The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1 Page 34

by Pirateaba

  As for the fireballs and ice spikes, well, they were slower and the Lich had to point first. Its aim also wasn’t the greatest in the world. It was a risk, but so long as I didn’t get cooked when the fireball exploded I had a shot.

  Also, Reason B: was that I’d noticed the Lich tended to defend itself with a barrier of bones it summoned from the ground whenever anything got close. That stopped it from casting spells for a few seconds.

  And Reason C: I was bored.

  The Lich pointed at me and cackled something that made my ears hurt. I dove and rolled and felt my right side go slightly numb. It felt like the worst static electricity shock I’d ever felt times a hundred, but that meant the lighting had missed me. And I was still alive.

  Hit the ground, roll onto my feet and run. I closed on the Lich and it raised a protective hand. As I expected, a wall of bones erupted from the ground in front of me, a grotesque puzzle of interlocked bones and skulls solid as rock*.

  *Seriously. How the hell does it do that? Are there that many bones in the ground? Or is it just magic?

  Now’s my chance. I immediately veer left and accelerate towards where the adventurers are. The Lich makes a crackling noise as it realizes its been duped. It tries to lower the bone barrier, but it’s too late.

  Run. Run faster. Dodge behind the pillar. Pause. Go left. Move right. Fireball! Close. Now—sprint left as fast as possible.

  In one of my many safety seminars my dad made me attend after every mass shooting, they taught us what to do if a gunman ever opened fire and we had to escape. Some of it was common sense stuff like don’t scream or do something stupid and think before moving. But I did remember one important tip.

  When someone’s firing at you, don’t run in a straight line to get away. Zig zag, make it hard for them to get a bead on you. And in my case, duck behind rubble and place as many obstacles between me and the Lich as possible.

  I run, and I run as fast as I can. The instant I slow, I’m dead. The air around me is static; fire explodes around me and flying ice threatens to pierce my skin.

  You can’t tell, and I don’t have a mirror. But I’m pretty sure I’m grinning.



  Calruz, leader of the Hammer of Hammerad, grunted at the other warrior as the two hid behind one of the fallen walls in the ruins. The human, his second-in-command glanced down at him and shakes his head grimly.

  “I think Terr got hit by a fireball. Coblat and Grimsore dragged him away, but he’s down for the count as well.”


  The minotaur hit his thigh and winced. The huge spear of ice protruding out of his midriff oozed more dark blood and he sat back against the wall and breathed out. The tendons on his neck strained and sweat stood out on his brow despite the freezing cold.

  “What about our mages? Why the hell aren’t they taking this thing out?”

  “They’re trying, but whenever they fire at that monster it just raises a shield. It’s got more mana than all of our casters combined. We need to get in close if we want a chance.”

  “Fat chance of that happening with all those skeletons and zombies guarding it.”

  “I think Terr got rid of the last of them, but we still can’t get close. It’s too flaming quick.”

  The vice-captain of the Horns of Hammerad chanced a peek around the wall he was hiding behind. There didn’t seem to be any more fireballs coming his way at the moment, which was good and also worrying. Had the Lich turned its attention elsewhere? Doubtful. But they why—

  His jaw dropped.

  “Who is that?”

  Calruz grunted and tried to twist his head, but felt back weakly.

  “Who? What’s happening?”

  “It’s a Runner! She just charged down the hill at the Lich! She’s coming this way!”

  “You’re kidding. She’ll never make it.”

  “She’s doing it.”

  The vice-captain watched as the long-legged runner dashed across the broken landscape. She was leaping over pieces of rubble and running in a serpentine motion while fireballs and shards of ice rained down around her. From this distance, all he could see was her raven-black hair and tanned skin, but the vice-captain was sure he’d never seen this particular runner before.

  She had odd features, which would have told him she was part-Japanese, or at least Asian if those words had meant anything to him. But it didn’t, and the vice-captain watched with tense anxiety as she dashed closer. Any second he expected her to be blown away by an on-target fireball or be seared by a lightning blast. But she didn’t. And then she was right on top of him.

  Ryoka nearly tumbled into the large warrior with a sword and shield. She knocked into him and felt cool metal before she stumbled back. He pulled her into cover as icicle shards crashed against the rubble.

  It took her two deep breaths of air before she could speak. Ryoka unslung her pack and nodded at the gaping vice-captain.


  “Holy gods!”

  The vice-captain stared at Ryoka. He gestured to her, the ruins, and then waves his gauntleted hands a bit.

  “That was the most amazing sight I’ve ever—you just ran right past that Lich! Are you insane? Or crazy?”

  “I’m a Runner. I’ve got a delivery for the leader of the Hammers of Hammerad. That you?”

  “That’s me.”

  Ryoka glanced down at the minotaur. He nodded to her as more sweat dripped from his brow.

  “I really hope you’ve got our delivery, girl.”

  She paused at the word girl, but nodded. She opened her pack and placed heavily-wrapped bottles down on the ground in front of the Minotaur.

  “Fifteen healing potions, five mana potions. All unbroken. Delivery to Hammers of Hammerad. Your seal?”

  “Seal? Oh, of course!”

  The vice-captain fumbled at his belt pouch and pulled out a silver and copper token. It was a unique seal with a hammer standing on a mountain embossed on one side.


  Ryoka stowed the seal securely in her waist pouch and then peeked around the wall. The Lich was exchanging fireballs with another mage wearing a red wizard’s hat. She nodded to herself and lowered into a sprinter’s crouch.

  “Wait—are you going?”

  Ryoka didn’t glance at the vice-captain as she tried to judge when would be the best moment.


  “You can’t! I mean, that’s even crazier!”

  The vice-captain stared at Ryoka in consternation, and then looked at his leader for support. Calruz was trying to open one of the bottles. He grunted as he pulled the cork out of one of the bottles and downed the thick, syrupy green liquid.

  “Let her go if she wants. Runner—thanks for the assistance. Not many of your lot would do this.”

  She paused.

  “No problem.”

  He nodded to her. She nodded back.

  “At least let us reassemble and give you a diversion. Once we get these potions to all our members we can finally bring this guy down.”

  Ryoka thought about it.

  “That’ll take too long. You want an opening? I’ll give you one. I’ve got more deliveries to make.”

  The vice-captain tore at what hair he could reach underneath his helmet.

  “He’ll blast you the instant you leave cover!”

  She grinned at the vice-captain, breaking her expressionless mask.

  “He can try.”


  The adventuring party, Horns of Hammerad, watched the Runner break out of the ruins and sprint away even as the Lich fired a final parting bolt of lightning in her direction. He missed.

  “She did it. She actually did it.”

  “She told you.”

  Calruz grinned, and grimaced as the icicle in his chest shifted. He took a deep breath and cracked the ice with one massive forearm to let the rest of it slide out of his stomach. Even as he did, the magical powers of the healing poti
on he’d downed began to knit the flesh of his stomach closed.

  “Is that a new Runner? She must be. I haven’t ever seen her before, and I think I would have remembered hearing about one as crazy as that.”

  “She looks different, for a human. Although you lot all look alike to me.”

  “She is different. From another continent, maybe?”

  “Maybe. Did everyone get the potions?”

  “I tossed them over while she was drawing the Lich’s attention. They should be good. You need another?”

  “I’m fine. Better than fine, actually, thanks to that Runner.”

  Calruz grinned and shattered the potion bottle in his gauntleted fist. He stood up, the flow of blood already slowing. He hefted his battleaxe.

  “I’d like to buy her a drink. But right now we’ve got a contract to fulfill. Everyone ready?”

  The magic linking him to the rest of his adventuring party let him hear their acknowledgement. The Minotaur grinned.

  “Alright, then. Let’s see how this Lich likes fighting us when we’re at full strength. Charge!”

  As one, the Horns of Hammerad abandoned their position in the ruins and began a full-scale assault on the Lich and the remaining undead.


  After she’d run ten miles away from the Ruins, Ryoka finally stops to catch her breath. Her lungs are burning, and her legs feel like jelly. The adrenaline is finally draining out of her, and she feels exhausted, despite only having run for a few minutes.

  She can still feel tingling in her legs from the lightning bolts missing her skin. Her left arm is singed, and she feels blisters already forming on her skin.

  She nearly died. Ryoka knows this, and her legs tremble. She still feels cold as she remembers gazing into the hollow eyes of the Lich. He was a monster capable of wiping her out with a single spell.

  She nearly died. Had she been a second slower or dodged a foot to the left, she would have died. Ryoka knows this.

  Her lips twitch. She smiles briefly.



  “You completed the supply request for the Horns of Hammerad?”


  The receptionist stares at me. I shrug. What does she want me to say?

  It’s later. Or rather, it’s only thirty minutes later, but I feel like I’m in a different world. The worn-down room of the Runner’s Guild is a far cry from the grassy plains, or the rubble and destruction of the Ruins of Albez.

  “That’s incredible. Are they already finished fighting? The mage communication we got said they were fighting a Lich and a horde of the undead.”

  “They’re still fighting. The Lich is still around. Not sure about the other undead. Looked like they were mostly dead.”

  The receptionist doesn’t smile. Didn’t she get the joke? Darn. She’s still giving me that ‘I-don’t-believe-you’ look. I hand her the Seal.

  “Here’s the Seal from the Horns of Hammerad.”

  She checks it over, and then double-checks. Her eyebrows rise.

  “It’s real. So you’re telling me you delivered the supplies in the middle of the battle?”

  Why is she making a big fuss? I thought that’s what all Runners did on this kind of mission.



  I’m silent. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that? ‘Oh, yeah, I’m really amazing, now give me my money?’

  After a few moments the receptionist finally shakes herself.

  “Well, this is all in order. Would you like the payment now or…?”


  I can collect my pay whenever, but most Runners do it in one lump sum at the end of the week. It’s more convenient that way, since we have to sign to confirm we’ve been paid and the receptionist has to validate it.

  “Well, I think you’ve earned your break. Unless—do you think you could do another delivery? I wouldn’t ask, but you’re the only City Runner here right now.”

  I’m tired, but that’s only because of my adrenaline low. I know my legs have got at least another good run in them, so I nod.

  “Where to?”

  “Celum. It’s another request from Lady Magnolia. Another Runner just brought it from Remendia, but he’s too tired to keep going. It’s been passed from six Runners so far, and we need to get it to Magnolia within the hour if possible.”

  Okay. Now that’s tricky. I hesitate.

  It’s not that I don’t think I can do it in time. I can get to Celum in less than an hour even with something heavy on my back. But I’d done another run for Magnolia – delivering a big fancy vase – a few days ago. By the ‘unwritten rules’ that meant I should wait for at least another week before I took the request.

  Damn. Damnation. Drat. What should I do? This is the exact kind of situation I hate.

  “There aren’t any other City Runners around?”

  The receptionist shakes her head.

  “They’re all out on deliveries, and I don’t want to wait longer than I have to. I was about to ask one of the Street Runners to do the delivery, but that would have been a problem too.”

  Well, in that case…why not? The Magnolia rule can go to hell for all I care.

  “I’ll do it.”

  The receptionist smiles in relief.

  “Thank y—”

  “Hold on!”

  The receptionist’s head turns. My head doesn’t. I’m taking this moment to say a few choice words in my head*.

  *Oh, please no. Not that stupid, inbred rodent girl. No one in the world has a voice more high-pitched and annoying that her and her moronic cronies. I’d rather go back and dance naked in front of the Lich than deal with this.

  I turn and see a familiar face.

  “There’s no need to give Magnolia’s request to her. I’ve just arrived, and I can take care of it myself.”

  The young woman—no, the annoying teenager who strides towards me brushes past to stand at the counter. She keeps her back very straight, probably because I’m taller than her by a head. I catch the overpowering smell of perfume masking her sweat, and step back so her brown hair doesn’t smack me in the face every time she tosses her head. Which she does quite often.

  I know her. Or rather, I know her face. She’d probably introduced herself to me, but I don’t remember her name. She has a sallow* face, though. She always looks like she’s pursing her lips at everyone, and she annoys me every time I look at her.

  *Is sallow the right word here? I think it means pinched, and narrow, but I could be wrong. That’s the problem with not having the internet. Anyways, her face is shrewish, although I forget what a shrew looks like too. I’m going with sallow either way.

  “Oh, Miss Persua. I didn’t know you were still in the city.”

  Persua. Right. That’s her name.

  Persua tosses her head impetuously and nods.

  “Well, I was doing that delivery to Remendia, but once one of my friends let me know Magnolia’s request was sitting in the Runner’s guild, of course I came back to fulfill it.”

  The receptionist looks uncomfortable.

  “You—haven’t finished the other delivery? Well, I was going to give the request to Ryoka. She’s free, and she’s—”

  “She’s already done a request for Magnolia this week. By rights, that means I should have a turn.”

  The receptionist frowns at Persua.

  “There’s no rule that explicitly give precedence to other Runners. Besides which, I need this delivery done as quickly as possible.”


  Another head toss. I notice some of Persua’s ‘friends’, the other Runners—mainly Street Runners who are new or lower on the totem pole—watching me. I stare at them until they look away. I hate their guts. Too bad Persua doesn’t back down as easily. Doubly too bad is her annoying voice.

  “I can easily do Magnlolia’s request. Ryoka can just switch with me.”

  “It doesn’t work like that. Unless Ryoka
agrees, I can’t just give this to you. Besides, as I’ve said, this is a speedy delivery. I can’t give it to—”

  “To what?”

  Persua looks at the receptionist coldly. But I fill in the gap silently in my mind, probably with everyone else in the Runner’s Guild.

  To a slower runner. One of the slowest, in fact. Persua might be a City Runner, but she’s slow. Or lazy. Actually, she’s both. She’s also an idiot, but that’s just my observation. She doesn’t take as many long-distance contracts, and she only delivers light-weight stuff like flowers or letters.

  “I just meant that Ryoka is the fastest City Runner. Even Fals can’t beat her time.”

  “Yes, but I’m sure she’ll switch with me, won’t you Ryoka?”

  Persua glances at me, and then away. Passive aggressive bitch*.

  *What language! I’m ashamed of myself. Mainly because I don’t have a wider vocabulary to describe someone like her. I could get vulgar, but I’d rather just slap her on the back of the head. Must resist temptation.

  I hesitate. I should give the request to Persua. Even if she fails it, there’s no skin off my back. In fact, if she gets in trouble for failing the request even better. Although she’ll probably wriggle out of it somehow.

  Yeah, I hate her guts. And I don’t feel like giving in to her bullying, especially because I know the only reason she wants to do the delivery is for the easy money and the opportunity to sponge off of Magnolia. So you know what? Let’s escalate things.

  “It’s urgent.”

  That’s not what Persua wants to hear. She glances at me in irritation.

  “So? I can make it.”

  The receptionist glanced around uncertainty.

  “If we can’t get it to Magnolia within the hour, the delivery won’t be any good. Can you make the run in time?”

  “I can.”

  “So can I.”

  Both the receptionist and I glance at Persua. She’s already sweating, probably from running back to the city to take the request.

  “Can you?”

  She glares at me. But I know bodies, and I know running. Sallow girl is sweaty, tired, and she has terrible running form. I’d done a run too, but unlike her I know how to conserve energy. I turn to the receptionist.

  “Give me the request.”

  Persua’s sallow face grew even more pinched, if that were possible. She glared daggers at me.


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