Blood and Hexes: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (After Darkness Falls Book 4)

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Blood and Hexes: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (After Darkness Falls Book 4) Page 14

by May Sage

  Suspicious gazes were cast all around, some of them landing on Seth, others on Diana. Mikar saw her flinch at the unsaid accusation. Despite everything she'd done today, she did attract some suspicion because, well, she was the stranger here, no matter her last name. The gazes soon looked away, as they remembered that she'd raised Death itself to save Chloe. And a good thing, too. Mikar would have gladly ripped tongues out if any of the idiots had voiced suspicions.

  "He may not have had to see her," Eirikr replied. "Vladrien has many witches in his service.”

  None of this was good news.

  "Why would he attack us now?" Levi asked Eirikr. "You said he serves Ariadne. I have no reason to believe she wishes us any ill."

  "He served her," Eirikr replied. "Till she tired of him as a lover, at least. For long, he's been on his own, attaching himself to whatever woman he finds most appealing." His eyes were ice. "It would not have taken great effort for Aveka to seduce him."

  Aveka. So that was the queen’s name. Mikar didn’t think he’d ever heard it.

  He liked having a simple, if perhaps a little unusual name to call her back. “The queen” made her sound like someone who held too much power and authority. Someone they should fear.

  “Aveka” sounded like a petulant, spoiled child.

  "Wait." Seth held his hand up and waved, like he was in class. "When you say Vladrien, you mean Vlad? Tall, graying hair, empty eyes, great at murder?"

  Eirkr nodded. "That's accurate enough. You know him?"

  Seth nodded. "Yeah, he does hang out around the queen like a lost puppy. She doesn't really pay attention to him, but he's trying. I see him on the island pretty often. He goes by Vlad. The queen sends him out to do her bidding from time to time but…" Seth frowned. "I never thought of him as much of a threat. To witches and humans, perhaps, but not to us." His tone was matter-of-fact, devoid of arrogance.

  "Only fools dismiss the power of witches." Eirikr sighed. "And Vladrien has a habit of collecting them as allies. When he cannot, he destroys them."

  Mikar remembered how he'd heard of Vlad. That vampire had been the one who had killed every witch in Greer's coven when she'd been a little child. Greer had transported herself here, where she would be safe, by some sort of miracle—more than likely, her ancestors had looked after her.

  “Vlad is the least of your problems now. This arrow is coated with magic. Strong magic.” Eirikr’s gaze traveled past the lake, to the cliffs in the distance. “Unless I’m much mistaken, this weapon could have damaged your wards. And he intended to murder the witch so she could not rebuild them.”

  Everyone stilled, taking it in.

  “The wards are down?” Mikar didn’t feel anything.

  “Not yet, but they’ve been breached. Like a shot in a wall of glass. All it would take to make them crumble is a little tap. This place is going to be attacked, and soon. Aveka may know the witch was saved and want to act before the wards can be rebuilt.”

  “And who knows how long it’ll take until Greer wakes up, if she used up her magic?”

  Eirikr had the answer. “She told me five or six hours. That was perhaps half an hour ago. She won’t wake until sunrise, and she will be weak when she does.” He paused. “We’re on our own all night.”

  Who knew what was going to be unleashed?

  "So, it was that queen again." Chloe shook her head. "Aveka," she said, echoing the name Eirikr used. “We're back to this. Fighting for our lives because she wants Oldcrest. Why is she so intent on killing us? Me?”

  Levi kissed her forehead, and walked a few steps away, pulling his cell phone out. “It’s me. I’ll need you to come. Bring what you have.” He’d hung up before anyone could answer on the other end.

  "Maybe we should just leave," Cat said, grimacing. "Let her take it. It's just a place. We can make our home elsewhere."

  Silence fell as they weighed her words. She blushed self-consciously, as all eyes were on her, some nodding in agreement, others shaking their heads.

  Eirikr stared at her in disgust.

  "No." Chloe's voice was hard and steady as steel. “It’s not just a place. This has been your home for centuries. Levi's, Alexius's. Cat, you have a legacy on the hill. So do I. So does Tris. And you chose Oldcrest because you wanted to be here, not because Night Hill is a symbol of power. I'm not leaving. Eirikr is here. I love the school, I love my friends. Hell, I even love Skyhall. Besides, we could go to the end of the world—she'd still hunt me. She had assassins sent for me when I was mortal, in New Orleans.” She seemed so frustrated. “I just don’t understand.”

  “I do.” Eirikr stopped speaking for so long Mikar thought he might have left it at that. "Deep under each of the seven houses, there's a tomb, where one of the oldest immortals of each family rests—not quite dead, certainly not alive. Their life forces and energy have been linked by a spell meant to increase the power of all that share their blood. It’s a binding spell. The seven families have chosen to do it in order to further their power."

  "What?" Chloe was appalled. She looked at Levi, who nodded. Her jaw fell open. “That’s barbaric.”

  “I would have forbidden it,” Eirikr assured her. “But I was imprisoned when they cast that spell.”

  "I took no part in it." Levi paused. "But I didn't stop it."

  "The Stormhales couldn't shake the heavens with their thunders before. The Helsings' voices were always sweet, courtesy of the blood of the half-siren, Desideria. But they didn't hold the power to sway the heart of Death itself until then. And the Eirikrsons, my children…" Eirikr swallowed, not adding another word.

  Chloe went to him, taking his hand, and squeezing it. "Do we need to know?" she asked him.

  After a moment, Eirikr nodded. "My children already stood above all. They could have refused to join it. But they feared that if they didn't take part in the ceremony, the other families would end up surpassing them, and grow beyond their control. So they participated. But they were a tight, close clan. They would not have wished to condemn one of their own to a fate worse than death. I fear..."

  Mikar was the first to understand. "You think they took Aveka. That she was the one in the tomb under Skyhall."

  Eirikr acquiesced. "Aveka died at the hand of her mother centuries before the spell. Of that, I'm sure. Her being here, alive, is an impossibility I can only explain with the darkest of magic. She was brought back to life and made immortal. I do not see for what purpose, other than to force her into that sacrifice."

  Mikar could see it. A poor, scared child brought back from the darkness, just like Chloe had been. But not to be hugged, saved, loved. No. Then, she would have been locked away and left to rot, to fester.

  He hadn't thought it possible that he could grow to feel sorry for that self-appointed queen. That he could finally understand her motivation. Revenge. Not just revenge, but survival too. She saw the Eirikrsons as her enemies. She saw Chloe as a monster who could—and would—destroy her, burying her alive again.

  "How would she have escaped the tomb?" Levi wondered. His tone suggested he'd already accepted Eirikr's theory.

  The ancient glared. "Well, you conveniently slaughtered every Eirikrson, but for a mortal child, I suspect whatever magic bound her weakened enough for her to rise."

  "That's easy enough to verify. We can go to the tomb and check," Sylvan said. “But maybe another day. I say we should suit up, and get ready for battle.”

  “If you're right, we're not dealing with the crazy megalomaniac we thought we were, though.” Chloe frowned. “Maybe we can talk to her. Explain we don't mean her harm."

  "She was buried alive,” Eirikr growled. "She's past talking."

  If anyone understood that, it was him. Yet here he was, not murderous or insane, not seeking retribution. Calm. Loving, to his daughter. Indifferent to everyone else, of course, but who could blame the guy?

  Eirikr turned to the witches huddled together. “Those of you who wish to see sunrise should either leave or start preparing
for war however you can.”

  Blair took Gwen’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  To prepare spells, or hop in a car? Mikar supposed they’d soon know.

  “Huntsmen, defending Oldcrest isn’t your place,” Eirikr told Jack Hunter, shocking Mikar. “Nor is it your mission.”

  Jack, still supporting Tris, shrugged. “I don’t see why not. We hunt rogues. If what Seth says is right, every vampire who’s ever set a foot on the queen’s island is a rogue. They slaughter humans for fun. Besides, this is our home, too.”

  Eirikr nodded slowly. “Then, you’re with us. Good.” He turned to Chloe, finally. “Are you strong enough?”

  She hopped out of Levi’s arms. “I’m ready.”

  “Good.” Mikar wouldn't have thought the man capable of smiling, but he did. "I believe I have a few hours before the witch locks me back in. We will have our first hunt together, little daughter."

  Elder Blood

  Diana was mentally drained like she’d never been before. As it turned out, summoning one of the most powerful entities in the universe took its toll.

  Still, the buzz of energy around her was electrifying. Never had she felt part of something like this—the gathering of a clan, a family, that didn't rely on a patriarch dictating everything.

  The eldest among them, Eirikr, shared his perspective and opinion, but didn't try to quieten their voices. And there was Chloe, first among all, but not because she bullied her way to the top. She spoke for them, not over them, like a true leader.

  They made their way to the Institute, Mikar still close, though she was done leaning on him. It had felt pretty nice, and she was mentally exhausted, but she had her pride. They walked side by side in comfortable silence.

  Levi detached himself from Chloe to join them. “I think you should go.”

  Diana blinked, the jolt of surprise rendering her speechless. Go? He was banishing her? Did he think she had something to do with…

  “Both of you,” Levi added, looking between Mikar and her.

  This was getting more and more bewildering.


  “Diana, this isn’t your battle. You’re in the middle of it because you’re kind and my mate is irresistible. But if you stay, you’ll have to fight—either for or against us. It could be some of your friends coming at us. Not to mention, you’re drained. In your state, what you need is rest.”

  She let that sink in.

  “And Mikar…you don’t belong here. You never have.”

  She couldn’t stay silent any longer. “Now wait a minute—”

  Levi ignored her. “You should have left Oldcrest and created your own domain a long time ago. Or at the very least, you should have claimed your place on the hill, built the house of Ash.”

  Diana looked up at Mikar, confused.

  “She doesn’t know?” Levi asked.

  Mikar shrugged. “We don’t know each other.”

  That was true, and completely wrong all at the same time. They’d barely exchanged a few words, none of them deep. Hell, she’d done her best to remain at a distance, where he was concerned. But she knew him. She knew he was loyal, and funny, and a born protector, always ready to put himself in the line of fire for those he loved.

  Just like he’d volunteered his life to save Chloe. Just like he’d pushed her down the moment he’d seen a threat coming.

  “Mikar isn’t a child of Ariadne like the rest of us. He was turned by a god. Risking his life here would destroy his legacy before he’s ever had the chance to build it.” Levi looked straight at Diana. “Take him away. Somewhere safe. He’s too loyal, but he’ll go if you ask him to.”

  Levi was insane if he thought that she had that much sway over Mikar.

  And he was insane if he thought she’d so much as try.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, De Villier. I don’t take orders. Not from you, not from anyone. And neither does he.” She pointed to Mikar. “If he’s here, it’s because he wants to be. It’s because this place is his home, and you, thickheaded as you are, are his family.”

  “What the lady said.” Mikar grinned, placing a hand on Levi’s shoulder. “I’m where I want to be. To the end, if that’s where it’s going. Others would agree, if you gave them a chance. Luke would come back and fight with us. So would many of our old acquaintances, friends or even foes.”

  “Luke is no fighter. He has other skills.” Levi didn’t address the rest of Mikar’s suggestion. “But fine. Stay and risk dying here, if that’s what you want. Do you want to help me get Seth out of Oldcrest, at least?”

  “Don’t even think it, dickhead,” Seth bellowed from somewhere behind them.

  “You're supposed to play a part, be on their side.” Levi groaned, marching to the Stormhales. “You can't come with us when we move against Aveka's pawn. It'd blow your cover.”

  “Dead men tell no tales.”

  “We can't guarantee we'll kill everyone who enters Oldcrest.”

  "Oh, we'll kill them,” Eirikr said smoothly.

  Levi rubbed his temples. "We can't take the chance. We need you on the island."

  Seth gritted his teeth. "There's nothing happening there but sex and blood parties. They aren't letting me close enough to the queen to be of any help, as tonight showed."

  "You're our only voice inside," Levi persisted.

  At the back of the crowd approaching the castle at a leisurely pace, the huntsmen held a similar debate. Most wanted to be on the front line. Jack was categorical. “You can't keep up with vampire speed, not against however many will reach our walls. You should protect the Institute. The students and Adairford inhabitants can retreat to its walls.”

  "I can keep up," Tris protested.

  "You were made half an hour ago. You're literally a baby vampire. You're staying around the Institute.”

  “I’m not. I’ll guard your six at the borders.”

  Diana tuned them all out. She wasn't asking for permission; she'd be at the borders.

  They'd almost reached the gates of the school when Chloe took her aside, leading her away from Mikar. Her eyes checked for eavesdroppers.

  Low, she asked, "Do you you think I’m all good? You know."

  Diana did know. She wet her lips. "I don't know." She wasn't a specialist in vampire pregnancies. She'd seen a few pregnant women in her life on Night Hill, but her knowledge was too basic. "You should get checked out. Maybe Alexius can help?"

  Chloe had tears in her eyes. She sniffled and nodded. "Yeah. I…you know, I wasn't sure about this for weeks, but now…I hope it's okay. I hope it more than anything in the world." She cried, wiping her eyes. "I'm so, so grateful, Diana. If you hadn't done whatever you did, I wouldn't be here, and there would be no other chance. I never thought I'd die. Not now. I'm twenty-six today. Just twenty-six. Even if I wasn't supposed to live forever, it would be too soon. I had to make sure Greer was safe for everyone here. She’s the most important person in Oldcrest. But without you…"

  Diana hadn't expected the hug. She hadn't expected it to be so strong and desperate, like Chloe held on to her like a lifeline.

  And then, she knew. She realized something that had evaded her until this very moment. Why she so vehemently rejected the idea of leaving. Why she’d fight. Like Mikar, she belonged in Oldcrest. She belonged right here, with her family, with her new friends. She belonged to this strange clan made up of witches, werewolves, vampires, and Eirikrsons. She wanted to stay. Not just past tonight: she wanted a life here. She wanted her home and…

  Forcing any other thought back down, Diana hugged Chloe right back, and kept holding her hand as she walked through the gates of the Institute.

  It was Diana's first time within the walls of the inner courtyard. The witches had held their ceremonies outside of their gates, never quite trusting vampires enough to let them in. The sanded court was empty except for a few ravens playing high up in the trees and a young boy reading a book in the moonlight. He glanced at them, and his eyes widened,
taking in the procession. Inside, the halls were quiet. There were classes at night, but Diana was convinced almost everyone had skipped them in favor of the Samhain party.

  Levi led them to a hidden room behind a fireplace, right in the entryway.

  "I never knew this was here," Blair mused, looking around.

  The vast room's brushed steel walls were covered with weapons, and Diana spotted old, precious artifacts, some for protection, others for the opposite. There were glass shelves with enough ingredients to make any witch flutter with happiness.

  "You." Eirikr tilted his chin to Gwen, who looked stunned and terrified.

  "Me?" she croaked.

  He tossed her an amulet that looked vaguely familiar. "Activate this."

  There was a blue stone at the center of the pendant. Gwen concentrated on it, pushing magic through, till it started to vibrate in her hands. "Done."

  Eirikr shot her a wicked smile, showing too many teeth. Gwen’s heart thundered hard enough for Diana to hear it without trying. "You're strong," he stated. “I’ve known water witches who would have taken hours, not seconds.”

  Though her skin was dark umber, Diana would have sworn she blushed, handing it back to him.

  Eirikr moved to Chloe, tying it around her neck.

  Levi frowned. "That won't be much use. It's a protection for mortals."

  Eirikr smirked knowingly. Diana remembered where she'd seen such an amulet. Pregnant women on the hill had worn them, because while they were immortal, their children weren't, not yet. So, Eirikr had sensed the child, somehow, which meant it was still alive.

  She squeezed Chloe’s hand.

  "Can't hurt," he drawled, moving to the weapons. He loaded his belt with two daggers, and tried a heavy sword's balance, twisting and turning it around his wrist. "You do have some tastes, child," Eirikr told Levi.

  Diana laughed. "He's almost your age."

  Eirikr might be the first of them, but Levi couldn't be more than one or two hundred years younger. Eirikr shrugged, as if to say, see if I care. He liked to get under Levi's skin, if only because the man was Chloe's mate.

  Diana looked around, a little lost.


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