Shard Warrior: A LitRPG Novel (Crystal Shards Online Book 2)

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Shard Warrior: A LitRPG Novel (Crystal Shards Online Book 2) Page 18

by Rick Scott

  Me: Gilly, you’re perfect the way you are, and I wouldn’t have you any other way.

  Gilly: You really mean it?

  Me: Of course. Plus Val is a giant! What do you expect?? xD

  I hear Gilly laugh from behind the partition.

  Gilly: Thanks, Reece. <3 You’re the best.

  A bell sounds from behind me and I turn to see the fat guy Xavier standing there with the two male knights, Thomas and Zeigfried. He gives a little bow, concealing the small bell within the sleeve of his robes.

  “So sorry to disturb you,” he says, loud enough for the girls to hear on the other side. “But the banquet will commence in a half hour and I must insist that you do not be late for the king’s arrival.”

  “Guess that means bathtime’s over, mates,” Rembrandt says.

  “Thanks,” I say. “We’ll go get ready.”

  “Ziegfried and Thomas will escort you when ready,” he says. “And do remember to wear your provided attire. The king is very particular about appearances.”

  With that he gives another bow and the trio leaves the baths.

  “So,” I say. “Any thoughts on how we should approach this King Braxus guy?”

  “Just let me handle the talking,” Maxis says. “I got it covered.”

  I wait to see if Val Helena is going to say anything but she doesn’t.

  Part of me wonders if what I interrupted this afternoon has anything to do with that.

  “Okay, bro,” I say to him. “Guess we’re in your hands.”

  Chapter 22: King Braxus

  When I get back to my room I find my dirty clothes have already been removed. Guess that old lady didn’t mess around when it comes to laundry. I check out my new duds next.

  Royal Emerald Tunic

  Only the finest silk was used to make this garment fit for Royalty.

  Royal Emerald Slacks

  Only the finest silk was used to make this garment fit for Royalty.

  Royal Emerald Slippers

  Only the finest leather was used to make this garment fit for Royalty.

  Looks like regular clothing, no stats at all. The tunic and slacks fit snugly and adjusts to my size as soon as I put them on. I can’t say it looks exactly flattering on me, as in something I’d wear to look good in the real world, but for a fantasy realm, I think it’s pretty top shelf. Plus they’re comfortable. I put on the sandals and am about to leave the room when I glimpse the storage chest.

  Something goes off in the back of my mind and I get a dark premonition of not finding my weapons in there when I go to look inside. I’m probably just being paranoid again. If this King Braxus was truly going to do something bad to us, surely he would have had no better opportunity than when we were all naked in the baths just now. Still, I grab my key from my robe and unlock the chest, half expecting to see it empty.

  But my two Darksteel Kunai are still safely inside.

  I feel a little silly and nearly close it back again, but then take them out. I don’t think it’ll look kosher to be heading to the banquet with these on my hips, but I don’t want to leave them behind either. Just in case. I could store them in my inventory, I suppose. I’d have to spend more nano to recreate them again, but I’ve got more nano than I know what to do with right now.

  The blades turn to dust as I store them, joining my two level 85 weapons that Blacktop gave me. If the king dude is going to try and pull something, at least I’ll be armed. I have half a mind to share my thoughts with the others, but somehow I don’t get the vibe that everyone else is feeling the same way. Blacktop said Braxus was a prick but my brother thinks he’s otherwise. And if Mike is right, I don’t want to be the one overreacting like some dweeb and messing things up.

  A growl from my stomach sets my thoughts on far simpler issues.

  It’s dinner time.

  * * *

  Maxis, Rembrandt and I follow behind Ziegfried as he leads us up a flight of stairs toward the dining hall. We’re all dressed in our ‘princely gear’ I’ve decided to call it; emerald green with gold trim. The same rules for fashion must not apply to the staff because Ziegfried is still in his full plate armor.

  When we enter the dining room I see Gilly dressed like I’ve never seen her before. She’s wearing emerald and gold too, but in a flowing strapless dress that has her looking like a princess. Under the light of crystal chandeliers she looks stunning, her short hair brushed and styled, but still covering her pointed ears. Dang. I didn’t even think to do anything with my hair. I hope I don’t look too scruffy.

  She’s seated at the huge dining table along with Val Helena who looks equally gorgeous in her giant version of the same dress. One glance at Maxis and I can see he’s drooling over her already.

  The room has a ceiling that’s two stories high and large windows that reveal the night sky beyond. The large table, that can easily seat thirty people, is center stage for the affair and dressed with silverware and wine glasses. I have a mild panic attack when I see all the different forms of cutlery. I’ve only every eaten with a simple fork or spoon. It makes me think back to my dinner date with Gilly and her parents. Boy, I sure hope I didn’t make a fool of myself too badly back then. But one look at all those forks and knives and I just know I won’t know which one to use. Of course, my brother probably won’t either, but neither would he care.

  Standing against the walls of the dining room and away from the table is Diana. I try to wave to her, but she’s staring straight ahead and standing at attention. Next to her is the other praetorian guard, Thomas, standing much the same way. When we reach the table, Ziegfried shows us to our respective seats and then becomes a wallflower as well, taking a spot next to Diana.

  “You look great!” I say to Gilly as I take a seat next to her.

  She gives me a great big smile that makes her look even more radiant. “You look good too!”

  “Yes, very handsome,” Val Helena comments from across the table.

  “How about me?” Maxis say, plopping down next to Val Helena.

  The giantess gives him a playful grin. “Not as good as your brother, but you’ll pass.”

  “What?” he says with mock protest. “I’m way better looking than him!”

  “As if!” I say.

  “Oy, no fighting at the dinner table you two,” Rembrandt gives Mike and I a preemptive warning as he takes a seat next to me. “But at least you didn’t try to have a race to your seats.”

  We all get a chuckle out of that.

  A bell chimes and the chief executive, Xavier steps into the dining room. “All rise for his royal majesty, King Braxus.”

  It almost feels like a joke to be standing for just some other dude from the Shards, but the pomp and circumstance seems to demand it. As we stand, the king walks in. And he’s nothing like what I expect him to look like. Especially with a name like Braxus.

  He’s looks barely older than I am and has one side of his blond head shaved, the other side is grown long down to his shoulder. He’s not overly tall, but he looks spindly and his back is kind of hunched. If I were to guess, this dude looks like he’s a 100% accurate scan of his true self or something. An average face, average height. Only his clothes, which comprise of a ridiculous looking red robe with leopard fur trim, give the impression of someone important. To me however, he looks more like a nerd who dressed up as a pimp for Halloween.

  “Hey, what’s up you guys?” he says casually as he takes a seat at the head of the table. “Oh go on and sit down. Xavier’s always over doing it with the protocol.”

  “Apologies, my Lord.” Xavier gives a short head bow.


  He grins and we respond with a polite round of chuckles.

  “I don’t know what you guys like to eat, but I’m sure you’ve never had Savarian Lobster before.”

  Val Helena smiles. “I may have had it once or twice.”

  Braxus smiles and points a finger at her. “Ah, right. You’re the one that’s been here before, aren’t
you? I recognize your name.”

  “I was here for a little while, yes.”

  “Well, even so. You won’t have experienced anything like this before. Fresh as you can get. I made a saltwater pool just to keep them handy for special occasions.” He snaps his fingers and serving women appear, bringing in platters of the bright red crustaceans. “If you’re allergic to shellfish, then you picked the wrong disad.”

  That gets some more laughs and I feel myself easing up a bit. This guy doesn’t seem so bad. I wonder if I was overreacting after all.

  “One rule,” he says. “No small talk on an empty stomach. So dig in.”

  He leads by example, grabbing a whole lobster and unceremoniously snapping off the tail. “Music!”

  Elegant dining music begins to play from somewhere unseen. It must be magical in nature because it sounds like its coming from the chandelier.

  “Nice sound system,” I say.

  “Thanks. You guys drink?” He snaps his fingers again and more serving women come in with crystal decanters filled with red wine.

  “Not the youngsters,” Maxis says to my chagrin, pointing to me and Gilly.

  “Bring them anything they want,” Braxus tells the maids and they do just that, serving us fruit juice when Gilly and I ask for it. We eat for a bit and I have to admit, I’ve never tasted anything quite so delicious. The lobster meat is firm and sweet and when dipped in the hot salty butter creates a symphony in my mouth.

  “This is amazing,” I whisper to Gilly.

  She nods with her mouthful while cracking open a lobster leg.

  “So…” Braxus says, pointing a half-eaten lobster claw at my brother. “I’ve seen your name before. Top of the game in PvP, right?”

  He shrugs, but more to look cool than nonchalant. “I suppose.”

  “And what about you two?” he asks, looking to Gilly and I. “What’s your claim to fame?”

  “First time here,” I say. “Still getting used to the place really.”

  Gilly elbows me. “He’s being modest. Reece here is a Dodge Tank.”

  “Oh,” he says looking nonplussed. “Not sure what that means, but good for you.”

  “Yeah,” I say, feeling a bit embarrassed that Gilly even mentioned it now. “Thanks.”

  “And congratz on getting here,” he continues. “Crazy transition, right? Wouldn’t trade that experience for anything, though. Granted my first thirty seconds here nearly turned into my last. But thank goodness for quick thinking. Seriously, coming here was the best decision I’ve made in my life. I feel sorry for all the poor suckers that said no when given the choice.”

  I think back to my own decision to travel to the surface not so many days ago. It’d been a hard one; torn between my loyalty to Val and saving my mom and my brother. Turns out I made the right choice in the end, but it wasn’t easy taking that leap of faith. But I had good people to do it with me. That makes me give Gilly a smile. She returns it, oblivious to just how appreciative I am of her making this journey with me.

  “So which Shard are you from?” Gilly asks.

  “Era of Empire.”

  I don’t think I’ve even heard of that game. “What genre is it?”

  “Strategy. Turn based.”

  I focus on him to check his character.

  Name: Braxus

  Race: Human

  Class: Ruler

  Level: 85

  Guild: Era of Empire

  “Dang, your class is called ruler?” I say.

  He shrugs. “Don’t let that impress you too much. It’s the default the game slots you into when you enter a combat shard.”

  “There’s no combat in that game?”

  He shakes his head. “Not up close and personal like you’re probably used to. My hats off to you guys who can beat a world boss on the combat shards. Especially Nasgar. That place always spawns the hardest bosses, you know? Put me in that kind of situation and I’d probably crap myself.”

  He laughs and we all laugh good-naturedly with him.

  I’m not sure how to feel about Braxus now. I had assumed he would be some hot headed asshat from his name and Blacktop’s opinion of him. But this guy seems okay. Plus he must be some kind of master tactician or something. It’s no wonder he was able to take over and expand the city so easily. And single handedly it looks like.

  “So what brings you guys to my neck of the woods?” he says.

  Maxis shares a quick glance with Val Helena, perhaps PMing her for confirmation that he’d be the one to speak, and then clears his throat. “Two things,” he says. “And one I’m hoping you can maybe help us with.”

  “Oh?” Braxus leans back in his chair, folding his arms. “Do tell.”

  “First we need to head to the Vale of Sorrows,” Maxis says. “Got a friend trapped in the maze up there. And second, we need a way to find Citadel.”


  “The place where we all come from. Our city. Finding where it’s physically located is what I’m hoping you can maybe help with.”

  Braxus scrunches his face up like he’s smelling something bad. “Why would you want to find where we are?”

  Maxis gives him the rundown of the situation back home. The nano shortage and what will happen to everyone in six months if we don’t replenish the stocks in time. I expect to see more of a reaction from him, but Braxus simply nods and says, “Yeah, sounds like a problem.”

  “Yeah,” Maxis says. “A big one. You think you could help?”

  He shrugs. “Don’t see a lot of value in it for me. So probably not.”

  The table goes quiet.

  Finally Rembrandt speaks. “You do understand that we’ll all die unless we accomplish this, yeah?”

  Braxus chuckles. “You mean our bodies will die. And trust me, they can send that old thing to the vats for all I care. I’ve transcended. This is the new world. And I’m king here now.”

  The way he declares himself king makes my stomach a little uneasy.

  “It doesn’t work like that,” Val Helena says. “If your body dies back there, then you’ll—”

  “Become a Shard Wraith?” He breaks into a laugh. “Yeah I’ve heard the stories. I think they’re bogus. Probably started by weak minded idiots who couldn’t hack it out here. A way to keep people running back to the Shards. Well not me. I’m here to stay, baby. Forever.”

  “What about the rest of the people?” I say. “There’s like a million people back home. You don’t care if they all die?”

  Braxus shrugs nonchalantly as he nibbles on a lobster claw. “All got to die sometime.”

  My face flushes hot with agitation. What was wrong with this guy? “Don’t you have family or something? My mother is back there dying—”

  “Look, not my problem,” he cuts me off.

  I fume inwardly and feel like punching him in the face. But I restrain myself and send a PM to Gilly instead.

  Me: Man, this guy is a real jerk!

  Gilly: Tell me about it! D: Guess your big bro called it wrong.

  I look over at Maxis who looks equally miffed by Braxus’ response. We make eye contact and Mike gives me a confused little shrug. As if to say, don’t ask me.

  “Okay so here’s the deal,” Braxus says. “Time to talk about why you’re really here.”

  We all furrow our brows at that, looking at one another.

  “What are you talking about?” Gilly says. “We just told you why we’re here.”

  “No you told me what you want to accomplish. I’m going to tell you why you’re here. Right here, right now. Having dinner with me.”

  Okay. What the heck is this now…?

  “Not to put too fine a point on it, but there is a reason I invited you all to dinner,” Braxus says. “Two reasons actually. One was to get to know you a bit, which was fun, I admit. But more importantly, I needed to confirm something. Which you have.”

  “Confirm what?” I say.

  “That your teammate wasn’t lying.”


  “I’ve got a little surprise for you.”

  I tense, not knowing what to expect, but I don’t feel my awareness going off.

  “Get in here,” Braxus say with another snap of his fingers.

  A slender elf woman then walks into the room from behind us, wearing the same emerald and gold dress as Gilly and Val Helena. She has deep blue hair with sharp bangs, slender features and a pair of violet tinted eyes.

  My own eyes widen when I see her, but it’s Val Helena who speaks first.


  She doesn’t respond to her name as she walks past and casually sits herself in Braxus’ lap. Her violet eyes stare back at us, but seem transfixed as if in a trance. She wraps her arms around Braxus’s shoulders and just keeps staring as us, saying nothing.

  What the heck?

  Val Helena launches to her feet, shouting in her big booming voice: “What is this? What have you done to her?!”

  King Braxus recoils and the three knights take a step forward.

  “Have a seat,” Braxus shouts. “Or I’ll make you!”

  “Like heck you will! You tell me what you’ve—!”

  “Sit,” Xavier says and Val Helena drops back into her chair.

  Holy crap!

  My heart rate doubles as my stomach knots with tension. I’ve got to figure out what the heck just happened. I look to Maxis, but he looks ready to perform a flying kick across the table.

  “In fact,” Braxus says. “I think you should all just ‘relax’.”

  As soon as he says it, the tension leaves my body and I feel numb.

  What’s happening to me?

  I share a look with Gilly and can see the fear in her big green eyes. “Reece?”

  “Sorry,” Braxus says. “A little magic trick. I had some special clothing made for honored guests from the Shards. Comfy right? Let’s just say that while you’re wearing them, you will be very receptive to my commands.”


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