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Speakeasy Page 8

by M. J. Wiliamz

  Helen lay back, breathing heavily from the exertion of their lovemaking. She felt Maria’s mouth on her own nipple and ran her hand through her hair. She watched as Maria sucked and pulled the nipple, her eyes closed.

  She felt Maria’s hand between her legs, exploring. Helen spread her legs wide, enjoying the tentative touches. Maria stroked her clit, over it and around it, feeling it swell at her touch.

  “You sure make me feel good, doll.”

  “I’m glad. I want to make you feel like you make me feel.” She moved her hand lower and slid her fingers inside Helen.

  “Oh yeah. That’s it,” Helen whispered. She bucked against Maria, driving her deeper, faster.

  Maria moved to take her hand out, but Helen quickly placed her hand on her wrist.

  “No. Don’t stop.”

  Maria continued until Helen could wait no longer. She allowed herself to crash through the wall and float into oblivion.

  “Mm. I kind of like when you have a bad day,” Maria said as she lay next to Helen.

  Helen took her in her arms.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine doing what you do, Helen. Honest.”

  “Thank you for that. It’s not always easy. That’s for sure.”

  “You’re a good boss, though. I’m sure of that. I can tell from the hurt I saw in your eyes earlier.”

  “I really don’t want to talk about it, Maria.”

  “Okay, baby. We won’t. Why don’t we talk about you taking me to dinner? I’m famished.”

  “That sounds good. Let’s get dressed.”

  Helen took Maria out for dinner, then dropped her off at the boarding house before heading back to headquarters.

  There were a few men still there. She noticed the cot was clean; all evidence of Marvin had been cleaned away.

  “What’s going on with you guys?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” Kevin said, slurring his words slightly.

  “You men just been drinking all day?”

  “You told us we were off duty,” one of her lieutenants said.

  “And you are. I wasn’t judging. Just asking.”

  “I guess we all handle our grief differently.” Kevin looked pointedly at her. “Where have you been?”

  “Handling my grief.”

  “Lucky’s reopened,” one of her men said. “We should go check it out.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She looked at Kevin. “I’ll drive.”

  They arrived to find the speakeasy relatively quiet. A band was playing, and several people were dancing, but the patrons at the tables were few and far between. Still, Helen and her men got their drinks and sat at their table.

  Several of the working girls came over and joined them. The men disappeared upstairs one at a time, and soon Kevin and Helen were left with a few of the women.

  “You go on upstairs, boss,” Kevin said. “I’ll be okay down here.”

  “No. I’ll stay here. Thanks.”

  The working girls scattered when the door opened and in walked Maria, Moretti, and his goons.

  “Shit,” Helen said.

  “You can say that again,” Kevin said.

  Moretti sauntered over to Helen’s table and sat down. At first, he sat quietly, simply looking around the club.

  “Things are a little slow here,” he said.

  Helen shrugged. “We’ll be busy again soon enough.”

  “Not if you don’t think about what you’re doing.”

  “What’s that mean?” Helen asked.

  “I heard you were behind the two men we lost today.”

  “I don’t know anything about that. But maybe you can tell me about the two cops that were shot last night in this neighborhood?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Says you.”

  “What cops, and why would you care?”

  “They were friends,” Helen said.

  “I see.”

  Helen let her guard down slightly and allowed herself to revel in Maria’s closeness. She swore she could feel the warmth radiating off her.

  “You want to dance, doll?”

  “I think she’s fine where she is,” Moretti said.

  Maria stood. “I think I’d like to dance.”

  “Sit down,” Moretti growled.

  “Maybe you two should leave,” Kevin said.

  Moretti stood. “I think we will. You watch your step, Byrne. You’re treading on thin ice right now.”

  “Tell your men to leave us alone,” Helen said.

  “You focus on what’s yours,” Moretti said. “Keep to yourself or there’ll be trouble.”

  “He’s an ass,” Helen said as the entourage left.

  “He is. But he’s a powerful ass. And he don’t like you messin’ with his woman.”

  “We don’t know he knows.”

  “Come on, boss. He knows.”

  Helen sipped her bourbon, remembering how beautiful Maria had looked. She just wanted to hold her every time she saw her. She had it bad, but Maria was so good. And she may be on Moretti’s arm tonight, but she’d been in Helen’s bed earlier. Helen was almost ready to have her leave Moretti for good. She didn’t like sharing. Especially not with a goon like Franco Moretti.

  Chapter Twelve

  The rain fell on the small crowd that attended Marvin’s funeral. He was young and had no family in the area. Helen searched her memory but couldn’t recall ever hearing where Marvin was from. So there was no one to notify. She and Kevin and a few of Marvin’s closest friends were in attendance. They watched as the casket was lowered into the ground.

  Helen was tired of being a punching bag for the big gangs in the city. She vowed to get even with them for taking out her men. Of course, it was a gamble whenever she sent them on a hit that someone would return fire. It was part of the game they played. She needed to come up with another hit and soon.

  They arrived back at headquarters to hear of more gunfire directed at her men.

  “They was shooting at Hank and me out collecting,” Mikey said. “I shot back and think I hit one of them.”

  “Who was it?” Helen asked.

  “Some of the guys from the North Side.”

  “Shit. Why won’t they leave us alone?” Helen asked.

  “At least they didn’t hit you,” Kevin said.

  “We ducked into a restaurant,” Hank said. “But not before Mikey got some shots off.”

  “So it was a drive-by?” Helen asked.


  “Shit,” she repeated. Helen poured herself a drink and sat in a leather chair. She needed to formulate a plan. She knew her men depended on her to defend what was theirs.

  “What are we gonna do?” Kevin asked.

  “We’re going to hurt them where it counts. In their pride. I want us to rob the Union Bank in the middle of their territory. Just to disrespect them.”

  “Who’s gonna do it?”

  “I want Hank and Mikey and Charlie and Floyd to take some men right now. Go.”

  The men left and the rest of them hung out and waited. Helen wished she could have gone with them, but knew it was too risky. She was playing her own game of cat and mouse with Moretti. She didn’t need to have her face seen up north. Her men would represent her just fine.

  Less than two hours later, the men were back and safe inside headquarters. Helen took their spoils and counted it.

  “Good job, men. This was a good take.” She entered the numbers in a ledger, then gave the men some cash to split with their crews.

  Shots rang out from outside, and they heard screaming. Nothing hit their headquarters and Helen wondered what the point was.

  Kevin grabbed Helen and took her to the farthest point from the door. Floyd opened the door and stood back, waiting to see if any more shots would come. When they heard silence, Floyd and Charlie walked outside. The neighborhood was deathly quiet. They grabbed Helen and walked around to see that the barbershop had
been shot up.

  “Was anyone hurt?” Floyd asked.

  “No. No one was hit, but they shot this place up good,” one of the older barbers said.

  “Take some guys and board up the window,” Helen said. “Make sure any supplies are replenished. I want them to be able to keep working.”

  “Did you see who did this?” Floyd asked.

  “No idea.”

  “You absolutely sure? Think hard. You didn’t see nobody?”

  “Nope. We were just sitting here shooting the bull and suddenly the window was being shot to shit. We didn’t notice the car or nothing.”

  “Damn. That doesn’t make me happy,” Helen said.

  “Well we’re not really happy, either. In case you wondered.”

  “I get that.”

  Helen assessed how bad the damage was. There were bullet holes in the walls, the mirrors were cracked, and comb cleaners were shattered.

  “Can you work like this?” she asked.

  “We can. We’d rather not.”

  “You boys go with Hank to get your supplies replenished. We’ll get someone in to fix the mirrors. You’ll be good to go in just a couple of hours.”

  She walked back around to headquarters.

  “Charlie, you go over to Griswald’s and get some mirrors. I want them installed this afternoon.”

  Charlie and several men left. Helen fumed. She felt helpless not knowing who’d attacked the sanctity of the barbershop. The message was clear, but it would be ignored. She wasn’t about to back down on any front. She just wished she knew which gang she needed to go after next.

  “It could have been the North Side retaliating for the robbery,” Mikey said.

  “It could also have been Capone’s group. Moretti has a hard-on for you,” Kevin said.

  “So what do we do now?” Floyd rejoined the group.

  “For now, we do nothing. I’ll come up with a plan, but it will have to be later. How are the plans going for hitting Moretti’s gambling tournament?”

  “We’re all set for that,” Mikey said. “We’re gonna kick their asses that night.”

  “Good. Now we need to come up with a big hit on Weiss’s men.”

  “Or we can lay low for a while and wait for the heat to ease up,” Kevin said.

  “We’re going to lay low for right now. But we’ll get them. No one does this to us and gets away with it. I’m looking forward to a surprise attack.”

  “We’re just lucky no one died today,” Kevin said.

  “And we had a successful bank hit. It’s been a good day. Don’t focus on the bad, Kevin.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Kevin said.

  “Keep that in mind. I’ll be back,” Helen said.

  She drove to her apartment and called Maria.

  “Hey, baby,” Maria said.

  “How you doin’?” Helen said.

  “Good. How’s your day going?”

  “It’s been another rough one. You want to get together for some dinner?”

  “Sure. I’d like that. I have to be home by eight, though.”

  Helen was silent, fuming over the fact that Maria still belonged to Moretti and she had to be home to go out with him.

  “Baby? You still there?” Maria asked.

  “I’m here.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. It’s the way it is right now.”

  “You just have to say the word and it will change,” Maria said.

  “I know.”

  “So what time shall we go to dinner?”

  “Why don’t I pick you up in thirty?”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Helen arrived exactly thirty minutes later, and Maria came out of the house looking gorgeous in a black dress. Her outfit complemented Helen’s black suit and tie. They drove to a steakhouse on the West Side. Helen opened Maria’s car door for her and took her hand as they walked in.

  She pulled her seat out for her and sat across from her, surveying the restaurant and seeing a good crowd. It was nice being in a safe, comfortable place with a beautiful date.

  “You look amazing tonight,” she said.

  “Thanks, baby.”

  The waiter brought Helen’s favorite red wine and poured some for her to taste. She nodded and he poured them each a glass. When he was out of sight, Helen raised her glass to Maria.

  “To us,” she said.

  “To us,” Maria said.

  Helen looked into Maria’s dark eyes and longed to be alone with her.

  “What are you thinking, baby?” Maria asked.

  “Just enjoying being with you.”

  “You’re such a sweetheart.”

  Helen took a sip of wine just as the waiter came back for their orders. She ordered steaks for both of them and handed the waiter their menus. She tried to stay in the present, but couldn’t help thinking that Maria would be out with Moretti later on.

  “So what are you and Franco up to this evening?”

  “I don’t know. Probably Gattino’s. Do you really care?”

  “Call it morbid curiosity.”

  “I’d rather be with you.”

  “I’d rather you be with me, too,” Helen said.

  “Can we see each other tomorrow?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Dinner arrived and they enjoyed it in quiet conversation. When they finished, Helen checked her pocket watch. It was seven o’clock.

  “I’d better get you home.”

  She carefully looked around the neighborhood as they drove up. She saw no sign of trouble, so she parked and walked Maria to the door.

  “Will you come in for a few minutes?” Maria asked.

  “Sure. I’d like that.”

  She followed Maria down the hall to her room. Maria was quickly in her arms, her face turned up, looking at Helen. Helen bent and kissed her full lips. The kiss quickly intensified and Helen’s head was soon light from passion. She ran her hands over the soft fabric of Maria’s dress, itching to take it off and enjoy the body beneath.

  She was aware of the time, though, and forced herself to pull away.

  “I should let you get ready for your night.”

  “I wish you’d let me break it off with Franco.”

  “Soon, doll. We’ll do that soon.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lucky’s was jumping the next time Kevin and Helen stopped by. The bullet holes were filled, and a whole new shipment of booze had arrived. Several of the couples in the speakeasy were smoking hashish and Helen just grinned, knowing how the sale of the weed lined her pockets.

  One of the working girls came out to their table and tried her best to get Kevin to dance with her. Kevin had nothing to do with her, so Helen danced a few dances with her.

  “Come on upstairs with me,” the girl cooed in Helen’s ear.

  “No thanks, doll. You’re here for the paying customers tonight.”

  “But I’d love a chance with you. I bet you know how to make a dame feel good.”

  “You’re right about that.” Helen laughed. “But you’ll have to work up one of the men, if you want company tonight.”

  She sat back down and was surprised to see Mickey O’Leary walk in. He got a drink at the bar then joined them at the table.

  “Mickey, it’s good to see you,” Helen said. “How’s business?”

  “It’s great. I had to check this place out. I can’t believe I’ve never been here.”

  She noticed Kevin was extremely quiet, looking downright uncomfortable. She excused herself, claiming she needed a new drink.

  She watched the men from the bar and noted the tension between them. She wondered why Kevin had a problem with Mickey being there. Her thoughts were interrupted when Maria walked in.

  Helen quickly crossed to her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Franco was being an ass, so I told him I wanted to go home. I took a cab to the Beaver, but you weren’t there, so I took a chance and came here.”
  “Well, I’m glad you’re here,” Helen said. “Let me buy you a glass of wine.”

  They took their drinks back to their table, where Kevin and Mickey were finally having an easy conversation. Helen set their drinks on the table and led Maria to the dance floor. They moved to the music and Maria whispered in Helen’s ear.

  “Take me to your office, baby.”

  Helen led the way up the back stairs and to her office. Maria wrapped her arms around Helen’s neck and pulled her close.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too, doll.” She slid her arms around Maria’s waist before kissing her tenderly. “I’ve missed this a lot.”

  “I know you’ve been busy, but I still wish you’d call.”

  “It’s only been a few days.”

  “It seems like so much longer.” She kissed Helen again with all the passion that was pent up inside her.

  Helen kissed her back, feverish in her need.

  “We should get out of here,” she said.

  “Lead the way.”

  Helen took her hand and they left the bar, walking to Helen’s apartment a few blocks away.

  “I can’t get over the view you have from here.” Maria looked out over the cityscape.

  Helen moved behind Maria and wrapped her arms around her. The view was stunning, but Helen had promised herself when she left the orphanage that she would only have the finest things in her life. The view and the woman in her arms were two of those.

  She nuzzled the back of Maria’s neck, then craned her neck to look down the top of her dress.

  “I like this view, too.”

  “You cad.” Maria playfully slapped at Helen’s hand.

  Helen laughed, then rested her head on Maria’s shoulder.

  “So what did Moretti do to get your goose tonight?”

  Maria turned to face Helen. “Must we talk about him?’

  “Not if you don’t want to.”

  “I can think of things I’d rather do.”

  Helen kissed her slowly and deliberately. She slipped her tongue in Maria’s mouth and explored at her leisure. When the kiss ended, Maria rested her head on Helen’s chest and struggled to catch her breath.

  Helen guided her to the couch and lay down. She pulled her on top of her and kissed her again, running her fingers through Maria’s hair.


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