Sanctuary (Rise of the Empire Book 2)

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Sanctuary (Rise of the Empire Book 2) Page 7

by Ivan Kal

  Adrian finished with the evaluations, and closed the file on the holodesk via his implant (imp). He leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms over his head. He looked around the room. It took him a while to adjust to the thought that it was his ready room. The leaders decided that he should keep the position of Athena’s Ship Master for his actions during the Cloud station incident. When he commanded Athena against three Concordis ships. The original Ship Master, Eric Donaldson, was on leave at the time of the incident an wasn’t able to get to the ship fast enough to take command. So Adrian as the acting Ship Master took her out. When the decision from his superiors came that Adrian should remain in command, he tried to refuse, he didn’t want to start any bad relationships with Ship Master Eric Donaldson for taking his ship. But Eric assured him that there is none, Eric was promised the first of the new ships that they planned to build when they arrived at Sanctuary. And four years ago Ship Master Eric Donaldson was put in charge of OES Voyager. He was now on an extended survey mission to map out our neighborhood.

  Adrian stood, undressed, went to the bathroom and then to bed. Tomorrow Athena would arrive at Olympia station, her patrol ending.


  “Contact fleet at Olympia, tell them that we are back.” Adrian said to his Comm Handler. The contact was simply a courtesy, Olympia already knew they were back.

  “Yes Ship Master.”

  Adrian turned his sight at the holo in front of his command chair, specifically on the moon orbiting Sanctuary, Thanatos. There was a new station in its orbit, at least twice as long as Olympia, and it wasn’t yet finished. There were also many other construction sites on the moon’s surface.

  “Any idea what those are High Prime.” Adrian asked.

  “No, but we will find out soon enough.” Paul Isaacs, Athena’s High Prime said. Paul and Adrian had graduated the Fleet Academy together.

  “It looks like the shipyard the fleet proposed to build.” Iris said in Adrian’s head, via his imp. She could speak to anyone on the ship through the speakers. She had access to the ship's computers, but her core was in Adrian’s head.

  “Mother didn’t tell me anything about the proposal being accepted.” Adrian responded.

  “That doesn’t mean that it wasn’t.” Iris shot back.

  Adrian nodded at Paul’s answer. Choosing to ignore Iris.

  “Incoming message from Olympia Ship Master. They are giving us instructions to change course and dock with the shipyard orbiting Thanatos.” Comm Handler said.

  Adrian raised his eyebrows at Paul. When Paul shrugged, Adrian turned to his Navigation Handler.

  “Set a course Navigation Handler.” Adrian said.

  “Right away Ship Master.”

  Adrian watched on the holo as his ship turned and started towards Thanatos. An hour later they arrived, and were given instructions from the station/shipyard on where to dock. When they were close enough Adrian turned on the display’s on Athena’s half sphere command center walls. Immediately the walls disappeared and they were suddenly sitting on top of the ship, with the 360° view around them. It appeared as if the command center was on top of the ship’s hull. Though it was only a reproduction from the various cameras that Athena was equipped with, it was still an amazing sight. Up close Adrian could see the gray hull of the station they were approaching. It was long, at least four kilometers. And there were various docks placed on set distances, and some of them were already a hive of activity, with people in suits working on the bones of hulls, and machines placing huge plates of armor on them. There were also a few areas that were closed off, Adrian assumed that those were closed docks. He was amazed at the sight. Looking at the far end of the station he could see that it wasn’t yet finished, but that part was operational. The shipyards held enormous “bones” for the future ships. What kind Adrian didn’t know, but these ships would be larger than Athena.

  “Told you so.” Iris said smugly.

  “Never doubted you.” Adrian responded.

  A few minutes later they docked at one of the free docks. And Adrian got a message from the fleet leadership, meaning Laura. He gave the command of the ship to his High Prime and left the ship. After he exited the airlock, he was met with an Adjutant that was to show him the way to Laura Reiss’s office. He followed closely behind the young looking Adjutant. Adrian’s has long since grown used to everyone looking as if they were in their twenties, ever since he left the orphanage and came to Olympus. Olympus had developed a life extension treatment that slowed aging, and at having everyone looking young was strange for Adrian at first. He grew up in the U.S. were very few people could afford the life extension treatments, that were free in the other parts of the world, mainly Concordis and the League. But now, with the discovery of the “immortality” gene, everyone would remain young forever. Every one of those that came to Sanctuary from Earth had undergone the treatment, and would never age. They would only die from disease or a violent death. Adrian still couldn’t believe that he would live forever. He was raised in a place where everyone aged and died.

  As he and the Adjutant walked the station, Adrian looked around, noticing people running around doing additional work on the inside. This part of the station might be operational, but it was not yet finished. Adrian was amazed at how much they managed to construct in a short time. The last private message he got from Laura didn’t say anything about the station and shipyard being built, and that was four months ago. But then again, there wasn’t really a reason for him to be so surprised. With their fabricator technology, lack of politics and no need for never ending permits, forms and other paperwork, they could jump right into the construction. Building an entire station in less than four months wasn’t all that hard to believe. A few minutes later they arrived at Laura’s office and the Adjutant gestured for Adrian to enter.

  Laura sat behind her desk, working as usual. When she noticed Adrian she got up and walked around the desk with a smile on her face. Adrian stood at attention and saluted, fist to chest.

  “Ship Master Farkas, reporting ma’am.” He said seriously. Instead of saluting back, Laura walked up to him and hugged him.

  “I’m so glad you are back son.” Laura said.

  Adrian relaxed, apparently this wasn’t official Fleet business.

  “Good to be back mother.” Adrian said with a grin. Laura leaned back and hit him in the shoulder.

  “Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?” She said, trying to appear angry, and failing miserably.

  Adrian grinned even more and said. “Well, it was your idea to adopt me.”

  It was a part of the dance the two of them played. She pretended not to like it when he addressed her informally. Adrian was brought to Olympus with the warning that he would never be adopted if he accepted to come. But after meeting Laura, the two of them grew close, and she became a mother figure to Adrian, who never had anyone like that in his life. And after Olympus decided to leave Sol, Laura asked Adrian if he would want her to adopt him. Give him her last name. He was already grown up at the time. He accepted and added her last name to his. Adrian Farkas Reiss was now his legal name. Although he went only by Farkas. There was no need for him to flaunt his connection to Laura, it was enough that the two of them knew. And of course, those closest to them.

  Laura guided him to a chair in front of her desk, and took the other one.

  “Tell me how was the patrol?” Laura asked. Even though she knew, with the FTL comms, they were in constant contact.

  “Boring, as you already knew.” He said.

  “It might be boring, but it gives you more experience aboard a ship. Although, you are the only Ship Master with real battle experience in the entire Fleet.” She said.

  “Only because of a twist of fate.” Adrian said.

  “Perhaps, but it still makes you one of our most experienced Ship Masters.”

  Adrian shrugged. He wasn’t really comfortable with that. Every time he went on leave on Sanctuary he was gaped and pointed at. Every
one knew him, Olympus had an open system where most everything was accessible to the people. Everyone watched the records of his battle with the Concordis warship.

  “Alright, I made you come here immediately because I wanted to be the first to tell you this.” Laura said.

  “Tell me what?”

  “I know that you noticed the ships we are building in the docks.” She said.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Well, Tomas agreed to my proposal, those ships will be our new warships. And this station will be the Fleets shipyard. We also have the permission to build Fleet facilities on Thanatos.” Laura said with a smile that reminded Adrian of a kid in a candy store.

  “Warships? How many?” Adrian asked, becoming excited as well. He always knew that they needed more ships if they were to protect their home.

  “Twenty. And the best part is that we are the ones to decide which class we build.” She said.

  “That is amazing. What did you decide?”

  “We settled on 8 light cruisers, 6 heavy cruisers, 4 battleships and 2 dreadnoughts.”

  Adrian was surprised.

  “No carriers?” He asked.

  “No, we decided that they weren’t feasible, at least not yet. With the level of technology we currently possess it is impossible to make fighters that can stand against a warship, or even keep up.”

  Adrian nodded, that was his realization as well. He knew that there were people in the Fleet, those from the old days, before they went into space, that tried to push for more traditional Fleet. One that would mirror that of the Earth navy. Which was stupid of course, space was not water, or atmosphere. They borrowed the names, but the purpose and the way the ships fought would be nothing like navy.

  Adrian could already imagine a fleet of 20 ships orbiting Sanctuary, it would be an awesome sight. Then he remembered something.

  “Dreadnoughts?” He asked, confused. Adrian was part of most every planning for fleet, through Laura, and back when they tried to dream up warship classes there was no mention of a dreadnought class.

  Laura smiled widely. “Yes, we managed to flesh out the details a few months ago and all simulations were successful, I didn’t tell you anything because I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “A surprise?” Adrian asked weakly, he knew Laura very well, and he could feel one of her schemes coming up.

  “Of course! One of the dreadnoughts is yours.” She said.

  Adrian blanched.

  “Oh, good! I’ll have a new toy to play with!” Iris exclaimed excitedly.

  “What! You can’t. There are other more experienced Ship Masters!” Adrian said.

  “Shut up Adrian! Don’t you dare turn this down!” Iris said.

  Laura just kept smiling and shook her head. “No, there are not. There are those that served longer than you, but none have more experience than you. And your simulator scores are the best in the entire Fleet. You can’t wiggle out of this.”

  Adrian swallowed hard, he knew that he was capable, but having an even more responsibility thrust on his back so fast wasn’t pleasant at all.

  “How long?” Adrian managed to squeak out.

  “Three months. We are building all the parts that we can here, and then sending them out into open space at another shipyard we have built between the orbits of Sanctuary and Boreas. The shipyards here just can’t hold a ship of that size. The other shipyard will be specifically equipped to build bigger ships.” She said.

  Adrian felt light headed, Too big? He thought, the hulls he saw laid out in the shipyard were already double the size of Athena.

  “This is going to be so much fun.” Iris cheered on in Adrian’s head.

  “Alright, between the two of you, I know I will never be able to escape.” Adrian said, resigned.

  “Good. Thank Iris for me.” Laura said, grinning wickedly. “Now, I’m going to send you all the data on the dreadnought class warships. You will need to study it all. We are putting new weapons systems, faster computers and a million other things that you need to became an expert on. Also, you need to choose a crew. You will be limited of course, you can request a transfer from the warships we have now. But many of those officers will be placed on other new ships. While those old ones will be given to the ones that were put on mining or transport ships. We are in a bit of a shortage of personnel, but there is nothing we can do about it for a while.”

  Adrian listened carefully, nodding. “Okay, I guess I better get acquainted with the data, and then decide on personnel.” Adrian said.

  “Good, I am needed down on the planet for a few days. Our weapons are being manufactured there, and I need to oversee a few things. You can stay on the station until your ship is ready. Officially you are still Ship Master of the Athena, but you can stay onboard the station in my quarters, here is the access code.” Laura said, sending him the access code to her quarters via her imp.

  Adrian smiled weakly, and nodded again.

  “Okay then, I will see you when you come back.”

  They hugged again, and Adrian left, he downloaded the stations map from the net, and then followed the route to Laura’s quarters. He had a lot of studying to do.

  Chapter Ten

  November 2169 – OES Voyager

  A flash of blue light announced the arrival of Olympus Explorer Ship Voyager into a new system. The ships gray hull glistened with the aftereffect of leaving hyperspace. Blue energy arcs jumped from the hull, but a moment later they were gone.

  “Anything on sensors?” Ship Master Eric Donaldson asked his Sensor Handler.

  “Nothing on short range. We will have a full picture of the system in a few minutes.” Sensor Handler said.

  “Good.” Ship Master Donaldson said. He watched the holo, as the image of the system slowly appeared. The system star was old, and its center was a brown dwarf. As it was a low mass star, they were able to exit hyperspace much deeper into the system. Brown dwarf’s aren’t really stars, rather they are stars that don’t have sufficient mass to ignite a nuclear fusion in their cores. This system had only one planet that orbited the brown dwarf in a wide orbit. Voyager came out of hyperspace very close to the planet, only a few light minutes, 120 million km away.

  The holo now showed a very empty system. Only one planet, that had one moon, orbiting the systems brown dwarf.

  “Navigation, take us to the planet. Let’s see if there is anything valuable down there.” Ship Master said.

  The mission of Explorer ships was to map out their neighborhood. To find other habitable planets, and stellar bodies that could possibly be used for mining. They would need to send a shuttle down to the planet in order to scan more accurately. It took them about two hours to get to the planet, they placed the ship in high orbit between the planet and its moon. They sent the shuttle down to the surface to run scans.

  “Ship Master, the sensors detected a light source.” Sensor Handler said.

  “Where is it?”

  “It was there only for a moment. It was gone too fast to determine exact position, but it was coming from the direction of the moon.” Sensor Handler said.

  “Any idea what it was?” High Prime asked.

  “No sir. It didn’t match anything in our databases.”

  “Keep an eye on the moon then. Perhaps it was nothing.” High Prime said.

  “When is the team scheduled to return?” Ship Master asked.

  “In ten minutes Ship Master.” High Prime said.

  Ship Master nodded, and went back to studying the holo. Soon after the shuttle team reported that there was nothing of interest on the planet, and that they were on their way back. A few minutes later they were back on board. Eric was just about to order them to the moon, when his Sensor Handler yelled out.

  “Incoming weapons fire, one minute to impact!”

  “Combat stations! Evasive maneuvers!” Ship Master yelled out. His High Prime immediately sounded the alarm throughout the ship. Eric looked at the holo, dozens of tracks appeared and were on an i
ntercept course with his ship. Immediately Eric realized what had happened. The previous flash of light was the launch of missiles. He knew that they were missiles as they were accelerating. The missiles cruised unpowered until they closed the range, then their drives kicked in to take them the remaining distance. The scanners couldn’t identify the missile type. Which was no surprise, they haven’t encountered anyone in this part of space yet.


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