Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection

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Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection Page 99

by Hawkins, Jessica

  A scorching blaze wafts against my cheeks. I tuck my chin, but don’t break our connection. Should I kiss him? Hold his hand? Grady makes a decision, tugging me into him by the belt loop. Two strong arms band around my waist and erase any bit of space between us. The answer was a hug, the best one ever. I purr against his chest.

  My skin is still tingling from Grady’s masterful ministrations earlier. Being this close to him again heightens the sensation tenfold. It’s almost surprising my legs aren’t trembling in anticipation.

  “Don’t get shy on me now.” His lips tickle the shell of my ear. “I missed you.”

  “Missed you so much.” I ease back a smidge to catch his stare. “How was work?”

  Grady lifts a shoulder and I shift with the slight movement. “Decent. Didn’t get shit done.”


  “Had a lot on my mind.” He rotates his injured arm, then winks at me.

  I bite my lip. “Are you okay?”

  “Much better now.”

  My stomach does a little flip that has me grinning. “So, where are you taking me?”

  “For a cruise.” His mouth skims my temple.

  I lean into his touch. “To?”

  “Somewhere special to me.”

  “Please not Howlers.” I cross my fingers behind his back.

  His upper body shakes with humor. “Ah, come on. That place isn’t so bad.”

  I scoff. “For you. All the old bikers leer at any girl under forty when they walk in.”

  He squeezes my ass. “Can you blame them?”

  I wiggle closer. His answering groan is the best reward. “I’m not trying to be a snob. But come on, Gray. That dive isn’t swoony-wooing material.”

  “You have a good point, which is why we’re not going there. But that bar saved me from some dark shit. It’s one of my few escapes.”

  Crud. I want to rewind and take back all the negative stuff. “Really?”

  His eyes bore into mine. “I’m not going to lie, this town sucks a lot of ass without you. I thought you’d left for good. Figured I’d be gone soon enough.”

  I swallow past the frog in my throat. “And now?”

  “Things change.”

  “They do.”

  Grady nuzzles into the dip between my shoulder and neck. “You’re gonna help me live my best life, Sutt. There’s so much I want to share with you, starting with this spot tonight.”

  “Then let’s get going. Should I follow you?” I suggest.

  “No, we’ll take the bike.”

  I glance down at my shorts and sandals. Not exactly motorcycle gear. “Umm, is it safe?”

  He frowns. “I should’ve thought about your outfit.” The strain melts off his features. “I installed custom foot pegs high enough to avoid the exhaust. You’ll be okay, don’t worry. We’ll be careful.”

  I trace a narrow pinstripe on the rear fender. “I’ve never been on a Harley.”

  He shuffles us a sidestep toward the gleaming chrome beast. “Always a first for everything. You’ll get used to it. Next time you’ll wear jeans and boots.”

  I’m sure my eyes are blown wide. Next time? Apparently Grady has his own agenda. Not that I’m complaining.

  A loud squeal on my left has me twisting in that direction. Molly and Lance are there, walking closer with a slow stride. Her face is lit up with glee. His is blank and unreadable, as if he’s about to interrogate someone. He better not try any shit with Grady. I haven’t gotten over him dolling out arrests for no reason.

  “Oh my gosh.” Molly’s voice is more of a squeak. “Are you two an item?”

  My gaze swings to Grady for the correct response on handling this. He doesn’t hesitate, threading our fingers together. “Yeah.”

  I let my smile explode, showing off both rows of teeth. A few unmatched pieces slide together in my mind. Would it be awkward if I kiss him right now? His eyes focus on my lips and I almost lean in.

  Molly bounces on her toes. “Steamy alert. I just knew this would happen. Didn’t I say that, babe?”

  Lance rolls his eyes. “You did, several times.”

  “Wait.” I motion between them. “Are you guys together?”

  Molly blinks up at him in that head-over-heels way. “Sure are. This is date number three.”

  Huh, interesting. Guess she wasn’t put off after his behavior at Bronco. A genuine smile lifts my lips. “That’s really great. I kinda got the feeling there was some interest.”

  She shimmies in place. “I’m bad at hiding my emotions. Heart on my sleeve and all that.”

  Lance grunts and loops an arm around her. How romantic.

  Molly cuddles into him. “We’re going to see a movie. Wanna join?”

  Grady is a stone pillar beside me. I don’t have to see his expression to know his preference. “Maybe next time. He’s taking me for a ride.”

  Her mouth pops open. “Wow, that’s so hot.”

  “Whatever,” Lance mutters. “We’re gonna be late, babe.”

  She lets him lead her along. “Okay, well, that’s my cue. But how adorable will it be for us to double? Let’s plan it, kay?”

  I offer a wave without commitment. Grady remains silent, but he might as well be shouting his lack of interest.

  “Bye, lovebirds,” Molly calls. Lance practically drags her away without another word.

  I scoot over to Grady’s motorcycle. “On that note, shall we go?”

  “Definitely.” He reaches down and grabs a helmet. It reminds me of a jumbo gumball. “Here you go.”

  I take the offering with tentative hands. The pink bubble screams feminine. I don’t want to assume, but this doesn’t appear to be a helmet he’d let his buddies use. That only leaves other women. I barely conceal a cringe. “Thanks for letting me borrow it.”

  A wrinkle forms between his brows. “It’s yours.”

  The tangle in my stomach smooths out with a swoosh. I suck in a sharp breath. “You got this for me?”

  He nods. “I did.”

  “Today?” I lower the gift onto my head and fasten the strap.

  He scratches the nape of his neck, looking almost sheepish. “Uh, something like that.” Grady straddles the seat and pats the small cushion behind him. “Hop on.”

  I do just that while channeling an ultra-chic biker babe. But in reality, I’m sure my version of saddling up is clumsy and ridiculous. Whatever. I have many next times to improve.

  He reaches for my arms and wraps them snug around his middle. “Hold on. Ready?”

  I lace my fingers against his torso and squeeze every muscle available. “Yes.” I add a nod for good measure.

  The bike starts up with a deafening growl. With a seamless motion I’m jealous of, Grady cranks the throttle and sends us flying. A rush of adrenaline immediately floods me. I laugh and snuggle in for the ride.

  Out here there’s nothing except pavement and rolling fields. The wind tunnels through my helmet. All I can hear is a dull roar from the engine. I press my palms flat against Grady’s abs. He inhales a deep breath, shifting my touch lower. I use that as permission to explore his upper body—within reason.

  Grady responds by resting a calloused palm on my bare knee. His simple touch is a shot of piping hot lust straight to my lower belly. The bike vibrates beneath me, sending my synapses into a tailspin. I can hardly see straight. It makes me feel reckless.

  I squeeze the metal between my thighs and release the death grip around Grady’s waist. I tip back and spread my arms out the side.

  “I’m the queen of the road,” I call. The words bounce off my visor and disappear into the sky.

  Grady pulls off the road and steers into an empty lot. It’s difficult to see much, other than a wide open space. He shuts off the bike and all is still. I swing my leg over to dismount. Grady follows suit. With a quick click, he removes the strap under my chin. He hangs my helmet on the handlebar next to his. It’s as though we’ve done this a hundred times.

  He tucks a hand in his po
cket. “What’s the verdict?”

  I comb through the snarls in my hair. “I’m in love. It’s so freeing. Like riding a horse ten times faster.”

  He laughs. “That’s exactly how I feel.”

  “Your steel steed. Maybe you’ll let me take you for a spin on Daisy.”

  “I prefer wheels.”

  “Did I do okay on the back?”

  Grady rakes a hand over his head, sending the dark strands to stick up in sexy disarray. “You’re a natural. At the turns, you leaned with me like a pro. Horseback riding has given you natural balance. Your body is made for this.”

  Shit, that sounds naughty. “Oh?”

  Fire licks up my neck while I consider what other hidden talents he’ll uncover for me. Our conversation hits a lull and the silence surrounds us again. There’s nothing except the distant sound of crickets.

  “It’s so quiet,” I whisper.

  “Almost scary, huh?”

  I nudge his boot. “Not with you here.”

  He steps into me. “I’ll always protect you.”

  “Good.” I tip my face up and Grady presses our lips together. The kiss is chaste, sweet, and over before I can attempt to take things further.

  He turns and lifts the seat, hefting out a small cooler. “I grabbed dinner.”

  Did you hear that? It’s my fantasies knocking. This man is the end of me. “You’re so thoughtful,” I muse.

  Grady threads our fingers together. “You bring it out in me.”

  We begin walking toward I’m not sure where. Letting him take control and lead has been in my favor. Why stop now. I feel the soft brush of cotton before seeing anything. A glance down proves my suspicion. I hadn’t been looking in the right direction for our destination. It’s all around us.

  To anyone else, this would be an abandoned yard full of overgrown weeds. It’s a happy something for us.

  I scan the countless rows of dandelions. “What is this place?”

  “An escape.” His throat bobs with a thick swallow. “A reminder.”

  I tug on his arm, bringing us to a stop. “It’s beautiful.”

  Grady’s mouth twitches. “I was banking on you thinking so. Otherwise it’s just a field no one tends to.”

  “Thank you for bringing me.”

  We sit in the center of a dense patch. Puffy white non-flowers form a perimeter around us. It’s been at least ten years since we did this. I release a long exhale at the memories.

  Grady unzips the cooler and takes out a few containers. He pops the lids, arranging everything between us. Cheese and pesto tortellini. Caesar salad. Strawberries and watermelon. Unsweetened iced tea. More favorite things. Pressure builds behind my eyes. I blink at the blur in my vision. A utensil I can’t see gets placed on my palm.

  “This looks delicious,” I manage to croak.

  His gaze leaps to mine. “You okay?”

  I’m nodding too fast. Accept the past, live in the present, and look toward the future. I’d planned on coasting. But impulsive adrenaline still pumps through my veins.

  “So,” I broach the subject that’s been mixing me up. “We’re really together? All in?”

  The fork he’s using freezes in midair. “Why would you think otherwise? Do you doubt me?”

  “No.” My answer is instantaneous.

  Grady’s face dips toward mine. “Then why?”

  I stare at him, this man who’s already giving me everything. My eyes don’t waver. “Just letting my brain catch up with what my heart has always known.”

  “Hmmm,” he murmurs against my lips. “That’s a great answer.”

  I seal the remaining space. “Thought so.”

  He pulls away after a moment and reaches for my hands. “We rushed forward without talking much, but I figured that wasn’t necessary. A chance isn’t worth taking if it's not crazy. There’s no true love without a little heartbreak. We sorted that out. No more pain.”

  A lump the size of Wyoming gets lodged in my windpipe. I sniff and keep staring at the wonder before me.

  Grady wipes away the lone tear trickling down my cheek. “Sutt, you’re all I’ve never had but desperately wanted. Happiness and peace and comfort and anything decent. You’re the only one I’d choose, ever. If you didn’t want me, I’d live a damn lonely existence. Lucky for me, that’s not the case.”

  My sigh wobbles. “I’m the lucky one. You’re agreeing to be mine. Really and truly.”

  “Always have been. There was never a choice, right?”

  “Not since day one.”

  His mouth hitches upward. He plucks a dandelion out of the thatch of weeds. With a quick breath, he blows the fluffy seeds. The particles scatter in a floating wave. Grady reaches for another and holds the white puff close to my lips. “Make a wish.”

  I let my eyes slide shut. There’s no thought involved. With a slow exhale, I silently ask him to take what I’ve always been willing to give.



  Happy something #18: Stealing glances at a certain pair of baby blues.

  I cut the engine, sending sputtering rumbles to ricochet off the garage walls. Exhaust and gasoline cling to the air. Above the pungent bite, barest hints of coconut and strawberries float to me. My mouth waters for another taste of her. I’m already hard and aching behind the confines of my zipper.

  The continuous lust pumping into me is testing all sorts of limits. I’m already toeing the line, desperation clawing at me for release. My control is a rapidly fraying thread. The girl behind me holds a scissor.

  Neither of us moves for several beats of my rapid heart. Her chest pushes into me with each rise and fall. A delicate palm wanders from my pecs down to the buckle of my belt. The significance of what’s waiting just beyond reach rests in my lap. I can almost feel her there. That’s enough to get my ass in gear.

  After clambering from the bike, I help Sutton off her seat. There’s a shy sort of smile curling the edges of her lips. I want to watch that expression spread into uncontrollable ecstasy. For now, I unclip her helmet and tug it off. Chocolate waves flow out, cascading around her shoulders. A fresh dose of coconut hits my system. I don’t bother trapping my low growl. She should be aware of my fizzling restraint.

  Bear’s whining yelps break into our bubble. He sounds close to being tortured. I can empathize.

  Sutton tiptoes over to the pained noise and peers out the window. “Should I let him in?”

  “Probably, or he’ll bust down the door.”

  She smiles and turns the knob. Before she can blink, one-hundred pounds of German Shepherd are gunning for her. Bear does his best to topple her. Sutton stumbles, but catches her balance. He doesn’t relent and slobbers her with sloppy licks. Lucky mutt. She giggles, lavishing him with coos and sweet words. Bear eats it up and goes back for seconds.

  My turn.

  I whistle and Bear trots to my side. He gets a scratch under the jaw for that. I wouldn’t leave her unless forced. She lifts her gaze to mine and I nod toward the house. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I place a palm on the small of her back, branding my spot. She pushes against me and fiddles with the hem of my shirt. We take turns pressing boundaries, shoving closer, playing an ultimate game of who teases best. She wins. I’m more than ready to raise the white flag.

  We pause near the kitchen. I clear the rust from my throat. “Want something to drink?”

  Sutton shakes her head.

  “A snack?” I lift a brow with my suggestion.

  “Dessert,” she murmurs. A pair of fingers walk up my torso. I catch her hand and dust a gentle kiss to her wrist. Sutton steps into me and lifts her chin. “In bed,” she adds.

  Those words snap the final threads of my control. I kick off my boots without finesse. The rubber bounces against something behind me. Sutton watches me, slipping out of her sandals.

  I knead her ass and squeeze, hoisting her up against me. She cinches her legs around my waist and clutches t
ight. The slight bite of her nails digging into my shoulders makes me harder than titanium. I want her too fucking bad. That fierce need pummels me as fresh strawberries bloom on my taste buds. I’m a damn junkie for this girl.

  Refusing to wait another moment, I smash our mouths together. Sutton gasps and opens for me. The sweetest heat meets me, a mix of mint and fruit and passion. She moans when I slide my tongue along hers. The siren call is my undoing. I stagger to the nearest wall, shoving her against the solid surface.

  The new angle makes me hyperaware of our bodies aligning in all the right places. Tingles are already threatening to erupt in my groin. I’ll never last at this rate. As if knowing my limits are being tested, Sutton draws my bottom lip between her teeth. The hint of sting flips a switch and releases lava beneath my skin. I’m burning for every part of her. I rock my dick into her core, showing her exactly what she’s doing to me.

  “I need more, Gray,” she whispers at my jaw.

  I smirk against her cheek. “Coming right up.”

  Sutton crosses her ankles along my lower back as I begin climbing the stairs. My room is dark and quiet, but not for long. I toss her onto the bed without warning. Her lithe figure bounces with the grace of a cat. She muffles a squeak and shoots me a playful glare. I quirk a brow at her, waiting for more. My girl never disappoints.

  Sutton rises to her knees and crooks a finger at me.

  “What do you need, beautiful?”

  She points to the mattress. “You. Naked. Laying down. In that order.”

  “Really? You gonna take control?”

  “For the first round.” Her eyelids get hooded and heavy.

  “Whatever the lady wants.” I reach back and grip the collar of my shirt. It gets ripped off with one deft move.

  She traces my upper body with ravishing hunger in her eyes. “That’s very good to hear.”

  “You always get me, Sutt.” I get to work on my belt, yanking at the leather and whipping it open. The button of my jeans pops and I nearly tear out the zipper. Threadbare denim drops around my ankles, leaving me in a pair of black briefs. She nibbles her lip and makes a circling motion at the garment.


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