Open Arms

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Open Arms Page 12

by Marysol James

  She closed her eyes, unable to believe that she was so close to coming so fast. She had never come just from a man touching her like this – she never knew it was even possible to reach that pinnacle without full-on sex. Rob pressed farther in to her heat, stroked her insides, started making ‘come here’ movements with his fingers while pressing his thumb on her clit. Her hips moved faster now, and she was fucking his fingers as hard as she could, simulating the penetration of his cock, and the thought made the blood rush to her head and she felt her orgasm start.

  “Oh,” she said, “Oh, God…”

  Rob watched her face as she realized that she was coming, saw that it caught her by surprise, and he thrust inside her faster and deeper, meeting her plunging hips on the downward stroke. Tammy’s hands gripped his muscled thighs behind her, totally abandoning herself to the feelings now. Her slim body arched, her breasts bounced with her movements, her head was thrown back, her eyes closed. She rode his hand and he loved every second of it, wanted it to go on forever, listening to her cries rise rhythmically.

  Tammy couldn’t stop it now: the feelings were intensifying, the pressure building deep in her pussy, travelling through her body, all the way to her fingertips. She sobbed as the wave rose and rose, broke a bit, rose some more. Then, finally, finally, she reached the crest and she shook wildly as her world exploded.

  Rob gripped Tammy’s hips with his one hand, holding her in place as she came. He kept his fingers inside her until her pussy had stopped clenching and releasing and her movements had stopped, then he slowly pulled them out of her trembling body. Her body felt empty without them, and she looked down at him, her eyes glazed, missing the pressure and heat of Rob’s fingers reaching in to her sex.

  He sat up again, pulled her down on to his chest, held her. He kissed her forehead, inhaled the scent from her tangled hair, told her that he was there with her. She clutched his upper arms, and listened to his heartbeat, knowing it now as well as she knew her own.

  He felt her body relax and he ran his hands up and down her back. “You are so beautiful.”

  She glanced at him and saw the look in his eyes. Suddenly, she felt a bit shy, thinking about how she must have looked above him, open and spread and exposed. She blushed and dropped her gaze.

  “Don’t do that,” he said. “Don’t be embarrassed. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”



  She curled her fingers under her, felt his hardness against her wetness. “And what about you?”

  He smiled at her, a slow smile that she’d never seen on his face before, and it was devastatingly sexy. “Well, I’m ready, as you can tell. But you’re in control here.”

  Her fingers were stroking him now, up and down the length of him. He groaned and touched her forehead with his own, gripped her hips. She watched his face as she reached under the waistband, trailed her fingers slowly down, down farther. He was huge and hot in her hand, and she knew he would feel incredible inside of her.

  She slid back down his body, and he groaned again as her wet sex pressed against his thighs. She pulled his boxer shorts down and he sprang out and free and she gasped. He was bigger than she had thought, bigger than in all her fantasies about him. She ran her hand up and down, harder now, faster, using more pressure and Rob’s hips rose in to her hand.

  He couldn’t believe this was actually happening: she was holding him, touching him, stroking him. He was barely holding on to his self-control, and he closed his eyes.

  “I want you inside of me,” she said. “Do you have anything?”

  He opened his eyes again. “Yes. In my wallet.”

  “What? Really?” Her voice and fingers were both teasing. “Like a high school boy?”

  “I don’t know what kind of high school boys you knew, but I didn’t start carrying condoms around with me until college.”

  She lifted herself and rubbed the end of his sex against her. Back and forth, slowly, and he felt her wetness coating him. He was losing all ability to think.

  “Oh, yeah?” she said, still stroking his cock against her pussy entrance. “College, huh? Well, why don’t you get one now?”

  He pulled his boxers off in one yank and reached for his jeans that he had laid across the chair. Tammy watched him open the wallet with fumbling movements, smiling at his urgency, not helping with her teasing and stroking. His fingers were fumbling with the condom wrapper, and he ripped it almost savagely, desperate to make love to her now. He rolled the condom down his length, and she smiled at him. He almost came right then, and he closed his eyes again.

  She pushed him on to his back, stretched her whole, glorious body the full length of him and kissed him. He responded, his tongue in her mouth and she gasped again, feeling the fire in her stomach spark. He rolled her on to her back, spread her thighs and positioned himself above her.

  “Is this OK?” he asked her. “Do you want to be on top of me?”

  “I just need to see your face,” she said. “Let me see it’s you…”

  His heart felt like a massive hand was squeezing it and he kissed her again, gently. “It’s me, sweetheart. It’s me.”

  He gathered her in to his arms and she wrapped those long legs around his hips, locking her ankles together, pulling him closer, pulling him in. He entered her with one thrust, sank deep inside of her and then he lay there, totally still, buried all the way to the end of his throbbing shaft, letting her get used to having him inside her.

  Tammy clutched his shoulders. He was so deep, so huge, and she knew that she was going to come again. She started moving under him and he matched her movements; they surged against each other, back and forth, side to side, and the delicious friction built and grew and spread. Rob sped up now, slamming in to the heart of her and she gave a small cry as he pressed against that small, secret place that so few of her boyfriends had ever been able to find.

  Rob felt her pussy start to flutter and he knew that she was melting under him: she was shaking and was seconds away from coming. He held himself up on his elbows, threw his head back and plunged inside of her, hitting that sweet spot, not stopping, not slowing down. She was writhing under him now.

  “Rob, Rob… oh, God. Rob. Now, now. I’m coming… I’m coming…”

  Her lips parted and her eyes closed and the look of rapture on her stunning face set off his own orgasm. He gave one last thrust and she screamed. Her clutching sex milked his seed out of him in helpless bursts and he collapsed on to her chest, riding the shock waves of sensation, holding her body as it vibrated under him.

  Slowly, he became aware of his ragged breathing and her wild heartbeat. He pulled back, lifting his large upper body off her. She stared up at him, her eyes soft and sweet and sated and he felt a huge rush of tenderness come over him. He kissed her, ran his fingers through her hair.

  “How are you doing, Tammy?”

  “Good.” Her voice was dreamy. “You?”

  “Never better.” He started to pull out of her, but she tightened her thighs around his hips. “Not yet – not yet. Just… stay for a minute longer, OK? It feels so good.”

  He grinned. “For me, too.”

  She touched his chest, playing with the golden hair. “I really like this… it’s so damn sexy.”

  “Yeah? I’ve heard that women like guys with no hair.”

  “Not me.”

  He kissed her again, licked her lips and gave her a playful nibble. “Well, that’s all I care about.” He moved his hips back now, pulled out of her, feeling regret at leaving her heat. He lay down next to her, holding her close to him.

  She curled up against him, and he smiled. “How about we get back in to bed, huh?”

  She laughed and sat up, those pert breasts swinging. He got to his feet, extended his hand to her and helped her to her feet. She climbed back in to the bed and wa
tched him go in to the attached bathroom, watched him return to her. His body was warm and comforting as he gathered her in to those massive arms and she curved her body in to his.

  “You want to try to rest?” Rob touched her cheek. “You think you can go back to sleep?”

  She nodded, her head on his chest, listening to his heart. She felt warm and safe and cherished, and she knew that there would be no more nightmares tonight.

  “OK, then. Close your eyes.”

  She did, and he took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. He felt exhaustion creeping up on him now, and he relaxed, letting sleep take him away.

  They slept, their bodies a tangle of limbs, and when the sun rose in the morning, he was awake and watching her. When her violet eyes opened and met the heat in his blue ones, without a word, they reached for each other again, hungry and eager and already ready.


  Rob stood in the kitchen, listening to Tammy on the phone. When she said goodbye and hung up, he poured two cups of coffee and brought them to the living room.

  “You OK?” he asked, setting one cup down in front of her.

  Tammy looked up at him, her eyes unfocused. She blinked. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”

  Rob sat on the sofa next to her. “So, what did Officer Jaruzelski say?”

  “He wants me to come back to New York as soon as possible. He says I can work with a sketch artist and help to produce an image of what this guy looks like. Then he’ll show it around the bar and neighborhood. Hopefully, somebody will know this guy, or at least remember him.”

  Rob nodded. “OK.” He took a sip of his coffee. “So when do we leave?”

  Tammy stared at him for a second and then her face broke in to a huge smile. “You mean it?”

  “Of course I do, sweetheart.” Rob reached out and gently stroked her cheek. She closed her eyes, loving his touch. “We’ll go together.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “It will be better, with you there. I won’t be so – so scared.”

  “Whatever I can do, I will,” he said.

  There was a knock at the door, and Tammy jumped.

  “Easy,” Rob said. “It’s probably Jake.”


  Rob stood up. “Yeah. I called Julie last night and told her what was going on. She said she’d call Jake this morning, and have him drop by and see how you're doing.”

  He opened the door and Tammy wrapped the blanket around her shoulders as the wind blew in to the cabin.

  “Mornin’, Jake,” Rob said. “Coffee?”

  “That’d be fine.” Jake stepped in, his massive shoulders tense. He spotted Tammy on the sofa and his face softened. “How you doing, girl?”

  “I’m OK.”

  “Yeah?” Jake kicked off his boots and sat down across from her, those gray eyes examining her closely.

  “Yeah, really. I promise.”

  Rob handed Jake his coffee and then sat next to Tammy. He put his arm around her and she leaned in to his body. Jake watched all of this, his head cocked to one side. Then he grinned.

  “So. You two?”

  Tammy blushed.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” Jake said. “Well, good. Me and Julie thought it was always a question of when, not if.”

  His cell phone rang and his grin widened. “Speak of the devil.” He pressed the ‘accept’ button. “Hi, baby. I’m with them now.”

  Tammy heard Julie’s inquisitive tone.

  “Yeah, them. Tammy and Rob.” Pause. “Yeah, he spent the night. Yeah. Fine. Good. She looks… happy. Very – ummm – satisfied.”

  Tammy threw a sofa cushion at him. “Shut up, Jake!”

  Jake ducked and extended the phone. “She wants to talk to you.”

  Rob laughed. “I’ll just bet she does.”

  “Oh, God.” Tammy took the phone and retreated to the bedroom, leaving the two men laughing in the living room. “Hi, Jules.”

  “Tammy! What’s going on? Are you OK? Have you talked to Officer Jaruzelski again? I’ll be home in about seven hours – I’m sorry I can’t be there now. But you’re with Rob, right? Will he stay with you? And did you guys sleep together?” She said all of this in a single rush of breath and Tammy laughed.

  “Jules. I’m OK, I promise you. Rob stayed the night and ummm…. well, you know.”

  Julie squealed. “Really? Oh, man! How was it?”

  Tammy sat on the unmade bed. “Amazing, actually. Just – amazing.”

  “Oh, Tammy. I’m so glad.” She sighed. “So, what now?”

  Tammy told her about what she remembered, and how she and Rob would be going back to New York to work on the sketch. Julie listened, feeling relief and pride swell in her chest as her friend talked. For the first time in years, Tammy sounded determined and sure and focused. She knew what she had to do, and she had the strength and support to do it.

  “OK,” Julie said. “Now, tell me the truth. Do you want me to come too? Or do you want to go with Rob, alone?”

  “Well, I was hoping to go with him, just the two of us. But – I don’t want you to be hurt by that…”

  “I’m not.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No. I want what you want. So – you guys go.”

  “Julie. You are just – you are the best friend anybody could ever want. The way you’ve been through this whole thing… I can never thank you. I can never pay you back.”

  “Oh, come on, now. What you and your family did for me, all those years? You saved me. Literally. Who knows where I would have ended up if you hadn’t taken me home and your parents hadn’t taken me in. We’re family, Tammy, and family does what it takes.”

  Both women were quiet for a few seconds.

  “So, when do you fly back?” Julie asked.

  “I don’t know. We’ll try to get tickets for tonight, maybe tomorrow. But we won’t leave before you get back.”

  “OK. So, I’ll see you later today.”

  “Yeah. Good luck with your meeting.”

  “Thanks, sweetie. I’ll call you when I’m on my way home.”

  Tammy hung up and returned to the living room. Both men looked up at her.

  “All OK?” Rob asked.

  “Yep.” Tammy handed Jake back his phone. “She’ll be home late this afternoon.”

  "Then I’m off," Jake said. "I have a few things to do in the office before heading down to the stables. You coming with me, Rob?”

  “I’ll stay here,” Rob said. “I need to send Julie an e-mail, formally asking for a few days off.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure that won’t be a problem.” Jake stood up. The black shirt stretched tight against his chest and stomach, outlining the hard grooves of muscle there. Seeing them made Tammy think of Rob’s body pressed against hers and she felt her knees go weak.

  They waved from the front porch as Jake went off to the main building. They went back in to the warmth of the cabin and Rob turned to Tammy. “OK. Take off your jeans.”

  She went wet between her legs, immediately. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “But – what about buying the tickets?”

  “Already done.”

  “What? How?”

  “I bought them at five o’clock this morning, while you were sleeping.”

  “You did?”

  “Uh-huh. We leave at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.”


  “Right. So – we have a few hours before Julie gets here. I want to spend them making you come over and over again. But if you have something you’d rather be doing…” He traced the outline of one nipple with his fingertip.

  She gasped. “No. I think your idea sounds good.”

  They made it as far as the living room sofa. He pushed her down, roughly, without any grace, and she felt her br
eath leave her as her back hit the cushions. Rob knelt beside her, running his hands over her neck, her shoulders, her breasts. His hands moved down her body, down her stomach, down between her legs. She gasped and opened her thighs to his touch. Even through her jeans, he felt her heat and his cock hardened almost to the point of bursting. He moved to the waistband of her jeans and flicked open the snap. She held her breath. He lowered the zipper, moved his fingers inside. He ran them over her underwear, back and forth.

  Tammy was almost dizzy with feeling. His touch burned through her panties, and she wanted nothing more than to be open and spread beneath his fingers, her sweet centre juicing and wet for him.

  Rob grasped her jeans, pulled them down in one movement. She lifted her hips, and he rolled the jeans down her legs, tossed them in a ball on the end of the sofa. He stared at her pink lace underwear; he could see her dark triangle through the wisp of material. Their eyes met.

  “I want to touch you,” he said.

  “I want you to.” She took his hand and placed it on her sex, pressed down on him. “Please.”

  His long fingers hooked under the waistband of her panties, paused. She stifled a gasp and waited, trembling now. He pulled them down, slowly, watching every inch being exposed. Her skin was soft and pale and perfect. When he saw the trimmed hair of her pussy, he licked his lips. He wanted to be down there. He wanted to taste her.

  He lowered her underwear over her slim thighs, down her legs, over her delicate feet. She was naked and glowing in the light peeking through the closed blinds, and he’d never seen anything so beautiful. He wanted her.

  Rob ran his hands up the inside of her legs, past her knees. He touched the soft inside of her thighs, pressed them open. Tammy spread her legs open to him, and he touched her sex with his palms, completely covering her hot, moist centre. She let out a strangled sound, deep in her throat.

  He rose up now, kissed her. She twined her arms around his neck and opened her mouth against his as his fingers started to tease her. He ran them up and down her pussy, avoiding her clit, just skimming around it. Her honey was all over his fingers and he loved it, wanted to taste it.


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