The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1 Page 566

by Pirateaba

  “Look, I probably wouldn’t have given him a chance. Despite him turning out…the way he did, he still got treated better than he would have if someone like Pisces was ordering him around.”

  “I wish I could go back and fix things.”

  Erin hugged her knees. Ryoka sighed.

  “Hell, maybe you can. Toren’s like a horror story. And you know how those go—”

  “Monster comes back. I know. I’ve been asking Wesle, Klbkch, and Relc whenever they come in. No unusual skeleton sightings. If I hear of one…”

  “If you hear of one, you tell Halrac or Jelaqua or Pisces. You don’t do anything.”


  There was a peculiar feeling in the air. It was a sound as much as feeling. It was the sound of people trying to say sorry without saying sorry. Of course, in the end someone gives up and says it out loud. Ryoka did it twice, Erin once.

  After a while, someone opened the curtains to their bath. Ryoka and Erin looked up. The convivial atmosphere they’d created blew out. Not instantly—at first they thought it was just a bather who’d gotten the wrong private tub.

  “Sorry, we’ve reserved this one.”

  Erin smiled and waved at a red-scaled Drake, an older female with a scar down one arm. The Drake returned the smile and closed the curtain behind her.

  “I know. You are Erin Solstice and Ryoka Griffin, aren’t you? Please, let me introduce myself. I am Welsca Crimsonscale. In service to Wall Lord Ilvriss.”

  Ryoka sat up at once at the name. Erin frowned.

  “Wall Lord—you mean that jerk I threw a pan at? Is he okay?”

  Welsca smiled at Erin and then at Ryoka, looking friendly.

  “He is. And you may be happy to know that Wall Lord Ilvriss has decided to forgive any transgressions made against him. You may consider yourselves fortunate for that.”

  Erin and Ryoka exchanged a glance. Ryoka folded her arms over her breasts. Drakes didn’t have breasts, at least, nothing that floated. Welsca slid into the water, further amplifying the unpleasantness of the moment. No one had invited her in.

  “I believe Lord Ilvriss would consider it a personal favor—as well as an act of trust—if he were to have a chance to speak with you, Miss Griffin. I’m sure you’re aware that there is a need for conversation, and if you feel uncomfortable speaking with him, I would be happy to relay—”

  “You’re in our pool. Get out.”

  Welsca cut off. Erin and Ryoka were glaring at her. She swished her tail gently in the water and sighed.

  “Miss Solstice, Miss Griffin, I don’t think you understand. This is a serious matter. Assaulting a Wall Lord and withholding information—”

  Erin splashed her. The dignified Drake lady blinked as water ran down her face. Erin stuck her tongue out.

  “Bleh! Get out of our bath! No one’s allowed to mess with private baths, not even a Wall Lord!”

  “Ladies, please. I am one of Lord Ilvriss’s most trusted aides. I—”

  “Get out.”

  Ryoka’s tone could have frozen over their tub. Welsca hesitated. Erin made a fist, cracked her knuckles, yelped, and winced.

  The red-scaled Drake could read the mood. She could also probably predict the near future, at least in this situation. But she was stuck. She had her orders. She smiled weakly at the two girl’s hostile faces.

  “Perhaps if we all soaked for a moment…?”

  The main bathing hall in the women’s section of the bathhouse was slick from steam and bathers walking around. Thus, the walkways were made of rough stone for traction. Nevertheless, children both Drake and Gnoll loved to slide around on the rest of the bathing areas. It wasn’t exactly polite, and they often got in trouble when they slid into someone else’s pool, but it did happen.

  It was rarer for adults to do that. Then again, there was a notable incident in which Relc and Klbkch had been banned for that exact practice. Legends were still told about that day, which had required healing potions for at least six people. But on the women’s side things were generally peaceful, chatter being the main focus.

  That pleasant ambiance was shattered by a raised voice coming from one of the private bathing areas. There was a shout, splashing of water, and then a crack.

  Heads turned. The Gnolls and Drake ladies saw a female Drake with red scales slide headfirst across the slick marble floors. She looked battered.

  A young woman darker of skin than most inhabitants of Izril and totally naked, came out from behind a curtain. Another young girl followed her, electing to use the curtain as a towel. Ryoka Griffin stomped towards Welsca. The other Drake got up. She tried to back away and slipped on a wet tile. Ryoka kicked her and watched her splash into a pool filled with Gnolls.

  She laughed at Welsca as the Drake flailed around in the pool. Ryoka made fists and waited at the pool’s edge. She felt a lot better. Hitting someone who deserved it was a very pleasant experience in contrast, Ryoka decided. She stared down at Welsca, ignoring the stares around her.

  “Hah! What are you going to do now?”


  Ryoka sat in Liscor’s guardhouse, both hands bound by cord. She stared at the table in front of her and looked around. A Drake [Guardsman] with a club was eying her, and the room was filled with other criminals. Petty thieves, brawlers, and an angry Gnoll covered in egg yolk who was screaming at another Gnoll. Ryoka sighed.


  It turned out that kicking someone out of your private hot tub wasn’t a crime, but kicking them into someone else’s tub was. Moreover, since Ryoka had been doing the kicking, it was she who was in handcuffs until someone could interview her and get the full story out under truth spell.

  She looked around. Liscor’s barracks were fairly large. This being the reception area, Ryoka couldn’t see much, but the Drakes seemed very keen on military organization. Drakes and Gnolls off-duty did loiter around of course, but there was a sense of purpose that struck Ryoka as very different from the relaxed Human [Guardsmen] who generally ambled about the city.

  That was because Drakes trusted their militias to handle monsters and criminals alike. Adventurers were necessary, but the first and last line of defense for any city was their police force, which doubled as their army and in this case, judicial system.

  “Miss Ryoka Griffin?”

  One of the Drakes on duty came over at last. He had faintly purple scales and some ill-fitting armor. He also had a sheaf of notes that Ryoka hoped weren’t all complaints from the other bathers.

  “That’s me. Look, I’m sorry about the fight, but that Drake did enter our bathing spot—”

  “Please. We’ll get to that in a moment.”

  Ryoka fell silent. At least he didn’t look openly hostile and wasn’t telling her to shut up because she was a filthy Human. Still, she didn’t like the fact that she’d hit an aide of a Lord of the Wall. She didn’t regret doing it broadly speaking, but in situations like this, that fact was a lot more pressing.

  “So, this incident between you and Miss Crimsonscale…I see there was another Human involved. One Erin Solstice. Yes…we have a few notes from the Watch Captain, Senior Guardsmen Klbkch, Senior Guardsmen Relc, several complaints…she has quite a file.”

  That didn’t sound good. Ryoka braced herself, ready to pay a fine if it meant no one got in trouble. She heard a shout.

  “Hey, what’s going on here?”

  Someone came stomping over to their table. The Drake with purple scales looked up, looking faintly alarmed. Ryoka twisted and saw a Drake with dark green scales and—Ryoka stared—huge arms striding forward. He was big for a Drake, big for a Gnoll—he looked like he was all muscle and he had scars on his arms and legs.

  He was also carrying a spear, but he tossed it to one corner of the room carelessly. He approached the table, narrowing his eyes for a moment at Ryoka.

  “What’s with the Human? I heard there was an incident with her and Erin. Someone punched one of us?”

  He looked at t
he [Guardsman]. Ryoka was sure that talking about a case in front of the guilty party wasn’t exactly good form, and the [Guardsman] seemed reluctant to speak. He nodded at Ryoka.

  “I’ve got this. Uh, don’t worry Senior Guardsman Relc.”

  The other Drake’s non-existent eyebrows rose. He opened his mouth and then shrugged, looking unconcerned.

  “Okay, but hurry it up! I want Erin back in her inn soon—she promised me I’d get roasted eels tonight, and I want them fresh!”

  He knew Erin? Wait a second, Relc…Ryoka remembered him vaguely. They’d met, but only as acquaintances. And he’d clearly forgotten her face. Ryoka knew for a fact that the eels in question had already been cooked and were waiting to be eaten at the inn, but she was grateful for him prompting the other [Guardsman].

  The Drake with purple scales cleared his throat as Relc wandered a few feet away and intruded in a conversation between two Gnolls. He looked harried and kept glancing at Relc. Then he sighed and leaned towards Ryoka.

  “Miss Griffin, I’m going to make this very simple. Tell us what we need to and this can be over quickly.”

  “Okay, I didn’t start it. Welsca did. I can swear on a truth spell—”

  “Not that. Lord Ilvriss wants to know only one thing. Where is [Captain] Periss? How did she die?”

  He sat back. Ryoka stared at him and felt a cold chill on her back. He was one of Ilvriss’ people too? She remembered the Drake in the inn at breakfast. Another one?

  Was Ilvriss watching her? Listening in on her conversations, hoping she’d leak something? She stared at the Drake. He nodded slightly, as if confirming her worst fears.

  “Lord Ilvriss is not accustomed to waiting. You may have the immunity of your Guild, but he will seek you out no matter where you go. Speak now, and this need not get worse.”

  “Go to hell.”

  The fake [Guardsman] sighed. He flicked through the notes on his clipboard.

  “Miss Ryoka, your friend Erin Solstice has a file on her that would attract the attention of any Drake [Leader] in any city. Why Watch Captain Zevara seems content to let her unauthorized inn stand…suspected ties with the Antinium, disorderly conduct, endangerment and death of a Watch member on duty. She may be safe here, but if word of her actions reaches the de facto governing body of Liscor, their army, for instance…a few words in the ears of another Lord or Lady of the Wall might prompt them to take action, and the Assassin’s Guild in Izril is quite, quite competent.”

  Ryoka stared at the Drake.

  “Touch Erin and I’ll make sure Zel Shivertail learns about it. He kicked your precious Wall Lord’s tail once, and he’ll do it again. He stays at Erin’s inn, or isn’t that on file?”

  The fake officer of the Watch’s eyes flashed. He learned across the table and seized Ryoka’s arm in one unfriendly claw, digging into her skin.

  “Listen here, you Human flesh bag. Tell me what I want, or—”

  Ryoka kicked him. She’d been waiting for him to get close and gave him her best kick right to his groin. He doubled over and let go. She backed out her chair, kicked him again, and then hit him with both her hands tied up.


  The other [Guardsmen] had seen what was going on. The one called Relc leapt over a table and ran at Ryoka. She whirled, ready to kick him too. She lashed out—and he slid around her kick like water.

  “Criminal! Take this! [Relc Headbutt]!”

  He slammed his head into Ryoka’s. She sat down. And then slid out of her chair. Relc kicked the chair away and dragged her up.

  “Assaulting a [Guardsman]? Here? You’re really stupid, Miss Human. Even if you are a friend of Erin’s, you’re not getting away with that. Hey buddy, you okay?”

  The Drake that Ryoka had kicked was getting up in her swirling vision. He shook his head and knocked away Relc’s offered hand. He growled at Ryoka, murder in his eyes. He took one step forwards and then Relc let Ryoka go.

  One hand shot out, barring the purple Drake’s path. The Drake stopped, looking confused. Ryoka felt confused. And ready to sit down. But Relc’s eyes were narrowed.

  “Wait a second. Who are you? You’re not one of the new guys. I know them all and none of them have purple scales.”


  The purple Drake took a step back. Relc turned away from Ryoka and she decided to lie down again. The imposter took a desperate swing at Relc. The big Drake leaned back from the blow and then returned it.

  “[Relc Punch]!”

  He hit the fake guardsmen a lot harder than he’d hit Ryoka. The Drake back-flipped over the table and Ryoka heard a thud as he landed.

  “Hah! Take that! That proves you’re not one of our guys—no one picks a fight with me! Don’t you know who I am? I’m Relc! Relc!”

  Ryoka managed to sit up and saw Relc posing, one foot on the fallen Drake’s chest. He looked inordinately proud of himself, and then frowned as he saw she was up.

  “Hey. You. Miss Human.”

  He’d already forgotten her name. Ryoka forgave him that; at the moment she couldn’t remember what the color orange was. Relc helped her up, removing her bindings as she sat on a chair and tried to tell whether the banging was in her mind, or whether her brain was bouncing around.

  “Who was that guy? He has a set of our armor and everything.”

  “Wall Lord…Ilvriss. His person. Like the bathhouse.”

  “Oh. Oh.”

  Relc slapped his forehead and nodded at the other [Guardsmen] who’d gathered around. They grunted and immediately picked up the fallen Drake and shoved him into a corner. That they didn’t toss him out of the barracks or throw him in a cell was probably due to his master’s fame.

  While Ryoka put her head down, she heard Relc speaking with the others. Then his loud voice called out as an angry female Drake demanded to know why one of her people was unconscious on the floor.

  “Hey, Captain Z! Turns out this Human and Erin didn’t start anything. It’s that Wall Lord guy’s cronies stirring up trouble again. I’m going to let the Human go, okay? And I’m taking my lunch break! Be back in an hour!”

  Relc helped Ryoka up and practically pushed her out the door. Ryoka heard a frustrated roar coming from behind her.

  “Damn it, Relc! Get back here!”


  Of course, if you focused too much on Ryoka, you neglected other interesting things. A bit of garlic fell from the sky and landed on Brunkr’s fur as he showed Lyonette how to hold her sword. He brushed it off absent-mindedly.

  “Good. Hold it here, see? Yes. And swing. Quickly—a cut should be fast. Yes, like so.”

  He was teaching her. And Lyonette was learning. They practiced outside in the cleared snow as Mrsha sat and watched. Inside, Apista was tethered to a table with a leash Erin had made while Iskhr cleaned up.

  It was an all-Gnoll parade, in short, except for Lyonette. And perhaps that would have been awkward or fatal for her a week or two ago. But things had changed.

  Ryoka had changed a lot. All sins were forgiven, and a debt had been written for her actions. More than that, and perhaps more importantly, Brunkr had changed. He was no longer the self-confident Gnoll [Warrior], but a recovering one, grateful for his still-healing arm and quietly guilty. He and Ryoka would have understood each other, in that.

  Still, only Erin would have thought it was a good idea to have him near Mrsha, the person who’d bit him and infected his hand, and Lyonette, the girl he’d tried to kill. But as Ryoka had noticed, Erin did have an eye for these things now and then. When Brunkr had first arrived, he and Mrsha had sniffed each other for a bit solemnly, but said nothing. Lyonette and Brunkr on the other hand were different.

  She was guilty as he was, in a different way. She had apologized to him first, and then him to her. It had ticked both to realize that Lyonette hadn’t remembered Brunkr specifically trying to kill her, and a friendship had started once Brunkr realized that Lyonette was the one responsible for his honey salve.

That was the boring bit. The special bit for any watching fae nibbling at garlic came at a moment when Brunkr mentioned his aspirations.

  “A [Knight]?”

  Lyonette put down her sword and massaged her aching arms. She wanted the [Warrior] class too, and felt she might get it by the end of the day. Brunkr nodded, looking embarrassed.

  “It is a very Human class. There are some Drakes with similar classes, but no Gnoll has the class, yes? Similar classes, but I found a book when I was young. My tribe had bought it from a [Trader] and my aunt let me read it…there were pictures of Human [Knights] in shining armor. I admired them and wished to be like them. So I trained with sword and shield. However, I am only a [Warrior].”

  “Well, that’s because you need a [Lord] to make you one, or some other nobility.”

  “Hrr. Yes, that is what I have been told. I came north to help my aunt and also to see whether that would be possible. I think…it may not be. Entering in service to a Human [Lord] requires much trust and perhaps standing I do not have. It matters not. I am still useful to my Tribe and my efforts have made me a strong warrior nevertheless.”

  Brunkr shrugged his broad shoulders, hiding his disappointment behind casual words. Lyonette nodded, hesitating. Her eyes lingered on the Gnoll’s back as he stood up to exchange a few words with Ishkr. They were around the same age, although Brunkr was older. He wasn’t much older than Lyonette, really.

  Yes, a faerie could see what would happen next. Perhaps a Human could too. Destiny wove together and Lyonette raised her hand. She whispered quietly.

  “I, Lyonette du Marquin do solemnly…”

  Mrsha had been playing in the snow, quite close to the inn, but poking her head under the snow and rolling around in delight. Suddenly, she raised it and stared at Lyonette, ears flicking with each word Lyonette spoke.

  The two Gnolls had finished speaking at the door to the inn. Ishkr was going back into the inn, collecting dishes to be washed and Brunkr was sniffing at the entrance to the inn, his stomach audibly rumbling. But as Lyonette whispered both froze up.


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