Yes Coach

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Yes Coach Page 2

by S. B. Sheeran

  The gym was busy as it was the previous night. After finding no sight of Gracie anywhere in the gym, Olivia went to the free weights and picked up the ten pound dumbbells before sitting down on a bench. She did a couple of arm curls from memory of her athletic years in high school until her bicep muscles burned in exertion.

  A balmy air filled the gym and sweat beaded along Olivia’s hairline. She wiped at the saltiness with a sigh of aggravation. The summer seasons were her favorite in Colorado, but sometimes when the thunderstorms rolled in and the humidity increased she was miserable because of the sticky sweat.

  And unlike some women who looked sexy when they “glistened” Olivia looked like a hot mess from her frizzy curls and smearing make up.

  The smell of vanilla and sugar permeated her senses. Olivia looked up to see Gracie walking along the matted floor towards the group of people she trained every other night. The tight spandex shorts clung and shifted with the muscles underneath it as she walked. Her mouth dried in response to the sight and a fluttering heat tickled her lower belly.

  Olivia forced her eyes away from Gracie and back to the matted ground. Maybe it would be a bad idea to hire Gracie as a personal trainer. For whatever reason her body felt aroused and it was bewildering. She never had felt attracted towards a woman in any sense.

  She continued to work out with one eye trained on Gracie leaning over a middle aged woman, a leg propped up on her shoulder as she pushed forward to stretch out a muscle. Her traitorous mind wondered what it would feel like to be the middle aged woman.


  The dumbbell slipped from her fingers in surprise and a flash of pain shot up her leg shortly after. Shrieking as the dumbbell crashed down on the tiny bones of her foot, Olivia whirled around to glare up at Darcie standing behind her.

  “I told you to stop sneaking up on me!”

  Darcie shook her head in exasperation. “I didn’t sneak up on you! You were lost in la la land again. I called your name like five time.”

  “I was not lost in la la land.”

  “Is everything alright here?”

  Gracie came to a stand directly in front of them, dark eyebrows furrowed in faint concern at the dumbbell on Olivia’s foot. The sweet scent of sugar and vanilla overwhelmed Olivia’s senses.

  “Ask butter fingers here. She dropped a weight on her foot.” Darcie said.

  There were the few times in Olivia’s life that she seriously considered smacking Darcie. Now happened to be one of those times and she narrowed her eyes up at the petite blonde standing innocently behind her.

  “I noticed.” Gracie said, arching a dark tweezed eyebrow. “You both need to be careful when you are using the equipment. Someone could seriously get hurt if you aren’t paying attention.”

  Olivia blushed at the reprimands in Gracie’s silky voice. She resisted the urge to point at Darcie and blame it on her. Almond shaped eyes with rich brown irises focused on hers unwaveringly.

  “Can you move your foot?” Gracie asked.

  “Um.” She moved her foot experimentally and only felt a bit of pain. “Yeah. It’s fine.”

  Gracie nodded curtly. “Good. Please be careful next time.”

  She turned and made her way back towards her class. So much for making a great first impression and breaking the ice. Olivia sighed in defeat and turned around on the bench to look up at Darcie.

  “What are you even doing here?”

  “I like to work out you too, you know. What are you even doing here?”

  “Working out too.”

  “I see. Why do you keep staring at that woman?”

  “Could you be any louder?” Olivia asked, irritably. “I was not staring at her. I was just thinking where I could buy those shorts.”

  “You said that the first time. We established probably from the mall. If you are so curious, why don’t you ask?” Darcie asked.

  Olivia set the dumbbells back on the rack and limped towards the locker room. She loved Darcie, but she wanted to be alone and figure out a way to talk to Gracie without looking like an idiot again. They entered the locker room with Darcie chatting about her job at the local Starbucks and the new barista that ruined drinks all morning which resulted in Darcie getting yelled at repeatedly.

  She just slipped her t-shirt off, stained with sweat and reached into her locker to grab a change of clothes when Darcie spoke up cheerfully, “Oh hey! Just the person we were talking about.”

  To Olivia’s horror Gracie entered the locker room as well and paused briefly in the door frame in confusion at Darcie’s exclamation, slowly making her way to her own locker. Before Olivia could tell Darcie to shut up the petite blonde continued on.

  “My friend Olivia here has been staring at your shorts all night long.”

  “Darcie!” She hissed, completely mortified. “Stop-”

  Darcie waved away her protests. “Where did you get them? Because she totally won’t stop looking at your shorts until she figures it out.”

  If Gracie felt uncomfortable she was gracious enough not to show it. She cleared her throat and forced a pleasant smile on her face. “They’re part of Kate Hudson’s new work out line. You can’t find them in stores, but online.”

  She turned around to rummage through the contents of her purse before slamming it closed. Gracie started towards the door, but a surge of bravery on Olivia’s part stopped in her mid step.

  “I was wondering if you could train me.”

  Gracie turned around in surprise. “Train you?”

  “Yeah,” Olivia said, clearing her against the thickness building there, “I’ve asked a couple of people about hiring a trainer and they’ve suggested your name.”

  “No offense or anything, but I don’t think you could handle me as a trainer.”

  Olivia straightened in indignation. She felt Gracie’s eyes rake across her body, taking in the slight pudginess of her stomach and she instantly covered herself with a tee-shirt. “I’m not in the best shape of my life obviously...”

  She laughed awkwardly, but no one else joined in. Gracie remained quiet and her eyes were thoughtful for a moment.

  “Tell you what. Give yourself a couple of weeks and watch the other trainers. If you still feel like you want to hire me we can work together. Deal?”



  The next few weeks Olivia visited Spring’s Gym three times a week after work. For work purposes, she told herself. None of it had to do with Gracie.

  Except she found herself inexplicably drawn to the dark haired woman with startling brown eyes that looked like exquisite dark chocolates; the kind someone would buy at a fancy restaurant. Olivia tried her best to be discreet as possible, sneaking glances over her shoulder in Gracie’s direction or watching her through the reflection of a mirror. It was alarming slightly the amount of attraction she felt and how she was utterly powerless to stop it. Her body and mind were at war with one another when it came to Gracie. There was just something attractive about the strength of which Gracie carried herself from the confident air about her to the way she could build determination within someone else. It was something Olivia wished she had herself.

  Honoring Gracie’s request to check out the other trainers, Olivia spent the next few weeks rotating between working out before work, on her lunch break, and after work. Though the other trainers were nice and good at their jobs Olivia wanted the fiery determination Gracie brought out in her.

  Thursday night Olivia crossed the matted floor to where Gracie stood dressed in her usual outfit of black spandex shorts and her purple Trainer shirt. The fluorescent light shimmered off the black strands of her hair whenever Gracie shifted foot to foot, her attention focused on a packet of papers in hand.

  “Um, Gracie?”

  Gracie turned her head at the sound of her name. It took all her control and reserve not to shiver in response to those dark eyes on her.

  “Olivia?” She echoed back, faint teasing in her soft voice. “I
s there something I can help you with?”

  “I did what you told me to do.” Olivia blurted out. When Gracie arched an eyebrow in confusion, she rushed on to clarify, “You know? Check out the other trainers. Well, not check them out, nothing like that, but I still think that you would be the best for me. Training wise.”

  “Are you sure? I’m not easy.”

  “That’s why I want to train me.”

  “If you’re sure that you can handle it.”

  Olivia smiled. “Positive. God knows I need some stress relief too.”

  “What type of job do you have exactly?” Gracie asked, curiously.

  “I work for a company that helps start up companies. I interview successful businesses here in Springs and then pass the notes on to my boss who helps entrepreneurs achieve their dreams.”

  “I see. So kinda like a mutiny against chain stores?”

  Olivia laughed. “Pretty much. That’s a perfect way to describe it.”

  “Well, I won’t turn a client down. Tomorrow at 8:00 o’clock?”


  She held out a hand for Gracie to shake. Strong fingers circled her own and gave a firm squeeze. A sizzling sensation filled Olivia’s arm at the feel of Gracie’s soft skin on hers. She quickly withdrew her hand before the feeling could overwhelm her.

  “Come prepared and on time. It’ll be a workout.”


  Olivia’s heart pounded. She clutched at her chest, wheezing for breath as she rested her hands on wobbly knees.

  “Holy shit.” She panted to the ground, every inch of her body burning with exertion. “They weren’t kidding when they said you were notorious for being tough. I think my heart is going to cramp up.”

  For the first half of their hour long session Gracie had her do mainly upper body exercises with the free weights and instructed her on how to do arm curls properly. Just when Olivia thought it was over Gracie had her climb up on the tread mill and increased the speed by hitting the button a couple times.

  By the time Gracie had reached out to hit the button again, Olivia smacked her hand away and hit the emergency stop button to catch her breath. Lights danced on the back of her eyelids as she sucked in deep breaths in futile hope that it’d help ease the dizziness.

  Gracie stood by patiently as Olivia caught her breath. She looked indifferent to her shaky limbs or how red Olivia’s face felt from the heat radiating off of it. A small smile did curl her rather full and pink lips up when Olivia managed to straighten and glare at her.

  “I told you that it wasn’t going to be easy. When was the last time you even ate something remotely healthy?”

  “I don’t know.” Olivia breathed out, tilting her head back in attempt to suck in more air. “Probably five years ago when I lived with my parents and my mom made dinner.”

  “So you just eat tv dinner and junk food now?”

  “Pretty much describes my freezer and cupboards.”

  Gracie clucked her tongue in disapproval. “No wonder you are having such a hard time. If you’re even a bit serious about getting into shape I suggest some healthy snacks and meals.”

  Olivia’s heart finally began to slow down from its frantic rhythm. She looked back down from the ceiling tiles and felt a bit steadier on her feet as she shifted on sore legs. It came as no surprise that Gracie was a health nut. Her body was perfectly toned with the right amount of muscle in certain places and there was no fatty pouch on her lower belly; just hard lines that teased Olivia’s trailing eyes.

  “Let me guess. You’re also a five star chef that specializes in healthy foods.” Olivia said, sarcastically.

  “Perhaps.” Gracie said, a genuine smile spreading across her face. “I’ll write some recipes down for you before you leave, but first I want to stretch out those thigh muscles so you won’t be so sore tomorrow morning.”

  “You mean more than I will be.” Olivia corrected.

  She laid down on the matted floor and sighed in relief at how wonderful it felt to lay down. Sleep would undoubtedly come easy tonight. When soft fingers gripped the back of her knee, Olivia jerked in surprise at the sensation. She opened her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows to look at Gracie in a wave of uneasiness.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Stretching your muscles. Trust me.” Gracie said, rolling her eyes.

  She gestured for Olivia to lay back down and took her leg again, propping it up on her shoulder. Olivia sucked in a sharp breath when Gracie leant forward with her hands straddling the sides of her head and pushed forward with her body, stretching out the tightness in her thigh muscles. Her body tingled at Gracie’s close proximity and the feel of her body dangling lightly above hers.

  Her mind went straight to the gutter. A sharp pain in her thigh offered some distraction from the rather awkward position she was in. Gracie shifted so her other leg could be stretched and the tips of her jet black hair tickled Olivia’s nose. She briefly inhaled the scent of Gracie’s shampoo, roses and something else before Gracie flicked her hair out of the way.

  “Sorry.” She said, warm breath tickling the delicate shell of her ear. “I know my hair is annoyingly long.”

  “It’s fine.” Olivia squeaked.

  What the hell was wrong with her? A few months single and her body acted like it hadn’t been touched in years. Olivia shifted uncomfortably, the muscle in her thigh beginning to quiver in pain.

  Gracie let up suddenly, rising to her feet fluidly. She dusted her hands clean before leaning down to offer a hand. Olivia took her hand gratefully, pulling herself up to a standing position. The world teetered dangerously under her feet for a moment.

  “Good effort today. This time on Thursday this week?” Gracie asked.

  Olivia considered saying no. Her body ached in so many ways she never thought possible, but instead found herself responding, “Yep. Thursday sounds good.”

  She wobbled her way across the gym in a miserable mood. The only thing that kept her going was the memory of Gracie’s body hovering above hers and feeling soft fingers on the inside of her knee.


  By the time Friday arrived Olivia never felt more exhausted and sore in her whole life, but also proud of herself for somehow sticking to her intense workouts with Gracie. They started with free weights, using the dumbbells to tone her upper body and then squats to strengthen her lower body. It all felt like hell to Olivia and a part of her was embarrassed at the proof of how out of shape she was in.

  She pushed a grocery cart down the freezer aisle, enjoying the chilled air and paused in front of the tv dinners. Before she could pick the one with a piece of chocolate cake for dessert a familiar voice spoke behind her.

  “What did I say about those tv dinners?”

  Olivia started in surprise at the sound of Gracie’s voice and turned around to look guiltily at her. Gracie arched an eyebrow at her in exasperation, a basket filled with organic vegetables in the crook of her elbow.

  “Well?” She prompted when Olivia didn’t answer. “What did I tell you to eat?”

  “Vegetables, fruits, and other healthy things.” Olivia muttered miserably. “I’m just so sore that I’m convinced chocolate will fix it.”

  Gracie laughed genuinely then, the sound rich and silky. Goosebumps appeared on Olivia’s arm in response to the sound and she rubbed them away with the palm of her hands.

  “That’s because your muscles need oxygen. I know this will sound crazy, but if you keep working out the soreness will eventually go away.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Are you busy?” Gracie asked, suddenly. “Do you have any plans for dinner?”

  Olivia shrugged her shoulders. “If you count ordering in since I can’t eat tv dinners as plans then that’s all I have going on. I tend to live a rather boring life if you ask me.”

  “There’s no problem with that. There’s a vegan restaurant a few blocks from here. It’d be my treat to actually put some healthy food
inside of you.”

  “In our work out clothes?”

  “It’s not a fancy restaurant like that. You’ll like it, I promise.”

  Unable to resist the idea of spending a Friday night with someone like Gracie, she nodded her consent and followed the other woman as she checked out. Together they stored all of Gracie’s vegetables in a brown paper bag before placing it in a cooler filled with ice in the back of Gracie’s car.

  “I’m saving up for a new refrigerator.” Gracie explained, a patch of red appearing in the center of her cheeks. “I’m renting one of those apartments above the historic downtown part of Springs. Nice place to rent, but the appliances don’t exactly work.”

  “You don’t have to explain it to me. I know what it’s like to be broke.”

  They shared a smile and walked the couple of blocks to the vegan restaurant together chatting about everything besides the gym. For once, Olivia thought, with a relieved smile. Seated in a leather booth near the tinted windows they both took in the sun slowly dipping behind the mountains and the vibrant pink sky that followed.

  A sense of peace filled Olivia, staring at the sunset and how it brought out the hazel flecks in Gracie’s eyes. She let Gracie order for her and the two women talked about their college lives. Surprisingly for someone who Olivia assumed to have a social life or enjoyed partying Gracie maintained a low profile despite her upbeat and confident attitude.

  “It’s true though.” Gracie said, tilting her head back to laugh. “I really am not a party girl and never have been.”

  “You just seem like the type of person who would never turn down a party. My best friend Darcie is a huge party girl and- oh shit.”

  Olivia closed her eyes in despair when the realization hit her. Earlier that morning Darcie had called to double check if she was coming to her party tonight and would throw a fit if she found out why she skipped out on her party.

  “What is it?

  “I forgot that my best friend invited me to her party tonight. She is going to kill me.”


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