Heir of Shadows (The Shadowborne Legacy Book 1)

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Heir of Shadows (The Shadowborne Legacy Book 1) Page 27

by Emma Harley

  “I need zipped up,” she muttered. Aija reached for her, and Raina swallowed down the tightening in her chest.

  She didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but she also didn’t want any bonding moments. Least of all, she didn’t want to remember the look on Aija’s face when she had stepped out in the gown. Raina bit her tongue. After all, she had made it clear she was not staying, and she was not going to accept anything further than simply acknowledging their existence. Aija would be heartbroken when she left again, and Raina forced herself to believe that it was the queen’s fault for getting attached in the first place.

  One of the maids clicked her tongue and mumbled about Raina being too pale for red, and bustled about to determine the proper shade of makeup for her skin. Aija requested an emerald necklace and tiara for Raina to wear, claiming it would look beautiful against the red as a maid bowed out to get it.

  “You are very thin Raina,” Aija offered gently, “I hope you eat plenty tonight. You cannot go on a long journey in your state.” Raina brushed off the concern, instead examining one of the large scars that streaked over her exposed shoulder.

  “I’m fine, I don’t eat when I’m on missions,” she mumbled thoughtlessly. Alicia rolled her eyes and scoffed.

  “It’s a feast Phoenix, you’ll bring more attention if you don’t eat,” she countered, snapping a series of pictures of herself on her phone. Raina scowled and stuck her middle finger in the air as she turned the camera on her. Aija shook her head in despair.

  “No doubt there will be pictures taken tonight too Raina, please don’t do that in all of them.” Alicia chuckled as Raina was manhandled into the chair by the maid, who began brushing the braid from her hair. Another applied creams and powders to her face, softly bronzing the skin on her neck and shoulders too.

  After an age of tugging and twisting and spraying, Raina was finally ready. Her hair had been curled, and two side braids swept back into the swirled mass. She couldn’t help but stare at herself, she looked amazing. The maid added an emerald choker and nestled the tiara on her head. Raina didn’t look the queen in the eye.

  “Is the tiara necessary? I appreciate the lend but I don’t think it’s really needed,” she mumbled. Aija shrugged.

  “It gives you power over the other guests. They are less likely to step out of line if you are presented as a princess, and also you can tell them to be quiet. Although I must insist you do it politely,” the queen bristled as a message came with a servant.

  “The guests have arrived already,” she moaned, “come on ladies we cannot be late or everyone will be standing gormlessly in the ballroom waiting.” Alicia slipped on the silver sandals similar to Raina’s, the pair having insisted on lower heels since neither could walk properly in high heeled shoes.

  The boys were standing in the foyer of the suites, proudly showing off the luxurious blue and gold jackets and navy pants that made them look like princes in their own right. Raina gathered the red satin of her dress as she walked, determined not to trip herself up while the men stared at her and Alicia. JJ stepped towards the latter, his mouth hanging open.

  “You look amazing,” he breathed, his eyes glued on Alicia’s blushing face. Izak whistled while Davin yelled a long “damn”, earning themselves a death stare from Raina.

  “Let’s just get this over with,” she sighed, leading the team after the queen. Aija took them to a heavy set of doors before turning to Raina.

  “Deep breath dear, just follow me to the end of the room and stand beside the dais. Ignore the other throne, you don’t have to sit there if you don’t want to.”

  “What happens if I sit there?” Raina asked, her voice so quiet it even surprised her. Aija looked her in the eye.

  “You will be announcing to the room that you are a princess in line for the throne by sitting at your father’s side,” she said sternly. Raina gulped and nodded as the doors swept open.

  The warm light was almost blinding, but her Fae eyes adjusted quickly. The queen walked ahead, curtseying at the top of the stairs to the crowd of bowing nobles. Raina followed nervously, a quick glance behind her showing that her team had followed into formation as though they were her own personal guard.

  The room parted ahead of the queen as she gracefully made her way to King Alexei at the foot of the dais before taking his arm and sitting on their respective thrones. Raina followed her instructions to stand at the side, her team filing in to her back and sides, earning curious glances from finely dressed royals. Raina glanced around at the crowd, her heart thudding when she spotted Logan making his way towards her, dressed in what she assumed was his captain’s uniform. Similar to the other guards’ red ensembles, but much more regal and decorated.

  “What are you doing here?” Raina hissed under her breath.

  “Nice to see you too princess,” he scoffed quietly, “why wouldn’t I be here?” Raina ignored him as the king stood to speak.

  “Welcome to all of our esteemed guests and family, I’m sure a number of you have already heard about the portal and the surge of power that was felt earlier today, and has been on the news. Many years ago, we said goodbye to our beloved daughter and princess, believing we would never see her again. But today, she returned to us, hale and whole.”

  Raina swore under her breath. Aija had not mentioned that he would be announcing her arrival to over a hundred people, many of whom were now looking at her with realisation in their eyes as a wave of loud mumbling and whispers floated through the crowd.

  “What were you expecting?” Logan muttered, standing stiffly to her side.

  “I was at least expecting to be sitting when that was revealed. I feel like a fucking doll on display.” He snorted.

  “That’s not language a princess should be using.”

  “Say that again and I’ll stab you,” she hissed, jumping slightly as the band across the room began playing. The king had sat down and the crowd had begun speaking loudly among themselves, all while staring at her. Raina stepped quickly to the king’s throne, feeling the weight of many eyes around her.

  “Would it have taken time out of your day to warn me of that?” she fumed, her tone snapping. The king’s expression did not change.

  “You were told it would be impossible to conceal your arrival Raina, how else do you suppose I announce it?” he mumbled gruffly.

  “Gently!” she insisted, “or maybe while I’m sitting down and not in the middle of a damn crowd!”

  The arrival of a Fae couple at the base of the dais interrupted their conversation. They bowed and greeted the monarchs before turning to Raina.

  “We have long awaited your return Your Highness,” the male breathed, “our apologies we have not brought a gift for you, we were not informed until tonight.” Raina blushed slightly.

  “It’s fine, I don’t need gifts thanks.” Alexei pinched her elbow as he stood.

  “Forgive the princess, she has not been trained in court ways for a long time,” he laughed, his red hair gleaming in the warm light.

  “Of course your majesty,” the female grinned, extending a hand to a younger Fae male across the room, “allow me to introduce my son Your Highness, Lord Filo.” The young male stepped to his mother’s side and bowed low as she continued.

  “I hope you will grow a fondness for him when you are considering your future husband,” the female continued brashly. Raina flushed and glanced to her team.

  “I am not considering marriage at this time, but thank you,” Raina stammered. Upon seeing the distraught faces of the Fae before her, she added, “I’m sure your son would make a fine husband to someone.”

  Raina excused herself to re-join her squad as nobles lined up to speak with the king. Logan smirked at her as she stalked towards them.

  “Your first marriage proposal,” he laughed, “You may get used to those.” Raina tapped a hand on his smug cheek.

  “I’d still rather marry one of them than you.” Davin snorted with laughter as Logan glared at her.

; “Don’t you worry, you’ll get your chance to reject me soon,” he sighed, avoiding her confused face. “Once my mother finds out you have returned, she’ll try and throw my name in for consideration too.”

  Raina’s eyes went wide and she grinned, nudging JJ. “His mummy still tries to get him laid,” she jeered, chuckling heartily. Logan glared at her.

  “Listen here you little shit, don’t even think about turning this into a big thing. Don’t even reply to the letter, just throw it away. Don’t even think about meeting with her either.”

  Raina couldn’t pay attention to him, the contagious laughter of her team mates only spurring her own. She tipped her head back, afraid of tears ruining her makeup. Kalen joined them, looking princely in his ornate maroon jacket. He bowed softly, before giving Raina a swift hug.

  “You’re the only thing anyone is talking about tonight Raina,” he beamed, stepping aside as a plump man strode over to Raina before she could scold him for bowing.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you finally, Your Highness,” he mumbled, taking her hand and kissing her fingers. Raina resisted the urge to yank her hand back, and gave him a small smile instead.

  “I am Lord Bertraad of the Tuath Isles, I only met you once before as a mere babe…” his sentence was ended abruptly by a thin reedy Fae male almost pushing him aside to take Raina’s hand.

  “Your Highness what an honour it is…” he drawled, kissing the tips of her fingers much too hard. Several other guests had gathered behind them, all clamouring to greet Raina and pulling their sons over to meet her. She backed up only to slam into Davin, who promptly attempted to push his way in front of her.

  “Enough!” she roared, pulling the entire room to a standstill. Raina shoved past the crowd and stood before the king on the dais.

  “I’ll make it clear to you all now. I have been here less than one day. I have no interest in marrying your sons or daughters, or anyone for that matter. If you wish to speak with me then wait your damn turn. Am I clear?” she roared. The crowd muttered in agreement. Raina could hear Logan muttering to the plump man that had cornered her.

  “Well done, you pissed her off before dinner and now she’s going to eat you.”

  The king stood beside her to address the crowd.

  “Please forgive Princess Raina. She is quite outspoken and does not take kindly to being harassed. I must ask that you give her the space to adjust to her new life and do not pressure her with offers of marriage. Now please make your way to the dining hall for the feast,” he grinned, rubbing his hands together. Raina sighed as the crowd began to filter out. Her squad stood at the bottom of the dais.

  “Fifteen minutes you lasted,” JJ muttered in mock disappointment, “is it so difficult not to yell at people?” Alexei ignored him and turned to her.

  “You are the heir to the throne. Every noble with a son will be clamouring for your hand,” he stressed, “you don’t have to accept them, but you need to learn how to act like a lady.” Raina bristled, her fingers itching to unsheathe the dagger against her calf.

  “I’ll act according to how I am treated. Don’t forget that I am a general, I didn’t get there by looking pretty.”

  Alexei sighed. “I was always hoping you wouldn’t get my temper, but that was wishful thinking on my part.” He took his wife’s hand and led her through to the dining room while Raina followed behind, joined by Logan. She glanced at the heavy black cloak pinned to his shoulder.

  “It’s weird seeing you all dressed up like this,” she remarked, “I’m used to seeing you in suits and joggers.”

  “Likewise princess,” he smirked, eyeing her dress, “I never thought I would see you in something like this.” He held his arm out to her as they reached the doors of the dining hall and she slipped her arm through his as he led her to her seat and sat himself beside her, much to Alicia’s annoyance. Her team found themselves a short distance down from her. Close enough to be in earshot but too far away for her liking.

  Long tables filled the hall, each laden with heaping mounds of meats, fish and vegetables with so many sauces and sides that Raina couldn’t possibly try them all. Davin passed her a tray of strange pink things that looked like balls of jelly, but before she could take it, Logan and Aija both snapped for it.

  “She can’t have those,” Aija explained, sitting the dish out of reach. Raina looked clueless.

  “Why, what are they?” she asked, sniffing at the little jelly balls.

  “Colbrin tops,” Logan offered, “You’re allergic to them.”

  “I’ve never had them before how do you know that?” she asked, sniffing at the dish.

  “You had them as a child,” he said, as Aija nodded, “You took a bad reaction to them and your father banned them from the castle.” Raina sniffed at the table.

  “Any other allergies I should be aware of?” Logan glanced around before lifting another dish and turning to the king and queen.

  “Maybe you should just avoid shellfish all together,” he suggested, sliding her a plate of delicious smelling meat. Raina couldn’t help but smile at him as she loaded her plate.

  “I can’t believe you remembered an allergy I had as a child,” she chuckled, sipping at the sparkling wine. Logan shrugged.

  “I’m supposed to protect you, imagine how bad it would be if you survived wars, gunshots and stabbings only to be taken out by a shellfish,” he snorted. JJ laughed heartily.

  “I’d put that on your headstone if that’s the way you go Phoenix,” he grinned, earning an elbow in the ribs from Alicia. Raina glared at him.

  “You know I’d haunt you forever you dick, don’t even think about it.”

  A male sitting beside the king was distracted by their exchange, turning from the monarch to snarl at JJ.

  “You would do well to mind your tongue and not speak of the death of the princess in such lightness,” he snarled. Raina cocked an eyebrow at the male before Alexei interrupted.

  “Princess Raina and her squad have a strange sense of humour, do not take it so seriously. They are very close friends,” he explained, flushing slightly. The male beside him eyed Raina and the king curiously.

  “Her squad? As in a military squad?” he queried, well aware the table had now gone silent waiting for her explanation. Before the king could speak, Raina raised a palm.

  “Yes, although you address me as Princess Raina, I lived my life as a human up until a few days ago. I am General Raina Phoenix of the 82nd Battalion. I am also the leader of this squad, and we are one of the best elite squads in the human world. I’m sure you are shocked, but I have no memories of this world and instead forged my own path. I am a soldier before all else,” she explained, cutting into her food and pointedly ignoring the attention that had now fallen on her. The bearded male huffed.

  “It is not slightly for a princess to know so much about war and battle,” he guffawed, his grin disappearing as her scathing eyes bore into him.

  “Tell me something boo, if the king and queen were to fall in war, and I took the throne, would you prefer to have a simpering figurehead with no idea how to lead, or an experienced general who would take to the battlefield herself?” Logan’s hand brushed her own and he held his wine glass to his face to hide his smirk. The bearded male flushed as he spotted the king’s eyes on him.

  “Well I suppose it would be better to have a knowledgeable leader, but if you married, your husband would be able to do that for you,” he stammered, clearly thinking he was making valid points. Raina smirked.

  “Why would I send an inexperienced fool to lead a war? I am capable of that myself. I would be a terrible leader if I merely told others what to do, would it not be more effective to lead by example? What a stupid idea, suggesting I stay at home and send idiots to win a war for me,” she sighed, sipping her wine. Logan was almost shaking with laughter beside her and the bearded Fae narrowed his sights on him.

  “What is so funny Captain?” he boomed. Logan couldn’t stop laughing as he answered.
br />   “It’s just nice seeing her obliterate someone else instead of me,” he wheezed. Raina grinned as the queen cleared her throat.

  “As you are probably aware Duke, my daughter has inherited her father’s temper and is very independent,” she sighed, gulping her wine.

  “That’s an understatement,” Logan muttered to himself, and Raina resisted the urge to kick him under the table.

  Dinner finished up quickly, it seemed the majority of the guests were eager to return to the ballroom, which Raina discovered had been refilled with yet more food and drink. Tables of desserts were lined along the walls aside towers of chilled wines and fruity smelling drinks. A number of people had begun dancing with the band, the king and queen in the middle of them dancing along. Prince Raubyn sidled up to Raina and Logan, his face flushed.

  “I’m glad you had the guts to yell at everyone about marriage proposals, they even backed off me for a while,” he grinned. Raina smiled up at him.

  “The last thing I want is to be shackled to some idiot who is either too intimidated by me or puts himself in competition. Men are all the same, regardless of species,” she sighed, biting into something that looked like a yellow strawberry. Raubyn smirked.

  “I feel sorry for the guy if you ever do pick a husband,” he chuckled, nodding to her squad across the room, “aren’t you with that man though?” Raina looked over to see he was pointing at Davin.

  “Oh god no, he’s my second in command. It’s not like that with us,” she insisted, glaring at Logan’s eye roll, “What’s that look for?” Logan snorted and Raubyn grinned.

  “It might not be like that for you, but I think it is for him.” Raina’s stomach sank.

  “How can you tell?”

  “It’s just something we can pick up on,” Raubyn shrugged, “you’ll learn to notice it eventually.” Logan scoffed.

  “Not likely, she might be smart but she’s dense when it comes to guys.” Raina punched him on the arm with a scowl.

  “I’m not dense, I just have no interest in dating anyone right now.”

  She glanced over at Davin and her heart sank. He had never shown any indication that he had any interest in her beyond being friends, and she sincerely hoped it stayed that way too.


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