The Elves and I

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The Elves and I Page 6

by Catrina Calloway

  “Faster!” she begged.

  He slowed the pace even more. “No. You’ll enjoy it more this way.”

  “I want to come.” She sucked in a breath, her body on the brink of release. “Now, Eldan. Now.”

  “My little elfmate.” He sighed. “When are you going to surrender totally? To me?” He pushed into her again, the slick, wet tip of his penis rubbing against her swollen bud of flesh.

  Her body hummed, the crescendo of need rising up until she gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin.

  “Eldan!” She cried, her orgasm making her clit pulse.

  She came with such force that her eyes rolled back.

  “Eldan.” She repeated, her voice just above a whisper.

  Marni didn’t think she could string an entire, coherent thought together. Her body and mind were spent.

  Eldan lay beside her. She moved to his chest, her head pillowed against his heart.

  She could hear its beat.

  Lub dub...lub dub...lub dub.

  Kip slid next to her. He kissed her temple, his lips moving across her skin like the satin coverlet on the bed. Noel stretched out by her head. He stroked her hair, massaging her scalp.

  Eldan kissed her forehead. His lips stayed there while her body spooned against him.

  His heartbeat was like a lullaby, the soothing sound making her eyelids heavy.

  She gave in. To him.

  To all of them.

  Her surrender was complete.

  Chapter Eight

  For three days, Eldan, Kip and Noel loved her body.

  She could only leave the bed to munch cookies and sip hot chocolate, which they took turns feeding her.

  Once, she rose from the bed while they all slept, padding quietly into the bathroom. She shut the door and went about her business.

  At the sink, she splashed some water on her face.

  The bathroom door opened. She glanced in the mirror to see Eldan stroll in, his tall, naked form behind her. His big cock lay flaccid along his thigh, but the minute he touched her, it nudged her bottom.

  He pushed some of her hair aside, nipping her earlobe with his teeth.

  One of his hands strayed to her breast.

  She shut her eyes, shuddering with pleasure at his touch.

  “Open your eyes.” He commanded. “Watch us—in the mirror.”

  He dipped his index finger into her wet pussy then slid his middle finger in, too. He pushed in and out, eliciting a moan from her. She could see his actions reflected in the mirror, doubling her pleasure.

  Eldan turned her around, positioning her arms against the wall.

  “Stick your bottom out.” He patted her butt.

  She did what he asked, pushing her backside against him.

  Marni glanced over her shoulder and saw Eldan in the mirror. He bent his knees, easing his cock inside her.

  “Oh my...I-I.”

  “This is good for your G-spot.” He chuckled low in her ear.

  He knew just what to do to please her.

  He allowed her release then he came, his cock pulsing inside her.

  “Naughty girl.” He whispered.

  Her eyes widened. “Is this going on Santa’s list?”

  “No.” He smiled, his grin wicked. “On mine.”

  * * * *

  At the end of the three days and nights, Marni felt like a new person. She had the most urgent sensation to do something good—all the time.

  She showed up for work in the Toy Shop after her time alone with Kip, Noel and Eldan, eager to help the other elves.

  “I hear you’ve mated,” Celyn announced upon Marni’s arrival.

  Marni’s face grew hot.

  “There are no secrets here in Christmas Town.” Celyn smiled.

  Some of the other female elves giggled.

  Marni sighed. “I guess not.”

  “Have you decided?” Celyn swept up a doll’s hair into a fancy up-do.

  “Have I decided what?”

  Celyn lowered her voice. “Whether it’s Eldan, Kip or Noel?”

  Wait—she had to choose just one? How could she make up her mind? She couldn’t choose one over the other.

  “Is this more elf folklore?” Marni’s heart raced. “That I have to choose one elf over another? Why would you say something like that, Celyn?”

  Celyn drew her pointy little brows together. “So you understand how we do things. Ask any of the female elves. They’ll tell you.” She lifted her chin. “Elves choose only one mate. Ask Elise, if you don’t believe me.” Celyn glanced away, resuming her work. “Besides, you know that elves never lie.”

  Marni left the toyshop, tears filling her eyes.

  * * * *

  That evening, Marni watched the sunset. It glowed, a huge orange ball of fire in the wintry night sky. She sat in her favorite spot—the window seat of the solarium.

  Her heart plummeted with every inch the sun dipped below the horizon. Celyn’s voice rang in her ears.

  Have you decided?

  She’d rather leave Christmas Town than have to choose.

  The elves and I...

  She loved the sound of it.

  She loved them. Eldan, Kip and Noel.


  Eldan’s deep voice cut through her thoughts.

  “I’ve been looking all over for you.” He snapped his dark brows together. Lifting her chin in the palm of his hand, he wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb.

  She grasped his hand, holding it tight.

  “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”

  “Please don’t make me, choose, Eldan. Please.” Her voice wobbled.

  “Choose what?”

  “You, Kip or...Noel.”

  He took both her hands in his. He ran his thumbs across the back of them. “Who told you that you would have to make a choice?”


  He shook his head and squeezed her hands. “You belong to all of us, and we belong to you.”

  Her heart pounded so loud, she could swear someone in China heard it.

  “Celyn said that elves select only one mate, that it is part of elf lore, but I can’t, Eldan, I just can’t choose only one of you.”

  “When we spoke about you becoming ours—mine, Kip’s and Noel’s—Santa gave us his word that it would be so. And his word is law here in Christmas Town.” He grabbed her face between his hands and kissed her mouth. “On Christmas Day, when your ‘elfing time’ is officially over, Santa will make his pronouncement—that you belong to us. We tried to keep it a secret.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “We wanted to surprise you.”

  “Oh, Eldan!” She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

  “My little elf-mate.” He rested his forehead against hers. She played with the collar of his tunic, fingering the soft, chocolate brown velvet.

  “The next time you’re upset, just speak to one of us—to me, Kip or Eldan.” He gave her waist a little squeeze with his hands. “Otherwise, I may just have to paddle you again.”

  She raised a brow. “Oh, really?”

  “Actually, I’ll let Kip and Noel spank you this time. I’ll watch.” He grinned sardonically, waggling his brows.

  “Oh you!” She swatted his arm.

  He kissed her. Hard.

  “Now, I’ve got to get going before it snows again.”


  “The children’s hospital. Your toy production idea has worked so well that we were able to make more toys for the children. Kip, Noel and I are going to deliver them.”

  “Could I go with you?”

  “Are you sure you want to?”

  “I-I’d like to see that little boy again, the one with leukemia.”

  Eldan smiled. “He’s better, I’m told. Our last visit cheered him up.”

  “Will you wait for me?”

  “Santa’s sleigh doesn’t leave for another hour yet.”

  “I made some extra special toys for the chil

  He smiled. “Go get them. And dress warm. It’s getting cold outside.”

  She turned to leave, then ran back to Eldan. “I have to wrap them.” She glanced at her watch. “Will you promise to wait for me?”


  * * * *

  Kip and Noel helped Eldan to load the sleigh, placing toy after toy into Santa’s large, red sack nestled in the rear seat.

  “Did you find out what Marni was upset about?” Noel hefted a large box into the sack.

  “I was about to ask you that same question.” Kip chimed in.

  Eldan placed two more brightly wrapped packages in the back of the sleigh. It was filled to the brim with toys and treats.

  “Celyn told Marni she had to choose only one of us.”

  Noel’s auburn brows rose. “She didn’t!”

  “Celyn’s been doing a lot of naughty things lately.” Kip scowled.

  “She used to be such a nice little elf.” Eldan angled his head. “What’s she been up to?”

  “Yesterday, the lass took Santa’s sleigh for a joy-ride without asking him.”

  Kip’s frown deepened.

  “Someone’s got to take that girl in hand.”

  * * * *

  An hour later, Marni rushed out of her room carrying a bag filled with brightly wrapped boxes, the red, silver and gold foil paper gleaming in the light. For the first time in her life, she wanted to make someone else’s life a little brighter.

  A little cheerier.

  Anticipation grew when she realized she’d spend the entire day with Eldan, Kip, and Noel.

  Just the elves and I.

  She hummed along with a familiar Christmas carol, stopping when she smelled an acrid odor...


  A haze formed and swirled in the air, heading straight for her.


  She turned around to see Noel barreling toward her.

  “Come with me.” He tugged her hand. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  Smoke filled her nose. She coughed violently.

  Noel’s voice filled with despair.

  “The Toy Shop is on fire.”

  * * * *

  Outside, Marni watched Santa’s Toy Shop blaze, the wooden timbers crumbling from the intense flame.

  She wanted to collapse into a heap, too.

  All the elves’ hard work vanished in a puff of smoke.

  A brigade of elves lead by Aardel and Pepper Minstix splashed buckets of water onto the flames. They worked for over an hour, bringing the fire down to a smolder.

  The Toy Shop lay in ruins, a few plumes of smoke rising up in the air from the dying flames.

  “How could this happen?”

  Marni placed an arm around Elise’s shoulders. Deep wrinkles lined her face. Only a heavy heart could cause such distress on Elise’s smooth skin.

  “For hundreds of years, children all over the world received toys from me and now?” Santa shook his head, his voice sad. “It looks like there will be no Christmas.”

  Some of the elves cried. Others stood off to the side, shock evident in their eyes.

  “I-I can’t believe this.” Marni shook her head. “It isn’t fair.”

  She choked back tears, wishing her father still lived. If he did, she’d swallow her pride and get him here with his stock of toys.

  Noel placed an arm around her waist, kissing the top of her head. “Ah, lass. I’m just glad I found ya in the hallway by your room, and got ya out of there in time.”

  “I want to know what caused the fire.” Eldan’s hand clenched at his side.

  “Maybe it was this.”

  All eyes turned to Pepper Minstix. He held up a package of cigarettes and matches.

  A collective gasp went up from the crowd.

  Pepper walked over to Marni. “Aren’t these yours?”

  “I saw her.” Celyn pointed her index finger at Marni. “She was smoking near the Toy Shop.”

  “That’s n-not true.”

  “When you first came here, you offered me a cigarette.” Celyn lifted her pointy little nose in the air.

  All eyes settled on Marni. “I-I didn’t offer her a cigarette.” Marni’s lips trembled. She glanced at Celyn, but Celyn wouldn’t look at her. “I told you what a bad, nasty habit smoking was and that’s the truth!”

  “I think it’s best if we all go inside—into the great hall.” Santa’s voice rang out. “I’ll decide this matter there.”

  “Eldan, please. You’ve got to believe me.” Marni clutched his arm.

  “Did you smoke when you first arrived at Christmas Town?”

  “Yes, but—.”

  “And Celyn was in your room when you were smoking?” Kip shook his head.

  Marni’s heart sank. Her guts twisted inside. “Yes.”

  “She offered me vodka, too.” Celyn pointed at Marni. “She hides it in a flask in her bag.”

  “Did you do that, lass? Did you give Celyn vodka?” Noel asked her.

  Elves don’t lie.

  “Yes.” Her voice shook. “But I didn’t mean—”

  “What makes you think we can believe you when you say you didn’t offer Celyn a cigarette?” Eldan questioned her, his voice flat and devoid of emotion. “When you admit that you offered her liquor?”

  Then they all turned away...

  Looking anywhere except at her.

  Chapter Nine

  “Here ye! Here ye! Santa’s court is in session. All rise for the great jolly man himself.”

  An elf page rapped a long, golden staff on the floor next to Marni.

  Santa made his way to his throne, flanked by Eldan, Kip and Noel.

  Marni wanted cry, only she didn’t think she had any more tears left.

  “Celyn, do you hereby attest that your words are the absolute truth?”

  Celyn nodded, giving Marni a snide smile.

  “It’s not only me who saw her smoking.” Celyn nodded toward a group of female elves. “They all saw Marni smoking by the Toy Shop, too.”

  Marni lashed out at Celyn. “I quit smoking.” She lowered her head. “And drinking. I ditched all my bad habits.”

  “Ladies, do you confirm Celyn’s story?”

  Celyn elbowed one of the little female elves in the ribs. “Ow! Cut it out.” She rubbed her side.

  “Well?” Santa raised a bushy white brow. “I’m waiting.”

  Seconds went by. Quiet descended upon the great hall.

  Then the little female elves spoke at once.

  “We saw her smoking by the Toy Shop.”

  “Marni did it. She started that fire.” One of them pointed at her.

  “She was smoking cigarette after cigarette.” Another murmured.

  The look on Santa’s face bespoke of great sadness...and disappointment.

  “Marni.” He shook his head. “You’ve done a very naughty thing. I expected better from you. If we didn’t have so many witnesses, I wouldn’t believe a word of it.”

  Tears flowed down her face. She looked over at Elise, who quickly turned her head, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.

  Eldan, Kip, and Noel stood ramrod straight.

  There’d be no bending, no changing anyone’s mind.

  Damn them! Damn these fucking elves!

  Marni glanced at Celyn. A smug, satisfied look twisted her features.

  Her heart shriveled, she could feel a cold chill slice through her soul.

  “Marni, as much as it pains me to do so,” Santa continued. “I must banish you from Christmas Town.”

  “No!” She clapped a hand across her mouth. “Please...don’t, I—”

  Santa rose from his throne. He seemed tired and old—Eldan helped him to stand, his eyes locking with Marni’s.

  They were filled with sadness.

  “You are to leave. Now.”

  She bit back a sob.

  “Never to return.”

  * * * *

  Noel wandered the snow-crusted grounds outside
Christmas Town long after Marni departed.

  He wouldn’t come inside, even when Elise tempted him with cookies.

  His heart was broken. No cookie, no matter how sweet, could mend that.

  Only Marni could.

  Tears clogged his throat. They stung his eyes. It had been some time since he’d wanted to bawl like a child.

  Probably not since his parents died in a car crash.

  He felt a similar sense of loss now.

  Noel rounded a corner of Santa’s castle, stopping dead in his tracks. The smell of smoke drifted by his nose. He saw the glow of something red, thinking it was Rudolph’s bright, crimson nose. His eyes widened when he saw a cigarette butt go flying into the snow.

  “Celyn, what are you doing?”

  She turned around quickly, away from his prying eyes.

  “Lass, I asked you a question!”

  He approached her. “What’re ya doin’?” His brogue deepened.

  She didn’t answer.

  He grasped her shoulders between his hands and gave her a shake.

  She coughed and sputtered. Smoke left her mouth in a great puff.

  Kip rounded the bend and stopped.

  “Eldan’s looking for you, he...” He sniffed the air. “Is that smoke?”

  Noel gripped Celyn’s hand.

  “She’s been smoking!” His voice sliced through the wintry air.

  Celyn shivered. She tried to pull away, but he held her fast.

  “Let me go!” She continued to struggle within his hold.

  Kip narrowed his eyes. “Celyn, I want the truth. Did you cause that fire in the Toy Shop?”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Yes,” she whispered. “I did.”

  “But why?” He shook his head. “You’ve always been such a good girl, and now...smoking? Why, Celyn? Why draw all this bad attention to yourself?”

  “Because I love you!” She wailed. “And you wouldn’t pay any attention to me!”

  “Oh, Celyn.” He shook his head. “This is horrible.”

  “We have to tell Eldan,” Noel urged. “We have to tell Santa and Missus Claus.”

  “Oh no, noooooooooooooooo.” Celyn pulled on Noel’s hand.

  He growled low in his throat and tossed her over his shoulder. .“Lass, you’re not gettin’ away.”


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