine, the least you can expect in a cold day are jokes about my nose and my paper-white skin.

  Anyway, it was a horribly cold day and we were all bunched together on the couch. When I say we, I mean me, Andressa, Ana, and the boys, Fernando, Vitor, and Lucas.

  Don't ask me how I became friends with these crazy people, it happened because my wonderful, gorgeous, completely brainless friend fell in love with Fernando. And, of course, a higher power made Lucas and me monitors at the beginning of the year and unfortunately we had to force ourselves to spend time together until one of us gave up and threw in the towel.

  I'm not sure anyone knows exactly what a monitor does, specially where we live. I used to live in São Paulo with my parents, but, unfortunately, two years ago my dad got very sick and lost his job. My mom, a nurse that had to start working double-shifts, had no way of looking after me, so they chose to send me to a boarding school here in Santo Antônio do Pinhal – for those that don't know it, it's in São Paulo, but far away from the city and shopping centers.

  At the start, the idea was scary, the first thought through my mind was that my parents didn't love me and all that, but, on the contrary, they're more present than I thought possible, and I've made friends for life.

  I almost forgot to say, the bedrooms here are separated by age and gender. Me, along with Lucas, are responsible for pointing the finger at people who don't comply with the rules, for example, boys in a girl's bedroom or walking around the school in the middle of the week after ten.

  But let's put that away. I don't think anyone will understand straight away why that day was so horrible, maybe you'll get it when I finish my story? Or maybe not even then! Anyway, I’m not usually so all over the place like this, but that day put an end to logical thinking and everything that I thought about right and wrong. Am I going insane?

  If anyone gets it before my story comes to the end... Congratulations, you're a genius, because, like Vitor said, Lady Sith here only figured it out after a long time.

  Lady Sith is how Vitor calls me sometimes... I never really got it, I didn't even know he knew Star Wars, but in his empty head, the light side were them, the boys, always having fun and skipping class, and the dark side were us, the nerds. According to my friend's sick mind, Fernando is Darth Vader, for being the villain that tries to pull him and Lucas to the world of the nerds, and, he says, because I'm the biggest nerd at this school, I'm Lady Sith... Whatever... It's impossible to understand what's going on in Vitor's head, especially if you're not a Star Wars fan.

  Not that I consider myself a nerd, after all I don't look a thing like a nerd, I'm not that short and my hair is curly and a weird blonde. Nerds look like Fernando, dark hair, glasses, and heavy books in his backpack... I'll admit I like reading, but only cool stuff.

  But let's forget about Vitor's crazy theories and concentrate in my story. So all can understand why that day was so horrible, I have start a little before, the day before, or actually, the night before, that was also freezing. We were all sitting in front of the fireplace since Vitor had expelled all the younger students from there.

  "I told you I could get the best seats in the lounge with no problems," Vitor remarked with his best cynical smile.

  "You didn't have to throw everybody out," Andressa said, extremely embarrassed, since everyone was looking at us through narrowed eyes.

  "I didn't throw everybody out. I let you guys stay here," he said, smiling wider.

  "Vitor, shut up or we'll be forced to lock you in the closet," Ana said, rolling her eyes, annoyed.

  "You wouldn't. I'm the life of the party," he said with a huge conceited smile.

  "Poor thing! So young and his mind is already gone!" Ana teased.

  "Paula, your friend is making fun of me," Vitor complained, with a huge pout, throwing himself on my lap and almost squishing me.

  "Annie, don't be mean to your brother and stop talking nonsense! Nobody is locking my baby in the closet," I answered with a straight face, joining in the fun.

  "Daddy... Mummy likes bratty Vitor more than me."

  "You're so mean, Ana," Andressa said trying not to laugh.

  "Your Mom likes both their children equally, sweetie," Lucas answered, smiling.

  "Lucas, I think you're going to have to send your son to a boarding school," Fernando joined in, discreetly pointing at Vitor.

  "Don't tell him, but he's adopted!" Lucas mock-whispered.

  "I told you you weren't my real brother," Ana said, looking victorious.

  "Lucas! Don't lie to the children!" I said angrily.

  "I'm sorry, dear, but I couldn't help myself," he answered before we all cracked up.

  "What classes do you guys have tomorrow, blondie?" Vitor asked me when we stopped laughing.

  Has anyone besides me noticed Vitor loves to give people nicknames? I used to think it was just with me, but I found out it's worst with me, but everyone, and I do mean every one, has a nickname, so we had to come up with one for him too. The boys call him Vitinho. It's not a very good one, since it's easy to understand the reason behind it, but it was the only one we were able to come up with.

  Vitor nicknames everyone. Lucas, aka
Lu, which is how we, the girls, call him, is called Luks by Vitor. Don't ask me why... I know it's similar to his name, but come on. Vitor says Lu is too gay and he's straight.

  Ana is the simplest... Annie! It couldn't be more obvious.

  Fernando, besides Darth Vader, is also called Fê and Nandinho – Andressa is the one that calls him that, again a simple, straight-forward nickname...

  When we want to annoy Andressa we call her Dessa, but she hates it.

  In my case things are a little worse. I'm not being dramatic or anything but I think I have the worst nicknames in this school.

  Red is how the boys usually call me. That one is easy to explain, even though I hate it, my nose is constantly red because of my allergies. There's Lady Sith, and Tiny, another one I don't have to explain, right? I'm not even that short, I'm 5'4''. And many others like Paulie, angel-hair, spring-head, washed-out blonde, and angel. That last one was Lucas, I have no idea where the idiot got the idea that angels have hair like mine...

  "I'm not sure which is first, but Math, History, Portuguese and Philosophy, " I said, shrugging.

  "I hate most of those classes. I think I'm going to pretend to be sick tomorrow," Vitor said, thoughtful.

  "No way, Vitor, you pulled that last week. It's not going to work this time," Andressa reminded him.

  "Maybe Luks can pretend to be sick, and I'm going to have to miss class to look after him," Vitor suggested.

  "You're going to take care of Lucas? What a dedicated friend," Andressa said, mocking him.

  "OK! You guys win. One of you is going to be sick tomorrow," he said, looking between me and Andressa.

  "I'm not skipping class," I said quickly.

  "I'm not lying just so you can skip school," Ana shrugged.

  "You guys are so boring!" Vitor complained, pouting.

  "They’re just being responsible, Vitor," Fernando said wisely.

  It's because of things like that I like Fernando; I mean, not only for that. Anyone can see he's a sweetheart, thoughtful, and extremely responsible. I’m pretty sure he has PMS, since there are days that he's cranky as hell.

  Fernando is that perfect, guys: beautiful, thoughtful, and polite, a typical nerd. You know that boy you take home to mom? That's Fernando, and I'm sure Andressa's mom would be lucky to have him as a son in law. Or she will be once Andressa grows some balls and talks with him. Let's be honest, Fernando is a perfect gentleman and would never make the first move if he's not sure of the answer.

  Even though the whole school knows Andressa is head over heels for him, he's completely blind when it comes to women. Seriously! Of course I've seen Fernando with some girls, but never anything serious and, for the most time, they were the ones that asked him out; the other times, the boys gave him a hand. I definitely should also add that he's shy, he has his moments, but mostly he's shy.

  "Did you hear what he said, Vitor? Listen to the voice of reason," Ana remarked.

  "Annie, dear, you're so naive. The only reason Fernando says things like that it's to impress girls," Vitor mocked, shrugging.

  "You don't want me to try and impress guys, do you?" Fernando asked.

  And now you're wondering, Paula said this guy was a straight-arrow, but straight-arrows don't talk like that with their friends. I agree, but Fernando is not a slacker, okay? I must say that I believe all boys, even the shiest one, are crazy and shameless.

  Don't be fooled, he's everything I said and more, and besides, Fernando has had great teachers. It's impossible to hang out with Lucas and Vitor and not be a bit of a troublemaker sometimes, or have good comebacks to the questions and criticisms like the one Vitor made.

  "I don't care if you're gay, Fernandinho. I just think you shouldn't play the girls like that. And, of course, remember that I like women," Vitor answered, smiling.

  "It's not my fault you and Lucas are hiding in the closet and using the girls as beards so no one can tell, " Fernando threw back with a wicked smile on his lips.

  "Lucas, I never thought you were on my team," Andressa said, perplexed.

  "Why am I always pulled into your arguments?" Lucas asked, grumpy.

  "Couples are usually considered one person, " Andressa said seriously.

  "What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, confused why she brought it up.

  "Lu asked why his name always came up when Vitor is fighting with someone," she answered, shrugging.

  "It's not my fault Vitor, just like every girl in this school, has a thing for me," he answered, shrugging. "I'm sorry, Vitinho, but I don't feel the same way."

  That Lucas and his gigantic ego! Isn't it obvious that he thinks he's all that? I don't know how that boy was raised, but I have the slight impression his mom told him too many times that he's beautiful and somebody forgot to inform him that moms always lie when it comes to their children.

  I'm not saying my mom is a liar or anything like that. I'm just saying that she'd lie when she would say that if I left without an umbrella then it would rain, that if I left my homework for the last minute I wouldn't do it, that if I lied to them my nose would grow, things like that.

  I always did all that stuff and never had a problem, specially after I met Bruno, who's always laid back about stuff like that.

  How could I forget about him? Bruno is, or actually was, my best friend since I was 10 up until recently, when I had to finally make a decision and leave him behind. After all, we had gone down completely different paths and made completely different friends...

  Bruno is a very shy boy that has a lot of problems at home: his parents insisted that he come to the school since they "didn't want him around", and so he ended up choosing the wrong path. I try to set him straight again, or what I see as straight, but I wasn't able to do it.

  And when I say wrong path I mean that when I came to the school, referred by Bruno himself, I found out he was smoking cigarettes, but even so, I didn't give up on him right away, I did it when I found out he was also smoking pot. It's was terrible!

  We met at a park near our houses, when I was trying to build a sandcastle. We became great friends at school, even with him in different classes and all my friends hating him and his friends (let me just add that the sentiment was returned by his friends, who hated me and mine even worse).

  Bruno was bullied by my friends until last year when Lucas forced him to talk about his issues. I told him that if he wanted to be my friend he'd stop smoking, but unfortunately he didn't listen. After that day we started to slowly reason with the boys and they slowly started leaving Bruno alone.

  "What do you mean?" Vitor said dramatically. "I thought you loved me truly. Were you lying to me the whole time?"

  "I was afraid to hurt you, but I can't keep it hidden anymore. I'm having an affair with Andressa," Lucas said, making everyone turn to Andressa.

  "Luks, baby, that's not the right way to tell. We'd said we'd tell him in private," she said, smiling gently.

  "I can't believe you're cheating on me with that crazy pink-haired girl!" Vitor said, almost crying.

  I forgot to say that Andressa paints her hair a different color every week. She's crazy I know... What can you do?

  Should I point out that they love causing a scene?

  "What color do you like best? Blue, maybe?" Andressa asked, pointing to a student's blue shirt.

  Andressa is certainly crazy, but she also just really hates her black hair. She says black is a boring color, and, ever since she learned how to dye her own hair, she keeps changing colors to match her outfit. By the way, the colors are always crazy like pink, purple, blue, green, and things like that. She never dyes it a normal color like blonde or red, or even brown.

  "I like green the best!" Lucas said.

  "I thought purple looked the coolest!" Vitor said, thoughtful, forgetting about the performance.

  "I think blonde would look great," Ana says.

  "Put that out of your mind, Annie. You're always trying to get me to make me a blonde," Andressa complained.
  "Of course. I like blondes!" She answered, shrugging.

  Brown-haired Annie has always wanted to be blonde. I think we should switch hairs one day.

  "I like your natural hair best," I said, shrugging.

  "You two are so boring!" She said, frustrated.

  We kept talking until we were all bored. Fine...until I was bored. I simply grabbed my book and started reading. You know how it is...people addicted to books like me can´t stay far from them. Besides, I'm the kind of person that takes a book with her everywhere, even if I know I won't be reading it.

  That is not weird! I know Lucas and Vitor say it all the time, but taking a book to the soccer field on game day is not insane, it's just thinking ahead... What if the game gets boring and I have nothing else to do? What if I have to wait outside the nurse's office for news if Vitor or Lucas are still alive? There's nothing better than a book then.

  "Tiny, how about you drop that shit and pay attention to the conversation?" Vitor asked, or actually, ordered.

  "No, thank you! I'm at a good part. I'm at the point where the girl thinks the guys doesn't like her and—"

  "We don't want to know the story. We have Fernando for that," Ana said, bored.

  "But it's a cool book!" I defended.

  "Is it about soccer?" Lucas asked.

  "Of course it's not about soccer. It's romance," I said, frustrated.

  I hate it when they talk about soccer! Lucas is incapable of talking of something else. Fine...he's not that annoying, he only talks about soccer when the group is all together. You know how it is, Vitor is around and when they're both together...

  Soccer is the worst sport ever invented. It turns men into fanatics, and even some crazy women like my friends. It robs my friends of their good humor and makes me spend hours outside the nurse's office to find out if they're alive or not.

  I'm not exaggerating! Damn it, those two make it their second house! If it's a game day you can bet at the end of it I'll be standing outside that office worried about one or both of them brokenly stretched out on the gurney.


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