Unveiled Hearts (Heart's Intent Book 2)

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Unveiled Hearts (Heart's Intent Book 2) Page 12

by Dawn Brower

  “We shouldn’t do this here,” she said huskily.

  Matt stared down at her through hooded eyes. “Probably not. Do you want to stop?”

  No. Hell no. She wanted to continue to explore what he did to her. With his arms still wrapped firmly around her waist, all she could think about was kissing him again. He was teetering on the edge already. It wouldn’t take much to tip him fully over into a lust-induced haze. Who was she kidding? They were both already breathless from desire. His gaze promised pleasure beyond her wildest imagination. She licked her lips and considered her options. Give in and find out if it would be as amazing as she thought—or step back and to discover what they had between them at a future date. “I want you.”

  Matt leaned back and studied her a brief moment. Then he headed across the room and clicked the lock on his door. “No interruptions,” he said. “I’ve waited too long, and I’m not leaving anything to chance.”

  Her lips tilted upward at his words. She appreciated his thoughtfulness. This wasn’t the best place to finally come together, but neither one of them wanted to wait anymore. This had been a long time coming. Besides, she’d had plenty of fantasies of stripping him bare inside his office, and this way she was able to live out one of them. If she was luck, she’d get to experience every one of them at some point.

  “You expect someone to rush through at any moment?” She raised an eyebrow. “Who’s going to bother us? Amy would call first.”

  “True,” he agreed. “I’ve learned the hard way to never take anything for granted.” He crooked his finger and gestured her. “Come here.”

  She bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “I don’t think so.” Claire took a step back.

  He raised an eyebrow and stalked toward her. “Are we playing a game now?”

  A giggle escaped from her mouth. Perhaps she was being sadistic, but she didn’t want to fall directly into his arms. He should work for her a little bit more before she succumbed to him. It was inevitable she would, but she didn’t want it to be easy. “Would I do that to you?”

  His lips quirked up. “Absolutely.” Matt continued his advance and moved closer. Her breathing became more ragged with each step he took. When he was in arm’s length, he reached out and snatched her into his arms. She laughed and fell into him. “Caught you.”

  “I wasn’t running.” If she had, it would have been toward him. “What are you going to do now that you have me?”

  “Kiss every inch of you.” He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “Then start all over again.”

  “Sounds decadent.” Warmth spread through her heart at his words. They were perfect. He was everything she’d always wanted and never dared to hope for. “Quit talking and show me.” She wanted to feel his lips on hers. Claire wanted to feel the kisses he promised and explore their need. He was taking his time and it drove her mad.

  Matt trailed kisses up her neck. He stopped when he reached her ear. His hot breath caressed her. Tiny flutters exploded through her as he pulled her earlobe into his mouth and sucked. He pulled back and whispered, “Where do you want me to kiss you first?” His hand hovered over her breast. “Here?” He trailed it down her chest and hovered above her navel. “Here?” Then he skimmed down her belly and lifted her skirt. His fingers danced across her panty line. Claire shivered with anticipation. “Or would you like me to taste your sweetness?’

  “Everywhere,” Claire said breathlessly. “Anywhere. Stop taking and do it.”

  Matt answered by sliding her panties down her legs and letting them fall to her ankles. He pushed everything in his way off his desk and then lifted her to settle her on top of it. The corner of his mouth titled upward as he stared down at her. He licked his lips and then pushed her skirt up her hips. “So pretty,” he said. He slid her panties all the way off and stepped into her. She thought he’d start his promise of kisses, but he wasn’t done undressing her. The torment was almost her undoing. If he didn’t start soon she’d be reduced to begging.

  “Matt,” she groaned out his name. “You’re killing me.”

  “Never,” he promised. “Nothing but pleasure from this point on.” He unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it open. Her nipples tightened underneath the lace of her lily-white bra. Matt leaned down and sucked one into his hot mouth through the satin and lace. Claire moaned as pleasure shot through her with tiny pinpricks. It whirled down her belly and settled firmly in her core. She wanted to squeeze tightly against him. The need was becoming too great, and she needed him inside of her. Matt had a mind of his own though as he leaned over and paid attention to her other breast. He had her where he wanted her and intended to take his time enjoying her. Claire couldn’t blame him. When she got the chance, she’d return the torturous favor.

  “Please,” she implored him. “I need...”

  “I know exactly what you need.” But he wasn’t giving it to her.

  He sat in his chair and scooted her toward him. His head fell between her thighs. When his tongue hit her hot core she almost screamed. He continued to lick and suck her clit with wicked abandonment. His lifted a hand and pushed a finger inside her. A rhythm of tongue, finger, and lips quickly developed. Claire thrashed on the desk. She was so close to climax she could almost taste it. When she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he hummed against her clit and everything inside of her exploded. She couldn’t stop the scream from coming out of her. She’d never climaxed so hard in her entire life. Matt continued to lick her until the spasms started to calm.

  “You’re perfect,” he said.

  She didn’t know about that, but she was starting to think he was. “I think Amy might come running. I’ve never screamed so hard in my life.”

  “No, she won’t. She knows you’re pissed at me. I told her we needed to have it out once and for all when you returned.”

  She raised an eyebrow. It was rather hard to look indignant with her legs wrapped around his shoulders, but she damn well tried. “What?”

  “I rather like this way of arguing better though.” His gaze met hers. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “You stop now and I’ll stab you in the balls.”

  Matt’s laugh was the answer she received. He opened a drawer and pulled out a condom. He set it on the desk beside her and stood. She turned to him and smirked. Did he plan on seducing her in his office?

  “Presumptuous,” she said.

  “Hopeful,” he replied. “I didn’t expect to use them this fast.”

  “I bet,” she scoffed. “I’m glad you planned ahead regardless.” Not everyone would have. She didn’t know if it was a sign he thought about protecting her or some high handedness on his part. She was surprisingly all right with it either way.

  “I never presume where you’re concerned.” He leaned over her and kissed her. It was a kiss meant to reassure, but quickly turned into something so much more than that. It spilled out desire and longing that touched her soul. His needs matched hers in so many ways He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. “I need you so much there aren’t words to describe it.”

  “Then have me,” she said softly. “Now and Always.” She reached over, unsnapped his pants and slid down the zipper. “What are you waiting for?”

  He didn’t need any other direction after that. His pants and boxers hit his ankles. He reached for the condom and slid it over his erect penis. When he was fully sheathed, he stepped in-between her thighs. His gaze didn’t leave hers as he slowly entered her. She moaned once he was fully seated inside. Claire wiggled against him. “Christ,” he swore. “Wait a minute.”

  “Need more,” she replied.

  His forehead rested on hers. A bead of sweat trickled down as he fought for control. Then he began to slide in and out of her slowly. It was a pace that drove her mad and she pushed against him. “Faster,” she demanded. When he didn’t concede, she squeezed her inner muscles around him. He groaned and lost all control. With a swiftness Claire admired, he lifted her ass and pounded into her with a frenzy. It sp
read through her with equal fervor. Matt’s mouth found hers as their passion escalated beyond thought or reason. Her climax whipped through her before she realized she was on the brink of hitting it. Matt tumbled over soon afterward, and then fell on top of her in a moment of exhaustion.

  “We need to do this more often,” Claire said rubbing his back. “I’ve never been so relaxed in my life.”

  Matt’s rumble of laughter vibrated through her chest. “You might kill me yet.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Claire said. “Now get off me so I can dress.”

  Matt lifted his head and stared down at her. “Has anyone ever told you you’re demanding?”

  “Not in so many words.” Her lips tilted up. “But I know what I want, and I don’t see any reason not to go after it.”

  He nodded. “I like this side of you.” Matt kissed her forehead and rose. He disposed of the condom and pulled his pants up. Then he turned toward her and held out a hand to assist her up.

  “Where the hell are my panties?”

  “You don’t need them.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You want me to go commando the rest of the day?” The idea was wicked. She liked it. But would she do it? For Matt, she’d do just about anything. The thought of walking around the office the rest of the day sans panties... Heat flooded her again. “What do I get if I do?”

  “You get me any way, any time, you want.”

  “I’ll pass. Those terms aren’t enough.” He brushed a hand over his chest. She wanted to do this again with him completely naked. The feel of skin against skin was a need so strong she almost started to unbutton his shirt. “I want something I can’t get already?”

  “Such as?”

  “Dinner,” she replied. “Me and you. Someplace fancy and secluded.”


  Yeah, why not? Make him work for it. She wanted to date, and this wouldn’t work if they sneaked around the office and had sex when they both desired each other. Claire refused to be his dirty little secret. She deserved better and she was damn well going to get it.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “No panties through dinner and you have a deal.”

  She grinned. “I can do that.”

  “They also stay with me until I choose to give them back to you later.”

  That she hadn’t been expecting. It was kind of—hot. She liked the idea of him keeping them. “What are you going to do, carry them around in your pocket all day?”

  “That’s for me to know and you to...” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Use your imagination.”

  It was going to be a long afternoon while she thought about him carrying her panties everywhere. “All right. Deal.”

  “Good. Now let’s get you dressed. I have an appointment with the shrink, and I think I might be late.” He kissed her quickly. “So worth it though.”

  She smiled and had to agree. “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No. I don’t think they’d let you sit in while she interrogates me.” He grinned. “Thanks for the offer though. I’ll pick you up here before dinner.”

  He was right, of course. She’d gotten so used to going with him to appointments she’d not stopped to consider he didn’t need her to drive him anymore. Wait...“How will you get there? Come to think of it, how did you come into the office this morning?”He hadn’t bought a new car and his was destroyed in the accident.

  “Rental Car. I ordered one online last night and had it delivered this morning. I’ll shop for a new one later.”

  That made sense. Too much really. Why did she doubt his capabilities? Matt was the most reliable and independent person she knew. “I almost forgot...” She kissed him quickly on the lips. “Thank you.”

  “Mmm, you’re welcome,” he replied. “For what?”

  “The flowers, silly. They’re lovely.”

  Matt stared at her with bewilderment. “I didn’t send you any flowers. I mean, if that is a hint you want me to, I’ll be on the phone to the florist as soon as you leave...”

  Claire stared at him as shock rolled through her. If Matt hadn’t sent them, then who did? “No I don’t want you to send me flowers if you don’t want to.” She forced a smile on her face. “But I won’t turn them down if you decide to send some at a much later date.” If he realized how freaked out she was he’d never let her leave the office. They had other things to do and they didn’t include a lovely creepy bouquet of roses sitting on her desk. “I’ll see you later. Don’t lose my panties while you’re traipsing around the hospital.”

  “As if I’d lose my prize.” He grinned wickedly. “Think about me while I’m gone.” He kissed her lightly.

  Then he walked across the office and clicked the lock open. He turned to make sure she was fully dressed before he opened the door. She’d been buttoning the last button, and at his glance she nodded at him. “See you later,” she said.

  “Not if I see you first,” he flashed her a cocky smile.

  She blew him a kiss and he hustled out of the room. Claire’s heart was gone on him. There was no turning back now, and she didn’t want to.


  Matt left his office and hopped into his rental car. He had to get to his appointment with the shrink on time. He drove to the hospital with Claire at the forefront of his mind. He hadn’t expected things to go in the direction they had. It’d been so much better than he could’ve planned. She was perfect and his. It was all finally starting to go the way it was supposed to. He had his sight back, work was going as well as could be expected, and Claire and he came together at last. Everything could get better from there.

  He pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked his vehicle. After checking the time, he opened his door and headed inside. The doctor’s office was on the fourth floor in the business section of Envill East. It wasn’t too far from Dr. Rendall Sousa’s office. He didn’t like the idea of someone examining the inner workings of his brain, but it wouldn’t hurt to see her. Lost in thought, he was almost to Dr. Marlee Adams’s office when he slammed into someone. That’s what happened when he wasn’t paying attention where he was going.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t...” He stopped short when he realized who he had knocked down. Her midnight tresses spilled around her shoulders and her deep green eyes were filled with irritation.

  “I could tell,” Dani said. “What’s your hurry?”

  Matt grinned sheepishly as he stared down at his best friend sprawled out across the floor. Damn, he hoped he didn’t aggravate her injury. He was a complete jackass. He reached out and offered his hand to help her up. She slid to her feet with one tug and then wrapped her arms around him in a big bear hug. He returned it with equal vigor. They’d both had scares they could do without in the past month.

  “Are you all right?” Matt asked. “It’s good to see you.”

  “I bet,” she said and stepped back. “No pun intended there, right?” She winked at him. “Now, tell me why you didn’t call me, shouting with excitement, when your vision returned.”

  His smile fell from his face. How was he to explain to her that he’d been a jerk and blind with jealousy? It was clear to him now that Claire didn’t want anything to do with Nolan. He still had to ask her why she’d allowed him close enough to kiss her, but that wasn’t important. It all worked out. Matt and Claire had come to an understanding of sorts. The rest would work out when it was supposed to. Claire wanted to be with Matt, and that is all that mattered to him. That came across loud and clear earlier in his office. If she wanted Nolan, she’d never have had sex with Matt.

  “I was scared,” he replied. Which was the truth. A part of him hadn’t believed it at first, especially as it returned and filled him with the vision of Claire in another man’s arms. It didn’t make sense. Another reason he was keeping his appointment with Dr. Adams, and yes he’d do a follow up with Ren. It was the smart thing to do. He’d been irritated with him on the phone, but he’d call and schedule somethin
g. “It could go away as easily as it came back.” He snapped his fingers. “Just like that.”

  She rubbed his arm. Her eyes were filled with concern. “That’s why you need to go see Ren and have the tests ran again. For your peace of mind.”

  “I know,” he said with a nod. “I plan on calling him. Right now, I have to go see the shrink he recommended.” He glanced at his watch. “I’m running late. We have a lot to talk about. Claire e-mailed you about the new hire and the second interview. I like her and want to offer her a job, but I’d like your opinion first.”

  “If you want to hire her do it. I trust your opinion.” Her nose scrunched up. “I hate interviewing people, you know that. It’s why I delegated it to Claire to begin with.”

  “Come and meet her. It won’t kill you, I promise.” He flashed her a smile. “She’s Preston West’s sister—I think you met him.”

  Dani could be difficult when it came to people she wasn’t acquainted with. She kept everyone at a distance. It was a miracle she’d allowed Matt close. He was happy she’d found Ren again and they were building a life together.

  “Dr. West?” She raised an eyebrow. “He was my surgeon after Anderson Nettles shot me. Ren said he was the one he trusted to save me.”

  Matt nodded. “He assisted Ren with mine too if I recall. That’s not an endorsement of Olivia’s skills, but it’s a fact I thought you might find interesting. She has an impressive skill set all her own.”

  She appeared lost in thought for a moment, and then she shook her head, focusing on Matt again. “I’d like to meet her. I’ll check the e-mail for the date and time. There’s something else you should know... The main reason I want to hire someone else is I want to step back a little bit and take pro bono cases. I’d like to focus on helping women in need, adoption cases, basically work exclusively in family court.”

  He rocked back on his heels and studied her. Matt rolled her words around and dissected them before he considered how to respond. Dani, a champion for women and children? He liked it. She’d been a lost little girl once. If she’d had someone, a comparable person, in her life when she was younger she’d have been better off. “Good. I think you’d make a wonderful attorney helping those who need it most. You know better than anyone what that can be like. I’ll stand by you no matter what you decide. You’re my best friend. All I ask is you talk to me and let me know what’s going through that thick skull of yours from time to time. I hate being the last to know things.”


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