Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection

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Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection Page 97

by Hawkins, Jessica

  “Hey, Sutt.” Reaching for her feels essential. My touch might not be received well at this point. I shove my hands deep into my pockets.

  “Hello.” Her somber tone is a dull blade, ripping at my flesh without mercy.

  I swallow that bitter pill. “You look gorgeous. But that’s nothing new.”

  She raises her chin. “Thanks, Grady.”

  My stomach tightens at that dig. She’s not open for compliments—duly noted. I bury the sting and force myself further into the flames. “Are you busy?”

  Sutton taps her fingers against the wood frame. “I was doing some posts and schedules. Work stuff.”

  “Can you spare a few moments for me?”

  “That depends.” A shadow of a grin dents her cheek.

  “On?” I lean an arm along the wall, dropping into her space.

  “What you have to tell me.”

  “I’ll spill everything.” I lick my lips. A thrill zings up my spine when she tracks the slow movement.

  She lifts a slim brow. “How many secrets have you been keeping?”

  I lost count. But there’s no use spewing that. “None if all goes well.”

  “So confident.”

  “I prefer optimistic.”

  Sutton’s gasp is soft, but it blasts through me with the force of a cannonball. Her parted mouth calls to mine. I want to keep surprising her, for the rest of our lives.

  My gut plunges when she takes a step back. But her trace of a smile has me holding on. She tucks some hair behind her pink-tipped ear. “Do you, uh, wanna come in?”

  My boots are glued to the stoop. No matter how much I care for her parents, we need to be alone. “It’s too late for a proper date. But I still wanna take you out. Would that be okay?” I let my urges take control and twirl a piece of her silky hair. “Will you let me, Sutt?”

  She sags into the door. “Where to?”

  “A special place. We can walk to the meadow.”

  Another hitch shutters her breath. “O-okay.”

  “Can we go now? Or do you need to finish—”

  “I’m ready,” she blurts.

  I blow out a long exhale. Thank the Lord for small miracles.

  Sutton ducks by me onto the porch and shuts the door. It’s my turn to be stunned. Her tan skin is illuminated by the overhead lights, giving me a mouthwatering view. A white tank clings to her round breasts and flat stomach. Her skirt is flowy, hiding those toned thighs I want wrapped around my waist. She’s lush curves and sharp angles and made for me. My dick appreciates the sight, halfway to giving her a standing ovation.

  I continue leering, a starving lion drooling over a meek deer. Sutton doesn’t seem to care. There’s a familiar gleam of hunger in her gaze. I’m struck by this moment, straddling a line that will change everything. I want to beat on my chest and announce that she’s mine. But that isn’t true.

  Neither of us move, the seconds bleeding into eternity. Sutton twists her fingers until they resemble a complex web. I lift an open palm toward her. She stares down at my offering, the intention clear. Her shoulders bunch higher while she considers what this means.

  The wind howls in my ears, lashing at me with promises of us. She can heal the hurt, be my one and only happy something. But that’s for her to decide. “Take the leap with me, Sutty.”

  Her gaze jumps to mine at the old nickname. I haven’t used it since we were young and childish. But a piece of our innocent past can bridge the hole that still echoes between us. She reaches out and slides our hands together, closing the gap with a delicate caress. The silk in her gentle touch mends the broken inside of me. I’ve been dealt a lifetime full of shitty blows. Whoever’s in charge upstairs enjoys challenging me. But Sutton is my gift. The one piece that’s always been right. And she’s finally all mine.

  I tug her into me. Any inch of space is a cold reminder of what no longer describes us. I press my lips to her temple. “Good choice.”

  She nuzzles into my chest. “It was the only one I could choose.”

  “Should we go?” I can almost feel prying stares boring into me through the window.

  Sutton nods. I guide her down the stairs and onto the dark path. We walk side by side, our fingers tightly intertwined.

  She scans the driveway as we pass by. “How’d you get here?”

  “Jace dropped me off.”

  “Well, you’re still in one piece. Must have gone all right.”

  I squeeze her hand. “He came around.”

  A spotlight from the barn catches the tension in her features. “What if he changes his mind?”

  I let the corner of my mouth twitch. “He promised no take backs.”

  “What are you, twelve? Will you break up with me if he says so?”

  The thunder in my pulse is deafening. “You’re already agreeing to be mine?”

  She bumps her leg into me. “I thought that was obvious when we stepped off the ledge. Refusing you isn’t an option, Gray.”

  I pull on her arm, stopping us before we cross into the meadow. “But you can. Hell, you probably should.”

  “For a man who pretends to give zero shits, you sure do well with trying to scare me off. Stop attempting to convince me that this is a bad idea, Gray. I’ll never agree with you.” She brushes some hair out of my eyes. “Don’t you see? I’ve been waiting for you to accept us.”

  “Fuck.” A kaleidoscope of vivid color nearly blinds me. I wobble a bit from the impact.

  Sutton grips my shoulder. Her brows knit together. “Should you be up and moving around?”

  “I’m fine.” A loose laugh tumbles out of me. “Shit, I’m fucking grand.”

  She leans in to study my expression. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Even if I wasn’t, this is more important.” I steer us onto the worn trail that leads to our spot.

  “And if you collapse?”

  That has my feet stumbling to a halt. I lower my forehead onto hers, sparks flickering off our heated skin. “Always looking out for me.”

  She presses closer. “I’m upping my game after yesterday.”

  I loop my injured arm around her middle, hauling her hips into mine. There’s no hiding my need for her. “Knowing you care does some crazy shit to me. It’s difficult to keep myself in check.”

  Her gasp has my blood pumping south at a rapid rate. “What if I want you to lose control?”

  “Sutton,” I growl against her cheek. “You don’t know what that means.”

  She drags her nails down my ribs, ending at the waistband of my jeans. “I’m ready to find out.”

  “I damn sure hope so.” The threads of my restraint are beginning to fray. “But not tonight.”

  Her gaze searches mine. “What? You want to wait?”

  “That’s not why I brought you out here.”

  She slips her hand into my back pocket. “What’s the reason?”

  To look at the stars.

  To find the good.

  To be free.

  To live happy.

  But she’s everything I’m not. Offering her one last chance to leave burns up my throat. “You can do better than me, Sutt.”

  She shakes her head. “I already told you to stop. There’s no such thing.”

  I rub my thumb across her lower lip. “Okay, I’m done fighting.”

  “About damn time,” she whispers.

  “I’m gonna make you proud of me. Proud to claim me as yours.”

  “That’ll be easy. I already am, Gray.”

  No more words are necessary. I cup her delicate cheek in my clumsy paw. Sutton sags into my hold without hesitation. I tip her face up to mine, angling us closer. Her slow exhale blends with mine. A small taste won’t hurt. I softly brush my lips along hers, more of a tease than anything else. That’s all I planned for this to be. But she opens for me, a flower blooming under the sun. I delve in with pure lust boiling through me. Her honey flavor seeps into me, mixing with mint and citrus. My eyes practically cross while white-hot desire flas
hes in front of me. Her whimper is my undoing. I need more.

  My fingers skim up her inner thigh, a coarse rasp against satin. Hot desire slices into me when she trembles. I fist the fabric of Sutton’s skirt, yanking her into me. She tumbles against my chest with a gasp. I take advantage of her parted lips, diving in for another taste. She moans into my mouth. Her tongue licks at mine and I see a burst of the brightest stars.

  Good Lord, this woman will be the end of me.

  The zipper of my jeans is about to bust at the seams. I force myself to pull away. Sutton follows my retreat with a wheeze.

  “W-what’s wrong?”

  “Fuck, nothing.” I grip her hip, staving off another around. Just barely. “We just need to stop.”

  She bounces up on her toes, our mouths melting in a heated frenzy. I clutch a handful of her silky hair and tilt us into a seamless kiss. Oxygen leaves my lungs and all I breathe is Sutton. Her pure berry scent. All the sunrises and cloudless skies. Fresh cut grass and tree swings. Fuck, I get lost in all she is.

  I rip my mouth away with a groan. “No more. Not here.”

  There’s still a flush coloring her smooth skin. I get harder knowing it was me who put it there. “Now what?”

  I drift a thumb up her jaw. “Wanna go for a drive?”

  “You’re awful adventurous this evening. Where to?”

  I smirk at her. “We’ll travel that road soon enough. Until then, I want you sleeping in my arms, in my bed, where you belong. Tonight and from now on.”



  Happy something #89: Conquering new milestones and adventures. The more risky, the better.

  I wake with a jolt. The room is dark and smells heavily of rich pine. I’m in bed alone, the other side still warm. There’s a shower running nearby. The muddled pieces of my awareness quickly snap into place. I smile wide, pressing two fingers to my lips.

  The sheets are in a twist all around me, evidence of a great night. A searing blaze stings my cheeks at the reminder. I fan at my flushing skin, catching sight of my mostly-bare bottom half. But the scrap of silk between my legs remains securely in place. Much to my dismay, Grady insisted that we stall at first base and only kiss. My demands for more were met with steely resolve. I found a few cracks in his armor, though. He couldn’t deny me everything.

  We ended up sharing far more than a few innocent pecks.

  My face and neck are chafed in all the best places. A lingering reminder that Grady was there. Fantasies are born from that type of steamy make out session. A definite benefit was being graced by his near-nakedness. Only a tight pair of black briefs had concealed him. I wanted to shred that forsaken cotton with my teeth.

  I glance at the glow coming from beyond the closet. The shower is still blasting at full power. Grady is in there, on the other side, without a stitch of clothing covering him. A solid plan forms in front of me, elicit and bold. The idea alone is an electric thrill skittering through me. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. When did I get so daring? The provocative man within reach answers that without a word. I hear the water cut off, feel that stream abruptly end as if it’s a vibration in my bones. The possibilities of what happens next loops a snug string around my waist. I scoot further on the mattress and almost slip off. A sudden whoosh rings out from the far corner, halting my haste.

  The bathroom door opens with a billowing cloud of woodsy-scented steam. A freshly scrubbed Grady struts out in all his shirtless glory. Stray droplets speckle his tan skin. A few trickle down the cut muscles of his abs, and travel lower into the towel around his waist. The impressive ridge tenting the threadbare fabric is practically waving at me.

  Good Christ.

  There’s a pool of salvia prepared to dribble out if I don’t act soon. I swallow twice for good measure. I bite my lip, envisioning all the ways to make him messy. The list is endless, but three tiny words bounce around my brain.

  Drop. The. Towel.

  No doubt that’s where things should start. Grady prowls toward me with a fluid stride. Too bad for me, that white cloth stays firmly knotted. Confidence broadens his already wide shoulders. There’s no sign of pain or weakness. He appears to be in top virile form, capable of making me squirm with a single glance. I clutch at the pile of sheets for some false sense of stability. The material does little to hold me down. I’m liable to lunge forward and plaster myself to his chiseled chest. His eyes skewer me into place, as if he’s able to read my wicked intentions.

  I cross my legs, only to release them a moment later. I’m a jittery mass of pent-up yearning for this man. He better not think about trying to keep things tame again. Once I manage to regain a smidgen of wits, I’m upping my game.

  Grady’s stride doesn’t quit until our knees bump. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  I walk my toes up his shin. “Hey, Gray. I could have joined you.”

  He tucks some hair behind my ear. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “I wouldn’t have minded. Wasn’t it lonely in there?”

  “It was.”

  “And now?”

  An animalistic rumble rolls off him. “I regret letting you sleep an extra five minutes.”

  I’m having a conversation with his groin. How does he expect me to continue answering questions when he’s standing so close, and at attention. “Uh, w-what was that?”

  His body shakes with laughter. He tips up my chin with a gentle touch. My naughty gaze makes a lazy stroll up his torso and pecs, over the strong column of his neck, and eventually settling on the smoldering embers in his eyes. I gulp at the unfiltered lust brimming in those green depths.

  Grady trails a finger along my scalding face. “If looks could speak, yours would be screaming my name.”

  I nod to his touch. No point opposing the obvious.

  He links our fingers together. “Should we test my theory?”

  I unhinge my jaw with a wordless pop. Can this really be so simple?

  He kneels in front of me, the rough skin of his palms settling on my restless feet. My eyes nearly cross from that small amount of contact. His hands brush across my ankles and skim up my calves. The speed is a slow torture toward a distant edge. He reaches my knees with no sign of stopping. Smokey flames stoke higher with each passing inch.

  His gritty tone strikes another match. “When I was a lost little boy, I wanted to hold your hand. As a punk ass kid, I relied on your kindness to survive the cruelty. As a horny teen, I craved the curve of your body against mine. Now I’m a man, and I want every single thing you’re willing to give.”

  The hints of romantic sentiment get whisked away in a foggy haze. I’m wanton, needy and begging and unashamed. “P-please take me. You can have it all. I’m yours,” I murmur.

  He kisses the ticklish skin of my inner thigh. “Love hearing that, Sutt. You make me so fucking hard.”

  “Do something about it,” I wheeze.

  “Patience.” His husky reprimand has the opposite effect. I scoot forward and his grip tightens. “Lay back and relax.”

  An unintelligible garble escapes me. I lower onto my elbows, keeping him in a direct line of sight. He’s barely breached intimate territory and I’m already breathless.

  His finger traces under the lacy edge of my panties. “These are pretty. But they’d look better in tatters on the floor.”

  My lungs threaten to seize from the lack of oxygen. How do I respond while losing ground with reality? I must be dreaming.

  Grady isn’t deterred by my silence. A satisfied smirk perches on his lips. He snaps the elastic on my ass and I buck up at the sting. His hoarse chuckle gives me goosebumps.

  “So sensitive,” he murmurs into my covered core. His breath is a furnace, blasting me with raw heat. The most private part of me is too empty, clenching at the prospect of what’s to come. Only a thin layer of satin separates me from him.

  I shift as he drags the silky fabric off my hips. Chilled air greets my exposed center, eliciting a hiss from me. He bunch
es the flimsy material in a fist and brings it to his nose. His inhale is loud and deep.

  A squeak breaks out of me. Shit, that’s so filthy. And I love it. Would begging him to repeat the process be weird? Do I actually care? I open my mouth with the plea. Grady’s hungry growl stops me.

  Erotic promises brighten his features. “Spread your legs for me, beautiful.”

  My limbs obey his command before I can process the words. He stares at my bare slit as if a priceless treasure has been revealed. My blood sizzles with what I can only describe as unadulterated need. The sheer wonder reflecting in his gaze has me wheezing. His eyes continue feasting on me while his thumbs part my folds wider. I want more of him, desperately so, but this visual foreplay is striking plenty of buttons.

  Grady doesn’t leave me hanging much longer.

  His head dips between my stretched thighs. I attempt to get a grip on his slick hair, my nails sliding through the wet strands. That first teasing lick triggers a domino of sensations, igniting sparklers in my center and fanning out. A booming beat crashes against my ribs. I collapse flat onto the mattress with a long moan.

  “Holy shit,” I murmur.

  His hum of approval vibrates through my core. Shockwaves zip straight to my curled toes. That earns him a drawn out, high-pitched whine. I watch through bleary eyes as Grady slowly swipes up my seam, bottom to top. The sound is indecent, a man savoring a favorite treat. My responding gasp encourages him to bury his face deeper. His tender strokes morph into lashing twists that has my head spinning. He zeroes in on my clit, hitting his target with masterful precision. With each loop of his tongue, I leap closer to sweet release. The promise of a climax to end all orgasms is just beyond my fingertips.

  Grady grips my hips and drags me into him. My ass hangs off the bed until he changes angles. The back of my knees find purchase on his shoulders and he tilts me up. In this position, he opens me further for the taking. His tongue is a wicked spiral set on my detonation. Grady can show a tornado a thing or two with these skills. An intense increase of suction skyrockets me into the stratosphere. My thoughts fray into a tangle of nonsense.


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