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Bad Boy Hero: A Romantic Suspense

Page 20

by Adair Rymer

  “Why?” And why did Bianca all of a sudden care about any of this? This was a woman who seemed to barely tolerate me. I could probably count on one hand the times we had spoken to each other directly.

  “Because we are not defined by the opinions of others, only by our own actions. I would never have become CEO of a multi-billion dollar company if I had allowed myself to be dissuaded by my contemporaries. You are entitled to that stage and those accolades just as much as anyone else.”

  It wasn't just the words that had the impact on me. I didn't know if it was the way she said them, or just the fact that she was the one saying them, but I was stunned. She was right, I did bust my ass in high school and college to get to this point. It was a big deal. I didn't know how to respond to that unexpected encouragement and fortunately I didn't have to.

  “Your five o'clock appointment is here, Ms. Cooper,” the secretary's voice rang out over the intercom speaker. Bianca checked her watch but otherwise ignored the notification.

  “I don't dislike you, Claire.” Bianca must have seen the shock and awe all over my face because that prompted her to clarify. “Quite the opposite in fact. I think you are just what Maynard needs.”

  “More than that actually.” She cocked her head ever so slightly as if forcing herself to speak more freely. This was unfamiliar territory for her. “You stayed in your apartment and finished school when it would have been far easier to simply run off with Maynard and live in a wealthy insulated fairytale. I admire your dedication to your ideals.”

  Bianca was cold, ruthless, intelligent, and did whatever it took to accomplish her goals. However, beneath all that, I’d come to find out that she actually was a good person. Hard around the edges and... slightly less hard on the inside. My parents would love Bianca.

  “Uh... Thank you. That means a lot.”

  Bianca bowed her head slightly and opened the door for me to leave.

  “Don't worry, Maynard and I have a plan. I will be in touch.” She promised.

  And I believed her. I arrived, angry and afraid and I left respecting her so much more. Despite her utter lack of social niceties Bianca really was inspiring. It was completely crazy, but talking to her made me think that we might all pull through this. For the first time in months everything didn't feel completely hopeless.

  All those good feelings wouldn't last long, nothing could've prepared me for what came next...

  Chapter 17


  “Alright, Cooper, let's go.” The guard opened the door and threw me the gray jumpsuit. “Visitation.”

  Staring at these cell walls nearly fifteen hours a day tended to put things into perspective. Aside from talking with my neighbor Marco, all I could do was read, write letters, exercise, and think. The latter of which I did the most of.

  All trains of thought ended at Claire Station.

  It was October. After six extremely boring and occasionally dangerous months I was about a month away from seeing the only person that gave my life real meaning.

  I stripped down and changed while the guard was present. Privacy was a distant memory. I put on my 'Sunday Best' for my lawyer's visitation and let the guard lead me out of the cell. They put me in the jail house for short sentences while I waited for a court date that would never come. Bianca's lawyers had pulled off a deal that was basically a slap on the wrist.

  I stopped just outside the cell of the inmate across the hall. The guard patiently waited behind me. He, like every Corrections Officer I encountered, was extremely accommodating once they realized who I was.

  Everyone knew that the world would listen to what I had to say once I was released. Given all the bad publicity and massive reforms facing the prison already, the warden made sure that every officer was on their best behavior around me.

  That wasn't the case when I first arrived though.

  After processing, I was placed in a sixty-bed dorm room that was at capacity with other inmates. I got into three fights that night before the guards put me in a private cell. Even in here I was a celebrity, unfortunately that meant that I was a target.

  At least until I got access to my commissary, then everything changed.

  Once I had the ability to have deposits made in other people's accounts, things got much more comfortable for me. Well, as comfortable as they could get in one of the worst prisons in the country.

  But comfort wasn't what I spent most of my money on.

  “You're absolutely sure, Marco?” I hammered a fist on the heavy door of Marco Rodriguez.

  Marco was only here on a misdemeanor but he had been separated due to his extensive criminal connections. He had a finger on the venomous pulse of the underground. There weren't many big moves made in the country that he didn't at least know about.

  Information was what cost me the most. It was worth every penny.

  “On my Momma's grave.” Marco shouted back. I was certain he was of Latin descent but I'd never seen him in person. “Hey! Rook to C two. Better luck next time, Hoss.”

  “Damn.” That was checkmate. I nodded to the guard and we resumed our walk down the hall.

  Marco was the most brilliant man I’d ever met. He and I would pass the time playing chess. We would yell our moves through the thick metal doors and make note of them on our personal hand drawn chess boards. Of the dozens of times we played, I had never been able to beat him.

  That was why I trusted that the name he told me was worth the small fortune I had paid for it.

  Something terrible had happened about a month back in Chicago. A massive fire ravaged several poorer and working class areas. Many small, independently-owned businesses were destroyed. One of which was Claire's father's shop.

  The official word was that a freak electrical accident caused the fire, but I had my reservations. The conversation I had with Anthony that night nine months ago in his office buzzed around my head like a fly in a glass jar.

  Lucas James.

  That name cost me three-hundred-thousand dollars. Lucas didn't light the fire that destroyed Hal's business. He was the guy who hired the guy who lit the fire. I was interested in who hired Lucas.

  Now that I knew Lucas' name I could begin connecting the dots. When all those dots were filled in, I was certain I'd be looking at a picture of Anthony's face. I knew that this was his dirty work, and once I got enough evidence I was going to nail that motherfucker to the wall.

  I looked up at the camera above the final threshold that led to the dance floor and waited for the electric locks on the door to buzz open. We called it the dance floor because the visitations took place in the gymnasium and the majority of the visitors were women. They were all lined up on the opposite wall when we were allowed in.

  It was all very reminiscent of an awkward seventh grade school dance.

  Other inmates lined up behind me and we were all let through in one long stream. My eyes nearly fell out of my head when I saw her. It wasn't my lawyer that had come to see me, it was Claire.

  She was so pregnant, I couldn't believe it. Where everyone else had to stay standing, they had let her sit at one of the tables near the entrance. She was sweaty and tired from the all-day affair that was involved when you went to visit someone here, but her face lit up when she saw me.

  The hardest part was that I couldn't go to her immediately. I had to wait for the last inmate to be let in, then for the CO to look us over again. He recited the rules in a rushed, barely understandable tone, then gave us the all-clear.

  As much as I wanted to I couldn't run over to her. It was hard to describe how it felt seeing Claire after so long. I was actually a little angry. No, that wasn't right. Protective, was a better word for it. She shouldn't be here like this!

  Claire stood up and reached for me when I got close. We were both beaming when we embraced. I couldn't remember anything feeling as good as wrapping my arms around her.

  “You look and smell fucking amazing.” I breathed in as much of her as I could. Prison has a certain unplea
sant smell to it, even in the clean areas. Claire was a literal breath of fresh air.

  Claire laughed, not because it was funny, but because it was a relief. This was the first time I'd seen her visibly pregnant and the prison had also forced her to wear this green triple XL T-shirt over her clothes. I didn't know what she was thinking, but I was sure she didn't think she looked too pretty at the moment.

  “Break it up,” a wandering CO warned. Everything here had strict policies. Hugs weren't to last more than thirty seconds, and each couple was allowed only two kisses: one at the beginning of the visit, and one at the end.

  “I don't feel that pretty.” She had brushed her shoulder length hair back as she sat down. She had let it grow since the last time I'd seen her, it was a good length on her.

  I let my famished eyes feast on her soft, now blushing, features. She had obviously put on weight but she wore it really well. Aside from that, the rest of her features were exactly as I imagined them every night.

  I placed a hand on her stomach. It was warm and hard and her belly button poked out in a little nub. A sudden jolt from inside nearly caused me to pull away. I had never felt a pregnant stomach before and didn't know if I had somehow hurt her. It wasn't the movement itself but the realization as to what it represented that rocketed a shock of excitement up my spine.

  That was my child in there.

  I had spent a lot of time thinking about what that meant but it wasn't until I felt the baby move that it all fully became real. It was the difference between seeing Niagara Falls in a picture, and riding over it in a barrel. There was just no comparison.

  I was going to be a father. Suddenly all the other trivial shit in my life melted away. “You have never looked better to me.”

  She replied with a weak smile. Seeing her button nose and cheeks with a perpetual hint of blush in-person soothed away some of the pain that had been building up inside me.

  She bit back tears and stared at me like I'd come back from the dead. It was a heavy, watery look that prickled the little hairs on my neck. Her bright green eyes were what I missed most about her. They were the color of fresh cut grass, summer breezes and freedom. All the money in the world would never buy me that feeling she gave me.

  “Did you hear about what happened?”

  “Yes,” I replied, tumbling back to harsh reality. She was, of course, talking about the fire in Chicago. “I was getting worried, I hadn't heard from you in a month.”

  When the story broke, Christian, my chauffeur, was kind enough to get a message to me stating that Claire was alright. He knew that not knowing would drive me insane.

  “I know, I'm so sorry,” Claire exhaled, the exhaustion in her voice made me worry. “I've just been home taking care of Mom.”

  “What happened to Lynn?” When I was able to call Christian he didn't have many more details to give me. They hadn't released much at that point.

  “I thought you knew?” Her eyes upturned and she squeezed my hand tightly. “She was in the shop doing some accounting for my father when the place caught fire. She was hurt pretty bad, but she's stable now.”

  “Jesus...” I leaned back in my chair. The news hit me like a punch. I didn't know her well but I felt terrible for Claire. “Is she—?”

  “She's conscious now, but it was touch and go for a long time.”

  I shook my head, a renewed anger boiled within me at Anthony. Fucking with my life was one thing, but now he was messing with the family of those I cared about. I was going to make him pay.

  “You really shouldn't be here.” I didn't want to tell her about the name I had paid for, or my theory about Anthony until I had actual proof. “I'm getting out very soon.”

  “I know, I know. I couldn't take it any longer. With everything that's happened I needed to see you.” Claire's eyes watered. “Dad is watching over Mom, and you're locked up in here, and I was losing my mind. I just don't want to go through this pregnancy alone. I'm scared.”

  I hugged Claire again, not caring about the rules. My girl needed me. When one of the COs came over to break it up I glared the man down. He paused a moment then decided not to cause a scene and walked away.

  “Hey. Hey,” I consoled her. “No matter what happens, I promise that you won't be alone.”

  That was why I had taken the deal and decided not to fight the charges. I didn't care about the assault mark on my record; the only thing that mattered was getting out in time to be with her when she went through labor.

  I was cutting it extremely close with the release date but there was nothing I could do to change that. If Claire had a late term pregnancy, it was still completely possible that I could be there with her when she delivered the baby.

  “Everything is going to be fine.” I wiped the tears from her cheek. “Squeeze Angry Cat for me when you get back home.”

  “He misses you too.” The worry in Claire's face relaxed.

  “Wait, I thought Angry Cat was a girl. It has pink stitching and lipstick.” I leaned back and gave her a skeptical look. “Are you cheating on me?”

  “My stuffed animal is very comfortable with his sexuality, thank you.” She raised one eyebrow, scolding me.

  “There might have been a few drunken advances, but I promise you have nothing to worry about—” Claire paused dramatically, then shrugged her shoulders “—from him. Mr. Handy, my vibrator, on the other hand...”

  “I'm not worried.” I called her bluff. “My cock's bigger.”

  “God, I missed you.” Claire exhaled, looking at me longingly.

  It was so good seeing the remaining tension drain away from her. She deserved so much better than the shit hand she'd been dealt lately. When I got out of here I was going to bring the world to its knees for her. I was going to pamper her like a queen.

  “That's one thing no one tells you about during late stage pregnancy.” She leaned in close. “I am so fucking horny, like all the time.”

  “I'd better hurry up and get the hell out of here.”

  “You'd still have sex with me like this?” She scoffed.

  “Prison had made me adventurous.” It was my turn to shrug.

  “Is there anything I should be worried about?”

  “Yeah. You're not mailing me enough nude pictures of yourself. It gets awfully lonely when I have to jerk off to just the memory of you.”

  Her eyes flashed and a full smile parted her lips. It was so good to see a genuine smile on her again. She really was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

  “I know how difficult everything is for you right now, but thank you so much for coming. You have no idea how good it feels to see you.”

  “I may not have to worry about dropping the soap,” Claire thought about it, then continued. “Well at least not for the same reasons you do, but it sucks for me too. I just needed to see your silly, handsome face in person.

  “So you do feel a little better?”

  “If I had a health bar, like in a video game, it would be refilling—” Claire stopped mid-sentence and a wave of confusion, then fear washed over her.

  “Holy shit. Holy shit.” She pushed her chair back and it was only then that I saw the water on the floor. Claire latched onto my hand, crushing it in terror.

  “Guards!” I screamed. This was really happening right now. “My fiancée’s water just broke!”

  Chapter 18


  The next twenty-four hours was a blur.

  The woman of my dreams had just gone into labor in a prison gymnasium. Claire frantically reached for me but as the correction officers ran over I knew I had to back away. Pulling away from Claire when she needed me most was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do.

  Claire screamed my name as she was whisked from the large room. Two officers stood between us, making sure I didn't try to run after her. I could've gotten around them but at what cost?

  I was about a month away from being completely free. If I fought this now they could charge me with an esca
pe attempt and tack years on to my incarceration. I might not see our baby boy grow up at all. I balled my fists and cemented my feet to the ground. I couldn't go to her...

  It felt like I was betraying her in every way possible.

  It was only at that moment that I realized how far I'd fallen. Time Magazine declared me as one of the Top Ten Influential Men in the country, and I just stood there knowing that the most important event in my life would happen without me.

  I promised her that she wouldn't be alone.

  An overwhelming sense of powerlessness crashed down on me. I couldn't do anything as an inmate; that was the whole point of prison. I was buried under an avalanche of impotency that I might never recover from.

  The silence in the room after she was removed haunted me. Everyone— the visitors, the inmates and even officers— held their tongues for a minute. There was no radio chatter, no slamming doors, nothing. There was only a shared sense of empathy at how fucked up this whole thing was.

  I promised her.

  “I'll never break a promise to her.” I told myself.

  I refused to do nothing. Molten hot resolve pumped through my veins. Claire needed me.

  I demanded to know where they were taking her. The nearest CO told me that she would be escorted to processing and then eventually shuttled off the Island to a hospital in Queens.

  The senior officer stood by the inmate entrance with his arms crossed and a weary expression on his face. The hard lines on his forehead and scars on his arms told me that he'd worked here for an awfully long time.

  Maybe too long, I thought as I approached him.

  “I know you know who I am,” I told him, then glanced at his name tape. “Officer Nelson.”

  It didn't matter that I was behind bars; power and influence could always find a way, especially in a place like this. Marco maintaining his connections even in solitary confinement showed me that.

  Nelson raised a curious eyebrow then give a small nod. He squinted, wondering what I was getting at.

  This was one of those life's crossroad decisions that I would always look back at. Bribing a corrections officer was a felony. If this man wasn't resourceful enough to handle my request I could offer him the moon and it wouldn't matter. If things went badly at this moment it could start a chain reaction that could make my stay here an indefinite one. I might never see Claire again, or ever meet our baby.


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