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Heat Page 7

by Opal Carew

  Cassie grinned in appreciation, then grabbed Rikki’s hand and started to pull her toward the door.

  “Let’s go take those pictures,” Cassie said as she dragged Rikki along.

  “I don’t know. We were going to do it in front of the truck, but we probably have enough shots of the truck, now that I think about it.”

  “You can just take the shots in front of the firehouse,” Cassie said. “They’ll look great.”

  Simon’s and Carter’s long-legged strides had them to the door before Cassie and Rikki got there and Simon grinned as he opened the door for her.

  “She’s not letting you off the hook.”

  “True that,” Cassie said.

  They walked out into the late afternoon sunshine. The truck was inside and the wooden garage door closed.

  “I’ll go grab some equipment,” Simon said and disappeared back into the firehouse.

  Rikki decided on the best position to pose the men based on the direction of the sun. Simon returned with an axe hefted over his shoulder and two hats. He tossed one to Carter. Once they pulled them on, goose bumps danced along Rikki’s flesh.

  God, they were just so sexy.

  Rikki snapped a few shorts of Simon with the axe, then Carter.

  “Let’s do a few with both of them,” Cassie suggested.

  She knew Cassie was friends with the men, but that didn’t stop Cassie’s eyes from glittering with unadulterated lust.

  “Okay,” Rikki said. “Could the two of you move close together?”

  As she watched them on the camera display, they closed the distance between them, then both flexed their biceps, as if competing to see who had the biggest bulging muscles.

  Rikki felt faint.

  They did some poses where they looked like they were charging into a fire, fierce expressions on their faces. Then Carter posed with the axe as if swinging it, with Simon pointing as if at some danger.

  After several more poses, Cassie said to the guys, “Those are all great. But maybe you want to … you know … undo the belts and lower your zippers … juuust a little.” She grinned. “That’ll have the ladies flocking to buy this calendar.”

  “I don’t think—” Rikki started, but at the sight of the men unbuckling their belts, she fell into a daze.

  When they tugged down the zippers of their jeans—about halfway—her mouth went dry. She stared, mesmerized, a part of her screaming for them to pull those zippers all the way down, then to …

  Oh, God, what’s gotten into me?

  She realized she’d been snapping pictures without even thinking.

  Carter hooked his fingers a little under the waistband of his boxers and pushed down. Rikki couldn’t take her eyes off the skin—lightly smattered with curls of hair—being revealed. He only pushed the fabric down an inch or so, but anticipation built in her as she realized she wanted—desperately—to see what was still hidden inside. Even just a quick peek.

  Not to be outdone, Simon flattened his hands on his hard stomach and pushed the fingers under the black waistband of his gray boxers.

  Tingles danced down Rikki’s spine at the thought of what it would feel like under there. The firm, hard abdomen. The prickly feel of the hair as she ran her hand downward, the curls growing denser. Her fingertips brushing against his hard shaft.

  She sucked in a breath.

  Maybe she should see what it was like to live on the wild side and have casual sex with one of these guys. Maybe having a hot, flash-fire affair with a sexy firefighter would help her get past her frozen state in the sex department. And ease the ache just seeing these two men elicited.

  She lowered the camera and her gaze locked with Simon’s. His attention flared to life and she was sure he could read her thoughts. She shifted her focus to Carter and a big smile claimed his lips.

  Her pulse accelerated and she could feel the magnetic pull of desire drawing her closer to them. If she walked over there right now—

  The blaring of the alarm made her jump, and sent her heart rate skyrocketing. She sucked in a breath as Simon and Carter grabbed their shirts and ran toward the firehouse. Cassie took hold of Rikki’s hand and tugged her to the picnic table on the lawn at the side of the firehouse. They both watched as the door opened and the truck pulled out, then raced away.

  Rikki shivered. Would she get used to this? If she had an affair with Simon or Carter, would every emergency tear at her insides?

  * * *

  Inside the firehouse, Rikki saw that someone had been preparing dinner for everyone, but it had been left on the stove. Everything was turned off, but the chicken in the pan was only half cooked. She turned on the element and started cooking it.

  Cassie helped her prepare the dinner, including fresh rolls. Cassie made a salad, ready to be tossed with dressing, then covered it and put it into the fridge. When Rikki finished cooking the chicken and vegetables, she put it in a casserole dish and put that in the fridge, too, ready for their return.

  “Why don’t you come on back to my house?” Cassie said, once they’d cleaned up the dishes. “We can hang out. Maybe play some cards.”

  “No, I think I’ll stay here. I want to go over the pictures I took today. See what we have. Maybe do some editing.”

  “You want to be here when they get back to make sure they’re all okay. You can’t hang out here every time they’re on a call, you know.”

  “I know, but I can this time.”

  “They could be gone for hours.”

  Rikki shrugged. “That’s okay. I took lots of pictures.”

  “Okay, I see I’m not going to convince you to leave. Do you want me to stay?”

  Rikki rested her hand on Cassie’s arm. “No, it’s okay. I really do want to go through those pictures. And before you offer, I’d rather you see them after I’ve gone through them. Putting my best foot forward and all that.”

  “Okay, well if you change your mind, or you want me to come and give you a ride home later, just call.”

  “Will do.”

  She watched as Cassie left, then went and sat on the couch in the living area and opened her laptop. As she reviewed the pictures, taken in spots all over the firehouse, with faces of men she had only met today—except for Carter and Simon—she felt her heart ache at the thought of any of them getting hurt.

  She opened a picture of Carter with his shirt off, one of the ones she’d taken just before they got called away. Then one of Simon. She placed them side by side on the screen and just stared at them.

  She didn’t know these men very well, but they were already finding a place in her heart.

  She flicked through a few more images, then browsed the ones she’d taken of the two of them. Her breath caught at how incredibly sexy they were. Broad, sculpted chests and well defined abs. When she got to the ones where they’d started teasing her by sliding their fingers under the waistbands of their boxers, she found herself getting turned on. She couldn’t help imagining pressing her hand flat on one of those hard stomachs and sliding under the fabric of his boxers, then wrapping her fingers around the stiff, thick prize inside.

  Her eyes flickered closed. Oh, God, I need to get past whatever’s stopping me and just have sex with one of these men. Maybe even both of them.

  She remembered their comment about sharing things and wondered if they shared women, too. The thought of them both driving into her at the same time filled her with lust.

  What was happening to her?

  Ever since meeting Simon and Carter, all she could think about was sex. And now those thoughts had turned into full-on kink.

  And yet she couldn’t help herself. Her head might be disconnected from what her body wanted most of the time, but with Carter and Simon, the urges were clear and strong.

  And that sense that she was meant to be with them … that was with her all the time. Anytime she saw them. Anytime she was close to them. And when they touched her, everything went haywire inside her.

  It was so confusing. If he
r mother was right, and Rikki did have the strong intuition that so many of the women in her family had, then what did it mean? How could she possibly be meant to be with both of them?

  Cassie might be right that since it didn’t make sense to have that feeling for two men that it was probably her body’s only way to push her into the sexual arena.

  She knew it couldn’t be real. Not like what she’d felt for Jesse. Because he’d been the love of her life.

  She’d lost Jesse. And now she had these feelings for Simon and Carter.

  She stared at their photos, the sexual stirring spiraling through her, blending with a growing sense of fear. Even though she had only known them a couple of days, somehow they’d found a place deep in her heart and she knew that if something happened to either one of them, she would be devastated.

  She snapped her laptop closed and stood up, then began to pace. It was getting dark outside and she was getting tired. She didn’t know how long they’d be, so she decided to take a nap. Or try to. She glanced around the room and her gaze fell to the couch and the throw blanket carefully draped over the back of it. It would be cozy on the couch, but she’d be too alert to really fall asleep in an open space like this.

  She paced some more and before she knew it, she’d walked up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall to the stairway leading to Simon and Carter’s room. They’d let her change in there and she was sure they wouldn’t mind her taking a nap in one of their beds.

  Once in the room, she opened the dresser drawer and pulled out one of the men’s T-shirts. She was sure they wouldn’t mind. She didn’t want to sleep in her dress pants and blouse, and it would be a relief getting this bra off.

  She stripped down to her panties and tugged on the big shirt. She smiled, liking the fact that this shirt that was hugging her body had been worn by one of the big men. Had caressed his skin as he’d pulled it over his head and down his chest.

  She wrapped her arms around herself, glad she didn’t know which man the shirt belonged to. This way, she could imagine it belonged to both of them. She could imagine she could smell their masculine scent on it.

  She pulled back the covers and slid into one of the beds. As she pulled the sheet around herself, she could imagine one of the men wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. With that comforting feeling, she soon found herself drifting off.

  * * *

  Rikki opened her eyes to darkness.

  She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was after ten.

  She sat upright. Where were Carter and Simon and the others? Had they still not returned?

  Her heart clenched as she pushed the sheets back and got up. She opened the bedroom door and peered into the hallway.

  The light was on. Maybe they were back. But it was so quiet.

  She couldn’t remember if it had been on when she’d come up here. She hadn’t turned on the bedroom light because the light from the setting sun had been streaming in the windows, but the hall would have been dark. She might have turned it on when she came up the stairs.

  She rubbed her eyes, wondering if she should go downstairs and wait for them. It would be nicer for them to come back to a cheery, well-lit living room than the gloomy darkness.

  As she turned, she thought she heard voices. She cocked her head. Yes, that was Simon’s voice. Coming from her right.

  She stepped out of the bedroom and hurried to the last door at the end of the hall. She pushed it open and rushed in. There were some lockers along one side and some wooden benches. On the other side were white tiled walls and … open showers.

  She halted and her eyes widened. Sure enough, there were Simon and Carter. They were facing the tiled wall, water pouring over them and …

  Oh, God, they were totally naked.

  Chapter Eight

  Rikki couldn’t drag her gaze away.

  Muscular thighs. Bulging biceps. Tight, firm butts.

  A hot fever blazed through her as she stared at them, mesmerized. Her body aching. A need pulsing through her that was so deep and compelling it felt like it would consume her.

  Simon turned around.

  Her eyes widened and she averted her gaze. But not before she got an eyeful of his long, thick cock.

  “Rikki, what are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Rikki?” Carter turned around, too.

  She tried not to look. She really did. But her gaze shot to Carter’s large member. Not as long as Simon’s, but thicker.

  Oh, God, and both their cocks were swelling.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to … I heard your voices, so I just rushed in.”

  “But why are you even here in the firehouse?” Carter asked.

  “I wanted to go over the photos before I left and…” She bit her lip. “Well, I wanted to be here when you got back. I was worried.”

  Simon’s face beamed with a smile. “Like I said. You care about us.” He held out his hand. “Now come and join us.”

  Shock vaulted through her. “What? Oh, no. I couldn’t.”

  “You clearly want to or you’d be gone by now,” he said as he strolled her way, the pleasant smile on his face totally non-threatening.

  But she was intensely aware of his potent masculine aura. And his total nudity.

  He moved behind her and wrapped his big fingers around her upper arms. His touch sent rippling waves pulsing through her body. He guided her toward the shower.

  “Let’s get this T-shirt off you,” he said as he grasped the hem of the loose-fitting garment and started to pull it up.

  She sucked in a breath and pushed it back down. “No, I can’t…”

  Simon turned her to face him and stroked some loose strands of hair from her face, sending tingles dancing through her.

  “Rikki, I think you want to do this.”

  “I think she’s just a little shy,” Carter said, now standing by her side. “Maybe this will help.” He took her hand and tugged her under the water.

  She sucked in a breath as the warm spray soaked the white T-shirt. The men’s gazes fell to her chest and their eyes darkened. She glanced down and realized she might as well be naked because every detail of her breasts clearly showed through the drenched fabric.

  Simon’s hand glided around her body and over her breasts, cupping them in his big hands. When his thumbs glided over her nipples—which were now as hard as beads—she nearly jumped at the intense sensations. She leaned back against him, welcoming the support of his body.

  Carter moved closer and ran one hand up her stomach, then pushed under one of Simon’s hands and cupped her. Simon shifted his hand to her shoulder, then drew her long hair back and his lips nuzzled her neck, sending delightful tingles dancing down her spine.

  Carter squeezed her breast lightly, then leaned forward and took her cloth-covered nipple in his mouth and suckled.

  “Oh, God,” she whimpered.

  Her head fell back against Simon’s shoulder as Carter pulled on the hem of her shirt and peeled it upward.

  She should stop this, but she couldn’t find the strength. Her breath caught in her lungs as he pulled it above her breasts. The smile that spread across his face, paired with the look of absolute awe, held her transfixed.

  Carter pulled her shirt the rest of the way off. Now she stood between them wearing only her small, white lace panties.

  She could feel something hard and thick against her back and … Oh, God, she knew it was Simon’s cock swelling into an erection. Her gaze fell to Carter’s cock and it was standing upright like a flagpole.

  She shivered as she tried to tug her gaze away from it. It was so much bigger than it had been when she’d first seen it dangling free a few minutes ago.

  Seeing where she was looking, Carter smiled and wrapped his hand around it and moved closer. He reached for her hand and drew it to his erection, then guided her to wrap her fingers around him. The feel of his thick member in her hand … of it pulsing within her grip … made her heart beat f

  She stood frozen, part of her insisting she pull her hand away, but the excitement that shimmered through her at the feel of his thick, hard flesh in her grip—so powerful and thrilling—made her feel ultra-feminine. And needy.

  Simon’s hand enveloped one of her breasts again as he swept her long, wet hair over her shoulder. His lips nuzzled along her collarbone, triggering a wave of tremors inside her. Carter stepped closer still and cupped her face, then tipped it up and, with a warm glow in his eyes, dipped down and captured her lips.

  It was heaven feeling Carter’s mouth moving on hers. She found herself responding to his kiss with breathless enthusiasm. His arm curled around her waist and he drew her close to his body, pressing his cock, with her hand still tightly around it, between their bodies. Her other arm slid up his broad, naked chest to his shoulder, then curled around his neck.

  Carter deepened the kiss, as Simon continued to kiss her neck and shoulder. Simon’s hips rocked, gliding his solid cock up and down her lower back. Carter slid a hand down her stomach and—


  The feel of his fingers dipping into her panties, then gliding over her slickness, sent a vibrant, needy heat through her. But when they curled and started to slip into her passage, she grabbed his wrist and pushed it away.

  Carter’s gaze locked with hers. “What is it, Rikki?”

  “I…” She bit her lip. “I’m not ready.”

  A smile spread across his face. “From what I felt, you’re more than ready.”

  Her cheeks flushed hotly.

  “I…” She shook her head, pressing one hand against Carter’s chest to put a little distance between them. “You don’t understand. I’ve never…”

  Her words trailed off. She couldn’t just baldly say it.

  “But you find the idea exciting, right?” Simon asked. “Being with the two of us?”

  She nodded. “I do, but that’s not what I meant.”

  She realized she still had Carter’s sizable cock nestled in her fingers. She drew her hand away.

  “What do you mean, Rikki?” Carter asked.

  “I … well, it’s really that…” She bit her lip again. “I’ve never done this at all.”


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