Biker (Bad Boys in Big Trouble Book 1)

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Biker (Bad Boys in Big Trouble Book 1) Page 5

by Roarke, Fiona

  Zak looked so completely shocked she wanted to pull the words back from the air around them. Then again, what did she have to lose?

  She wanted her virginity gone. It needed to happen tonight. The mere idea of Brooke’s mocking laughter firmed her resolve.

  He leaned close. “It’s not that I’m unwilling to fuck you, baby, but the back room is not exactly the spot I would have chosen for our very first time. Not to mention it’s probably bugged.” His breath tickled the top of her ear.

  “Bugged?” she asked when his words penetrated her haze of lust. She was already picturing what it would feel like to have sex for the first time. She couldn’t wait. But did she want anyone watching her? As she considered the answer to that, Zak leaned in again.

  “Demarco’s got surveillance in there. He’s known for his penchant for watching people have sex, taping it and selling the films. In fact, I hear it’s his second favorite pastime.” Likely she didn’t want to know what Mr. Demarco’s first favorite pastime was and had to bite her tongue to keep from asking.

  The bar seemed to quiet, as if everyone in it was waiting to see them enter the back office space. She wondered if once the door was shut, every patron in the bar would hover right outside, a multitude of ears pressed to the painted surface, hoping to catch the sounds of the exuberant lovemaking they expected to hear.

  She lost track of her thoughts when Zak wrapped his arms around her and kissed her mouth with the most seductive of intent. Then he whispered in her ear again. “We’ll have to put on a good show, like we are really doing it. Are you up for that? If you’re not, I need to know right now.”

  Kaitlin wrapped her arms around his neck. “I understand. I’m totally up for it.” She pressed her mouth to his quickly, as if to seal their unholy alliance of lust. “In fact, we can actually do it if you want to.”

  “Sorry, baby. I didn’t think to bring a condom with me.”

  “What? Why not?” Didn’t men always carry them in a secret pocket of their wallets? Or was that merely another stereotype she’d always taken for the truth?

  He laughed, and the sound seemed genuine. “Sex in this bar wasn’t part of my original plans for this evening, baby.” Baby. She enjoyed it very much when he called her that.

  Upon quick consideration, the very idea of being watched or filmed having sex with Zak put her libido in the stratosphere. She didn’t care that it wasn’t what she pictured for her first time. She didn’t care if she was filmed by some sex-crazed drug lord voyeur. If fact, she might ask for a copy to show Brooke when her stepsister refused to believe she wasn’t a virgin any longer.

  She wondered if she’d lost her mind.

  “The thing is, we have to pretend we’re already together. We have to make it look and sound like we’ve had sex before, lots. Follow my lead. I don’t know if it’s video only or if it will include sound. So don’t forget that there’s a camera or cameras somewhere in there.”

  Zak walked them over to a battered brown door that looked like it was a survivor of having more than one bottle of booze thrown against it in the heat of any number of bar brawls. He opened it and pushed her inside, followed quickly on her heels and closed the door behind them.

  He walked past her and turned to lean his tight butt against the edge of the desk, putting several feet between them. He crossed his arms and frowned. “I’m not happy you followed me here, Kaitlin. I told you I had business.”

  Kaitlin looked around the room briefly, searching for where the camera might be but trying not to be obvious about it. The room had a single bare bulb hanging down from the ceiling. She couldn’t imagine that any video would be of very good quality. This space was the definition of dingy. The smell of stale beer and pungent bleach likely masked even worse odors.

  The only furniture was the battered old desk, with more gouges, scrapes and holes covering the top than available work surface, and a couch along one wall she mentally vowed not to touch for fear of an instant viral death. Not the ideal location for her first seduction. Plus, they had to act like they were already lovers. But she’d insisted they come back here, proving the level of crazy she’d reached in her zeal to one-up her stepsister.

  Good or bad, whatever happened in the next few minutes was all on her head.

  Her desperate need to get rid of her virginity as soon as possible had driven her to extreme lengths. She wasn’t convinced that if she let Zak out of her sight he’d ever show up again. Either at his rental next door or his job at the garage, or anywhere else in town.

  The moment the idea of the two of them retiring to the back room for satisfaction was on the table, she’d fought hard to make it happen. Standing in front of him now like an errant schoolgirl about to be disciplined for uncivilized actions, Kaitlin was starting to have second thoughts.

  Perhaps she’d been a tad hasty. She didn’t know Zak very well. Or at all. Just that he filled out his jeans nicely. Then again, he’d saved her from a very scary situation in the bar. He obviously had a good side. Perhaps this was an opportunity to ratchet the lust down a bit.

  Maybe she could tell him to meet her later and then pray he’d show up to render his mighty cock repeatedly within her willing body to rid her of the virginity she’d grown to hate.

  Remembering the role she had to play for the hidden camera, she said, “I’m sorry, Zak. I thought tonight was going to be just the two of us. I was really mad when you left me standing on your porch earlier.”

  “That has become very clear.”

  Kaitlin started toward him. He put his hand up. “Stop right there. The moment I smell you, my little head takes over. I’m not done talking yet.”

  “What else is there to discuss?”

  “I know what everyone expects me to do in here, including you.” He pushed out a sigh.

  Kaitlin’s breath caught. She whispered, “And will you do what everyone expects?” Oh please. Oh please. Oh please.

  He stood and took two steps closer, towering over her, but not near enough to touch. “I shouldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it rewards your inexcusably bad judgment. How can I ensure you won’t do this again if I get a call and have to meet my friend, Diego Demarco, in the future?”

  “I promise I’ll never follow you again.” He frowned, as though suspicious of her quick agreement. She stared up into his gloriously handsome face. “I promise, Zak.” She held up two fingers in salute. “Scout’s honor.” She’d never been a Girl Scout, but she’d promise whatever it took to get him closer. Then maybe he’d “do” her.

  “Scouts salute with three fingers.” He took another step, settling his boot tips against her fuck-me black pumps. “And besides, promises are for little girls and virgins. And you are neither.” Hah, she thought. As far as you know.

  He must have read disagreement in her expression because his eyebrows went up meaningfully. Oh, right. They were playacting. Her brain disengaged every time he looked at her intensely. But I am a virgin, until I talk you into bed. That’s the problem.

  “Swear to me. Swear to me on your life that you’ll never do this again.”

  “I swear it,” she said with all the earnestness she could gather. “On my life.”

  His head dropped slightly. His luscious mouth swooped down to capture her lips in the most excruciatingly lust-driven kiss she had ever hoped to experience. He simply devoured her. She loved it.

  The texture of his tongue swirling between her willing lips turned her on like she’d never, ever been tempted before. This was yet another kiss she’d remember on her deathbed, and also served to ratchet up her lust. He was very adept at making her want him. And she’d been at the level of slow simmer for a couple of weeks now.

  Before she realized what was happening, her shoulder blades pushed against the flat surface of the flimsy door they’d come through. His hands roamed around her body with diabolically prurient intent. A soft squeeze of one breast, a healthy stroke of his fingertips on the inside of he
r thigh, enough to send a riot of pleasure to her very core, were only a couple of things that registered beyond the tantalizing taste of his lips. Her unintended responses included several moans of surprised pleasure that she hoped he appreciated.

  As she suspected from the first time she’d seen him, Zak was very good at seduction.

  His wide shoulders and sexy body covered her completely. Even if a camera was rolling non-stop somewhere in the room, no angle could capture where he touched her. She didn’t want to playact anymore. She wanted him to really have sex with her.

  One palm cupped her breast, only the thin knit dress separating their skin. His thumbnail stroked across her nipple, sending wild sensation straight to her moistening inner walls. His other hand found the hem of her slutty dress and pushed the fabric upward. His palm slid along her outer thigh until it reached her panties. From there his hand moved between her legs, fingertips brushing along the slim strip of fabric, stroking her perfectly across her hottest button as if he’d been there one hundred times before.

  They both knew he hadn’t.

  She moaned as his finger continued to work magic between her legs. He pinched her nipple, sending another desperate signal to below that sex was imminent. She couldn’t wait. He pulled his mouth from hers and stared down into her heated face as he touched her more intimately than any other before him.

  “You’re really wet.” He sounded surprised.

  “Of course I am.” Did he not understand what two weeks of repressed lust stoked by staring at his perfect ass could do?

  His tone softened as he said, “Interesting.”


  “Thought we were just putting on a show,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her face.

  “Not about our attraction.”

  “What makes you think I’m attracted to you?” he asked, amusement lacing the words.

  The excited thrumming in her body stopped stone cold. She moved her hands to his chest and pushed him off of her. He stumbled back half a step. “Are you just faking this to get rid of me?”

  He cleared his throat. His eyes roamed around the ceiling for half a second before he pierced her with a deeply serious stare. Shit. They were supposed to be pretending to be lovers for whatever surveillance was in the room. She’d forgotten. He was playacting. She wanted to have sex with him however she could get it. He was doing such a great job of seducing her. Obviously, she didn’t have the experience to pull this off. She was about to get them killed.

  “No. I’m not faking this just to get rid of you,” he whispered loudly. “Just look down if you want to see how I really feel.” Her gaze fell to the outline of his large cock clearly defined behind the fly of his jeans.

  “Oh!” Scorching shame filled her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. “I’m…I…didn’t…expect…”

  He moved back into her personal space, touched her face with a gentle caress of his fingertips, and then she forgot pretty much everything else.

  “Pretend it’s just the two of us together and no one else, okay?” he whispered.

  Half a breath later, his mouth covered hers, his tongue licking inside. He squeezed her breast, thumb teasing her nipple. Unfortunately, his other hand didn’t resume stroking between her thighs. Instead he grabbed her waist, rubbing his palm up and down her side.

  Kaitlin slipped her arms around his neck. She moved her legs apart, sliding her ankle around the back of his calf, opening herself to him.

  His thigh nestled between her open legs as if he couldn’t help himself. His hard cock pressed deliciously into her body. He thrust himself against her a couple of times as if responding to the simple instinct to mount at every opportunity.

  He’s only making it look good for the camera. Kaitlin wanted him to penetrate her, or at the very least put his fingers back down between her legs.

  The hand on her waist suddenly moved to cup one butt cheek. He pulled her up and then into his groin with decided force, also putting the thick, hard part of him between her legs. She tightened her grip around his neck. Their kiss had become ravenous, both of them moaning with each connected movement.

  Once again his hand found a way beneath her dress, stroking along her inner thigh, pushing against the fragile fabric of her panties, now saturated with her unruly lust.

  His finger slid beneath the elastic edge, zeroing in on the one place she couldn’t resist having him touch. She held her breath in mid kiss, sending mental permission for him to please stroke her.

  And he did. Once. Twice. The third time she almost lost it, but clamped down on her passion. She didn’t want this extraordinary union to be over so quickly.

  Zak kissed the corner of her mouth, disengaging the decadent previous kiss. He brushed her cheek once with his lips. He kissed her collarbone, trailing a few more kisses to the top of her exposed breast.

  She held her breath again. Head back against the door, eyes closed as he trailed kisses over her body, Kaitlin hoped this would either last forever, or that they’d be able to do it again and again in the privacy of her bedroom. Or his. Or absolutely anywhere as long as they just performed this remarkable sexy dance again.

  Without a hint of his intention, Zak tugged at the neckline of her stretchy knit dress. She opened her eyes in time to see him pull the fabric down until one breast popped out. She inhaled deeply, nearly climaxing when he put his mouth around her exposed nipple and sucked it between his warm lips. She could only imagine his wide shoulders hid her brief nudity from cameras that could be anywhere in the room.

  “Oh. My. Goodness.” Her head tilted back and hit the surface of the door with a thud. She writhed in so much pleasure she hardly knew how to process all of the amazing sensations coursing through her.

  His finger resumed stroking beneath her panties. Just when she got used to the stimulation, he stopped and slid two of his fingers inside her. She thumped her head against the door again, harder this time, when his thumb grazed her intimately as his fingers moved in and out of her wet body.

  If they were being filmed, there would be no doubt that he was sucking on her breast and making her writhe in passion with his hand between her thighs. And she didn’t give a flying fig.

  The appeal of sex became very clear. She hadn’t even seen his cock yet, and she already craved the feel of it inside her. His fingers moved in and out of her body. His thumb stroked her clit until she was on the ragged edge of pre-orgasm.

  His teeth captured her nipple, exerting the most delicious pressure. At the exact same instant, his thumb stroked her with perfect pressure and his wide fingers penetrated her body just a little deeper. She exploded with a climax so intense she almost forgot to breathe. She shuddered. She groaned. When the intensity waned, her entire body trembled with shocks of the most exquisite pleasure in the aftermath of perfection.

  He released her nipple, kissing his way to her mouth once more. She licked so forcefully between his lips, she surprised herself. He kissed her hard in return, hugged her tight with one arm, and slowly pulled his fingertips from between her quivering thighs.

  His next move was to make it look like he fumbled with his fly, and then push his hips forward hard and fast like he’d just mounted her. He proceeded to press himself against her for quite a long time, as if ensuring his own pleasure before releasing her. He kept his face buried at her throat, kissing and licking her neck repeatedly. Unseen by the cameras, they remained fully clothed below the waist. Each time he pressed his cock against her body, she stifled her disappointment that it wasn’t truly happening and held him tighter. Her arousal level started heading back up.

  As much as she wanted the sex to truly be taking place, she wouldn’t risk their lives for it. Zak’s movements increased in tempo. He groaned loudly and froze against her as though climaxing. His unspent cock felt hard as iron between her thighs, and she had to fight the urge to rub against him. He moved his head and kissed her mouth as he pretended to refasten his pants.

they kissed, Zak shifted the neckline of her dress into place so her breast wasn’t hanging out. She honestly didn’t care, but let him straighten her clothing anyway. Walking back through the bar with her moist, sucked on breast hanging out after pretending to have sex likely wasn’t a good idea given the rowdy crowd she’d met upon entering.

  Zak didn’t need to fight any more battles for her tonight. He’d done quite a lot, and yet she wanted him for one last task.

  Even with her virginity firmly in place, Kaitlin felt different. As if she’d somehow been branded by the intense gratification of Zak bringing her off.

  “Will you come home with me right now?” she asked with quiet urgency. “Please.” She hated to sound desperate, but she was. She wanted him to make love to her. Not in the back room of a dirty bar, but in her bedroom, on her soft sheets, within reach of the set of three condoms she’d procured while out of town for a luncheon a week ago. Way back when she fantasized about inviting her new neighbor over for dinner, hoping it would ultimately lead to her bedroom, but hadn’t had the nerve to follow through.

  “You know I want to, baby. But I need to go finish my business with Demarco. I’ve kept him waiting long enough.” Right. Mr. Demarco. Pressing bad boy business. She shouldn’t even try to persuade him any further. He’d already gone way above and beyond the call of duty. But in the afterglow of her first climax with a man making it happen, she was giddy. She wanted more. And she wanted it now.

  Kaitlin didn’t know what on earth came over her, but she reached between them and slid her fingers around his rigid cock, squeezing until he groaned with the sound of vivid dark pleasure.

  “I’ll do whatever you want. Any position you name,” she whispered earnestly.

  “Don’t tempt me.” He fairly growled his response. He put his hand on hers, covering his oversized bad boy package, but didn’t pull her away. He’d pretended to climax, but he hadn’t really.


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