Red Cell

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Red Cell Page 38

by Richard Marcinko

Burger, Captain, 147–49

  Bush, George, 89

  Business Week, 43

  C-130 (Hercules) aircraft, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306, 307, 312

  CALOW (Coastal and Limited-Objective Warfare), 47, 132

  cameras, 269

  camouflage gear, 97

  cannon fodder, 167, 195

  Capture the Flag, 84, 108

  Carley, Commander Norm, 77

  Carter, Jimmy, 89

  Casey, William, 82

  Centurions International, 94, 96, 254

  Chongjin harbor, North Korea, 191, 241–46

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 38, 84, 249, 297, 307

  CINCPACFLT (Commander-IN-Chief PACific FLeeT), 6, 181

  classified operations, 135

  Claymore mines, 118

  Clifford, Clark, 51

  CNO, 145, 147, 148, 150, 177, 187, 188, 293, 346–47

  CNWDI (Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information), 270

  COMINT and SIGINT (COMmunications and SIGnals INTelligence), 82

  Davis, Sir Aubrey Hanscome, 93–94

  Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, 297

  DDS (Dry Dock Shelter), 192, 196–99

  Delta Force, 47, 92

  Desert Storm, 293–94

  detail man, 69

  detonators, 36

  DEVGRP (Naval Special Warfare Development Group), 41

  Dewey, Alien (Duck Foot), 163, 169–70, 174, 177–78, 186

  intelligence recon at Century City, 255–75

  and operation in North Korea, 236–40

  role in assault on Akita Maru, 305–28, 332

  role in disposal of Wynken and Blynken, 278–80, 282

  role in interception of Tomahawk missiles, 330, 332

  on run from Feds, 287, 289–302

  and Tomahawk disappearance at Seal Beach, 210–12, 214–17

  DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), 5, 48

  DiCarlo, Ed (Nod), 166, 173–74, 177, 179, 342

  role in assault on Akita Maru, 304–24

  role in disposal of Wynken and Blynken, 289, 299

  Dyne, Admiral Mike, 181

  East Coast Underwater Demolition Teams, 68

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 89

  El Al, 26

  ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence), 82

  Enders, Cherry, 17, 164, 170, 174, 177–78, 186, 330, 342

  intelligence recon at Century City, 255–75

  and operation in North Korea, 235–45

  role in assault on Akita Maru, 304–24

  role in disposal of Wynken and Blynken, 281, 282

  on run from Feds, 286–302

  and Tomahawk disappearance at Seal Beach, 210, 211, 214–16, 219–20

  Fisher, David (Dagwood), 56–57, 64–67, 69–75, 111, 113–14, 118–19, 127

  FMR, 51

  Focas, 47–48, 132

  Ford, Gerald, 89

  Foreign Intelligence Service, 248

  Frogmen, 27, 64, 79, 111, 159

  Garment, Leonard, 51

  gazelles, 63

  Glock pistols, 21–22, 29, 31–32, 37, 110, 125, 236, 250, 272, 273, 333

  Gold, Melissa, 278–80, 297

  Griffith, Grant, 37–39, 43–44, 48, 51, 61, 78, 83, 84

  death of, 341–50

  as host of war games weekend, 89–91, 109, 118, 127–29

  lunch with Marcinko, 130–42

  Marcinko’s suspicions about, 168–70, 190, 218, 220, 231–33, 288

  missile-selling scam of, 292–94

  recommissions Marcinko for Red Cell command, 149–57

  Gritz, Lieutenant Colonel “Bo,” 92

  Grundle, Nasty Nick, 17, 41, 162–63, 170, 174, 176–80, 185, 194, 342

  and intelligence recon at Century City, 261–75

  and operation in North Korea, 236–44

  role in assault on Akita Maru, 304–24, 335

  role in disposal of Wynken and Blynken, 278–80, 282–83

  role in interception of Tomahawk missiles, 330–31, 335

  on run from Feds, 287–302

  and Tomahawk disappearance at Seal Beach, 210–11, 215–17, 220

  grunts, 63–64

  GSG-9, 86

  Haiti, 164

  HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) jump, 162, 192

  Haneda Airport, Tokyo, 28

  Hard Line (Perle), 226

  Harris, Half Pint, 165, 169, 173–74, 177

  intelligence recon at Century City, 256–75

  and operation in North Korea, 236–44

  role in assault on Akita Maru, 312–24

  role in disposal of Wynken and Blynken, 276–82

  role in interception of Tomahawk missiles, 330

  on run from Feds, 287–302

  and Tomahawk disappearance at Seal Beach, 206, 213, 214–17, 219

  HK-93 assault rifle, 202

  * Huck, Admiral, 183–84

  HUMINT (HUMan INTelligence), 199

  The Hustings, 87–89, 341–50

  IBS (Inflatable Boat, Small), 299, 313, 314

  IED (Improvised Explosive Device), 4, 8, 9, 11, 30

  Ikigami, Hideo, 231–33, 294, 329, 333–39, 344

  ISA (Intelligence Support Activity), 92

  Jacomo, Tommy, 130, 138

  James, Norman (Normal), 56–60, 64–66, 69–75, 113–14, 118–21, 125–27

  Japan, 294, 329–37

  terrorism in, 331

  Japanese Red Army, 8, 16

  Joe (waiter at Washington Palm), 138

  Johnson, Lyndon, 51, 89

  Jones-Hamilton, 37, 254, 257–75

  Jordan, Biker, 105, 252, 261, 278, 323

  Kernan, Colonel Irish, 199–200, 229, 291

  Keyhole satellites, 81–82

  Kirchner, Don and Uta, 85–86

  KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), 73, 119, 125, 226, 294, 298

  knife fighting, 326

  Koreans, 31

  Kunika, 329–30, 338–39

  Kuwait, 163–64

  * All entries preceded by an asterisk (*) are pseudonyms.

  Lacrosse satellites, 81, 82


  Lehman, John, 134

  Lewis, Captain Worthingham Washington, 175

  Libya, 82

  Little Red Book (Mao), 262

  Lyondale, Major Geoffrey, 94

  Lyons, Admiral James “Ace,” 6, 181

  M-1, 112

  Mao Ze-dong, 262

  Marcinko, Richard accused of being a traitor, 285–302 career of, 46–47, 133–34 education of, 133 imprisonment of, 7, 21, 47, 146–47 intelligence recon at Century City, 255–75 and North Korea mission, 191–93, 216–46 recommissioned for Red Cell command, 148–57 and Red Cell, 140–42 removal from command 20–21

  return from Japan, 338–50 and SEAL Team Two, 77 trial and sentencing, 7, 21 in Vietnam, 70, 73, 100–05, 263, 271, 285 on warriors, 97–98

  Matsuko Tool & Die, 35, 61, 99, 153, 231, 254, 329, 332, 333

  McCarthy, Colonel, 345, 349

  Mead, Piccolo (Pick), 165, 170, 173, 177, 186, 206, 342–43

  intelligence recon at Century City, 255–75

  and operation in North Korea, 236–44

  role in assault on Akita Maru, 305–24

  on run from Feds, 286–302

  and Tomahawk disappearance at Seal Beach, 212–13

  *Mercaldi, Tony, 38, 43–44, 48, 347

  Moosley, Admiral Teddy, 187

  *Morrison, Admiral Black Jack, 4–5, 7–8, 78, 132, 134, 226

  *Mushnik, Captain Hal, 41

  Narita Airport, Tokyo, 8–12, 293

  security system at, 25–27

  New York Times, 92

  night exercises, 64–66

  NIS (Naval Investigative Service), 6, 169, 170, 181, 189

  Nixon, Richard, 89

  *No-Load Nacklin, 114

  North, Oliver, 152

  North Korea, 36, 38, 48

  Marcinko’s mission in 191–93, 228–46

  sale of nuclear detonators t
o, 150, 251–52

  North Sea, 314

  North Vietnam, 92

  NRO (National Reconnaissance Office), 81–82

  *O’Bannion, Captain Tom, 4–7, 132

  OCS (Officer Candidate School), 63

  Okinaga, Toshiro, 13–24, 27–29, 35–40, 132, 189

  aids Red Cell in leaving Japan, 338–41

  on Matsuko connection, 31–34, 247–50

  welcome for Red Cell in Yokohama, 325, 329–37

  *Old Blue Eyes, 131

  OP-06, 6, 136

  OP-06 Delta, 140

  Operation Eagle Claw, 92

  Operation Just Cause, 77

  Operation Raw Deal, 164

  PACFLT (PACific FLeeT), 5

  Pacific Ocean, 314

  Pan Am 103, 26

  Perle, Richard, 226

  Petersburg, VA, Federal Correctional Institution, 7, 146–47

  PHIBLANT (AmPHIBious Forces, AtLANTic), 68

  Point Mugu Naval Air Station, 281–83

  *Prescott, Rear Admiral Pinckney, III, 67–69, 136–37, 139, 141

  briefs Marcinko on North Korea mission 187–96

  clearing name of, 341–50

  liaison with Miko Takahashi, 231

  *Prescott, Rear Admiral Pinckney, III, (cont.) Marcinko’s suspicions about, 168–70, 215, 218, 220, 229–30, 288

  NIS investigation of, 184

  recommissions Marcinko for Red Cell command, 148–57

  Presidente Porras (gunboat), 162

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 82

  Reagan, Ronald, 40, 82, 89

  realpolitik, 348

  Red Cell, 6, 15, 39, 158

  assault on Akita Maru, 303–28

  creation by Marcinko, 140–42

  interception of Tomahawks in Japan 329–37

  Marcinko recommissioned for command of, 150–57

  purpose of, 17

  return from Japan, 338–39

  Red Force/Blue Force, 84, 108

  *Regan, Mike, 100–05, 203–06, 250–51, 296, 303

  donates dive equipment to North Korea mission, 208–10, 213, 228 and Jones-Hamilton intelligence recon, 258–63, 275

  Risher, Clarence, 167

  Roger, Major Robert, 61–62

  Roger’s rules of warfare, 62, 112

  Rogue Manor, 55

  Rosenberg, Admiral Howard, 190–92

  Ross, Captain Ken, 229–30, 239–40, 245–46

  safe houses, 84

  San Diego Union, 164

  sanitary weapons, 201–05

  SAS (Special Air Service), 106

  SAVAK, 105

  SBS (Special Boat Squadron), 93

  SCF (Satellite Control Facility), 81

  Schivione, Francis Albert (Crabcakes), 56–60, 64–65, 69–76, 110, 112–14

  Schwarzkopf, Gen. Norman, 293

  SCIFs (Special Classified Intelligence Facilities), 180

  SDV (Swimmer Delivery Vehicle), 192, 197–99, 237–44

  Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, 196, 210–20, 224–25, 251

  SEALs, 79, 133, 159, 258 basic training, 54

  as cannon fodder, 167, 195

  leadership of, 17

  security clearance, 41

  and integrity of, 21, 53, 98, 203, 323–24

  SEAL Team Six, 5, 47, 82, 92, 159, 295

  combined training exercises in Europe, 86

  discipline of, 166

  training of, 33–34, 54

  training with Royal Marines, 93

  SEAL Team Two, 46–47, 159

  SECDEF (SECretary of DEFense), 40

  security clearance, 41

  SERE school, 120

  1763 Inn, 85, 127

  shredding paper vs. shredding people, 152

  Simunition, 108

  60 Minutes (TV show), 130, 303

  SLUDJ (Sensitive Legal [Upper Deck] Jurisdiction), 180–81, 183, 188–89

  small-unit tactics, 61–62

  Soldier of Fortune, 51

  Soviet Union breakup, 194

  special operations, 331–32

  SpecWar Genesis, 70

  SpecWar (Special Warfare), 41, 68, 124, 159 rules of, 77–78, 251

  Sphincter, Commander Blivet Jr., 37

  SPP-1 pistol, 202

  spy satellites, 81–82

  Stallone, Salvatore “Sally Stallion,” 105–06, 277, 319–20

  stovepipe commands, 10

  stowage, 302

  Strauss, Robert, 51

  submarines, 47, 132–33

  Sweat Hogs, 5

  Swissair, 26

  Tailhook scandal, 165

  Takahashi, Miko, 184, 231

  Tango Romeo Alpha Papa, 140

  tankers, 309, 332

  Tanto, Manny, 106–07, 109–10, 116, 118, 119, 121–28, 132, 168, 277, 280

  death of, 324–28

  and Tomahawk disappearance from Seal Beach, 261

  in Vietnam, 99–105

  TECHINT, 239

  Teheran hostage rescue, 83, 92

  terrorism, 331

  Thompson, Charlie, 130, 303–04

  Tobias, Captain, 147–49

  Tokyo, 12, 19

  Tomahawk missiles, 217–18, 251, 288

  transponders, 292

  Tremblay, Doc, 201–03, 228, 262

  TWA 847, 26

  UDT/SEAL Museum, 245

  UGS (Unmanned Ground Sensors), 20–21

  unconventional warfare, 74, 155

  underwater lock-out/lock-in, 203

  United States covert operations in, 348

  terrorism in, 331

  unit integrity, 21, 53–54, 98, 203, 323–24

  UNODIR (UNless Otherwise DIRected), 156, 169

  U.S. Army, 92

  U.S. Congress, 151

  U.S. Navy, 39, 46, 47–48, 132–33

  bureaucracy in, 206–07 class consciousness of 234

  way of conferring command, 295

  *USS Humpback (nuclear submarine), 228, 244

  VELA satellites, 81

  Vietcong, 100–04, 271

  Vietnam, 70, 73, 92, 100–05, 263, 271, 285

  Vietnam War, 155–56

  Vint Hill Station, 80–83

  VIP protection, 42

  Vistica, Greg, 164

  Waco, Texas, 331

  Walker, Weasel, 106, 273

  Wallace, Mike, 303–04

  war games rules of, 84

  training for, 54–78

  warriors, 97–98, 162

  Washington Navy Yard 154, 157, 169–75

  Washington Palm Restaurant, 130–38

  Watkins, Admiral James, 43

  Webb, James, 149

  Wegener, General Ricky, 86

  Wilson, Edwin, 84

  Wonder, Stevie, 78–80, 83, 110, 117, 119, 126–27

  aids Red Cell in assault on Akita Maru, 304, 325, 339

  ids Red Cell in AWOL flight from Feds, 287–92, 299

  Wynken (Dale), 166, 173–74, 177, 179

  death of, 273, 274

  disposal of remains of, 276–94

  and Tomahawk disappearance at Seal Beach, 216

  Yoshioka (Yoshi), 23, 329, 333, 340

  Zulu-5-Oscar (Z/5/O) exercises, 27, 241

  Pocket Books Proudly Announces


  Richard Marcinko


  John Weisman

  Coming in Hardcover from Pocket Books mid-March 1995

  The following is a preview of Rogue Warrior III: Green Team …

  The first two floors were easy—no one in sight, no booby traps, and no cats, rats, bats, goats, sheep, or other miscellaneous animals to make our presence known. I crept up the dusty concrete stairs one by one, my black knee-length Pakistani ‘Pasha’ tunic covering the carbon-colored suppressed Glock 19 in its ballistic nylon thigh holster. The rest of my outfit was also basic black—from the thong sandals, to the Maharishi-style trousers, to the Titanium-framed Emerson CQC6 combat folder clipped to my waistband next to the Motorola beeper, to the lead-and-l
eather sap secured by a thick black Ace bandage to the inside of my right wrist.

  My beard was full—reaching almost halfway down my chest. My mustache drooped Fu Manchu-like way below my upper lip. My shoulder-length hair, restrained by a thick black cotton band, was wild and crazee. If anybody ever looked the part of Islamic fundamentalist rogue warrior—the kind of maniacal Mujaheddin you used to see on the TV news shows when they sent camera crews into Afghanistan—it was me. Which is precisely why I’d volunteered as point man on this little jaunt, prowling and growling up the unlit stairwell of a Cairo slum at 0-dark hundred to catch my quarry napping on his bedroll.

  I wasn’t alone, of course. You do not meander into Islamic Cairo, home to some of the meanest Muslim fundamentalist sons of bitches in the world, without some fundamentally mean sons of bitches of your own to backstop your ass. That’s why, half a yard behind me, Senior Chief Nasty Nicky Grundle, his suppressed Heckler & Koch MP5SD submachine gun at the ready, rested a huge paw on my shoulder. A yard behind him, Master Chief Boatswain’s Mate Howie Kaluha’s well-muscled Hawaiian back (not to mention his well-maintained Kraut submachine gun) brought up the rear.

  A few streets away, cruising in the limo—it was actually a baby blue Peugeot 504 station wagon, but in Cairo, as the saying goes, almost anything that runs can be considered a limo—Doc Tremblay, handlebar mustachioed master chief corpsman and super sniper, waited, a Manurhin PPK/s loaded with seven rounds of .380 MagSafe frangible man stoppers tucked in his waistband and a disposable syringe filled with 200 milligrams of Dr. Nostradamus’s best Ketamine Love Potion Number 9 in his hand. Behind the Peugeot’s wheel sat Grandma Noel’s favorite Peck’s bad boy, MM1 Stevie Wonder, on indefinite leave from his classified job at the Washington Navy Yard. Wonder’s carrot-colored hair was covered by a dark knit fellahin cap, and his tight frame was hidden by a shapeless gallebiyah. He was, however, wearing his trademark wraparound shooting glasses with lenses in the color named especially for him—bastard amber.

  Wedged under Wonder’s right thigh was a 9-mm hush-puppy—a suppressed Smith & Wesson semi-automatic—loaded with Doc Tremblay’s best handloaded, subsonic hollowpoint. To his nightshirt-like garment was pinned a throwaway receiving device about the size of a pack of gum. When I pressed a chiclet-size button in my pocket, his gizmo would vibrate for thirty seconds. The tickle would tell him he had one minute to get his Mick ass in gear and pick me and the rest of the team up.

  There’s more: While Nasty, Howie, and I crept up the stairs, Chief Gunner’s Mate (Guns) Duck Foot Dewey and Commander Tommy Tanaka were making their way up along a precarious path of irregular stonework, spindly balconies, laundry lines, and drainpipes that ran alongside the target’s third-story dormer windows. I knew it would take every bit of their mountain-climbing expertise to clamber up thirty-five feet of brittle brick without snapping anything off and raising a ruckus.

  I know, I know—you’re asking what the fuck? What the hell’s going on? What’s Dickie doing back in the Third World when he should be home at Rogue Manor, just climbing out of the Jacuzzi clutching a tall, frosted glass of Bombay on the rocks in one hand, and something warm, wonderful, and remarkably full-breasted in the other.


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