Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection

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Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection Page 78

by Hawkins, Jessica

  Holding it up, I lightly trace the corner across her full bottom lip. She pulls her head back. “It smells like it’s fermented.”

  “Will you nurse me if I get sick?” I pop it in my mouth, imagining her in a sexy nurse outfit. It makes my dick twitch. “Tastes okay.”

  “I wouldn’t eat too much of it.”

  Stepping to the fridge again, I find a smaller container of strawberries and take it out. “How about this?” I hold a slice of strawberry to her lips. “Don’t you like strawberries?”

  “Yes and no—the seeds get stuck in my teeth.”

  Parting my lips, I watch as her mouth opens slightly. Her pink tongue slips out and tastes the fruit before she pulls it between her white teeth.

  I have a full-on semi at the sight, and I put the other half in my mouth. “It’s juicy and sweet, just like you.”

  “Remi…” Her voice is a warning, but my hands go to her thighs.

  I slide them higher as I lean closer, possession running hot in my veins. “I don’t like you talking to Henry Pak. I don’t want you going to his condo when he’s moved in. I don’t want him calling you.”

  Her eyebrows rise, and her hands grip my wrists, stopping my progress. I’m ready to devour her like that fruit, and I’m pretty sure she sees it in my eyes.

  “That’s not your business.” Her voice is low, thick, and her breath is a little faster.

  “I can make it my business.”

  “How?” Her brow quirks, but her grip on my wrists loosens.

  “I don’t want Lillie around him.”

  “Henry’s polite, he’s a doctor, he’s Korean…” Her lips twist into a cute frown. “He’s just the type of guy my mother would love.”

  “Now I really don’t like him.” That makes her laugh. “Besides, you don’t like polite men. I can tell.”

  Her eyes narrow. “How can you tell?”

  “I watch and learn. Figuring out what you like has become my favorite pastime.” My hands start to move again, but she catches my wrists.

  Her chin lifts, and when our eyes meet, it’s electric, like always. “What are you saying?”

  I’m not sure exactly. “You’re important to me… I care about what you’re doing. It matters in a way I didn’t expect.”

  “I really need to find my own place.”

  Those words are a slice to my stomach. “I don’t want you to move out.” Leaning forward, our breath mingles. “Then I wouldn’t be able to kiss you whenever I want.”

  “Not here. Someone might see us.” It’s a heavy whisper, but she leans closer, meeting my mouth.

  Her lips part, and our tongues entwine. She’s sweet like the strawberries and a little salty, which I guess is from me. Her small hands cup my jaw, sliding her thumbs lightly along my cheeks. Our mouths move faster, and I pull her closer so her core is against my waist, hitting the top of my cock. Fuck me it feels so good.

  “You taste so sweet.” My lips travel to her cheek, higher to her ear, and she exhales a soft moan. “You smell so good.” I inhale the flowery scent of her hair.

  “Remi,” she speaks my name on a breath, and I move my hand to the top of her thigh, higher into her shorts, sliding my thumb along the damp center of her panties.

  She moans, and I close my mouth over hers again, kissing and chasing her tongue. I loop my fingers inside the thin lace until they’re slipping inside her pussy.

  Another soft noise, and her hips begin to rock in time with my fingers sliding up and down her wet folds, touching her gently, then more insistently, massaging that little spot as she whimpers and sucks on my lips.

  All at once, she stops and moves away. “We can’t do this.”

  She catches my hand, taking it out of her pants and hopping off the bar. Her back is to me, and I watch as she brings her hands to her cheeks, her shoulders rising and falling with her rapid breaths.

  I rake my hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Forgive me.”

  Pain is in my chest, and the last thing I want is to drive her away. I’ve dreamt of her moans, how she says my name when she comes, since I buried my face between her thighs. She’s like a drug to me now, and I want to hear those sounds again and again. I want her to want me as much as I want her. I can’t stand the thought of someone else having her, touching her that way.

  “You don’t have to apologize. I like it. Too much.” It’s what I want to hear, but she doesn’t turn to me.

  I want to pull her into my arms and hold her close, taste those sweet lips again. I want to ask her if she’s decided about New York… but I decide maybe I’d better not go there with the scent of her still all over my fingers.

  “I’d better go to bed now.”

  With that, she leaves me standing in the kitchen with a tent in my pants.



  “So? Are you going to New York with Remi?” Drew sits on her feet on my mom’s couch.

  Her bridal shower is small, but it’s what she wanted—just our closest friends, Dotty Magee, and a few girls from Drew’s church group. They’re in the kitchen helping Ma with the platters of cake and cookies. I’m on the couch, surrounded by torn wrapping paper, sexy lingerie, photo albums and frames, with the book listing who gave what on my lap.

  “Shush!” I hold my hand in front of her lips. “If Ma hears you, she’ll put me in a convent.”

  “Too late for that.” Drew leans back, beaming. “Well? What did you tell him?”

  My lips press into a frown. “I haven’t told him anything yet.”

  I think about our hot make-out session in the kitchen, his fingers in my panties nearly making me come. It makes me hot all over, and I clear my throat.

  Again, I’d spent the last two days doing my best to stay out of sight. It didn’t matter. He would find me, and every time we’d look at each other, it was blazing hot. Any time our hands would brush, whether I was handing him a plate or taking care of his daughter, it was sparks of lightning.

  His possessiveness, the way he talks about Henry… I hate admitting it, but I love it.

  Drew’s watching me with a knowing light in her eyes. “I take it karaoke night didn’t move you back to the friend zone?”

  “God, no. That was a total backfire.” I put the book on the coffee table and start packing Drew’s gifts in their boxes.

  It’s all I can do to keep my mind from flying to his tongue inside me after that night of singing. Jesus. My thighs squeeze at the memory.

  “Well, I don’t blame you.” Drew helps me clean up the mess. “His voice is like chocolate ribbons of pure sex. And with those eyes and that dimple…”

  She sighs, and I straighten, putting my hands on my hips. “Aren’t you supposed to be in love with someone else?”

  “For you! I’m appreciating him for you.” She laughs. “I’m so happy you’ve finally found someone. I swear, I thought you might end up with Ralph after all.”

  “Good god, Andrea! Don’t even say those words.” That makes her laugh more.

  “Is living with him your only reason for not diving headfirst into this love fest? Because I’ll help you find an apartment. Heck, with the money you’re making, you could buy one of those new condos in Eagleton Manor.”

  “Remi would just love that.” My sarcastic tone makes her frown, so I explain. “Remember Henry Pak?”

  “Oh…” She makes a sympathetic face. “He has those ears.”

  “Yeah, well, I saw him at the park again, and he said he just bought a condo in Eagleton Manor.”

  “That’s cool. He seems like he’d make a great neighbor. If you had an emergency, he’d be right over.”

  “Remi pretty much forbade me from speaking to him. He says he doesn’t want Lillie around him either.”

  Drew’s jaw drops. “What happened?”

  “I went out with him. Twice. Apparently, that’s enough to make poor Henry a leper.”

  My bestie squeals. “That does it. I’m going to find you a place
of your own. I can’t stand you two being apart one more day! And you’re going with him to New York. Don’t make me call and tell him myself.”

  My stomach is tingly and hot, and I know I’m going to do it. “I have to buy a formal dress.”

  “You can totally afford a formal dress. I’ll help you pick it out.” I think about my check that appeared on my dresser again while I was out with Lillie.

  “It’s such a great job, but I still don’t know how I can take money from him and go out with him.”

  “You take care of his daughter, right?” Drew adopts a very scientific tone. “You’re providing a service anyone else would get paid for. Why shouldn’t you?”

  Chewing on my lip, I do my best to see it her way. “I guess you’re right. I don’t know why it makes me feel so icky.”

  “If he doesn’t have a problem with it, neither should you. Of course, once you’re married, it’ll all be common property.”

  “And now you’ve soared off into crazy town.” She’s still laughing as our friends return to the room, chatting with my mom. “Let’s just take this one step at a time.”

  Pastor Hibbert’s sermon is about the appearance of evil. He reads the text from the Bible, and I feel four sets of eyes boring into the back of my head.

  How did I let the jealous bitches get to me?

  One glance to my left answers that question.

  After dropping Lillie off at Sunday school, Ma was tied up helping her ladies’ group organize another Senior outreach. Drew texted me that she was tired and wouldn’t be at church this morning. That left me with only one option—sitting with Remi and Eleanor.

  I suppose I could have sat by myself, but my goal had been to sneak in on the other side of Eleanor so the monster-in-law would be between Remi and me. But when Remi saw me slipping in the end of the pew, he maneuvered everything so I was at his side.

  I won’t lie, I love having him beside me, holding the hymnal for us, making sure I have everything I need. I love feeling the warmth of his body now that we’re sitting beside each other. I’ve always been attracted to men like Remi, experienced, controlled, demanding—which I’m sure is more of my childhood coming out.

  Still, after song service, when we’re instructed to greet the Body of Christ around us, the minute I turn, Serena North turns her back on me, as does Anita Flagstaff and her steely-haired old crone of a mother.

  It’s one thing for those bitches to act like they don’t know me when we pass in the halls at preschool, but honestly, we’re in church. I feel like saying out loud, “You’re even acting this way in God’s house?”

  But I don’t want to give Eleanor any more ammunition, and Ma would probably say I’m acting out. I’m not entirely sure Drew would back me up on calling people out after song service. She probably would, but I guess I have more self-control than that.

  The only “Christian” in the group who enthusiastically shook my hand was Dr. Phillip North, that skeevy old creeper. I’m pretty sure I heard Remi growling under his breath.

  Now we’re being regaled about how we should guard our appearance against accusations of impropriety. I’m ready to walk out. Instead, I think about what Drew said. I’m providing a service that anyone else would expect to be paid for. I signed a contract, for goodness sake. There’s no reason I should feel awkward about going out with Remi.

  It helps Drew and I spent yesterday afternoon researching rentals in and around Oakville. We found a sweet little house in the newer part of Oakville Estates, actually within walking distance of Eagleton Heights. It’s just a small, one-bedroom home with one and a half bathrooms. Still, the rent is totally affordable, even without the crazy salary Remi is paying me, and it’s available now.

  A little digging revealed Dagwood’s aunt Marsha owns the house, and she’s super sweet. She said she’d take a deposit to hold it, and I could move in as soon as I’m ready. The water, utilities, everything is on. It’s just waiting for me.

  That just leaves me to figure out how to tell my boss.

  Pastor Hibbert tells us all to bow our heads for prayer, and Remi reaches over to hold my hand. We don’t lace fingers, but still… it’s a public display of affection. A knot is in my throat, and I can’t help wondering if Eleanor sees. The last thing I want to do is pull my hand away, and when I steal a glance, it’s like a shot straight to my core when I meet Remi’s eyes.

  He smiles, that dimple peeks out, and my heart is off to the races. I smile back, and he gives my hand a squeeze before letting it go with the Amen.

  We’re back at the house, lunch finished, and Eleanor and Lillie are down for naps when I make my way to his office on the second floor. It’s empty when I tap on his open door, but when I see his shadow on the balcony, I go to where he’s standing looking at the lake.

  “Knock knock.” I pretend to tap on the French doors. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

  He’s still in his slacks from earlier, but his coat is gone. I see his tie is gone as well when he turns his back to the lake. He crosses his arms in that white button-down and gives me his irresistible, dimpled grin.

  Panties officially ignited.

  “You never disturb me.” His sleeves are rolled up, so I can see the lines on his forearms. He’s just too delicious for words. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Everyone’s napping, so I figured it’s a good time to talk.”

  “I’m not sure if I like the sound of that or not.” His smile fades a notch, but he still has me captured in his gaze.

  Blinking away, I go to stand beside him on the balcony, facing the lake. “I think I’m overdue to give you an answer about New York.”

  “Ah, yes.” He turns to face the lake beside me, placing his hands on the iron railing. “Have you made a decision?”

  My thoughts are a cyclone in my head. I have my concerns, aided by what my mother would say, the preschool bitches, and even Pastor Hibbert this morning in church, battling against Drew’s encouragement.

  Ringing over it all like a bell is this longing in my heart to know Remi better. I can’t pass up what could be a life-changing chance with a man who might turn into someone very special. It’s the one thing Drew said that cut through the noise.

  “I’ve thought about it, and I decided yes. I’ll go with you.”

  His shoulders drop as if he were holding his breath, and his smile kicks up to a hundred watts. It sends a kaleidoscope of butterflies swirling madly through my insides, and I have to grab the reins before I forget the rest of what I need to say.

  “On one condition.”

  His smile doesn’t dim, but his brow furrows, and damn him for looking so damn good. “What might that be?”

  “I’m not staying with you in the penthouse suite. I’ll only go if I have my own room…”

  “Done.” He cuts me off before I’ve finished.

  “On a separate floor. I can make my own reservation and pay for it—”

  “I already said you’re not paying for your room. This is a business trip you wouldn’t be taking if I didn’t need you there with me.”

  “I still don’t think you really need me. You never have.” My mind travels to Eleanor’s words on my very first day in this house.

  Stepping closer, he puts his hands on my arms, and I can barely hold his gaze, it’s so full of emotion. “You have no idea how much you’re needed.”

  His voice is low and close, and I feel the tension radiating in my spine, the push-pull between what I want so badly and what I feel I have to do, at least for now, to maintain my reputation. Thank God Drew helped me find that house.

  “Just so you understand, we’re traveling as friends.”

  “Whatever makes you comfortable.” He leans down and kisses my cheek, and goosebumps fly down my arms. “Thank you for going with me.”

  I’m pretty sure everything’s about to change.



  I watch as my daughter hugs Ruby like her life depends on it.

; On the one hand, it makes me sad—not because she didn’t get as upset about me leaving—but she was a newborn when her mother died. I wonder if she still feels a sense of loss or abandonment.

  “Who’s going to make me penny cakes?” Lillie’s hazel eyes are round and full of tears. She blinks and a drop hits her cheek.

  Ruby pushes a golden curl behind her little ear and wipes the tear with her thumb. “It’s only two days, Lil. I’ll be back on Thursday, and I’ll make you penny cakes for lunch.”

  My daughter nods slowly, pitifully. “I guess.”

  “Hey, I know.” Ruby’s voice takes on an excited tone. “Which monster did you meet this week? Last week was white monster number three, right? Tres?”

  Lillie’s voice is pouty. “Yellow monster number three.”

  “That’s right!” Ruby is working hard to keep the enthusiasm alive. “And who is it this week?”

  Lilly shrugs, but Ruby holds her middle, giving her a tug. “Come on, I know we were busy packing and getting ready last night, but tell me his name.”

  Hazel eyes are fixed on Ruby’s collar. Her rosebud lips quirk, and she tries not to smile. Ruby gives her another little squeeze, and she relents. “Purple monster number four.”

  “Purple?” Ruby’s eyes go wide, and I’m kind of loving everything that’s happening right now. “Do you know purple is my favorite color? I can’t wait to hear all about purple monster number four. I wonder what his Spanish name might be.”


  “Cuatro… I like that name. Do you?”

  Lillie shrugs and puts her arms around Ruby’s neck again. “I miss you now.”

  Ruby holds her close, kissing her cheek. “I miss you too, butter bean. We’ll do something special when I get back, just you and me.”

  “Good heavens, it’s not like she’s joining the Foreign Legion.” Eleanor appears in the grand foyer, hands on her hips. “Lillian, come with me. We have to go to school now.”

  Ruby gives my daughter one last squeeze, and they both make grunting noises. After that, she takes her grandmother’s hand and follows her out to the waiting Crown Vic.


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