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Page 15

by M. J. Wiliamz

  “Oh, do you have to?” Maria pouted.

  Helen took Maria’s lower lip between hers and sucked on it.

  “I love your lips,” she said.

  “I love yours.”

  “That works well.”

  “Do you really have to go?”

  “I do. I’ve got business to take care of.” Helen climbed out of bed and got dressed.

  “Did you want me to give you Franco’s address?”

  “You know it, doll.”

  “It’s over on State Street. Two blocks south of Wabash. The building is called The Haven.”

  “I know the area. That’s right by one of Capone’s headquarters. This could be dangerous.”

  “Please be careful, Helen.”

  “I will.”


  Helen was escorted back to the barbershop and found Jimmy and several others there.

  “What’s the news on Moretti?” she asked.

  “He lost us again,” Jimmy said.

  “Damn. Well, we know where he lives now. Or one of the places. It’s dangerous, but I want us to post some guys at his place.”

  “Where’s the place?” Jimmy asked.

  “Just south of Wabash on State.”

  “Shit! That’s right in the middle of their gangland.”

  “I know. But I want him dead. I’m tired of him shooting us up. And last night was a direct hit on me. In our territory. I want to return the favor.”

  “So you just want us to sit there like ducks on a pond and wait for them to take us out?”

  “No. I think I want a couple of the guys he won’t know to rent apartments in the building.”

  “But anybody he won’t know would be pretty wet. You sure you want to trust them with an assignment like this?”

  “Who else? It can’t be you or me or anyone they’d recognize. Choose some young bloods you trust. Bring them back here. I want to make sure they can handle this.”

  “But what if they get in there?” Jimmy said. “What if they do? Then they hit Moretti and they’ll be dead before they can get out of there.”

  “Not if they’re smart. Smart and fast. That’s the only way they’ll survive.”

  “Isn’t there a way we can have more of us there?”

  “Sure. I’ve got it. After they’ve been there a while, they can throw a party. We’ll all go and we can all take out Moretti.”

  “I like the sound of that, boss.”

  “Good. So go get some men.”

  Jimmy returned a few hours later with two young men.

  “Clyde and Leonard!” Helen cried when she saw the two men. “Excellent choices.”

  “What’s goin’ on?” Clyde asked.

  “Jimmy didn’t tell us nothin’,” Leonard said.

  “You guys know where The Haven apartment building is over on State Street?”

  “Sure,” Clyde said. “That’s over by the Four Deuces. I know it.”

  “I want each of you to rent an apartment there. You’ve got to lay low and keep to yourselves, got it?”

  “Sure,” Leonard said. “But why?”

  “That’s where Moretti stays mostly. I want you two to watch him like a hawk. I want to know his schedule better than he does. You’ll come back here daily to report in. But be sly about it. Make sure you’re not followed. If you are, do not come anywhere near here. Your covers can’t be blown.”

  “No shit. They’d kill us,” Clyde said.

  “In a heartbeat,” Helen agreed.

  “How long we gotta live there for?” Leonard asked.

  “As long as it takes. I want him gone as soon as possible, but it’s got to be perfectly planned. This is a lot of responsibility. If either of you don’t want to do this, just say so.”

  “I’m in,” Clyde said.

  “Me, too,” Leonard said.

  “Good.” Helen was pleased. “Let’s see. Clyde, you’re new in town. Just got in from Omaha.”

  “Omaha?” Clyde balked.

  “You in or should I find someone else?”

  “Fine. I’m from Omaha.”

  “You sell shoes. You work at Monroe’s.”

  “Leonard, you just moved here from Duluth. You’re looking for work.”

  “Can you guys remember that?”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Good. Your lives depend on it.”

  Helen gave them money and sent them off to The Haven. She felt good about her plan. Now she had nothing to do but wait.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  It was hot and muggy in the apartment that Helen shared with Maria. July had been one of the hottest months on record, and August was shaping up to be more of the same.

  Helen lay in bed with Maria, trying to convince herself to get up and get to work when all she wanted to do was make love to Maria again.

  They’d been watching Moretti for a while and were getting a good feel for his habits. She just needed a little more time and she’d be ready to take him out. She knew she should be at headquarters with her men, but Maria was so inviting.

  “I need to hit the shower.” Helen rolled over and got out of bed. “Care to join me?”

  “I could use a shower.”

  They walked to the bathroom hand in hand. Helen held the door open and admired Maria as she stepped into the shower. She watched the water cascade over her body and longed to trace the rivulets herself.

  Helen walked in behind Maria and wrapped her arms around her and pressed into her back. She ran her hands over Maria’s breasts and down her belly. She brought her hands to her ass and lightly squeezed it. She kissed her shoulder and licked off the water droplets shimmering on her skin.

  She pressed Maria against the wall and spread her legs with her knee. She slipped her hand between her legs and grinned at the slickness that waited for her. She reveled in the feeling, dragging her fingers along the whole area.

  Maria spread her legs wider and Helen eased her hand further and rubbed her fingers over her clit. She pulled back and dipped her fingers inside. She moved them deep inside, caressing her walls as she did. She ran her fingertips over the softness she met, becoming more aroused by the moment.

  She pressed her breasts against Maria’s back, needing the pressure against her nipples. Maria moved against her, pulling her deeper. Helen continued moving inside her, almost at the point of bursting herself.

  Maria froze as she finally achieved her release. She relaxed against Helen, who kept her fingers buried and coaxed another orgasm out of her.

  Maria turned and kissed Helen hard on her mouth. Helen held tightly to Maria’s lithe body, feeling every inch against her. She drew her breath as Maria nibbled her neck. The water washed over them as Maria took first one nipple then the other in her mouth. Helen felt her legs buckle at the sensations Maria was creating.

  Helen leaned against the wall to brace herself as Maria moved her mouth lower, marking a trail down her belly with her tongue. Maria dropped to a knee and buried her face between Helen’s legs. Her tongue flicked at Helen’s clit, causing her nipples to tighten even further.

  Maria pried her legs apart and lapped at the warm opening she found there. She delved her tongue deep inside, licking voraciously as she did.

  Helen placed her hand on the back of Maria’s head, pressing her into her. Maria moved her mouth back to Helen’s clit and drew it between her lips. She ran her tongue over the hardened morsel and Helen felt the world tilt on its axis. She closed her eyes and focused on Maria’s tongue and the way it was making her feel. Her mind went blank as the first waves of the climax approached.

  Maria kept working her tongue, and soon Helen was engulfed in a massive orgasm that rocked her to her core.

  When she was steady again, Helen soaped up her hands and ran them all over Maria’s body, not stopping until Maria came again. Maria returned the favor, and they regained their bearings as they rinsed off.

  They toweled each other off and Maria climbed back in bed.

  “Doll, I wis
h I could stay, but I’ve got to get to work.”

  “I know, but I wanted you to have something to think about all day.”

  “I think about you all day anyway, Maria.”

  “Aw, baby. You say the sweetest things.”


  Helen got to headquarters, where Jimmy informed her she’d just missed Clyde.

  “Moretti got home around three again this morning,” Jimmy said.

  “That seems to be the pattern. We need to plan our attack.”

  “So when are we going to hit? Are we still going to do the party?”

  “We’re going to have the party to end all parties. Moretti’s finally going to pay the piper.”

  “When, boss?”

  “Let’s plan on it for next week. You get the word out. I want at least twenty of us there. We’re going to have to hit his goons, too, you know.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I know he’s been gunning for you, but what happens when he’s gone? Capone won’t rest ’til you’re dead if you kill one of his right-hand men.”

  “I’ve got a week to figure that out.”

  “You sure you want to wait a week? You might be hit by then.”

  “I’m not going to be hit. I’ll be laying so low, they’ll never find me. It’s work and home for me, Jimmy. And it’s not going to be a whole week. We’ll hit him Monday night. We’ll gather at eleven and wait ’til he gets home. He won’t see it coming.”


  Helen was home with Maria all afternoon the following Monday. She’d spent most of the morning at the bank.

  “I have to go out tonight. Do me a favor and pack some bags while I’m gone,” Helen said.

  “Are we going somewhere?”

  “We are. Pack light. We can buy things we need when we get there. Pack some things for me, too, please.”

  “Where are we going, baby?”

  Helen took two train tickets out of her pocket and handed them to Maria.

  “New Orleans? How exciting!”

  Helen smiled, though her body was tight with nerves. She loved to see Maria happy. She was looking forward to getting away with her.

  “We leave early in the morning. I’ll be home to get you and then we’ll go catch the train.”

  “Where are you going tonight?” Maria asked.

  “You don’t want to know. I’ll explain it all when we get on the train.”

  At ten thirty, the men drove Helen to The Haven. They went up to Clyde’s apartment and found several men there already. There was plenty of drinking already going on.

  “Nobody get too corked. I need you all to be alert and sharp when Moretti gets home.”

  Everyone was in good spirits. They all seemed to believe in Helen’s plan. She was nervous and helped herself to a bourbon. Just a little something to calm the nerves, she told herself.

  She pulled Jimmy aside.

  “Hey, Jimmy. I’m going to get out of town as soon as this is over. I want you running the show for me while I’m gone.”

  “Where are you goin?”

  “That’s not important.” Helen had decided no one but Maria would know where they disappeared to.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “You ask me that a lot,” Helen said. “And yes, I’m sure. You’ll keep things running. But be careful. We’ll all have targets on our back after this.”

  “I can do it. I appreciate the faith you have in me.”

  “Don’t let me down.”

  The evening passed quickly and it got late fast. At just before three, Jimmy called from the window, “He’s home!”

  The group crowded by the front door. When they heard people in the hall, they stepped out and started shooting. Moretti’s bodyguards crumpled.

  Helen didn’t take her aim off Moretti. She pumped him full of bullets and watched him dance as they riddled his body.

  “That’s it!” Helen called. “Everybody out!”

  The men disbursed, and Helen’s group rushed her back to her place. She quickly grabbed her suitcases and woke Maria up, who had dozed off waiting for her.

  “Let’s go, doll. Time to get out of here.”

  Helen’s entourage dropped her at the train station untouched and she breathed a sigh of relief as the train pulled out of the station.

  “So where were you tonight?” Maria asked, curled up against Helen in their car.

  “I’d rather not talk about it right now.” Helen was unsure what Maria’s response would be to finding out she’d killed her longtime boyfriend.

  “But you said you’d tell me when we got on the train.”

  “Let’s just get some sleep tonight, and I’ll tell you in the morning.”

  “Please tell me. I feel like you’re too wound up to sleep anyway.”

  “That could be true.” Helen laughed, knowing sleep was a long way away from her.

  “And I got a nap, so I’m awake now, too. Plus now I’m worried. Why won’t you tell me what you did?”

  “I’m not sure how you’re going to feel about it, doll. It was something I had to do, but I don’t know that you’ll see it that way.”

  “How could I not? If it was important to you, it will be important to me.”

  “Fine.” Helen got up and looked out the door to make sure no one was within listening distance. Feeling safe, she said, “We took out Moretti tonight.”

  “You what? As in, you killed him?”

  “Yes, Maria. As in, he’s dead.”

  Maria sat silently and Helen felt the knot in her stomach grow. She’d known she’d have to tell Maria at some point, but had dreaded this moment.


  Maria just looked at her.

  “I’m trying to absorb that,” Maria said.

  “How upset are you?” Helen asked.

  “Upset? I’m not. I’m happy. It means you’re safe from him now. But it hasn’t quite sunk in.”

  “I’ll never have to worry about Moretti again,” Helen agreed. “However, Big Al will be after me for a long time now.”

  “So we’ll be in New Orleans for a while, then?”

  “A long while,” Helen said.

  “Can Al find us there?”

  “Al can find us anywhere,” Helen said. “But we’ll have new identities there and we’ll be laying low. I won’t be conducting business. So we should be safe.”

  “New identities?”

  “Yep. You’ll be Diana D’Angelo and I’ll be Grace Dunleavy.”

  “That’s going to be hard to remember.”

  “Not when you consider our lives depend on it.”

  “That’s true,” Maria said. “Are you still too excited to sleep?”

  “I think I am. Are you getting tired?”

  “Not at all.” Maria took Helen’s hand and led her to bed.

  She lay Helen on her back and unbuttoned her shirt, taking her time, drawing out the inevitable. She ran her hands over Helen’s undershirt, stopping to tease the hard nipples underneath. She unbuttoned her slacks, then unzipped them, slowly pulling them down to her ankles. She slipped off her shoes and socks then finished removing the pants.

  Helen was tense with anticipation. She arched her back to help Maria peel her underwear off. She lay exposed and aroused. Maria climbed between her legs and looked up at Helen. The passion in her eyes made Helen even wetter.

  Maria loved Helen with her mouth and tongue, teasing her and pleasing her. Helen loved how Maria had grown into such a skilled lover. Tension from the night was replaced with tension of a different sort as her muscles contracted with the need for release.

  As Maria continued to work her magic, Helen gripped the sheet as the orgasm tore through her. She wrapped her legs around Maria’s head and squeezed.

  Maria curled up next to Helen, and Helen realized how exhausted she was. They dozed together as the train made its way down the tracks to their new life.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Helen and Maria, as Grace and Diana, steppe
d off the train in New Orleans. Helen hired a car to take them to the house she’d bought for them on Royal Street.

  “This place is beautiful,” Maria said. “I love it!”

  “It’s home,” Helen said.

  “I can’t wait to furnish it.”

  “We can go shopping right now,” Helen said. “Grace and Diana have plenty of money. We may as well use some of it on setting up a home.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” Maria couldn’t hide her excitement. Helen was pleased at how well Maria was doing.

  “By the way,” Helen said. “No one knows we’re here. And no one can. I need to make sure you understand that.”

  “No one? Not even Jimmy?”

  “Not even Jimmy.”

  “Well, I have no one in my life except you, so I won’t be telling anyone. You don’t need to worry about that.”

  “Good. Thank you.”

  They walked to a furniture store on Canal Street and Maria had the time of her life picking out chairs and tables and lamps. She picked an oak dining room set and Chippendale couch for the sitting room. She chose dark wing chairs also and oak end tables.

  Helen found that she couldn’t focus. She was looking at every person in the store and people down on the street, worried that somehow Capone’s men may have found them. She tried to relax and share Maria’s enthusiasm, but it wasn’t happening. Every so often someone walked by and Helen swore it was someone from the South Side. She told herself she was being ridiculous, but she couldn’t stop. Her fear was palpable.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Maria asked.

  “Nothing, doll. I’m just keeping a lookout, is all.”

  “Why? You said yourself no one knows we’re here. Relax. Come on. Let’s pick out a bed.”

  The idea of picking out a bed to share with Maria made her pay more attention. This was something they would use for many nights to come. They made their way to the next floor and looked at the beds. They found a sleigh bed they both fell in love with.

  “So I guess we’ve got everything we need, right, doll?”

  “We still need dishes and pots and pans. Let’s go find them.”

  Maria seemed to be having such a good time, Helen felt bad that she was so worried. But she just wanted to get back to the house and away from people who might recognize them, even as she told herself she was being unreasonable.


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