Tempted By Scandal (Dynasties: Secrets 0f The A-List Book 1)

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Tempted By Scandal (Dynasties: Secrets 0f The A-List Book 1) Page 7

by Karen Booth

  “I see. Someone special?”

  “An old friend. Hideo Silva. He lives in New York, but he’s in town for work.”

  “What does he do for a living?”

  “He’s a male model.”

  Matt averted his eyes and gathered some papers on his desk. “Excellent. Well, have fun.”

  “It’s not a big deal. We’re just friends.” The words came out a bit desperate and Nadia hated that she’d bothered to divulge this information.

  He popped his eyebrows at her and nodded. “It’s a free country, Nadia. I have no control over you.”

  “I didn’t want you to think…”

  “What? That you’d moved on? We had our fun, Nadia. You made it clear that it’s not going to happen again.”

  Nadia nodded solemnly, but all the while her stomach soured and her heart felt as though it was crumbling. “I guess I’d better get back to my desk.”

  “Yes. I think that’s for the best.”

  * * *

  Teresa was glad she had Gideon Johns’s party tonight to distract her. Not that she wasn’t incredibly busy. She’d never worked harder or slept less, but she had it under control, and most important, Teresa always worked best under pressure. Plus, all of this preoccupation was keeping her mind off Liam.

  She couldn’t get that conversation in the bar off her mind. He had looked good enough to kiss, and under any other circumstance, she would have tried her hardest to persuade him that was a great idea. She would have done everything in her power to take Liam upstairs to her room at The Opulence. But because of what he thought of her—that she’d had an affair with his father and ruined his parents’ marriage—well, she couldn’t risk him thinking she was a woman with a big arsenal of feminine wiles. She certainly couldn’t flirt. Liam was hands-off. At least until the retreat was over.

  Luckily, although Liam had been invited to this A-list party, he’d RSVP’d no. That would make the evening much easier to navigate. She’d make Mr. Johns a happy client and, most important, demonstrate to Matt Richmond that he’d unquestionably made the best choice in hiring her as an event planner. Everything on the professional front was coming together nicely.

  On the personal front, she’d finally heard from Joshua. He’d called while she was in the shower that morning, although when she’d tried to call him back, she only got voice mail. He’d assured her everything was fine. He had it “under control.” The Fixer had contacted her as well, saying that it appeared Joshua had some gambling debts, but that he was paying them off and wherever the seven-million-dollar sum came from, it didn’t seem to be real. The whole thing sounded a bit suspicious to Teresa, especially since the man never called back. He’d said he’d be in touch, but had done no such thing. In her limited experience, people like that follow through on their promises. For now, she had to trust Joshua to handle his own affairs. She loved him, but she couldn’t be his perpetual babysitter.

  Teresa’s assistant, Corinne, ducked into her office and placed a coffee cup on her desk. “Here’s your two-o’clock latte and your mail.” Corinne pushed aside a pile of notes and papers from The Opulence event. “Also, you will not believe what’s on TV right now.”

  “Please tell me it doesn’t have to do with the retreat.” This event had become so complicated it was like trying to fight off a dragon with three heads. Just when she got one thing under control, something else went off the rails.

  Corinne’s blazing red corkscrew curls bobbed up and down when she shrugged. “Sorry, but it has to do exactly with that. Come and see. It’s best if you know now.”

  Teresa planted both hands on her desk and pushed herself to standing. Her lower back was stiff from sitting for too long. She really needed to go to the gym and get a massage and take a minute to breathe. Sex might not hurt, either. She could certainly stand to blow off some steam.

  She wandered out into the main Limitless Events office. Normally the large and open loft space was abuzz with activity, but right now, everyone was in the far corner, looking up at one of the flat-screen TVs mounted to the exposed brick wall. Teresa hurried over. Sure enough, her biggest nightmare was playing out before her eyes.

  The crawl at the bottom of the screen read: Peter Bell, lead singer of rock band London Town, arrested for felony battery after altercation with fan.

  Teresa closed her eyes and pinched her nose in an effort to ward off the headache that was about to ravage her head. London Town was not only her headliner for the Saturday evening gala during the Richmond retreat, but it had also been a real coup to get them in the first place. They did not like to perform at private events, especially ones hosted by the rich and famous. She didn’t even need to know Mr. Bell’s legal fate to know that there was no way his band could perform now. Even if the charges were dismissed or he was released on bail, the media backlash would be too much. Matt wanted no problems and this was officially a big one. Teresa had to find a top notch, A-list performer who just happened to be available on a Saturday night in a month. Great.

  With no time to lose, Teresa hustled back to her desk to go through her original planning notes and brainstorm. She might need to call Gideon Johns, since he had his finger on the pulse of all things music-related. But as she stepped inside her office, she realized she didn’t need to think long. On top of the stack of mail Corinne had delivered was the latest issue of Hundred Proof magazine with gorgeous Jessie Humphrey on the cover. Jessie’s voice was powerful, but like velvet, and she was one of the most in-demand performers around. Teresa had no idea if she was on tour or even in the country, but she had to at least look into it.

  With a quick internet search, she found the number for Ms. Humphrey’s management, who in turn referred Teresa to her booking agent’s office. Teresa explained her predicament as succinctly as possible. “I realize it’s incredibly short notice, but this is for a private retreat for Matt Richmond. No expense will be spared. Ms. Humphrey will have the most luxurious accommodations, we’ll cover all of her travel and we’ll have the finest production. Anything she needs, she’ll have it.”

  “Send the offer in writing and we’ll take it to her team. No promises. She is available that weekend, but that is highly unusual and she would typically be spending that time resting.”

  Teresa thought back to her conversation with Nadia and Isabel at The Opulence. “The resort has a high-end spa. We can book her any treatments she wants. And I can personally attest to just how relaxing an atmosphere it is.”

  “Like I said, send over the offer and we’ll look at it.”

  Teresa sweetly said goodbye, then grumbled as soon as she hung up the phone. If she wasn’t able to book Jessie on her own, she might ask Gideon Johns if he had any connections that might come in handy. But she’d wait to see if she could manage it. She hated asking anyone for a favor, especially a billionaire client like Mr. Johns. She needed him thinking she could move mountains if necessary. Speaking of which, she’d better knock out a few more hours of work before heading home to get dressed for Mr. Johns’s party.


  Liam had hoped to skip the Gideon Johns party, but Matt had talked him into it.

  “Hey, stranger. What’s up? We hardly spent any time together at The Opulence,” Matt said when Liam climbed into his gleaming black Aston Martin Valkyrie. Matt had an extensive collection of cars and on a night like tonight, when it was just the two of them out on the town, they both agreed this was more fun than having a driver take them.

  “I’m not the one who disappeared.” Liam shot a pointed glance at his best friend.

  “I didn’t plan for things to happen the way they did.” Matt kept his eyes trained on the road, but he shifted in his seat.

  “Let me guess. You and Nadia.” Liam caught Matt fighting back a smile. “You are playing with fire, my friend. I’m serious. There’s no way this ends well for you.”

  The trace of happin
ess on his face vanished. “I know. I know. There’s just something about her. She makes me happy. And the minute we’re alone, we can’t keep our hands off each other.”

  Liam had experienced that last part with plenty of women, but the part about someone making him happy? It had never happened. No woman had come close to making his life better. “Just remember that there’s a person on the other side of this equation. If you hurt her, you’re going to lose someone you obviously care about and the best assistant you’ve ever had.”

  “Got it. New subject, please. You and Teresa. Have you two at least reached a stalemate?”

  “I suppose. She denies the affair with my father, but I’m not sure I believe her. I know I don’t trust her.”

  Matt let out a deep exhale. “I’m a little worried about that, too, to be honest.”

  “You are? Why?” Matt was the guy who worried about too little. He was the one who had dismissed Liam’s concerns about Teresa in the first place.

  “Nadia overheard Teresa on the phone that day at The Opulence. She was outside, clearly trying to get some privacy. She said something about how she loved some guy and didn’t want him to go to jail.”

  Liam knew he should have gone with his gut. Teresa was not to be trusted. She’d specifically told him that night at the bar that she was unattached. She’d even used the word single. And jail? What was she wrapped up in? “I had my investigator look into her. He’s found nothing. And I told him to dig deep.”

  “That’s weird. There’s always dirt.”

  “Precisely why I’m sure that something is up.”

  “Maybe we need to take things into our own hands,” Matt said, stopping at a red light. “And by we, I mean you.”

  “What? When?”

  “Tonight. At this party. You’re the one who has a past with her. I hardly know her and she’s in my employ right now. You’re the obvious person to try and get her to slip up and say something she doesn’t want to.”

  Liam grumbled and looked out the window as Matt took the corner and pulled up to the valet stand outside the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit at the base of the Seattle Space Needle. “I was hoping to give her a wide berth this evening.”

  Matt put the car in Park and turned, clapping Liam on the back. “Sorry, buddy, but I need you to do this for me. If I’m going to have to cut her loose, I need to do it now.”

  “Fine. But you’re buying the drinks tonight.”

  Matt laughed quietly. “Are you kidding me? It’s a Gideon Johns party. It’s open bar.”

  The two men climbed out of the car and began their walk up the red carpet that led up to the museum entrance. The all-glass structure was a sight, a modern cathedral ablaze with light set against the backdrop of the night sky. Up ahead, Liam spotted Teresa, looking like a million bucks in a slinky but tasteful black dress. She appeared to be overseeing two women with clipboards who were likely the custodians of the guest list. She was abuzz with activity, smiling and chatting, giving directions and gracefully gathering guests to stand for photographs before entering the party. It might take some doing to get her alone tonight, but he had no choice. Matt was his best friend and he would not let him down.

  Matt tugged on Liam’s jacket and leaned closer. “Nadia’s here. With her date.” With a toss of his head, he indicated they were standing behind them.

  “A date? Did you know this was going to happen?” Liam carefully craned his neck, spotting Nadia and her date several people back. The guy had his arm around Nadia and they were eagerly talking to each other.

  “I knew. She told me in the office earlier. She said he’s an old friend. In town for the night.”

  “Maybe this is a good thing,” Liam said out of the corner of his mouth. “Maybe this will remind you that you need to move on. Nothing good comes of a relationship with Nadia that’s anything beyond professional.”

  Just then Liam felt a hand on his shoulder.

  “Look who we have here. Two of the most handsome men in all of Seattle.” Matt’s head of PR, Shayla, had inserted herself between Matt and him. It was so like her. She was beyond pushy.

  “Hi, Shayla.”

  She unsubtly smoothed her hand over Liam’s shoulder. “Hello, Liam. Looking dashing this evening.”

  “You as well,” Liam said, not necessarily meaning it, but feeling that it was something he had to say.

  “I see that Nadia brought a date. What a hottie he is.” Shayla practically purred it into Matt’s ear.

  Matt shrugged his shoulder. “Shayla, do you mind? Liam and I were in the middle of a personal conversation.”

  She shook it off. “Oh. Yes. Of course. I’ll catch up with you two later.”

  “The date thing really bugging you that much?” Liam asked.

  “No,” Matt said, with a tone that distinctly suggested he was nothing if not completely annoyed. “I just don’t like it when Shayla sticks her nose in everything.”

  * * *

  Teresa continued her work as guest-list spotter, identifying each guest before they reached her assistants, then slyly feeding them the name with a whisper. Teresa knew VIPs and they took great offense when someone didn’t recognize them. No one wanted to give their name. Of course, that meant Teresa had spent hours memorizing names and faces, since she hadn’t been back in Seattle long enough to truly know the current landscape of the wealthy and fabulous in the city.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Liam and Matt. “Matt Richmond and Liam Christopher are next,” she quickly muttered to one of her helpers, before turning her attention to the two men. “Welcome, gentlemen.” She hugged Matt, then regarded Liam with a penetrating glance. He unsubtly eyed her from the top of her head all the way down to her perfectly pedicured toes. She felt naked. Exposed. In a dangerous, but delicious, way. “Mr. Christopher. I thought you weren’t joining us this evening.”

  He shrugged. “What can I say? My best friend convinced me it might be fun.”

  “I assure you it will be exactly that. Please. Come in. The bars are right inside the doors, servers are bringing around small bites, and the band should be starting any minute now.”

  “Speaking of band,” Matt said, “I heard there’s a problem with London Town.”

  Teresa shook her head. “Already handled. I’m this close to booking Jessie Humphrey.” That was a stretch, but she could afford to do nothing less than wow Matt Richmond right now.

  “You got it fixed that quickly? Excellent. I’m impressed.”

  “All in a day’s work.” She dismissed it with a ready smile, knowing it would take more like an entire week’s worth of phone calls, begging and logistics.

  Matt and Liam stepped into the party, but Liam turned back to her, taking her hand. It was only the tips of her fingers, but to Teresa’s surprise, it sent a verifiable jolt through her. “I’m hoping you’ll save a dance for me.”

  “You are? Is this part of waving your white flag?” The words spilled from her lips before she had a chance to really think about how rude they might sound.

  “I try never to surrender, but I might be willing to give up some ground.” He cocked one thick eyebrow for effect.

  Teresa had to try very hard not to fixate on the curve of his lips or the appealing shadow of his facial scruff. Liam was so her type it was ridiculous. “Color me intrigued.” She didn’t offer more, and turned back to focus again on the guest list, but her heart was beating hundreds of miles an hour, like a jackrabbit with a bad coffee habit. What did Liam mean by that? Was he up to something? Or was he actually softening his approach? The latter, although a nice idea, seemed unlikely.

  She helped with the next fifty or so guests, including Nadia Gonzalez and her unbelievably hot date, whom Teresa was sure she’d recently seen in a men’s magazine. She couldn’t help but wonder how Matt might be handling that particular development, although knowing the world
of corporate PR, someone had probably arranged the pairing to give the illusion that Matt and Nadia were not a thing.

  Teresa filtered through the party, stopping to make sure guests had everything they wanted and were having a good time. The band had started playing, but as was par for the course with most of these occasions, people were crowding the perimeters of the dance floor and not actually paying attention to the entertainment.

  Teresa smiled and stood straighter when she saw Gideon Johns heading for her. Even in a crowd of fabulously beautiful people, Gideon stood out. He had a tall, broad frame, dark, warm eyes and a killer smile. He was the epitome of a truly dashing gentleman, the kind of man most women hoped would sweep them off their feet. He grasped her elbow and they exchanged kisses on both cheeks. “The party is amazing, Teresa. You’ve done a wonderful job.”

  Teresa saw a twinge of uncertainty on his handsome face. “But nobody is dancing and that has you worried people aren’t having a good time.” One of the first things Mariella Santiago-Marshall taught her in event planning was to acknowledge and address problems before the client had a chance to.

  Gideon’s straight shoulders relaxed. “Yes. What can we do about it?”

  Teresa spotted Liam over by one of the bars, chatting with Matt. “I’ll get it going. Don’t you worry about that. Just, please, enjoy yourself.” Before she had a chance to let her pride get in the way, she buzzed through the crowd and approached Liam. “I’m here to claim that dance you asked for.”

  Liam swirled the ice in his glass, looking down at her with his trademark steely expression. “We’d be the first ones out there. It’s not really my style.”

  Of course, he had to put up a fight. Nothing about this could be easy. “I doubt that very seriously. I’m guessing you don’t like to do anything that other people are doing. Come on.” She plucked his glass out of his hand and set it on the bar. “Can you babysit his drink?” she asked Matt.


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