The Warrior

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The Warrior Page 29

by Victoria Scott

  The other sister follows Kraven, who has carried Annabelle every step of our return journey. Charlie, Blue, Aspen, and I are on his heels as he takes her to his bedroom and sets her on his bed. There are tears in his eyes, and when I ask if I can do anything, he roars for me to leave.

  I want to tell him to back off, that Annabelle was my friend long before she was his heart. But if it were Charlie clinging to life, with our child in her stomach, there’s no one that could stand between us. I squeeze Charlie’s hand and send a second and third prayer to Big Guy. Then I turn and leave the room because I’m about to lose my mind.


  It’s several hours later when I’m woken by a kiss. Charlie’s lips are still on my forehead and I reach up to keep her there a moment longer.

  “Kraven has received word on what to do about Max,” she says.

  I pull back and meet her eyes.

  She’s crying.

  “No way.” I stand up, frustration beating in time with my heart. “After everything Max has done, this can’t be his fate. He’ll die, Charlie, and it’ll be forever.” I don’t know why I say it like this, like it’s her fault, but I’m dizzy with fear and need someone to blame.

  Charlie wraps her arm around mine. “Just come with me.”

  I want to pull away and race toward Kraven’s room. I want to pulverize the dude who claims he receives messages straight from Big Guy. I’m the one with the soul, right? Why not speak through me? I follow Charlie anyway, because I want to see Max right now. Part of me is terrified he’s already gone, and that there’s nothing I can do now.

  Charlie raps softly on the doorway and we enter the room. The younger sister is sitting next to his bed, touching a wet cloth to Max’s brow. When Max turns his head and attempts to grin, I sigh with relief. My legs shake as the sister stands and points to her chair.

  “You can sit here, Dante,” she says. “Keep the rag on his head.”

  I rush toward the chair, relieved she’s given me something to do. Charlie comes to stand on the other side of the bed, and the sister excuses herself from the room.

  “Why so glum?” Max croaks.

  I shake my head. “Don’t joke.”

  “It’s my party and I’ll joke if I want to.”



  I raise the hand not holding the washcloth and give him the finger. He does the same to me though he can’t lift his arm for long. It falls back to the bed with a thud.

  Max cranes his neck away, motioning that he doesn’t want the rag on his forehead any longer. “What’s the verdict? Am I to liberate the world and spend an eternity kicking your ass in that regard?”

  He’s messing around, but I don’t miss the hopeful lilt to his words. I glance at Charlie. I can’t be the one to tell him. My throat burns as it is, and I’ll be damned if I cry in front of him.

  Charlie smiles. It’s a sad smile, but not too sad. My heart twinges with hope. “Are you sorry for the wrongs you’ve committed, Maximillian?”

  Max shifts in the bed and his eyes enlarge. He studies Charlie like she’s the answer to every prayer he’s ever spoken. For a dying man, he nods eagerly. I choke up when Charlie lays her hands on his chest and clenches her lids shut.

  A moment later, the blue light glows from her hands and Aspen quietly enters the room. Her eyes blaze as sweat coats Charlie’s brow. There’s a tugging in my own chest as she works, and I find myself willing this to happen. It must happen.

  Max gasps and his head is thrown back on the pillow. And then, just as suddenly, his entire body goes still. He gasps for air and Charlie wipes at her face. Aspen comes to stand beside the bed and asks, “Is it done? Did it work?”

  Charlie grins. “Yeah, it did.”

  I leap from the chair. “You got his soul back? So he’s going to live?”

  Aspen’s face falls. “No, Dante. That’s not what she can do.”

  Max fumbles for my hand. It’s such a strange gesture for him, but there’s nothing I can do but take it in my own. “I’m going to die. But now I have a chance to go to Judgment. Is that right?” He looks at Charlie and she nods.

  “They’ve removed Valery’s cuff,” Charlie says. “She won’t be allowed to liberate any longer.”

  Max squeezes my hand and I glance down at him. “But hey, that means she’ll be where I’m going. And if I get in, I’m going to spend an eternity punishing her for what she did to Charlie.”

  Charlie lays a hand on his shoulder. “She did what she did for you.”

  “I’m going to teach her a lesson anyway.” And then Max does what Max does best. He winks. He makes a sexual innuendo about Valery, he winks, and then he closes his eyes and doesn’t open them again.

  I sit by Max’s bed for another four hours until the sisters tell me he’s gone.

  In that time, I tell him he’s my best friend. That I don’t know what I’ll do without him, and have I ever said how much I loved him?

  Because I do.


  Permanent Assignments

  Before Valery passed, I went to see her. I was still angry for what she did to Charlie. Ultimately, it was her fault that she died. But I put myself in her situation and asked myself what I’d do if someone had kept me from Charlie for months on end. I’d do my best to follow orders, I guess.

  And then I’d drag the entire world to hell and become a collector again if it meant being with her. Not saying it’s right, but love makes you wear an idiot badge with pride.

  So I stood at Valery’s bedside. I thanked her for helping me and Charlie before her brain fart, and I said goodbye. Red was mortified by what she’d done, and I’m sure she’ll be shoveling angel dung for a long time upstairs, but I’m happy knowing Max will be there to call her (sexual) names as she works.

  I also said goodbye to Lincoln and the jackrabbits who survived the war. Aspen hugged Lincoln for a solid minute, which is probably a record for her. Lincoln eyed Polly the entire time Aspen embraced him and promised he’d be back to visit. I told the dude to be sure and get a few more facial rings to commemorate the war, and then he scurried toward the entrance with his friends like the lovable freak he is.

  Two nights after Valery passes, I’m sitting in the great room with Kraven and Charlie. We’re discussing the Hive and whether we should use it as a liberator headquarters, or if we should set up smaller locations across the world. I can tell Kraven’s thoughts are only on Annabelle, and the baby he didn’t know about until the war ended. I don’t blame him for being sidetracked. I still don’t know what I’ll be doing long-term, and it feels like I’m living on borrowed time. So yeah, it’s a bit hard for me to concentrate as well.

  It’s late in the night when something sounds at the end of the great room.

  We look up and see her.


  One of the Patrelli sisters is helping support her and apologizing and saying that she told the girl ten times not to get up. It doesn’t matter. We’re all on our feet. Kraven’s steps eat the ground between him and Annabelle, and he takes the sister’s place. Gently, he moves Annabelle across the room and sits her down in a chair. Annabelle is pale and thin, and I can see the bulk of gauze beneath her nightgown.

  Kraven kneels down and lays his head on her lap.

  Charlie rushes to her friend’s side and hugs her head. “I’m so glad to see you okay.”

  “You and me both,” Annabelle manages.

  “Annabelle—” I say.

  She wraps her palms around Kraven’s cheeks. “Guys, can we do this a bit later? I’ll be around. Promise.”

  Charlie and I force ourselves to leave the room. As we walk away, I hear the sisters explaining to Kraven that they can’t be sure the baby will survive, but that both are doing well for now. I imagine what Annabelle and Kraven’s baby would be like, and how it’s even possible. One is technically dead and can sprout wings. Will the child be able to do the same? I shiver thinking of the child sassy Annabelle and broodi
ng Kraven will produce.

  It also makes me think of Charlie and me and our future together, if there will be one.

  I’m still thinking about this as Oswald turns the corner at the end of the hallway. When he spots me, he goes to flee.

  “Stop in the name of Hugh Hefner,” I say.

  Oswald freezes, and then turns slowly around. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what the scroll said about Charlie.”

  Charlie gives me a look of warning as we approach the old dude. When I get an arm away from him, I reach out a hand. “You trained Charlie to do what she was meant to do, and you performed bravely on the battlefield. I’m honored to call you friend.”

  “We’re…we’re okay?”

  “Sure. We can swap wardrobes sometime. Maybe you could try out pants. Crazier things have happened.”

  Oswald smiles. It’s a horrible thing.

  And wonderful.

  Losing Max—and yeah, Valery, too—is still raw, but seeing Annabelle out of bed has lifted my spirits. I slap Oswald on the back and lead Charlie toward our room. Once I get her inside, I shut the door and pull her onto our bed. We haven’t slept a full night since the war started, but it’s early evening, and now seems as good a time as any to catch up on sleep. To get started on what time we have left before Big Guy sends word on what’s to happen to us.

  For the first time since the dawn of time, I don’t have business on the brain. I only want to hold Charlie, and to fall asleep with her safe in my arms.

  She inches backward until her back is pressed into my abs. I force my right wing out and wrap it around her. The yellow feathers are still present, and Charlie strokes them, sending goose bumps racing over my skin.

  Charlie and I have discussed the battle. We’ve discussed our friends and loss and the tragedy we’ve seen. And we’ve dissected her death and rebirth as a liberator. It feels good that those things are out of the way. Now we can be real again, boring.

  “Do you like cats?” Charlie asks.

  “What the hell did you just ask me?”

  “Cats. Do you like them? I’ve always thought it would be nice to have a pet. And since we’re a couple, and the war is over…”

  I try to control my breathing. “Charlie, if you want a pet, I can be that for you. Or we could get a dog. How’s that?” A shuffling sound comes from the bathroom, and Charlie giggles. “Charlie?” I ask, as my liberator girlfriend laughs harder. “What is that noise?”

  “It’s a kitten.”


  She jumps up, testing a smile, seeing how it feels after everything we’ve been through. “Jezza found it outside, and I said I’d—”

  “No. And who’s Jezza?”

  Charlie cocks her head. “She works at the Hive. Don’t you know everyone’s name by now?”

  “I call them The Humans.”

  “You need to learn their names.” Charlie gets up and walks toward the bathroom.

  “Don’t you do it, Charlie. Don’t you dare bring that blasted creature into this room.”

  Charlie squeals and runs back to the bed with something black and furry in her hands. I’m so disgusted I could retch. The creature climbs out of Charlie’s arms and into my lap because it knows I hate it. “Get it away from me! It’s sucking my soul out.”

  Charlie laughs so loudly that I feel a grin pulling at my mouth.

  “It’s probably got herpes, Charlie,” I say. “That stuff is contagious.”

  She pets the kitten’s back and the devil creature begins to purr. It kind of sounds like it’s angry, even though the petting has to feel pretty awesome. Anger during pleasure. Hmm. That’s all right, I guess. Charlie scratches under the kitten’s chin and says, “Thought we could name him Max.”

  I give her a look, because that’s a cheap shot in trying to get me to like him. And then, as if to earn his namesake, the kitten starts licking my hand. I grimace. “Looks like he’s got an oral fixation.”

  Charlie groans and leaves the room to get a glass of water, though I think in truth she’s trying to give me and the monster time to get to know each other.

  “Look, cat, you and I are never going to be friends. She’s going to call you Max, but I’m going to call you Shit Head. And if you think for one second—” The cat lies down in a tight little ball of nastiness and falls asleep. “Oh, please. Make yourself at home by sleeping on my scrotum.” I peek out into the sitting room area that connects to the four bedrooms, and then glance back at the kitten. Releasing a sigh of discontent, I pet Shit Head with one finger. He purrs extra hard, and I find myself wondering if I could train him to do things. Every hero needs a sidekick, and I’m nothing if not a Grade-A Hero.


  I’m asleep, the horrid kitten on my side of the bed, when Kraven comes and wakes me. I tell him not to wake Charlie or I’ll sic Shit Head on him.

  Kraven can’t stop smiling. Annabelle and his unborn baby are okay, and so everything makes sense again. “I have something to tell you.”

  “You’re attracted to me, I know. Everyone is. Don’t start second-guessing your sexuality. It’s just a Dante Walker thing.”

  “You and Charlie are to remain liberators for the foreseeable future. And you’re both to retain your souls as well.”

  I can’t breathe. I can’t speak. Damn cat probably stole my tongue. Does that really happen? Oh God, it probably does. I swallow hard and take a moment. “I don’t have to turn in my dargon?”

  Kraven shakes his head.

  “Because I’m amazing?”

  “What? No, he just said—”

  I jump out of bed, and the kitten meows this tiny meow. It’s damn cute. I hate him for being cute. “He said I’m supposed to lead the Hive and all the liberators?”

  “He didn’t say anything like that.”

  Charlie wakes up. “What’s going on?”

  I practically dive onto the bed and hug Charlie close. “Big Guy said we’re both staying here, and that I’ve been promoted so that Kraven is beneath me.”

  Charlie bolts upright and hugs me back. “It’ll be like Kraven is our child. We’ll have to raise him.”

  “I’m leaving,” Kraven says.

  Aspen and Blue appear in the doorway as he shoulders his way out.

  “What is everyone getting so excited about?” Aspen asks.

  “I’m staying here!” I yell. “I’m a legit liberator for good.”

  Aspen rolls her eyes. “Yeah, you were the only one who ever thought you wouldn’t be. Is that a cat?”

  “Aspen?” Charlie says. “Were you in Blue’s room just now?”

  Aspen turns three shades of red and grumbles something about needing a snack.

  I grab Shit Head and lift him above my head. “I absolve you of your disgustingness, cat! I’m not going to kick you out. You have a permanent place here.” I put the kitten down as Aspen and Blue return to whatever things they were doing that I will not think about. Then I move toward Charlie. I must have that look on my face, because she starts laughing and shaking her head.

  “It’s late.” She holds her hands up to stop me.

  “Don’t care.”

  “We’ll scar the kitten.”

  “He’s not looking.” I crawl over Charlie until she’s flat on her back and I’m hovering over her. I brush the back of my hand over her beautiful face, the one I first saw in Peachville. Charlie leans into my touch, and the features on her face morph from happiness into lust.

  “Forever,” she says, wrapping her arms around me.

  I press my mouth to her and whisper against her lips—



  It’s Easter, and Charlie has it in her head that we should do an egg hunt. I’d rather fling myself into the horrid ocean, but I’m a chump who will do anything to make her happy.

  She hoists her long yellow dress up, and I glimpse the gold cuff around her ankle. I also glimpse her calf, which is enough to turn me on. Don’t judge. Annabelle runs after Charlie and togethe
r they hide eggs in the grass outside the Hive. Every once in a while, the two turn and yell at Kraven, Blue, and I to stop looking.

  “How would we be able to find them then?” Blue is purposely trying to get on the girls’ nerves. I approve of his strategy.

  Charlie puts a hand on her hip and mockingly purses her lips. Aspen has been doing Charlie’s hair and forcing makeup and contacts onto her. With or without those things, she’s so extraordinarily sexy I could scream.

  Annabelle stumbles on a rock and almost face-plants on the ground. Kraven is soaring across the space in an instant. “I swear on all that is holy, Kraven.” Annabelle holds a finger up like she means business. “I’m pregnant, not paraplegic.”

  He assures himself she’s okay, and then strolls back toward us. We rag on him pretty hard. Blue especially, until Aspen walks into view.

  “Tell me they’re not hiding eggs,” Aspen says.

  Blue straightens, trying to appear taller. “Pretty dumb, huh?”

  She shrugs. “Actually, might be fun.”

  “Well, yeah. Dumb, but fun.”

  Kraven and I look at each other and roll our eyes. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain that the two dig each other. But for some unforeseen reason, they still have yet to admit it out loud. Not that it stops them from creeping into each other’s beds at night. I’ve seen both do the dash of shame across the sitting area that joins our rooms more times than I can count.

  Aspen looks at the sky. It’s a clear day with a subtle breeze rolling off the ocean. “Lincoln will be here soon. He’s bringing a couple of the jackrabbits with him. They can only stay for the weekend, but it should be cool.”

  I perk. “Wait, so the dudes are going to outnumber the girls? Sounds like we’ll finally get started on that man cave.”

  Ever since the liberators set up permanent placement inside the Hive, the humans—whose names I now know—have been busy fixing the place up. But there’s one room we’ve argued over for months. The girls want a new library, and the guys want a cave to do cave-like things in.

  “How are your studies going?” Kraven asks Aspen.


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