The Shifter’s Prisoner_A Paranormal Romance

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The Shifter’s Prisoner_A Paranormal Romance Page 65

by T. S. Ryder

  The black one ran under Benjamin's legs, clawing at his belly. He threw himself to one side, crashing heavily on the golden one. It tore at his side, sending silver scales flying, but as the black Dragon dodged in, he whipped at it with his tail. The impact sent the smaller Dragon flying. Benjamin rolled back to his feet, then seized the golden Dragon by the throat. He threw it back to the ground, using his bulk to pin it down. It bit at him, but a swift blow from Benjamin's clawed hand made it go limp.

  Benjamin staggered as he turned to face the black Dragon again. It held itself low to the ground as it crept forward. Julia held her breath, her heart hammering so hard she was afraid it might burst. Her fingers dug into her face, head whirling.

  The black Dragon lunged for his throat. Benjamin sidestepped it, using a wing to bowl it over. As it stumbled, he pounced, snarling and growling, as his teeth sunk into the Dragon's shoulder. He flipped it over and collapsed on it, pinning it to its back. It gave a mighty roar, then went still. When Benjamin stood on shaky legs, the black Dragon flipped over. Julia screamed but the Dragon only nodded and headed off the field.

  The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts. It was over.

  Benjamin had won.

  Julia collapsed to her knees, sobbing in relief. He had won and it was over. No more war; no more threats. He had proven himself strong and now they could live together, happily ever after.

  Chapter Eighteen – Until the End of Forever

  Julia huffed as she brushed a wet sponge over his back. Her light touch felt soothing and Benjamin smiled. He closed his eyes, repressing a yawn. He was stretched out on his bed while Julia gave him a sponge bath. It wasn't strictly necessary, but he liked how nurturing she was, not to mention how good it felt to have her hands on him.

  "I thought you Dragons were supposed to be quick healers," she said. "Look at this! All puckered and red. You're lucky you didn't get a raging infection."

  Benjamin chuckled. "Darling, if we didn't have advanced healing, my back would still be a raw mess. It's only been three days since the battle, after all. You can't expect me to get better overnight."

  She made another huffing noise, rinsing out the cloth. "I guess not . . . But it's really over, right? There isn't going to be a war?"

  "No. There isn’t going to be a war." Benjamin rolled over, careful not to disturb the water and pulled her over him. "I took out their champions and all the kingdoms readying for war have bowed out. Caitlyn vowed loyalty, as have several of the others. I guess they finally see that I'm not weak after all. Especially not when I have you and Henry to fight for."

  "Caitlyn." Julia shook her head. "Do you know what's going to happen with her now?"

  Benjamin shook his head. While he wasn't feeling especially charitable towards her, he understood where she was coming from. He didn't want to see her dethroned just because her councilors didn't want to have a queen ruling them. They had found that her cousin had sent the assassin after Julia, trying to frame Caitlyn, so he wasn’t going to be king. He was no longer a threat to her rule. There was only so much he could do to help her, though.

  He focused on Julia again, smiling at her. He ran his hands up her thighs but she pulled back. Benjamin sighed in disappointment, only for it to turn to a chuckle when Julia playfully slapped his arm. She gave him a half-glare, then settled back. A hesitant look crossed her face.

  "What's wrong?" he asked.

  "Well . . . I'm just . . . I want to know if you're serious about marrying me."

  "Is that all?" He was tempted to chuckle again but her worried look stopped him. He grew serious. "Of course. And it's not for the kingdom, Julia. I love you. I want to marry you. But I also want to do this right. I don't want to rush in with either of us think we have to. I'll take as long as you need."

  Julia threw her arms around him. She kissed him hard, making his flames leap and spread through his veins. She straddled him again and he grasped her hips tightly. Once more, though, she stopped and pulled back.

  "I don't need time. I just need you to forgive me."

  "Oh, my love." He brushed her hair from her face. "Of course I do. I understand why you did what you did. I think the next step here is for you to forgive yourself, not the other way around."

  "Maybe so." Julia brushed another kiss on his mouth. "It just feels like there has been so much happening. When did you have time to forgive me?"

  Benjamin sighed. She felt a lot of guilt over how she had come into his life and he knew it would take time for her to forgive herself, but the truth of the matter was he had already forgiven her. He could see the way she punished herself and he wanted to help her understand that while it was wrong, she had done the right thing by telling him the truth – by bringing Henry into his life. He only wished that he could apologize to Cynthia for being the kind of man that she couldn't trust her pregnancy with. He had found her employment records. Natalie had fired her for vague reasons. No doubt because of her jealousy.

  There was a knock on the door.

  "That'll be Heather with Henry."

  Julia rolled off him and gathered up the water and sponge. Benjamin watched her with an admiring eye before he grabbed his clothes and pulled them on. When he was dressed, they went to the den together. Benjamin's brows shot straight up. It was Heather, but she wasn't holding Henry. Instead, his mother, in her usual wheelchair, had the baby on her lap. Henry giggled and clapped.

  "Mother!" Benjamin dropped to a knee to embrace her. "You're out of the hospital . . . for how long? Why didn't you tell me? I could have had things prepared for you."

  "Maybe I wanted to see how you ran the place in my absence. And here I find you holed up in your room with your mate." Maria's eyes twinkled. "I take it you've solved your differences now?"

  Benjamin wrapped his arm around Julia's waist. "Yes. We've talked about what Julia told you and we're all the closer for it. No more secrets between us."

  "Good." Maria reached for Julia's hand. "It took courage to tell us the truth, my dear. I'll admit that I wasn't so certain about you. I knew there was something you were hiding and I feared that you were just after my son because of his position. I thought you were trying to be the housekeeper who would be queen."

  "I never—"

  "I know. Your ability to move past your fear and be truthful has convinced me. You will be a fine queen. When is the wedding?"

  "Mother!" Benjamin couldn't help but laugh. "We're letting things calm down a little before we decide. I don't want to hear anymore about it. Julia and I will decide when we marry and we won't marry one day sooner than we're ready."

  Maria regarded him for a long moment before nodding. She looked stronger, her cheeks had a healthy color in them, and her breathing was easier. But that didn't mean she was fully recovered. It was going to take some time for Natalie's treachery to heal and for the queen to return to her former self. After what she had gone through, she might never be as strong as she once was. She wasn't a young Dragoness anymore and her health problems, combined with the stress, had taken a toll on her.

  "Well. When you decide when to marry, let me know. I'm tired of this crown and you have proven yourself ready to be king. Once you are properly married, then you will be king." Maria settled Henry into the crook of her arm and smiled at the baby.

  Benjamin wasn't sure what to say. He always knew that one day he'd be king, but he hadn't expected it to be handed over to him like that. Was Maria still that frail? Or was it that she wanted to have the freedom to enjoy the rest of her days without that responsibility? He kissed her temple, the weight of this responsibility settling on him.

  "I will do whatever it takes to make sure I don't let you down, Mother."

  "I know. And you, young lady." Maria smiled at Julia. "Thank you for helping my boy learn that he's a man. Thank you for teaching him his own strength."

  Julia's fair tones flushed. "Well, I really didn't—"

  "You did. More than you know. Now, as much as I love this little one, I'm tired. I need
my rest."

  Julia gathered Henry and Maria took her leave. The two of them stared at each other once she was gone. Benjamin pulled his mate into his arms, careful with Henry, and kissed her, then his son. There was the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, but he was ready. He was going to be the best king he could and build a better world for his son and whatever other children might come.

  "I love you," he whispered. "So much."

  "I love you, too," she said. "So . . . once we're married you'll be king. Are you ready?"

  Benjamin shivered. "King. I'm not sure. Yes, I'm willing, but I feel like I wasted so much time when I ought to have been learning what a king does. I'm worried I won't be good enough. But I'll be okay . . . The real question is whether you are ready to be the queen."

  "Hello! No way am I ready. I'm just a servant girl, remember?" Julia widened her eyes at him. "Are you certain you wouldn't rather marry someone else?"

  Rolling his eyes, Benjamin kissed her again. He held her close, Henry resting in both of their arms. He never thought he'd have this. A woman who loved him despite his flaws, and a son. Soon, he would be the king as well. It was a frightening prospect, yes, but he was ready. Henry sneezed, then wrinkled his nose and started whimpering. A foul odor rose from his tiny body.

  "I changed him last time," both Benjamin and Julia said at once.

  "You're his father," she said.

  "You're his mother."

  Julia wrinkled her nose at him. "Fine. I'll give him a bath while I'm at it. That one felt explosive. Can you undress him while I run his water?"

  "I see what you're doing. You want to con me into changing his diaper anyway."

  "I would never."

  Henry waved his fists in the air, puffs of smoke seeping from his mouth as Julia handed him to his father. One day he was going to be a strong little Dragon, a prince in every sense of the word. There was so much he was going to learn, so much he would experience. Benjamin couldn't wait to teach his son everything he knew.



  About T.S. Ryder

  If you’re in for hot-as-hell vampires and shifters, you’re my girl. There’s nothing paranormal that I don’t like or write and I’ll give it all I’ve got to bring beasts and hot men (preferably both :) ) to life for you.

  I love writing stories about sexy and protective alpha males and the strong women they love. My stories are always full of steam and I generally throw in a fair amount of action.

  So kick back, get comfortable, grab some chocolate and tea and fasten up your girdles for some extra smoldering hotness. Enjoy!

  Please check my author page for the latest news and releases.

  Selected Other Books by T.S. Ryder

  The Shifter's Secret Baby Girl

  A single mom who’s never heard of shifters PLUS a bad beast with a secret PLUS a child who might be in danger…

  Marguerite Ward never thought she’d be a single mom. But her little girl Elena is her life. Everything is fine. Until Elena starts shifting into a wolf pup in the middle of the night…

  Marguerite wants answers. And there’s only one person who can give them: the man she had known for only one night.

  The one with the dark eyes, proud and haunted, and the crooked smile. The one whose name had dripped off her tongue like honey...

  Everett Roxton has been shifting into a Wolf ever since a scientific experiment. He doesn’t need complications or commitments, especially when it comes to women. He just wants to live a normal life.

  But he’s about to come up against his greatest trial when the woman he’s never quite forgotten returns.

  Can he face his two worst fears: Returning to the scientist who turned him into a beast?

  And letting a woman into his heart?

  The Shifter's Catch

  A Dragon who needs an heir. A girl who needs money. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Unless they end up dead…

  Prince Edan never wanted a mate. But now that his brothers are killing each other, he’s the only one who can produce an heir. So when he meets a woman who makes his fires burn blue, he doesn’t think twice.

  His Dragon spreads its wings and flies her away to his kingdom.

  Isobel has only one dream. One that costs money she doesn’t have. So when she meets a rich stranger who offers her a job, she’s ready. Except she doesn’t realize that the job is to have his babies…

  But the vibrations of the universe have spoken. And by the way, it’s pretty difficult to say no to the delicious hunky Dragon and the sheer dominance that radiates from him.

  What Edan doesn’t know is that Isobel has a gift: She can see the ghosts and demons that are threatening the kingdom.

  But as the feelings between Isobel and Edan deepen, can she still see?

  And will he unleash his flames for her when she becomes bait?

  Selected for the Vampire King

  Love is weakness. Humans are fragile. Can this vampire King resist his heart’s desire?

  Tindra isn’t looking for love. All she wants is a day off work. And that’s exactly what signing up for the vampire-human matching program gets her. What she didn’t expect is to be chosen by the vampire prince, Thor, which could be a dream come true…

  Except she’s more interested in the king…

  Vampire King Rollon has been alone for centuries. But when he smells Tindra’s intoxicating scent, he wants to do nothing more than sink his fangs into her, taste her blood… and engage in other forbidden pleasures.

  Tindra’s off limits though. She belongs to his son.

  Not that it matters. Humans are too fragile, too short-lived to get involved with.

  But Thor has a surprise in store…

  And an old enemy resurfaces…

  Can Rollon keep his dark desires to himself?

  Will Tindra survive when she becomes the enemy’s target?

  Can there be a future for a human and a vampire king?

  Sold to the Shifter

  A curvy Panther Shifter with a secret PLUS the baddest Lion Shifter in the pack PLUS one, no TWO evil enemies with no mercy…

  Panther shifter Jamie has grand ideas of love and romance. Until her manipulative mother sells her to a lion shifter. He’s hot, he’s huge, he’s all muscle. Hmm, how to make the best out of a bad situation?

  Ryan is the biggest, baddest shifter in the Alpha’s Guard. His job is to protect the pack. He doesn’t have time for dating nonsense. So an arranged marriage seems practical.

  What he’s not prepared for is how her delicious curves make his heart stutter in his chest. How she makes his protective instincts kick into high gear. She’s his. His alone.

  But Jamie has secrets.

  And the pack is in danger.

  The enemy is coming.

  Forget trials or justice. Ryan’s out for blood.

  Can he protect his mate?

  The Vampire King's Nanny

  A curvy romance writer paying off her debts PLUS a sexy vampire king healing his heart PLUS a child with special powers…

  Vampire king Thomas needs a woman. Not for himself, but to take care of his daughter. But when he purchases a human with curves better than Marilyn Monroe, all he can think about is drinking her delicious blood…

  Adrielle is a romance writer struggling with her past. To pay off her debts, she sells herself and her virginity at an auction to the highest bidder. Who happens to be a vampire king. An insanely attractive one. But no, she’s definitely not going to lust after her captor!

  But the underworld she is brought to isn’t safe. Vampires are not the only beasts roaming the darkness here… and the child she is supposed to babysit appears to have special powers…

  Soon, Adrielle discovers that behind Thomas’ cold and emotionless outside, he is hiding a heart full of pain. Can he fight the beast that has its claws wrapped around his heart?

  Can he keep Adrielle safe?

  Can he love a human against all odds?

  The S
hifter's Secret Twins

  What do you do when your one-night stand turns out to be your new shifter doctor?

  Single mom Lana Flores needs a distraction. Badly. So when she meets a hot and bossy guy twenty years her senior at a ball, she doesn’t think twice. Shame she’ll never see him again after their hot night together.

  Until she meets her new doctor.

  Simon Wolfe is a world-renowned doctor leading a breakthrough study using shifter blood. Plus he’s a shifter himself. An incredibly gorgeous one. In the bedroom, he is king. The only women he doesn’t sleep with are his patients. That would be so unprofessional.

  Until Lana.

  She’s way too young for him. Not to mention his patient. But she makes his Wolf howl.

  She needs his help though. And not only because he’s the best doctor. Her cute little twins have starting shifting into wolf pups. Apparently the sperm donor was a shifter. Maybe the doctor can help track him down?

  But Lana and Simon are in for a surprise. And before they know it, all bets are off…

  The Shifter's Hostage

  A curvy gal with hidden powers PLUS an insanely sexy dragon shifter PLUS dangerous creatures looking for their next target…


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