Switch It Up

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Switch It Up Page 6

by Sara Brookes

  She arched against Kochran’s mouth, pleasure lancing through her as he wiggled his tongue against her opening. Forced her to experience a delicious pleasure that ramped up the temperature of her blood. She rolled her hips, desperately wanting to thread her fingers through his hair, but knowing she hadn’t been given permission. That denial weighed her wrists down against the cushioned table she was spread out on as effectively as any pair of locked cuffs. The lack of physical restraint didn’t hamper her enjoyment. In fact, it enhanced it.

  Kochran lifted his head, his lips glistening with her honey as he shot her another one of those lethal grins again. “Do you like having my mouth on your cunt?”

  Maddy blinked as the images that had formed in her mind dissolved when she realized Kochran had spoken to her. “What?”

  He looked at her expectantly. “I asked do you like milk in your cup? You never answered how you take your coffee.”

  She had to count to fifteen before she was confident enough to answer without a wavering voice. Paused. Counted another ten, because the first exercise in patience hadn’t been enough. She waved away the carton he offered. “I’m good.”

  She held out her mug with shaking hands to accept more coffee. The remaining tendrils of desire carried enough force she needed a few minutes. She was very aware of the slick, hot folds of her flesh causing friction as she shifted in the seat. Not enough to cause her to come, but enough to make her pleasantly conscious of the fact she was aroused.

  She needed to shove this down. Way down. She needed to forget about it. Forget about him. And Ezra. Leave it to her to fantasize about a powerful Dom way out of her reach and his married employee. Talk about fucked up, Zane. Balancing her life was complicated enough without adding sex into the mix, let alone with two separate men. She reminded herself that her arrangement with the club was strictly professional. That it was built on the fact she’d weaseled her way into places she hadn’t been invited.

  “You sure you don’t want something to eat? We’re certainly not a top-notch restaurant, but we do well enough.”

  And with those simple statements, he’d ensnared her again with his caring attention. Rein it in, girl. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” The effort of speaking those four words had been immense.

  He sipped his coffee, his gaze homed on her. “Can’t, or don’t want to be alone with a man who likes to tie people up?”

  The fact he mentioned his sexual interests meant a meal with him could easily lead to other things. “We work together. Office entanglements are a big no-no.”

  “Technically, you don’t work for me. You’re a contractor who works for my partner Saint. And you are repairing a flaw you found while you were busy breaking the law.” Despite his accusatory glance, his voice was soft, his expression amused. Even with all his rough edges and the unapologetic attitude toward sex, Kochran wasn’t judging her. She couldn’t explain why, but she knew she could be honest with him.

  Within the span of a few hours, two men—two complete strangers—had convinced her she was absolutely safe when she was in their presence. She’d come to the club to report a security issue she’d created, the dangerous lack of a safe exit and a jerkoff preying on innocent submissives—she hadn’t been prepared for the unexpected pleasure from two vastly different men. Pursuing either of them would be double trouble. While Maddy loved skirting the law, she wasn’t about to put her heart up as collateral. And why the hell was she thinking about both of them? Since when had she become the poster child for polyamory?

  He touched the back of her hand with a gentle caress. “You’re excited.”

  “What?” She jerked her hand away. “I’m just tired.”

  Kochran leaned closer, bracing his elbow on the bar as he angled his upper body toward her. “Your cheeks are flushed. Your breathing increased earlier and hasn’t normalized yet. I’d bet it’s safe to say your panties are wet, because whatever it is that you’re thinking has gotten you all hot and bothered.”

  She swallowed. This boiled down to basics. What he’d said could be construed as forward and out of bounds, but she also felt safe around him. As though she knew he wouldn’t overstep her limits and force her to do anything she hadn’t consented to. “You’re an attractive man, Kochran.”


  “I don’t do quick, hard bangs,” she said matter-of-factly.

  His eyes glimmered. “Neither do I.”

  Maddy wasn’t someone who believed in instalove, but she did believe the zing of desire that she’d been keenly aware of since she’d walked through the club’s main doors. The one that had made her appreciate finely built men such as Ezra and Kochran. And she also believed in the decadent heat winding its way between her legs. At the way it flourished and spun her higher with each cunning smile Kochran aimed her way.


  She jumped when she realized Kochran was standing right beside her. He was the sort of man who definitely knew what he wanted. That sort of focus from a man like him made her dizzy. Her body emitted a study thrum that was attuned to him. With him at close range, she was primed and ready. A single word was the key to a whole lot of answers.

  “Yes,” she answered, even though he hadn’t asked a question. “You were going to ask if you could kiss me. I was just simplifying things.”

  “No.” He paused, inches between their lips. This close she saw his irises had golden flecks throughout. “The way you looked at me just now...you want something. Something you aren’t sure you’re allowed to have.” He hummed softly. “I’m interested in finding out what that thing is.”

  She blushed. As desperately out of practice as she was at flirting, she was even more so when it came to sexual matters. “You don’t beat around the bush.” She snorted at her own joke as Kochran smiled. God, could she be any more of a dork? “You’re very blunt,” she amended.

  “I know when I see something I want.”

  The power of his influence suggested this was more than a passing fancy. Wasn’t as though she’d purposefully sought a man like Kochran, but the club certainly provided the perfect motivation. A hot and very sexy Dom stood just inches away from her, confiding that he was interested in knowing what she was thinking.

  The color of his eyes intensified as his smile widened. She could devote hours to watching him—just like watching Ezra fix coffee. Looking at it from a different angle, maybe she just had a coffee fetish. Hot java was certainly a chosen drug, but so was being the focus of a handsome man.

  “Since you won’t tell me, I’d like to try a little experiment, Madeline.”

  “And that is?”

  “I’m going to kiss you.” His voice was a quiet rumble that pinned her to the chair.

  The room constricted around her, causing her to feel too much, too fast. “Oh.”

  He swallowed the word by capturing her mouth. There was nothing easy or relaxing about kissing Kochran Duke. He demanded with each stroke of his tongue. Unapologetically took what he wanted with each brush of his lips against hers, yet still made her believe the entire thing had been her idea. Melted that instant flare of icy panic that had stabbed at her the second she’d realized what he’d intended.

  Her head spun with how fast they were going. Their connection was undeniably hot. She could end up battered and bleeding by the time this was over, but she quickly found herself unable to care. She was only concerned about how damn good he made her feel.

  He made her want to be fucked. To fuck him. To be observed while fucking. Nothing between them but the sweat and heat their bodies generated while moving. He also made her want the kind of surrender she knew he could give her because he owned a freaking S&M club.

  Most of all, she simply wanted him.

  With a groan, she opened wider to his exploration. Wrapped her hands around his strong wrists as he used his agile hands to angle her face. She adjusted, turning her body tow
ard his, and her legs naturally widened for him. A rumble sounded, low in his throat as he wedged himself between her spread thighs. As he massaged his tongue against hers in a slow dance more sensual than any tango, she fell into the weight of his body against hers, the press of his erect cock hard against her inner thigh.

  The persistent warning echoed in her head. But the pleasant clench of the inner walls of her cunt silenced that cautionary notice. She’d never been kissed with such ferocity and passion before. Such never-ending need as he sucked on her tongue. Nibbled and licked at the corners before diving back in for another consuming taste. He kissed her so ruthlessly, she was certain she was going to swoon. Fucking swoon.

  He sucked in a breath and licked his lips as they parted. “You taste wonderful.”

  “And you sound surprised.”

  “Pleased.” He kept his gaze on hers as he gave her a hasty peck. “Extremely pleased.”

  Hearing his approval on a desire-roughened voice made her core glow. Made her want to surrender to him like she never had to any man. She wanted a lot of things she’d only dreamed about before.

  He smoothed his finger down the neck of her shirt, tracing her exposed skin right at the hem but never delving further. Oh, how she wanted him to touch her in any of the intimate places that were throbbing and on fire.

  “You make me crazy,” she whispered. “Make me want things I shouldn’t want. Things I’ve only ever dreamed about. Fantasized about.”

  “Are you ashamed? Is that why you’ve never made them a reality?” He brushed her hair back from her face as he leaned closer and tilted her chin so she had nowhere else to look but directly into his eyes. “Tell me. What do you fantasize about? What were you thinking when you drifted off earlier? What got you so aroused?”

  A blush rose to her cheeks. She’d underestimated his observational skills. She didn’t know why she was so surprised by his attention to detail. Everything about this man was remarkable.

  “Madeline, I want you to tell me what you were imagining.”

  His voice took on a hard quality that caused her to suck in a breath. She’d wanted him before, but holy shit.

  “I was spread out naked on a cushion.” She started speaking slowly, gaining confidence as she laid out her fantasy in detail. “You were between my legs, licking and sucking—”

  “Eating your pussy.”

  She nodded, though she couldn’t bring herself to repeat the harsher words. Someday she’d have the confidence to speak that way out loud. “There was a group of people standing around in a circle, observing. No one said anything, they just...watched. I felt something. Something I’ve never experienced before. I wanted to... I wanted to please you.” Be like that perfectly poised submissive she’d seen him command on the video. “You wouldn’t let me come. I wanted to, though. A lot. But you kept backing off just as I was about to blow.”

  “What turned you on more, knowing there were people watching us, or obeying my commands while I gave you a thorough tongue lashing?”


  The answer sat on the tip of her tongue. Envisioning the fantasy and describing it to the very man who starred in her mind porno wasn’t easy. Silly, really. Kochran had undoubtedly heard it all. Had experienced more illicit things than her brain could even conjure. To him, her fantasy would be boring and unimaginative. And that was the root of the problem. Tempting as Kochran may have been, he should be with someone who wasn’t frightened by her desires.

  She gave him a half-smile. “I think I should go.”

  He stared at her for a long minute before he severed contact. She looked up, expecting to see his eyes dark with disappointment, but instead she saw understanding. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  He didn’t play coy this time, or ask her if that’s what she truly wanted. Gave her the space he obviously recognized she needed. Gooseflesh erupted down her arms. That knowledge turned her on perhaps more than anything else. He respected her limitations.

  “You don’t have to,” she offered.

  “I want to.”

  She accepted his hand with a nod. Though he may not be disappointed by her lack of sexual adventure, she was. This dude was totally into her and more than willing to help her realize her fantasies, and she was escaping.

  The mid-June morning air greeted them as they stepped outside, adding a chill that said the last trace of spring wasn’t ready to release its stranglehold just yet. That would change by noon, when the blistering hot sun melted everything it touched.

  As she disengaged the locks, she noticed her car was the lone occupant in the parking lot. “Didn’t you drive here?”

  “I live close enough to walk to work.” He stepped around, opening the door for her.

  After she fired up the engine, she lowered the driver’s side window. “Thank you.” She didn’t clarify what she was thanking him for. The coffee, allowing her to reveal part of her fantasy, or respecting her wish to leave.

  “Are you all right to drive?”

  “Yes,” she responded truthfully. “The coffee is just enough buzz to fuel me.”

  He studied her for a few moments before being satisfied. “Well, good. Drive safe. Can I tell Ezra you’ll be back later tonight to continue working?”

  “Of course.” Gah. Why did he have to be so...polite? So opposite of everything he’d been just minutes ago. He was a hard puzzle to solve, and something told Maddy she would never learn the key to figuring him out.

  She pushed the brake and dropped the engine into gear, but paused when he gently touched her shoulder. He pressed a square of paper into the small pocket on her shirt. The paper’s edge teased her nipple as he slipped it into place. She drew in a breath, unintentionally pushing her breast against his finger. Kochran met her gaze as he deliberately fanned his fingers to frame the roundness of her breast.

  “So lovely.” He gently squeezed until her breath was shallow and rapid. “So delicate and firm at the same time. Someday, I hope you find the courage to ask me for what you need, Madeline Zane.”

  He withdrew, pulling his fingers away with an exacting slowness that made her yearn for his touch immediately. She was headed straight for shark-infested waters without a life vest to help her tread, but she was too intrigued by the wild, out-of-control ride to retreat. God, in one day, two different men had made her feel as though she was the most important woman in the world. That heady buzz was going to be difficult to shake.

  He pressed a gentle kiss to her ear. “I promise to make you come the first time I fuck you, Madeline.”

  Chapter Seven

  Driving to the hospice first thing after a very long night wasn’t Kochran’s idea of a good time. He’d hated visiting when both his grandparents had been placed. He despised the task even more now that his sister was spending her last days cooped up in one.

  A familiar kind of dread settled in the center of his chest as he parked, erasing any of the residual excitement running through him since leaving Madeline. He’d meant to come see Tory yesterday, but had gotten sidetracked by the certified letter from his accountant announcing his retirement, a crack in the tank in the water torture room and someone was stealing all the batteries from the toy supply closet. Add in the website breach and it was a wonder he had any sanity left. Now that he had the time, he realized he’d been intrigued by the spitfire who had brought it to their attention. She drew him in. Made him want to scorch his fingers because he’d gotten too close and wanted to play with fire.

  His mind wandered down all sorts of interesting paths about her. Especially when she’d told him about that little fantasy she’d had about him. She hadn’t pinged his radar all that hard when she’d been yelling at him, but she was certainly setting off all the bells and whistles now. So much so that getting a few hours of sleep after she’d left him at the club had been difficult.

  His phone chimed again with an
other text from Adelita. A flood of panic erased the pleasant thoughts of bending the club’s cyberhacker over his knee. With the preparations in the recent months, Kochran had been named as Tory’s legal guardian, which meant he had to sign a shit ton of paperwork whenever she got a bug up her ass to change her will. Since his sister had the attention span of a gnat, alterations happened regularly.

  He was exhausted today, so he didn’t relish handling the task, or his irate sister when he talked her out of whatever she wanted to revise. The string of long nights thanks to the club responsibilities and several gigs with the band were taking their toll. But he’d do anything for Tory. Better than her trying to steamroll some unsuspecting paralegal.

  When he looked up, Adelita was rushing through the sliding doors. He instantly knew something was wrong. The knot exploded to full blown terror as she came closer. The guilt he’d let eat him up inside gnawed through his gut as he cleared his throat.

  He sent a silent prayer out to the universe. “Is she gone?”

  “I should be so lucky.” Adelita dabbed at her bloodshot eyes then tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “She’s being a cunt waffle. I was hoping you could talk some sense into her.”

  Kochran bit his lip as the tension tightening his body eased. “So it’s a normal day?” Cunt waffle was a new one. He’d have to add that to his list of insults.

  He wrapped an arm around his sister’s girlfriend, pulling her against him in a tight hug. Though Tory’s illness had been taking a toll on him, Adelita bore the brunt. She’d lost weight, her skin was dry and her clothing wrinkled. Tension kept her small frame so rigid, it was a surprise she hadn’t snapped months ago. He wondered when the last time anyone had taken care of Adelita was.

  She sniffed against his shoulder. “She demanded I put her out of her misery again.”

  His panic returned. He grabbed Adelita’s arm and struggled to keep from forcing more information out of her. “Christ, why didn’t you tell me?” He released her, pushing past to sprint to the sliding entrance doors.


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