RABAN (The Rabanian Book 2)

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RABAN (The Rabanian Book 2) Page 44

by Dan Haronian

  "He is a rebel and he has conquered Mampas," said the Doctor.

  "He didn't conquer Mampas," chuckled Sosi and walked back at them. "You have misidentified your man, misidentified the generation, and now you think you have the wrong planet."

  "In the name of all plagues, what are you talking about?" asked Daio.

  "Thirty years ago the Doctor thought you were the chosen, then he thought it was me until we both thought it was Raban."

  "When did all of this happen?" asked Daio.

  "You would have known too if you’d ever found a minute to look at the books," said Sosi angrily.

  Daio looked at the Doctor. "You knew about this?"

  The Doctor shook his head. "It's not so simple, and this is not the time to talk about it."

  "Why not? I think it's a perfect time," said Daio looking at Sosi. "Chosen? Chosen to do what? Lead Naan?"

  "Don't look at me," said Sosi. "I never wanted to rule anything. Instead of starting the City of the Chosen thirty years ago I could've stayed in Naan and competed with you. I didn't stay because I didn't want to rule anything."

  Daio shook his head. "You should've stayed. I would've gladly given up the crown."

  They were silent for a while. Sosi looked at the Doctor. Daio had heard only small parts of this story. He knew little about the rich history of the Doctor. "So you thought it was Raban," said Daio and Sosi shook off his thoughts.

  "I suggest we leave these things for now," said Su-Thor with a shaking voice. "This is not the time for soul-searching." She swallowed and stifled the desire to cry. Sosi laid his hand on her shoulder. "I'll go to Mampas," he said. "But I'll speak my mind."

  "I cannot control what you say," said Daio. He took a deep breath. "There's one more thing." They all looked at him. "He wants you to bring the Books."

  They were all silent. Eyes met but no one was able to say anything sensible.

  "He only wants to see them," said Daio.

  "I hope you're not part of this conspiracy," said Sosi.

  "I'm not part of anything. I just want to remove the threat to Naan."

  Sosi turned his back on them all, went down the stairs, and walked away.

  "Sosi," called Su-Thor but he didn't stop.

  The Doctor stood and walked fast towards the railing only to see Sosi disappearing around the corner. "I don't think you understand the significance of this request," he said turning at Daio.

  "I don't know what's in those Books, but they aren’t worth all of our lives," said Daio. They stood and he nodded to Su-Thor, and then went down the stairs. He gave one last look to his left hoping to see his brother before walking down the hill.

  The hovercraft landed in front of Naan's governmental building. The noise and the dust that rose into the air drew the attention of the people inside the building, who wondered why a hovercraft was landing so close to the building. A few armed men rushed outside and spread out in front of it. When the door opened they raised their weapons and pointed them at the door. Sosi stepped out of the door and looked at them impassively. The pilot stepped out behind him and stood between the old man and the guns with his hands up.

  More people ran out of the building. Daio pushed his way through from the back until he reached the front of the crowd. "Lower your weapons," he called loudly.

  The men hesitated and lowered their guns when Daio walked to the line of fire and stood in front of Sosi. "What has happened?"

  Sosi stepped around his pilot and approached Daio. When he was within a few feet he pulled out a small gun.

  "What are you doing?"

  The armed men behind Daio couldn't see the gun, but Daio's call alerted them and their weapons came up again.

  "I will kill you and die with you if you don't return the books immediately."

  It was a dark night. Five short people in black clothes and black hats moved quickly away from the hovercraft that had just landed at Naan's airport. Their goal was the big spacecraft that sat with its engines rumbling ready to depart. In its open access door stood a short, wide man who paced back and forth nervously. He stopped as soon as he saw the dark figures walking towards him. One of them pulled something from his chest and approached him.

  "Is this everything?" asked the man holding out a small envelope.

  "Yes sir, all the books that were in the terminal," answered the dark silhouette and walked away. The man who’d been waiting said nothing further and stepped through the door. It closed behind him and the rest of the shadows backed away fast. The ship’s engines roared to life and it lifted from the ground and disappeared into the night sky.

  "The Books?"

  "Don't play with me."

  "Someone took the Books?" said Daio lifting his hand to his mouth in alarm.

  "Did you think you could steal a copy without me noticing?!?"

  "Sosi, it wasn't me."

  Sosi grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer. "We’re getting into that hovercraft," he said pulling Daio along with one hand and holding the gun close against his chest with other.

  "Sosi this is absurd," said Daio after the door had closed behind them. "Do you really think I would do something like that?"

  "Why not? It would solve Naan's current problems."

  "I never said that."

  Sosi looked at the pilot. "Let's go."

  "You're kidnapping me? If I stole the books do you really think I would come out to you like this? Without protection?"

  "There are a few hovercrafts following us," said the pilot after they moved away from Naan.

  "Don't worry, they won't do anything," said Sosi.

  Shortly after arriving in the City of the Chosen the hovercraft maneuvered above the Shuttle and landed on the edge of parking lot, as close as possible to the Shuttle. Sosi pushed Daio out and led him quickly inside.

  "Up the stairs," he said when they were inside and pointed to the flight leading to the upper room. "Sit on the floor down at the end," he continued when they were inside, pointing to the back of the room. After Daio walked away he locked the door behind him.

  Su-Thor’s worried face suddenly appeared on the network terminal. Behind her he noticed she was in her hovercraft. "Sosi," she called. "Naan is looking for you. Don't do anything stupid. It’s not worth it."

  "Relax," said Sosi. "Patch him through."

  Her face disappeared and Naan appeared instead. "That was quick," said Naan. "I didn't think you would find out so fast."

  "Where are the Books?" asked Sosi.

  "On their way to Mampas," said Naan in a smug tone. "I hope you appreciate the fact I didn't send them through the network. I've done this only out of respect for you."

  Daio stood up and walked towards the screen and Sosi raised his gun and aimed it at him.

  "You stupid child, you never learn," said Daio glaring at the screen.

  "Relax father. Sonny only wants to see what the Books are all about. After he'll realizes it's only a jumbled pile of meaningless words he will lose interest."

  "You had no right," said Sosi.

  "Oh, but I do," said Naan. "If I'm not mistaken it was you who said the Books belong to all of us."

  "I don't understand why you've done this," said Daio. "We spoke about this yesterday. I told you about my doubts and my thoughts and you agreed."

  "What did you expect? That I’d tell you I was planning to take a copy of the Books. Had I told you that the Books would've immediately disappeared." Naan smiled. "And now if my dear uncle want’s to make sure this copy doesn't find its way onto the network I suggest he hurries over to Mampas. I really don't know what this madman might do. He's crazy, but he is also a genius. I heard he scrambled the information about this deadly material that was designed to eliminate them. He created millions of different copies of it, all of them a little different from each other so that no one would ever again be able to manufacture it. If he could do that it wouldn't be hard for him to do th-"

  Sosi disconnected the line and looked at Daio.

nbsp; "I had no part in this," said Daio. "You must believe me."

  Sosi looked him for a few seconds before putting the gun on the table.

  "You must come with me to Mampas. We must do it together."

  "I don't have much choice now," said Sosi.

  "Nothing will happen to you or the books. I promise you."

  "Don't make promises you cannot keep. I don't think you control what's going on in Naan, and you have no power at all in Mampas."

  Sounds came from the stairs and Sosi approach the door. "Who is there?"

  "It's me," said Su-Thor.

  He opened the door and she took one step forward and looked at Daio.

  "Everything is fine," said Daio. He walked forward and laid his hand on her shoulder then went down the stairs. The Doctor was standing at the bottom of the stairs. He let out a sigh as Daio walked past.

  Several armed soldiers appeared at the entrance. Daio raised his hands to calm them down. "Everything is fine. It was just a misunderstanding. Lower your weapons before something truly regrettable happens."

  When Sosi and Su-Thor made their way outside Daio was standing on the trail to the parking lot talking to one of his people. "He used a high speed hovercraft," he said walking towards them. "It will land there in three hours."

  "When can we leave?"

  "I can arrange a spacecraft as soon as you're ready."

  "I'm coming with you," said Su-Thor.

  Daio shook his head. "That is an unnecessary risk. This Sonny is a rebel and you are still considered a traitor there."

  "They have had thirty years to kill me. If this Sonny wants me dead he could do it just as easily if I remain here."

  Naan stood beside the big Mampasian government car and looked at the spacecraft maneuvering for landing. It was early evening and the Rings of Aesder were glowing in the sky. Their strange intensity seemed a portent of doom. Too many things had gone wrong in the last few weeks. He thought that he was simply out of luck. Although sometimes his poor luck was so consistent that he thought he could discern a hidden hand in it, playing with him. The latest setback had happened the previous day. Just when he thought he was finally regaining control of his situation, the high-speed hovercraft with the Books aboard had disappeared from Mampas’ skies just before its approach to the Mampas Airport.

  Naan came back to the present. The spacecraft bringing his uncle to the meeting that would determine his fate fired its landing boosters and its engines began to whistle as the contact sensors detected the approaching ground. Service vehicles moved forward. Some stopped in front of the spacecraft and some went around back. Naan walked over to the government car and sat down in the back seat. He watched the activity around the spacecraft through the window. When the stairs opened he signaled the driver and the car glided slowly forward.

  He didn't care much that the Books had disappeared. If they became scrambled and disappeared forever it would be a great blessing for Naan. The fact that someone knew about his move reminded him again how little control he truly had over the situation. He wondered if his father was behind it. Sosi had found out about the theft very soon after it had taken place. After that little discussion they all knew what he’d done. Naan felt he’d had no other choice. Telling them that he had stolen the Books and that they were on their way to Mampas was the only way he could force Sosi to make the trip.

  He ran through the possible candidates for the theft. Sosi was hopeless, and the people here, Gu-Dos or Thesh, had no interest in the Books. Sonny had enough troubles to deal with, and besides he was the one who had asked for the cursed Books. No, it seemed like only his father could have pulled off the theft. He still had connections in Mampas. Could they still be strong enough to get someone to hijack a hovercraft just before landing?

  Daio appeared at the edge of the stairs when the door finally opened. The Doctor and Su-Thor appeared behind him. Sosi walked a little behind. Naan looked at him. He strolled along with his white beard and his hands behind his back, as if he had no worries in the world.

  He got out of the car and walked towards them.

  "There will be changes in Naan after this thing is over," said Daio when the two stood one in front of the other.

  "I have no doubt," said Naan trying to keep the smug look from his face.

  "Where are the Books?" asked Sosi walking up from behind his brother.

  Naan looked at him and then looked at Daio. "Ask my father. Maybe he knows."

  "What are you talking about?" said Daio. "Stop this stupid game. We are here. Give him the Books immediately."

  "They disappeared," said Naan and laughed bitterly. "The hovercraft that brought them here disappeared just before landing."

  Sosi walked towards him, and Naan backed away. "There is no need for that. You won't gain anything."

  The driver got out of the car and gave Sosi a threatening look.

  "You're playing a dangerous game," said Sosi.

  "I'm not playing any games. I know nothing I say will convince you otherwise though so we better get moving. Sonny is expecting you and I wouldn't keep that crazy man waiting too long."

  "What about the Books?" asked Daio.

  "Since I did not make this hovercraft disappear I don't really know. Maybe someone else is playing games. If so we probably don't have much choice but to let him."

  The drive passed in complete silence. The car stopped sometime later in front of a ring of soldiers on the circle drive of the government campus. The soldiers stood in two rows facing each other, their uniforms ironed and decorated with symbols of merit, and the weapons in their hands were shining.

  They all got out of the car and looked at each other puzzled. All of them, including Naan, thought someone must have made an embarrassing mistake. Their arrival must have been confused with a reception for someone else.

  They walked between the lines with small hesitant steps. They sped up as they approached the entrance. The foyer was completely empty except for a few well-dressed people who pointed them towards the elevator. The elevator door was open and an attendant was waiting for them there. He pressed the button and the door closed. Several seconds later they exited the elevator and walked along a dark corridor that led to Itgass’s chamber. The entrance of the chamber was open and Naan led them in.

  "Hello," said May-Thor.

  "Hello," said Naan.

  "So you're Naan?" she asked even though she knew.

  "Yes, and who are you?"

  "I'm Sonny's assistant." She shifted her gaze between them and identified all of them from Raban's stories.

  "Come in, come in," she said and led them towards the office. "They are here," she said loudly as she entered.

  "Co-Co-Come in," said Raban.

  May-Thor pointed them to the couches that were situated around Raban's desk. "Please excuse the dim lighting. Sonny still has eye problems."

  Everyone turned looked at Raban where he sat behind his desk. His face was still completely wrapped in bandages. A terminal was to his right and a big screen was on the wall to his left. Behind him stood two huge guards.

  "S-S-Sit down."

  They all sat, their eyes on me.

  "I'm so-so-sorry about the bandages," I said pointing to my face. "I assume Na-Na-Naan explained."

  "Yes sir, I have."

  "I wasn't expecting so many of you. Please introduce yourselves."

  "I'm Daio, Naan's president,” said Daio. "This is my brother Sosi, and this is his wife," he said pointing to Sosi and Su-Thor. "And this is Doctor Afgena Tarki, our advisor."

  "Sosi," I said, but my eyes were on my mother. I hadn't seen her for months but it seems as if years had passed for her. She looked smaller, wrinkled, and frightened. I felt my throat tighten. I wanted to stand up and finish it now. "H-H-How are thi-thi-things in the City of the Chosen?"

  "Excellent," my father said quickly.

  "I u-u-understand that among other things yo-yo-you also do some agriculture."

  "We only do agriculture," m
y father said.

  "And this has been your l-l-livelihood for thirty years?"

  "Yes. It's hard work, but it provides us with independence."

  "B-B-But e-e-everything goes through Ma-Ma-Mampas, so I guess your independence is incomplete."

  "We didn’t need Mampas back then and we still don't need it today. We are able to make a living."

  "Careful," whispered Daio in Naanite.

  "I told you that I would speak my mind," said Sosi.

  "Shut up both of you," said Naan.

  "Is there a p-p-problem?" I asked.

  "Everything is fine sir," Naan said quickly. "Just a disagreements between brothers."

  "Do you n-n-need some time for yo-yo-yourself to work this out?"

  "I don't think so sir," said Naan.

  I looked at my mother again. She was tense, her lips tightly closed.

  "I understand you are very skilled scramblers."

  My father nodded.

  "It is said that yo-yo-you're capable of scrambling in-in-information in Seragon, that you can access in-in-information that no one else can. Is that true?"

  "We can do many things, but that doesn't mean we do them," said my father.

  "But you have. Thirty years ago you ma-ma-made trouble for us here."

  "Are we here because of something that happened thirty years ago?" asked my father.

  I looked at him silently.

  They all looked at each other. Daio looked worried, my father indifferent, and Naan angry.

  "What's going on?" whispered Daio in Naanite after several seconds of quiet.

  "You're making him angry. That is what's going on," said Naan quietly. "His mind has hit the wall and is stuck."

  "All signs show that a Na-Na-Naanite scrambled information in Se-Se-Seragon from here," I said and they fell silent.

  "That's a lie. There is no proof to support it," said my father.

  "Are you good at math?" I asked.

  He didn't answer.

  "Because I don't think you can even a-a-add properly. Let me help you. You don't like Ma-Ma-Mampas or the De-De-Desertians, plus you are skilled s-s-scramblers, plus you s-s-scrambled information in Se-Se-Seragon from here in the past. All this equals the results we see today."


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