Book Read Free


Page 11

by C. M. Steele

  “Like shit, but I’m sure it will pass. How’s Maria?”

  “She’s still sleeping. Yesterday was pretty damn insane.”

  “For sure.” The doorbell rings.

  “Stay put.” I get up and head down. I can smell my parents outside, so I open the door and Max is with them. They all rush in, hugging me.

  “Where’s my baby?”

  “In bed. You got here fast.”

  “We flew out as soon as we got off the phone with Aria. Florida’s too damn hot for us.”

  “What about you, bro?”

  “Same. I can’t leave you on your own without shit going wrong.”


  Aria walks down the stairs holding onto Maria.

  “So I heard you’re a full shifter too. Thank you,” Max says, pulling Maria in for a hug. I hold back my growl and snarl. I know they need to bond.

  “I’m hungry. Turner’s trying to starve me. I didn’t even get any red meat last night. Maria’s greedy.” She winks. I roll my eyes.

  “How about some coffee and some breakfast?”

  “Yes. I need some coffee. Shit. We need to get to the resort. I’ve already cancelled any meetings, but we can leave at ten. It’s fine. Everything’s running smoothly.”

  “I’m sure it is.”

  My cell rings, and it’s Elliot. “He’s not in there. There’s a body, but it’s not his. Even with the charred flesh, I know he had a replacement inside.”

  “In case his plans went awry. I’m on my way to the hotel in a bit. Where the hell could he go? It’s not like he can explain why there’s a dead body in his basement.”

  “I’m going to have to cut breakfast short. I’ll take some toast and a coffee to go.”

  “It’s fine. We can eat at the hotel.”

  “You should stay here.”

  “Did that work so well last time?”

  “No, but my brother and father weren’t here. I don’t trust Anderson. He’s a sneaky fuckhead. He’s got to be coming after me.” I kiss my mate hard as hell. “Protect her with your life. I’m going to find this asshole and shoot him myself.”

  “We will.”

  I close my eyes and walk away before I take her with me. I rush into the garage, pulling out some hunting guns, and then open my trunk, staring at the CPR dummy in the back of my truck that will come in handy. I’m glad I didn’t drop it off. Running back into our bedroom, I pull out some of Maria’s clothes and a winter hat, and then I run out the back.

  Once I pull out with the fake Maria, a bad feeling rolls up my spine. I hate the idea that someone could come after her, but I still drive onto the main road. I’m only a quarter mile from the house when a shot rings out. My truck window shatters, and I feel the dummy fall onto my shoulder. I pull over, and another shot rings out. I can hear it as clear as day and know the direction it came from.

  I’m out of my vehicle after nudging the dummy off me. Rage soars through my bones, and my wolf feels the anger. If that had been my mate, she would have been dead. There are no words that will ever suffice to say how violent I feel. I shoot in the direction of the shot as I run for cover behind a large tree. Another shot rings out. My ears are perked up, listening to target my next shot. Smiling, I take the shot, seeing the top of that fuck’s head. I scalp the fucker and he falls hard, rolling down the hill. Sirens are going off, and it’s Officer Holden, who is a shifter as well. He jumps out with his gun.

  “It’s me, Holden,” I call out.

  “I see your vehicle.” He sees the body of the former chief on the slope, body slumped around a tree.

  “What the fuck? He’s supposed to be dead at his house.”

  “I’m guessing the corpse you found is a decoy. That fucker came after my family last night, and I think he used the fire as a diversion to come after me.”

  “I see. Shit. This is fucked up. I heard he found out about us.”

  “Yes. Only some. Since you’re not mated, I don’t think he knew you were one.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m not injured. Just a little broken glass, but he was aiming for my mate—or who he thought was my mate.”

  “Let me get the coroner over here. Luckily most of those in charge are shifters like us. There won’t be too many questions. Fucking humans can’t leave us alone.” I raise my brow. “Sorry. I didn’t mean your mate. It’s just people like him and the women and men who flirt with us. It’s as if they find us even more appealing than they should.”

  “You’re right about that. It’s nuts.”

  “Well, I’ll need to take your statement officially, just in case. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to stay here for a bit.”

  “No problem, but I need to make a call.” I create some distance and then call my wife who’s frantic.

  “I’m safe, but I need to talk to the police. Tomorrow you come in to talk to your new team. I love you. I’ll be home in an hour. I’m going to do my best to handle business from home today.”

  “Are we safe now?”

  “Yes. The threat has been eliminated, but I can’t guarantee if there’s any more. He blew up his house with all the physical evidence.”

  “We’ll have to do a sweep of his tech.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I end the call and talk to Holden, who writes everything down. We’re almost done when the coroner arrives.

  “This bastard? I have a dead body in my morgue that I was to believe was him.”

  “Well, unless he has a twin, this asshole wanted me dead for the firing my father was in the process of handling when he was taken away with a family emergency.”

  “I understand. Is this your truck?” He walks over to it. “Get photos,” he tells the crime scene tech that just arrived. “Fuck me. If this had been Maria…”

  “I know. I had a sick feeling and thought it was a smart idea. Now I’m fucking sick to my stomach.”

  “It was for the best. If he didn’t target her, you would have been the target. You’re smart for leaving her elsewhere, but is she safe there too?”

  “Yes, my dad and brother are back and watching over her.”

  “Good. Damn, they’ve put a lot on your plate since you’ve become Alpha.”

  “I hope it’s over. I have a mate to spend my life with and a bunch of pups to make.”

  “Your vehicle is going to need a new wheel too.”

  “Along with a fuckton of body work. Do you want me to call in a tow?”

  “Yeah, I don’t want Maria to see this.”

  “Good. Do you need a ride back home?”

  “No. I’ll just walk. I need the air right now.”

  “Take it easy.”

  “It’s about a five-minute walk.” I shake their hands and take my two unused guns with me and leave the one I used with them for any forensics they might need. The cold mountain air feels good in my lungs as I breathe in the chaos today. This has to be one of the most violent and intense weeks ever, and I hope to never have this experience again.

  I step onto my property, and I barely get halfway to the house when Maria comes out running with a nervous smile on her face. She’s in my arms, legs wrapped around my waist and lips on mine. “You’re alive. I felt the tension, and we could hear the shots from here. They wanted to leave, but they couldn’t leave us unprotected.”

  “That’s very smart of them. We’ll need a new truck, but I’m fine. And if you don’t stop rubbing up on me, I’m going to take you on the fucking steps.”

  “I believe that’s our cue to leave,” my father says.

  “No, please stay for the time being. I know you’ll have to make a statement. The press will be here soon, and there’s no true way to spin the story.”

  “Good. Well, then, you’re just in time for breakfast. I was so nervous, I just kept cooking.”

  “Don’t go upsetting your mother, or we’ll be having a feast all the time.”

  “Wait, maybe you should. I’m a growing young man,” my brother says, snatchi
ng a piece of bacon off the plate. I snarl and grab one for myself.

  We spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon talking about the wedding plans while I sneak in texts to my managers to check on the resort. So far there are no problems, but no one has seen my receptionist. I informed them that she hasn’t called in and that maybe someone should check her place, but I had no plans of leaving my home after nearly being killed.



  I’m standing in the middle of the station’s bullpen with two dozen officers, some on duty, others here just for the meeting. “Hello, everyone. Some of you may already know me as Mr. Turner’s fiancée, but before that I was a Deputy for the Wolfe Creek Police Department for several years. I’m filling in as an interim chief of police. As you are aware, when the former chief learned of his impending firing, he attacked Aria Turner, who protected me, and then Mr. Turner the following morning after faking his death. His fate was of his own making. Now, I know I’m a woman and new to the area, but I’m not the kind to ruffle feathers. If you have a problem with me, you better figure it out, or move on to another position. We will not have another Anderson incident. This town has been limited to one murder a year for decades, and we will attempt to keep it that way or even better from now on. I am sorry that things ended up this way for Anderson. Do any of you have any questions?”

  “Yes—do you have a sister?”

  “No, she doesn’t,” Turner snarls out from the back of the room.

  “But I have lots of cousins. In all seriousness, it’s going to take a little bit for me to get accustomed to the setup here, and I might make some changes. For the time being, the schedules will stay the same. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate.” I shake hands with each and every one of them before heading into Anderson’s former office. The chair has been changed and the desk cleared out and examined by the forensic team.

  “Hello, I’m Agnes, one of the four dispatchers here. I just thought I’d introduce myself. My mate is one of Turner’s cousins and Officer Holden out there. The one who’s talking to Turner right now.” I look through the large glass window with the blinds turned open.

  I smile and think to myself how much they look alike. Not identical in any way, but the family resemblance is there. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “I’m not sure if you know this, but I’m with pups, and, well, I’m going to be taking time off in a couple of months to birth them, but I can’t say that I’ll be returning. My mate isn’t happy with everything that’s going on and is too worried about me.”

  “I understand. I hope we don’t have any more crazy people living with pent-up jealousy.”

  “I hope not either, but we don’t really need the money. I’d been working here before we mated, so it’s not like I just up and quit, but our relationship caught Anderson’s notice a little more than I expected it to. There’s no policy against it since, well, you know.”

  “Yes, I know. Well, let me know when you have to leave. Are you having a baby shower or anything?”

  “Yes. My mom is throwing one next week. You’re welcome to come, of course.”

  “You don’t have to invite me as your boss.”

  “It’s not because you’re my boss. You’re the Alpha’s mate and one we all will defer to, so it would be wonderful to have you there. You don’t have to bring anything, but I would love for you to meet some of the other females in the pack.” I ask her for the info and enter it into the calendar on my phone. I want to get to know the women. Turner did inform me that I will be the one female shifters will come to with questions or concerns, as well as someone to admire.

  “Thank you. Well, I better get going. I have to start my shift.” She smiles and walks out. I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about the females on the force. Every single female is a shifter. It makes my life easier.

  A light knock on my door brings a smile to my face. “What can I do for you, Mr. Turner?”

  “I can think of many things, but I have to head out. I wanted to see you one more time before I go.”

  “I’m going to be okay. If it makes you feel better, I could have one of them stand at my door and protect me.”

  “I would feel better. That’s a great idea. Holden will do it.” He kisses me hard and walks out, and then Holden approaches and without a word, stands outside my door. I laugh and shake my head.

  One by one, a few officers come in and say hello. I don’t get cold glares or anything from them, and the day goes about as normal as it can. The one officer that could be promoted to sheriff is a shifter, and he knows that the Alpha’s edict is golden, so he doesn’t pitch a fit.

  “It’s about seven at night and quitting time for me. Does anyone need anything from me?”

  “No thanks, Chief. Congrats on your first day,” Officer Peck says.

  A round of applause fills the station. I’d gone on patrol to get a sense of the area and then I de-escalated two situations with some guests, one fender-bender and another at the bar. It had been a remarkably busy and interesting day. Now, I want to go home and snuggle with Turner for a bit.

  I shut down everything in my office and lock the door before lifting my gaze to see Turner waiting for me. A smile washes over my face, but I maintain my cool and walk up to him with the dignity of the chief of police.

  “Are you ready, Chief?”

  “Yes, Mr. Turner.” I’m smiling all the way to his vehicle because even though I’m tired, I’m glad to be with my mate.

  He leads me out to his SUV and we climb inside, and then we head back to the house. We are both exhausted, but I need him. Reading me as always, his mouth is on mine. We barely make it in the house when he tears off my clothes and frees himself. With one thrust, he’s buried inside me on the foyer floor on all fours. We growl and moan as he pounds into me, gripping my shoulders and dominating my body. Our bodies rock and shake as he drills me hard.

  “Come for me, Maria.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” I cry out, squeezing his cock as my pussy pulsates and my soul comes apart. He roars, biting down on my neck as he fills me up. We collapse on the floor and rest.

  “Do you think we could do that as wolves?”

  “We can, if you want,” he growls against my ear. “I’d love to feel your fur against mine as we fuck.”

  Heat fills my core just thinking about us together. “Let me rest a bit, and then you can take me hard in the middle of the forest under the moonlight.”

  “Let me take you to bed.” We both stand, and then he picks me up in his arms and carries me to our room. Life is so good.

  We wake up just after midnight, and the moon is high. “How about a run?”

  “Ooh, that sounds good.” It’s perfect. I rush out of bed and run downstairs. He follows after me and catches me before we get to the door. “Put some clothes on. We’ll shift where no one can see us.”

  “Oh goodness. I didn’t think of that.”

  “There’s no one around, but I don’t want anyone to steal a glance at you naked, even at a distance. I’m fucking jealous.”

  We put on some clothes and then he leads me into a thicket. “Strip, baby.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” I quickly remove my clothes and watch Turner do the same. Suddenly he shifts, and he’s so beautiful. I relax and let my body shift.

  He howls and growls. You’re so sexy, my mate.

  You’re majestic, my Alpha.

  Let’s run, and then I’m going to drill your little slit until we pass out.

  We dash through the snow, and it’s so fun. I never expected to do something wild like this. By the time we stop, we’re atop a hill looking down. Strangely, I’m not afraid, turning to smile at Turner, and then I take off down the slope. I race to the bottom, but he’s so much larger and faster that he passes me by and beats me to the bottom. Turner’s back paws swing around, bringing himself to a stop and staring directly at me. His eyes darken and become intense.

  Get over here.

I dip my head and run it along his throat. I love you.

  He mounts me from behind, and we fuck like wild animals. It’s different and exciting, but it doesn’t beat the feel of our human forms gliding together. We both howl our release and then rest until we can catch our breath. We shift, he carries me into the thicket, and he helps me dress.

  “Damn, Maria. You are sexy either way. I love being inside you any way I can, whether it’s on all fours covered in fur, or you on my desk with your thighs wrapped around me.”

  “I’ll take it all, Turner.”



  I stand face to face with Maria’s father. I shouldn’t be intimidated, but he’s the man who gave me her. He doesn’t even understand the significance of this day. It’s just tying her in the human way, but we’re connected in so many more ways. Her mother looked at her stomach the second she arrived, and yes, my mate is going to have our first pup, and it was hard to hide. She wasn’t showing, but her waist had thickened.

  “Hello, Senor Arroyo. I’m so glad that you could make it. Maria said there was a terrible storm that caused damage to the area.”

  “Yes, but we were able to board everything up and make our way on time. Thank you for leaving the plane for us. I wouldn’t want to miss this for anything in the world.”

  “I would have postponed it,” I state while I adjust my cuffs.

  “You have over two hundred guests here.”

  “Maria’s happiness is of the utmost importance to me. It’s a good thing we’re doing this in the main resort, though.”

  “I’m surprised—for as much money you have, you live in a simple, but modern large cabin.”

  “Unless we’re having a dozen children, I don’t see the need for something more.”

  “Ah, son. There you are,” my father says, coming up to us.

  “Hello, I’m Mayor Marcus Turner. You must be the father of the bride I’ve heard so much about.”


  “Yes, it’s ceremonial, really. This place runs smoothly, especially with our new chief of police. Maria has been fantastic.”


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