Jill and his mother’s eyes opened wide. Jerrod’s head cocked to the side. Even Karen and Myrtle made eye contact. Mitch had surprised them all.
“Well...thank you, Mitch.” Jill took him up on his offer.
That’s all he needed. When she didn’t show up afterwards, he could act upset like everyone else. Perfect.
“His store is out past Quechee, Son.”
“Isn’t that near the restaurant you like?” Mitch asked his mother.
“That’s right.”
“We can grab lunch there after you do your business with Dillon, and by the time we get back, your car should be ready to go.”
“That’s nice of you, Mitch. If you’re sure you have the time.”
Jill glanced around at the others. Was she seeking their approval for the arrangement, or hoping someone else would step in? It wouldn’t be his brother. Jerrod had mentioned earlier in the evening a court date Monday, and he didn’t know how long the trial would run. Big brother was out of the picture.
Mitch permitted himself a smile of congratulation on jumping at the opportunity to get Jill alone. He spent the rest of the meal figuring out what he’d do with her body after he’d gotten the flash drive or information from her.
“You’ve been quiet, Mitch,” his mother said when she served the Ben and Chuck’s ice cream. “Are you feeling all right?”
“Sure, sure.” Damn he needed to be careful. Couldn’t give anyone a chance to say he acted funny. “Great meal, Mom, and this is my favorite.” He picked up a spoon and dug in.
“DO YOU WANT A GLASS of wine before turning in?”
Jill slipped past Jerrod who held open the door of his house for her later that evening. She ignored the fluttering in her stomach when her arm brushed his.
“Yes, thanks. Wine would be nice.” Probably not a good idea, given what even one glass would do to her inhibitions around him, but she’d take it upstairs.
“I’ll light the fire, and we can sit here.” Jerrod got the blaze going and went for the wine.
“All right.” Jill held out her hands to the fire. So much for the promise she made to herself to go upstairs. “I’m exhausted.” She sank onto the sofa.
“With good reason.” Jerrod handed her a glass. “You worked hard today.” His tone sounded full of warmth and admiration. “Add in the emotional wear and tear of the experience, and it’s not surprising you’re bushed.” He sat next to Jill on the sofa. “I’m sorry I can’t help you out Monday.”
“You’ve done so much already. Your brother was kind to offer.”
“Yeah, wasn’t he? Not his usual role. He’s always been focused on taking care of number one.”
The bitterness in Jerrod’s voice surprised her.
“Should you talk about him that way?”
“Maybe not. Mother and I’ve tried over the years to help Mitch, but he has a sickness. He gambles. Not that he’s admitted he has a problem, which is the problem.” He took a large swallow of wine, and then another.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Jerrod. My uncle killed himself because of the trouble he inflicted on the family with his gambling addiction. He’s the primary reason my father fought against extending gambling to casinos.”
“At first everyone loaned Mitch money whenever he got in trouble. I stopped when I accepted I was enabling him and not helping. For the moment, I’ve brought Mother on board, but if Mitch came to her in a panic, she might give in.”
Jill nodded. “Hard to tell your children no.”
“We can’t let them grow up expecting to get everything they want, whenever they want. Life doesn’t work that way. I’m not saying Mother and Dad treated Mitch that way, but he was the baby of the family. He changed after Dad died. Mother did the best she could. In trying to make up to him for the loss, she probably gave in to him more than she should.” Regret deepened his voice.
Jill couldn’t say anything to make Jerrod feel better so she sat in silence and enjoyed the flames crackling and jumping in the hearth. She glanced at him. The expression in his eyes made a warm ache grow in her middle. She yearned to let go and let someone else control her body.
That wasn’t right. She straightened on the sofa. Unbidden, the kiss they’d shared on July Fourth burst into her conscious like the fireworks shooting across the sky that night. She was so out of line to have kissed him. George had only been dead two years.
Her gaze drifted to Jerrod’s lips.
Jill hopped off the sofa. She had to end this evening. Getting involved with Jerrod? Not a good idea. Between the wine, circumstances, proximity, that’s where she was heading. The glass clinked when she set it on the coffee table. No more alcohol to weaken her resolve.
“Good night, Jerrod.” She made for the stairs.
He moved quicker and met her before she’d gone up two steps. The warmth from his body sharing the step with her made her insides quiver.
“Do you have to go up?”
“Yes.” Her breath caught. More words weren’t possible. She clung to the banister to pull past him, but his right arm flashed across the stairwell, brushing her breasts. They jumped to attention, the nipples hardening. Damn. His left arm circled her waist.
“Sit with me on the couch for a while longer. It’s not late.”
His breath whispered across her ear. Chill bumps shot up her back.
“I...I...” Damn, why did she have such a hard time telling this man no? His midnight eyes drew her into their depths. She’d drown in them if he moved nearer. Oh, my God, how she wanted him to kiss her again. Her gaze sought his lips. She caved and met him half-way.
A groan started low in her middle when their lips met. His tongue softly brushed against the corners of her mouth. He paused, rested his forehead against hers, and drew away.
The need throbbing inside her matched the need in his eyes.
His hands tightened at her waist, and he lifted her up and off the stairs. This time when she kissed him, she reveled in the sensations flooding her body. He carried her from the stairs to the living room, lowered her to the couch, and followed her down. His knee brushed against her thigh. His kisses left her neck and trailed to her breasts. She arched into his touch. Her core stained toward his erection.
She caressed his broad shoulders and kneaded the muscles layered across his back. Her hands moved lower toward his firm rear. He shifted to reach down between them. If he touched her anymore, she might climax right then. My God, what was she doing? She should stop this madness.
And yet, she returned Jerrod’s kisses like her life hung in the balance. A feeling of security and rightness rushed through her.
His hand slid up under her sweater and caressed her through the lacy bra. It hazily crossed her mind she was happy she’d put on a pretty one. The sensations caused from the tips of his fingers gently squeezing the nipple of first one breast and then the other took her out of her mind. She focused on her body. Embers burst into flame in her lower regions, and she pushed her pelvis up trying to get closer to him.
The man consumed her with kisses and filled her with passion in a way she hadn’t experienced in years. Jill pulled the shirt from his pants to touch his bare skin. Then he pulled her sweater over her head. He made quick work of her bra. The slight roughness of his fingers was arousing.
“My God. You’re beautiful.”
His voice, husky with need, warmed her more than his hands did. She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, and soon she brushed it aside. Her fingers stroked his strong chest with its light covering of dark hair.
Jerrod stood and cold flowed around her. He scooped her up and deposited her on the deep pile rug in front of the fire. Its warmth added to the heat rushing through her blood.
“I WANT YOU, JILL.” Would she tell him to stop? Frustration to the tenth degree, but he’d be a bastard to rush her with all she’d been through. His gaze met hers, willing her to say yes.
“I...I... Jerrod, I haven’t done this for a very long time.” Her breath came i
n short gasps.
He cupped her face with one hand and ran a finger along her jaw line. “It’ll be okay. I’ll take care of you.” She was so little he was afraid of crushing her, and he supported much of his weight with the other arm. He wanted this to be wonderful for her, but he wanted Jill in a way he hadn’t wanted any other woman.
He kissed her, inhaling her breath before moving to her neck and sliding down to each breast, giving them their own attention. Her sighs and moans encouraged him and turned him fiery hot. After removing her shoes, he slid off her slacks, revealing a scrap of silk, which matched the missing bra. Before getting out of the rest of his clothes, he slid a condom from his pocket and placed it within easy reach. Her gasp when he pulled off his boxers brought his gaze to her.
“Jill, you have to know how desirable you are.”
She shook her head from side to side.
“Then let me show you.” He took his time, careful not to hurt her, waiting until his kisses, tongue, and fingers pulled moisture from her. Her writhing body told him she was ready before her words.
“Oh, God, Jerrod. Now. I want you now.”
He slipped on the condom and entered her with care. God, her tightness nearly made him explode. He struggled for control, pulled back, and then pushed in farther. When he retreated the next time, her hands on his butt urged him to return, and he plunged deeply into her.
Their rhythm came together and grew more frenzied. Rising to the peak, they soared over together in a splash of colors bright enough to put the fall leaves to shame.
Later he gathered her into the circle of his body, their legs entwined. Jill was responsive and giving. Jerrod couldn’t remember a time when a woman had so stirred him.
Her hand trailing through his chest hairs had him planning an encore, but not on the floor. “I’m taking you upstairs. No need for you to catch cold.”
“Jerrod. I’m not in the least cold.” A soft chuckle bubbled from Jill. Her lips quirked up at the corners, the dimple peaked out. Her blush was endearing.
He smiled at her, determined to have his way. “We’re still going upstairs to the bed.” He pulled her up but couldn’t resist kissing her once more.
The shrill ring of the house phone made them both jerk. Jerrod rested his head against hers. “Let’s ignore the damn thing.” He pointed her toward the stairs.
“What if it’s important?”
“Right now, I can’t imagine anything more important than us getting upstairs to my nice warm bed.” The annoying sound stopped. “See not important.”
The noise crashed into their ears again.
“What if it’s Anne? What if she has a problem?”
“Do you have to be so responsible?” He shook his head. “If it’s my mother, and not a matter of life or death, I may kill her.” He grabbed up the handset, stopping the incessant noise.
“Hello. Well, I was almost asleep.” Jill’s chuckle drew his gaze, and he winked at her.
Her cheeks heated while pulling on her pants and sweater. She collected her undies and shoes. Jerrod never took his gaze from her.
“Yeah, I can do that. Thanks for asking me... See you then.” He disconnected. Then he stretched both hands over his head. If he felt any better, he’d touch the moon.
“Everything okay?”
He leaned down and kissed her. “It was Jack.” Jerrod grabbed his own clothes and with one arm around her shoulder herded her toward the stairs. “He was checking to see if I’d be interested in a trip to Montpelier tomorrow. He has an in with one of the techs there and wants to try his hand at hurrying along the fingerprint results.”
“I hope he can.” Climbing the stairs, her hand rested on the banister.
“Have dinner with me tomorrow evening?”
“I have to work at the shop all day.”
“You have to eat. We’ll have dinner around 6:30, and then you can go back to help Sally with the rest of the night.”
“You don’t have to do that, Jerrod.”
Damn, was she beginning to have second thoughts?
Not being a patient man, Jerrod spent the day tapping his fingers, tapping his toes, and tapping his knees. Sheriff Jack Hardwick did his best to light a fire under the fingerprinting process, but the waiting made Jerrod nuts.
“Jack, how about we drop in to visit Don? We can pick his brain to help figure out what the hell is going on in our town.” And with the woman who’d bought his mother’s store.
“Good idea. The day won’t be entirely wasted then.” They piled into Jack’s official SUV and drove toward Don’s office.
In the beginning, Jerrod had lumped Jill Barlow into the same category he reserved for his ex-wife. What a colossal error he’d made. Jill was a giving woman, kind to her employees at the store. She’d jumped in with her friend Karen on the historical preservation bandwagon and brought a fresh perspective and new enthusiasm to their board of volunteers. Liz reported Jill gave it her all in Pilates.
“Hey, Dad, Jack.” Don came out from behind the closed-door of his office.
“Do you have time for a visit?” Jerrod asked after exchanging slaps on the back with his son.
“Can you give me an hour? I’ve got to finish up a report.”
“Not a problem. We can entertain ourselves.” Jack and he walked outside.
“I’m going to head back and check on the fingerprinting situation one more time. Something might’ve popped.”
“Go ahead. I need to stretch my legs and will walk around town for a while. I’ll meet you here in an hour.”
Jerrod parted ways with Jack, crossing his fingers the tech might have found a hit. He strolled down the street. His mother, the best judge of character he’d ever known, trusted Jill. Anne had never cared for Janice. His mother didn’t realize he’d detected her reaction. Did some sort of mother’s sixth sense tell her Janice would kick him right in the teeth? Just what she’d done.
While he hated his children growing up without a mother, he was secretly relieved when she’d died in a car wreck a couple of years after leaving her family. That seemed less harmful to the kids’ psyches than knowing she’d abandoned them.
“Hey, buddy, watch it.” A man grabbed Jerrod’s arm and kept him from stepping in front of traffic.
“Thanks.” Woolgathering wasn’t a safe activity. He’d better find a café and grab a cup of coffee.
Java Joe’s had outdoor seating, which Jerrod chose. The chill wasn’t bad right now, and the noise on the inside could sometimes be deafening.
“What will you have, sir?”
The young woman looked to be straight out of high school. Maybe a college student working part time. “Coffee.”
“How about one of our blends? The special today is Mocha Caramel.”
“No, thanks. Plain. Black. Coffee.”
“Back in a jiff.”
And she was. Jerrod’s first sip burned his tongue. “Damn.”
Ever since Don and Liz had grown up, he’d ceased to consider them regarding his relationships with women. He didn’t think they’d known anything about the New Hampshire lawyer. They’d been a safe convenience for each other. He’d never been the type to sleep around with more than one woman at a time. Thank God, he’d ended things with her in July.
After last night...well, he was afraid he’d made an emotional connection with the Texan. It was not one he planned to tell his children about. He sipped his coffee, which was still hot, but not blistering. What had he been thinking last night? Only that she came in a hell-of-a sexy package and turned him on in ways no one else had. That’s what. Jill was damned desirable.
And vulnerable.
She appealed to his need to take care of others. Had they been wrong to make love? Was it too soon? She’d brought danger to his town, to his mother, and maybe even to Liz. He’d never risk them.
Better put distance between the beautiful Texan and him. He’d cancel the meal tonight, but he couldn’t in good consc
ience push her out of his home until he was certain she’d be safe in her house. He’d been so damn crazy about the kids’ mother before they married he’d have done anything for her in to keep her in his bed.
Well, he wasn’t a twenty-year-old kid anymore led around by his dick. He’d be strong for two more nights and one more day. Then she’d be back at her own place. He’d slow this whole thing way down.
Jerrod finished the last of his coffee and left a tip. On the way back to Don’s office, Jerrod placed a call.
“Hey, Jill, something has come up, and I’m not going to make it back by supper. See you at home around nine thirty.” He exhaled a long sigh of relief. He got her voice message.
Better this way, even if it made him a bastard. Getting over Janice had taken many years. When he did, he swore never to be taken in by a gorgeous blonde, regardless the size of her boobs. He damn sure wasn’t starting now.
He stopped beside the sheriff who leaned against the front of Don’s building, his arms crossed, his lips in a straight line.
“No luck yet.” Jack said.
“Yeah. It was a long shot. We’ll have to be patient.” They went inside, and Don welcomed them into his small office.
“Thanks for waiting. What can I do for you?”
“Come out and grab supper with us.” Jerrod invited.
“I can do that. Let me get my jacket.”
The smell of French fries and burgers greeted them when Jerrod followed on his son’s heels into The Grill. He clapped Jack on his shoulder. “This’ll be some good eating.”
“Yeah. Not telling my wife about this meal. She’s on me about my cholesterol.”
“Eat salads tomorrow, Jack, to make up for what we’ll have tonight,” Don suggested.
They settled into a corner booth and placed their orders.
“Back right away with those drinks.” The waitress scurried away, silent in her rubber soled shoes.
“Did you come up here for anything special?” Don asked.
Jerrod glanced at Jack and back to his son. “Yeah, but let’s wait until we get our food and won’t be interrupted.”
Vermont Escape Page 15