Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection

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Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection Page 95

by Hawkins, Jessica

  As if there was another option.

  The itch to comb through his shaggy hair tickles my fingertips. Would he lean into my embrace if I cupped his jaw? The tiniest bit of resolve stops me from acting on those impulses. But it doesn’t stop my brain from working overtime.

  I wonder if anyone else has seen this side of him. The romantic in me wants to believe I’m the first, and hopefully only. I shove the fanciful notion aside. “Well, you sure seem to be in a great mood.”

  That luscious bottom lip gets trapped between his teeth. I’d love to take a bite. As if hearing my thoughts, Grady rolls toward me. “Abso-fucking-lutely. Why wouldn’t I be? I have a gorgeous woman within reach, ready to take care of my aches and pains.”

  This time I really do choke on my tongue. “W-what?”

  The hand he has on my leg drifts higher. “You sound shocked, Sutt.”

  How could I not be? “That’s an understatement.”

  “Stay with me,” Grady croons.

  “For the night?”

  “For always.” His gaze is smoldering. Damn, he’s sexy. And irresistible. I’m liable to straddle his lap and offer him everything. But the chains of our past hold me hostage. I can’t fall victim so easily.

  “Why now, Gray?” Whatever painkillers he’s on are proving to be an effective truth serum. I might as well use it to my advantage.

  His blink is slow. “I miss the peace, Sutt. My slice of goodness.”

  The low tide of his voice whispers to my weakest spots. Those areas that have longed for the treasure of his affection. He’s here, in this space, threatening to spoil me with tenderness. It would be so easy to give in and believe this could be true. He’s offering the dream.

  I want to rediscover hope and delve into endless possibilities. But what happens tomorrow?

  Grady must feel my apprehension. Or maybe he wants to ensure my surrender. “Tell me a happy something, Sutton.”

  I can’t stop the whimper that rips from my throat. It’s been years—almost a decade—since he’s asked. Tears sting my eyes as I’m transported back to a different time. Grady’s thumb catches a stray droplet. It somehow feels like he’s capturing far more.

  A soft grin curls my lips. “I thought we were past that?”

  His head jerks with a sharp denial. “I was lying.”

  I drag in a shaky breath. “That’s not very comforting.”

  “Tell me, Sutt.” He gives my leg a slight pinch.

  I tip my face to the ceiling, picturing the warm sun beaming down. “Sitting under a large oak on the hottest summer days.”

  Grady groans, and I imagine he’s picturing it with me. “I’m gonna build you a swing in the backyard.” That’s my breaking point. I turn away before a sob breaks free. He reaches for my hand, threading our fingers together. “Please don’t go, Sutt.”

  I glance at him from over my shoulder. “What happens next, Gray?”

  “We’ll figure it out. Trust me.” There’s still an unusual shine to his gaze. Will he truly remember this conversation? Maybe it’d be better for both of us if he doesn’t. Now I’m the liar.

  I stare at him silently, so much traveling between us without another word. This moment is blistering with intimacy. I fear it will pop and everything will return to our strained normal. I can’t let that happen. But Grady beats me to it.

  “C’mere, beautiful. Be my girl.” He lifts his arm and offers me access to that heavenly nook.

  I want to weep at the possibility. Do I dare? It’ll ruin me if he wakes up tomorrow with regrets. But I always choose to live in the moment. Following my intuition has never steered me wrong. That pesky voice has been rooting for Grady since I was seven. Why would I start refusing now?

  Easy—I don’t.

  When Grady beckons to me again, I don’t hesitate. Lowering myself into that divine gap fit for me is a decision I’ve always wanted to make.



  Happy something #17: The comfort of knowing dreams aren’t always nightmares.

  I pry my eyelids open with a muffled groan. The room is bathed in darkness, further altering my sense of clarity. Bright light sneaks through the shaded window. That’s the only clue I get. Probably doesn’t help that my brain is sluggish, the gears dipped in sticky tar.

  Taking stock of my situation requires more effort than usual. There’s a bone-dry desert in my throat. Sweat dots my forehead. My shirt is drenched and plastered to me. The air is musty, but hints of strawberry and coconut linger. Damn, she smells better than a fantasy. At least there’s one advantage to this shit-storm.

  I glance down and catch the massive tent propping up my blanket. Morning wood strikes again. But this is stronger than the typical erection I wake up with. The desire coursing through me is laced with feverish need. Reckless lust pools in my blood, traveling south at dizzying speed.

  I reach down to palm my cock and white-hot agony lashes up my arm. Shit, that’s one way to receive a reminder. I glare at the offending wound. Any sign of injury is concealed by several layers of gauze. But I’m well aware of the damage thanks to the sizzling embers still crackling off my skin. I’d usually forego heavy-hitting medications, but this pain is quickly escalating into unbearable territory.

  My forearm is blazing. My dick begs for relief. Everything fucking hurts. Except for the delicate weight plastered to my right side.


  Her slim body clings to mine, as if she’s keeping me glued in one piece. A humorless laugh bounces off my chest. I don’t fucking cuddle. Being touched has never been my favorite. There are countless other reasons. None of them matter. Sutton’s hands on me are the purest form of pleasure. This woman can snuggle against me all she wants. I’ll never utter a complaint. Closing my eyes and soaking in the warmth is tempting as fuck.

  My body is demanding too many damn things at once.

  A glass of water and something for the torture to my limb are a great place to start. I attempt to inch out from under Sutton’s embrace. She whines and nuzzles into the groove of my throat. I’m not going anywhere without her knowing. Not that it was really a choice with the pathetic state I’m in.

  I feel the moment Sutton rouses. She stiffens against me, as if immediately realizing our position is more of a predicament. My cock twitches, giddy that she’s alert and ready to play. I almost snort.

  Nice try, buddy.

  There’s no disguising my physical response to having her beside me. If she hasn’t noticed yet, it’ll only be a matter of moments. Sutton will assume all I want is sex. She’ll scramble away before I can utter a proper greeting. Not that I’d blame her. I’m rotten. She’s pristine. Decent intentions aside, this won’t end well between us. We can never last long term. But I’m not going to puss out and try erasing my confessions.

  Before I can gather some semblance of an explanation, Sutton lifts her head to face me. Her baby blues are already shining with hurt. Dammit.

  I tuck some hair behind her ear. “Morning, beautiful.”

  She relaxes with my words. The flicker of sorrow disappears faster than she can blink, returning her gaze to a vibrant shade. “Hey, Gray.”

  Sutton’s shirt is wrinkled. Creases crisscross up her cheek. Her glossy hair is knotted at the ends. She’s never looked more stunning, or appetizing if I allow myself to be honest.

  Contrary to what most would believe, I didn’t invite her to stay so we could fuck from dawn until dusk. Of course I want to be buried balls deep between her silky thighs. Any man with a pulse would bust a nut at the opportunity. But Sutton means far more to me than that. I’ll eventually admit that to her. Maybe. For now, I need to dig us out of the tense silence.

  I scratch my temple. “How’d you sleep?”

  She nibbles on her bottom lip. “Really well. How about you?”

  “Hard as stone.” I smirk at the double meaning.

  Sutton follows my line of sight straight down, to the bulge beneath the covers and into the gutter. Her eyes snap
up to mine. I chuckle as splotches of red stain her smooth skin. She shoves my shoulder.

  “Not cool, Gray. You’re pervy in the morning.”

  I wince as jarring needles stab into my arm.

  She slaps a palm over her mouth. Her eyes flare wide open. “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m fine.” I grunt, attempting to shrug it off. The pop in my jaw catches her attention.

  “Don’t pretend on my account. I saw the gore and horror.”

  “You’re shredding my man-card, Sutt. I’m not made of fucking glass. Give me some credit.”

  “Tough guy needs his ego stroked?” She winks at me.

  I release a choppy breath. Try as I might, dredging up images of puppies and manual labor is falling flat. My cock is bound to punch a hole in the sheet at this rate. “I wouldn’t say no.”

  Sutton skips her nails along my abs. She peeks up at me through lowered lashes. With a purposely slow lick, she wets her plump lips. “I’m so hot for you, Gray. I bet you’re epic in the sack. Rattle the headboard until I’m screaming your name.”

  The air freezes in my lungs. Shit, is she serious?

  She topples over in a fit of giggles. “Your face,” she wheezes. “Oh my gosh, that’s priceless.”

  If my arm wasn’t torn to shreds, I’d swat that juicy ass and tickle the shit out of her. But retaliating isn’t possible. Revenge will have to wait. I just lay still and let her joy wrap around me. The sound of her laughter is music to my neglected ears. She’s playing a Grammy-worthy concert just for me. Maybe she’ll continue blowing my mind by stripping naked and riding me to the highest peaks of ecstasy.

  Sutton’s twinkling tune dies off. The humor in her features fade, questions beginning to form behind those bright eyes. There must be something in my expression that tells her exactly what I’m picturing. Her breathing turns shallow. The rise and fall of her chest is a rapid beat.

  “Gray,” she murmurs.

  I’m hypnotized by her mouth caressing my name. “Yeah?”

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I wrench my gaze off her. “Nothing.”

  She blinks at me, the shimmering enthusiasm clears from her blue depths. “Sure about that?”

  “Have to be,” I mutter.

  A crease dents the center of her forehead. “Do you remember what we talked about last night?”

  I lick my dry lips and nod. Begging her to stay is the first thing I’ve done right in four lonely years.

  Sutton stares at me, unflinching and brave. “Please don’t tell me that was the pills talking.”

  “That was all me, Sutt.” But speaking of the scripts, my arm is still on fire. It feels like my skin is being ripped off as I continue lounging here. “Where did you stash those painkillers? I need to take something. And drink some water. Then we’ll talk.”

  She quirks a brow. “Want me to grab your morning dose?”

  “I can do it.” A hiss rattles out of me while I try sitting up.

  Her hand lands on my chest, pushing me down. “Allow me. I’m here to ease your aches and suffering.”

  As if I wasn’t already hard enough. I’d pop a semi from that vision alone, fantasy or not. I settle deeper into the mattress. This reminds me of the old us, before shit got complicated and I destroyed everything. Inky darkness slithers in my veins. I always assume the worst, for good reason. But I know Sutton better than anyone. Or I used to. She’s always been able to see through my bullshit.

  Sutton reappears with an extra large cup filled to the brim and a prescription bottle. I gingerly lift my upper body into a position that doesn’t cause stabbing misery. She tries handing me two pills. I open my mouth and wait.

  She huffs. “Really?”

  I raise my brows in answer. She drops the white tablets onto my tongue and holds out the water for me. My palms remain flat on the mattress. I lean forward until Sutton gets the message. The cool glass presses to my lips and she tips it up. I keep my eyes locked on her while swallowing the cool liquid. My throat screams in relief and I guzzle more. Our gazes never waver, the air crackling with restraint. When the cup is empty, she pulls it away.

  “Want a refill?”

  I flop onto the bed, feeling completely rejuvenated. “In a bit.”

  She returns to her spot beside me, sitting up with crossed legs.

  “This is new.” I trace the colorful flower on her ankle.

  She tracks my movements. “I had it done in Cancun on spring break. My friend has a matching one.”

  “Who’s this friend?” I try to tamp down my jealousy.

  “Harlyn. We lived together in college.”

  I recall hearing her name. The green-eyed monster skitters away. “Ah, the dark days I know nothing about.”

  Sutton leans back, giving me an exquisite view of her tits. “I’m happy to fill you in.”

  There’s only one question that’s been plaguing me. I keep my eyes on her tattoo. “Did you go out a lot?”

  “To the bar?”

  “On dates,” I supply with a grumble.

  She tips her head back and laughs. “That’s hilarious. You’ve met my brother, right? Somehow he managed to scare off all guys before I could even try.”

  A smirk brimming with satisfaction tilts my lips. I’ll have to thank him for that. “Good. That’s the way it should be.”

  “Yeah? And why is that?”

  “You don’t belong with any of them.”

  Sutton squints at me. “Dare I ask who does?”

  No one, certainly not me. I can’t force myself to spit those words. I’m such a pansy-ass when it comes to her. But she’s the only one. I want to tell her as much. The catastrophe that would follow has me biting my tongue. “Didn’t we cover this yesterday?”

  “It could use repeating.”

  I can’t find any regret, even digging to my very core. She should know how much I want her. I’ve been keeping my distance for her sake. All I’ve succeeded in doing is adding more torture. “I want to be the one who deserves you.”

  She nudges me with her toe. “I sense a but in there.”

  “Come on, Sutt. I’m all sorts of wrong for you.” I curl the sheet into my tight fist. “You should be with someone like Lance.” The words are gasoline to the flame already burning me up. Just thinking about it makes me want to punch his smug face.

  “You don’t mean that,” she whispers.

  My gut sinks straight into the foundation of this shitty house. “You’re right, I don’t. But that doesn’t make you any less forbidden.”

  Sutton snorts. “Says who?”


  “Well, I disagree.”

  “That’s why we’ve never discussed this before now.”

  Her lips flatten into a thin line. “And you’re not budging?”

  I scrub a hand down my face. “Even if I’m delusional enough to believe this could work, your brother will kill me. I’d like to keep my dick attached and out of harm’s way.”

  “He has nothing to do with us.”

  “Easy for you to say. That guy has saved my ass more times than I can count. This would be the ultimate betrayal. You need to be sure, Sutt. Once you agree to be mine, there’s no letting go. Not for me.”

  “That won’t be an issue. I’m all in.” She reaches for my hand.

  I lace our fingers together. “Yeah?”

  “Yes, Gray. In my mind, you’ve always been mine.” Sutton leans into me. Her hungry gaze settles on my mouth. She parts her lips on a breathy exhale.

  Kissing her would seal the deal. A simple exchange with permanent repercussions. “I won’t push more boundaries until we talk to your brother.”

  Sutton jolts upright. “Excuse me?”

  I shake off the arousal clouding my vision. “Is that a problem?”

  She combs through her snarled hair. “Why do we need to tell him?”

  “Wait, you want to keep this a secret?” I grind my molars.

  She whips her head back and
forth. “Not at all. But Jace doesn’t have a say in this. The choice is ours to make.”

  “This is important to me, Sutt.”

  She shifts further away from me, scooting to the edge of the bed. Not having her wedged along my side is similar to losing a vital piece of me. But I let her go. I’ll never force her to be trapped with me. “I’ve waited around long enough for you, Grady Bowen. I deserve to be with a man who will choose me over everything else, no matter what.”

  I cringe when Sutton uses my full name. That’s a sure sign I’m in the doghouse. She’s absolutely right, which is sad news for me. “I need to be sure nothing will get between us.”

  “That will only happen if we let it.”

  “Well, I’m already fucking up.” No point in denying the obvious.

  She purses her lips. “We’re at an impasse. I’m going to leave. Try to rest while getting your priorities straight. I’ll send precious Jace over to check on you in a bit.”

  Before I can attempt a response, Sutton slinks out of the room. The damage has been dished out. I better grab a spoon and enjoy.



  Happy something #93: Finding people to genuinely trust and rely on.

  The antique rocking chair creaks with my forward motion. I’m out on my back porch, feet kicked up on the rickety railing, swinging to a gentle rhythm. My ballcap is slung low to shield the sun. There’s a cold beer in my hand. I have no place to go. It’s quiet and calm. Only the occasional chirping from a nest of birds greets me. The sticky-sweet scent of pine wafts over from the thatch of evergreens. I could get used to this laying low gig. My day off isn’t turning out to be such a bad thing.

  Other than Sutton storming out earlier. I’m hoping to rectify that situation soon enough. This afternoon has given me plenty of hours to reflect and strategize. The cogs in my brain are getting a tad sluggish. A nap will do me some good. Sutton did mention rest as part of my plan. I’m just following orders.


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