by Anne Summers
Burke, Brian 157
Burn This 196
Burns, Tim 42
Burroughs, William 187
Burton, Robert 143
Burton, Tom 316
Bush, Barbara 271–2
Bush, George H.W. 14, 190, 248
Bush, George W. 248
Business Council of Australia 156, 310, 412
Butkus, Nancy 216, 218
Butthole Surfers 264
Cabra Convent 389
Cadillac Bar 214
Cadzow, Jane 345
Café Un, Deux, Trois 204, 211, 239, 264
Cail, Barbara 174
Cain, John 292
Callil, Carmen 36
Calloway, Cab 186
Calvert, Ashton 292
Cameron, Clyde 5, 291,
Cameron, David 440
Cameron, Jane 320
Canada 38, 384
Canberra 5, 8, 9, 17, 34, 46, 48, 64, 65, 72–5, 77, 80–1, 83–4, 87, 89–93, 95, 99, 101, 111, 114, 118, 123–4, 128, 131, 132, 135, 139, 141, 143–4, 149, 159, 160, 161, 162, 168, 170, 174–5, 184, 188, 191, 196, 203, 212, 254, 265, 286–330, 333, 345–6, 351, 356, 360, 361, 368, 397, 419, 437, 447
See also Charlies; Keating PMO; National Press Club; OSW; press gallery
‘Canberra Observed’ 72, 75, 80, 95
Canberra Press Gallery, see press gallery
Cantor, Pat 237
Carbine, Pat 205, 206, 207, 209, 213,, 216, 218, 225, 232, 262, 268, 281
Carey, Gabrielle 35
Carmody, Heather 3 10
Carnegie Hall 195
Carrington, Lord Peter 116
Carroll, Vic 8, 9, 11, 74
Carter, Betsy 221, 228
Carter, President Jimmy 38, 46, 69–70, 96, 97
Cartland, Barbara 374
Caruso, Enrico 186
Cassidy, Barrie 325
Catholic Church 170, 183, 376
Central Park 64, 184, 200, 230
Cervical cancer screening program 318
CEW (Chief Executive Women) 174
chador 124, 129
Chairman Mao 349
Chalmers, Gill 211, 228
Chalmers, Rob 137
Chappaquiddick Island 233
Charlies 83, 84, 144
Chassler, Sey 239
Cher 242
Chess Studios 62
Chicago 46, 60, 61, 62, 63, 191, 224, 438,
Chicago Sun-Times 60
Chicago Tribune 46
Chief Big Foot 50
Chief Chingachgook 52
Chief Elijah Whirlwind Horse 49
Child, Joan 158
Childcare 66, 154, 161, 169, 174, 276, 295–7, 303, 306, 307, 310–14, 316, 328, 330, 352, 355, 356, 361, 362
accreditation scheme 154
opposition to 160–2, 312
childcare rebate 311–14, 328, 352
see also Blewett, Neal; O’Loughlin, Mary Ann; Roche, Michael; Walsh, Peter
China 14, 15, 46, 381, 384, 386
Chios 171, 172
Chisholm, Congresswoman Shirley 229
Choice 14
Chrysler Building 244
Circus Oz 199, 319, 334
Citibank (Australia) 350
Citibank Venture Capital Fund 241, 244, 253, 267, 270
City Lights Bookstore 39, 192
Claridge’s Hotel 96
Clark, Andrew 11, 34, 74
Clark, Stephen 422
Cleo 206
climate change 382–3
Clinton, President Bill 232, 248, 249, 278, 329, 354, 396, 397–8
Clinton, Hillary 278, 329, 354, 394, 431 Secretary of state speech 418
Cloudstreet 321
Club 33 30
Club L 173, 174
Coates, Sandra 344
Codd, Mike 203
Cohen-Solal, Annie 333
Collins, Cheryl 211
Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) 101, 102, 110, 111, 115–16, 123
Lusaka Declaration on Racism and Racial Prejudice 115
Commonwealth Style Manual 152
Conde Nast 237, 239, 240, 242, 253
Confessions of a Failed Finance Minister 160
see also Walsh, Senator Peter
Constance, Meryl 11, 14
Continental Baths 186–7
Control abortion clinic 60, 96
Cook, Patrick 11, 12
Cooper, Annie 401, 409
Cooper, Annie Beatrice (Nana) 407–8
Cooper Arthur 406–7
Cooper, Austin 164, 196–8, 253, 402–3, 404, 406–7
Cooper Chelsea 409
Cooper, David 401–2, 408, 409
Cooper, Eileen (Tun) xii, 374–77, 401
see also The Lost Mother
Cooper, Greg 404, 406
Cooper, Jake 409
Cooper, James Fenimore 1 87
Cooper, Jamie 22, 197, 374
Cooper, Jasmine 409
Cooper, John Patrick 406–9
Cooper, Josh 409
Cooper, Linda 409
Cooper, Matthew 409
Cooper, Patrick 401
Cooper, Paul 402, 406
Cooper, Richard 409
Cooper, Tony 406, 433
Coopes, Jenny 11, 14
Copyright Agency 350
Corris, Peter 318
Costello, Peter 301, 362
Costigan, Peter 137
Court, Sir Charles 23
Court, Richard 346
Cox, Eva 313
Crabb, Annabel 437, 442
Creswell, Rosemary 24, 320
Crikey 430
‘Crocodile’ Dundee 199, 217, 222
Cronin, Anna 325
Crowley, Peter 144
Cry Freedom 103
‘cultural cringe’ 59
Cuomo, Mario 248
Daily Dispatch 103
Daily Life 432
Daily Mirror 10, 74
Daily News 206
Daily Telegraph-Mirror 341, 343
Dakota Building 247
Dale, David 2
Dalla-Camina, Megan 412
D’Alpuget, Blanche 373
Damned Whores and God’s Police 1, 8, 23, 35, 36, 44, 48, 361, 374
American responses 65, 71
1994 edition launched by Paul Keating 330–1
2016 new edition 363
40th anniversary conference 440–1
Darnell, Bill 377
Davidson, Gay 73
Dawkins, John 145, 298
Daylight, Phyllis 151
de Beaumont, Gustave 20
de Beauvoir, Simone xiii, xv, 8, 47, 66, 158, 188, 337, 357, 390, 438–40
death 188
see also Algren, Nelson; Sartre, Jean-Paul; The Second Sex
de Castella, Robert 200
Deere and Company 53–5
Degeneres, Ellen 268
de Klerk, F.W. 396, 398
Della Femina McNamee 223
Democratic Party 46, 69, 228, 229, 248–9
Dempsey, Jack 186
Deniliquin 164, 433
de Salis, Anne 292
d’Estaing, Giscard 97, 173
Destroy the Joint 419, 440
De Tocqueville, Alexis 20
Devaney, Catherine 429
Deveson, Anne 451 n.18
Devine, Miranda 341, 345
de Wachter, Ann 370–1
Diana, Princess 242
Didion, Joan 234, 249
Dingwall, Anne 390–3, 400
Dirty Harry 62
Discipline and Punish 21
see Foucault, Michel
Diva 195
Dodd, Senator Christopher 233
Dolly 204, 211, 250
domestic violence 5, 258–9, 307–10, 405, 406–7
Doughty, Maureen 2
Douglas, Marjory Stoneman 255, 448 n. 1
Dowd, Maureen 360
Downhearted Blues 65
Dreiser, Theodore 186
DSR (Dependent spouse rebate) 311, 314, 328, 330
on the Pond 370, 373, 374, 375, 389
see also Summers, Anne
Duffy, Michael 30
Dugan, Darcy 19, 34
Dukakis, Michael 248, 329
Duke, David 47
Duncan, Peter 31–2
‘Dunera boys’ 44
Dunn, Irina 220
Dunstan, Don 17, 41, 141
Dupleix, Jill 337
Dusevic, Tom 364
Dworkin, Andrea 234
Dylan, Bob 266
Earhart, Amelia 175
Early Detection of Breast Cancer 318
‘Earthly Delights’ 219, 221, 279, 284
Earthworks Collective 7
East Village 187
Easton, Penny 346
Eastwood, Clint 62
Edgar, Joanne 209, 266, 404
Edwards, John 5, 11, 12, 291, 293, 307
Eggerton, Sir Jack 89
Eggleton, Tony 78
Ehrenreich, Barbara 260
Eisenhower, President Dwight 51
Eisenstein, Hester 194
Electric Circus 187
El Hassan bin Talal, HRH Prince 396
Elizabeth Bay 28, 29
Elle 235, 250
Ellicott, Bob 326
Elliott, Chuck 71
Ellis, Roger 389
Elsie Women’s Refuge 5, 6, 35, 80, 258, 361, 375
Eminent Persons Group 116, 202
Empire State Building 40, 178
England xiii, 37, 96, 370, 385, 391
equal pay see women, earnings and equal pay
ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) 56, 70
Esperanza 388
Esquire 229, 235, 422
Essence 227
Evans, Ted 84
Evatt, Elizabeth 315
Evatt, H.V. 414–5
Evatt, Mary Anne 415
Ewart, Heather 325
Fahey government (NSW) 297
Fahey, Warren 450 n.16
Fairfax 8, 9, 29, 32, 75, 88, 174, 204, 205, 280, 422
Fairfax Building, Ultimo 12–13,
buys Ms. magazine 205–214
privatization bid by ‘Young Warwick’ 209–10, 211–12
relocated to Darling Harbour 339
see also John Fairfax (US) Ltd
Fairfax, James 210
Fairfax, Sir Warwick 17–18, 209, 210
Fairfax, Warwick (‘Young Warwick’) 209–10; 211, 212, 332
decides to sell Ms. and Sassy 234–5
visits Summers and Yates in New York 238–9
Fairstein, Linda 276
Fairway 184–5
Fallaci, Oriana 111, 132
Faludi, Susan 281–3
Falwell, Jerry 250–1
Fat Duck 391, 393
Faulkner, Senator John 422
FBI 50, 68
Fear of Flying 39
see Jong, Erica
federal election 1980 134
federal election 1983 135
federal election 1984 160–1
federal election 1993 313–4, 323–4
federal election 1996 351
Feldman, Justin 277
Felker, Clay 221, 228, 358
female genital mutilation (FMG) 440,
feminism 43, 141, 172, 206, 208, 224, 229, 233, 263, 272, 283, 350, 358, 361, 362, 376, 414, 438, 439, 440–1
American feminists 43, 65–71
radical feminism 43, 68–9
and fashion 142, 221
and US electoral politics 229
and domestic violence 256–9
feminist history 415
see also femocrats; lesbians; Ms. magazine; OSW
Feminist Majority Foundation 284
femocrats 143, 150, 151, 152, 169
Fergusson, Don 30
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 39, 192
Ferraro, Geraldine 329, 441–2
Field, Peter 436
Financial Mail 108
financial deregulation 179
Firestone, Shulamith 187
Fitchett, Ian 137
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 47, 178
Five Spot jazz club 187
Flanagan, Richard 407
Focus on the Family 250
Fogg, Ellis D. 322
Foley, Roger 321, 322, 326, 327
Fonda, Bridget 185
Fonda, Jane 86
Forbes Club 30
Foreman, Milos 195
Forrestal, James V. 182
Forum 2000 394–400
Foucault, Michel 21
Fox, Margot 200
Fox Network 201
Francis, Rae 320
Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune 195
Franklin, Aretha 428
Fraser, Malcolm 5, 76, 78, 89, 92, 93, 95, 99, 102, 300
St Patrick’s Day breakfast 87
VIP plane travel with 87, 97, 99, 136
media management 91
Lusaka CHOGM 110, 111
clash with Margaret Thatcher 111, 116
anti-racism 115, 116–17
Eminent Persons Group 116, 202
federal election 1980 134
federal election 1983 135
Fraser government and women 152, 154
loses trousers in Memphis 202
Fraser, Tamie 202
Frazer, Phillip 39, 41, 42, 200
French, Marilyn 39,
Freud 197
Friedan, Betty 238, 262–3, 285, 355, 357–60, 361
enmity with Gloria Steinem 262–3, 359
beaten by husband 359
‘the lavender menace’ 359
Fuchs, Anne 272
Fukuyama, Francis 394–5
Galbraith, J.K. 195
Gamble for Power 136, 369
see Summers, Anne
Gandhi, Indira 111
Gardiner, Greg 212, 238
Garner, Helen 35, 341
Gates, Bill 180
Gaudron, Mary 158
gay baths 186, 187
Gellhorn, Martha 48
Gem Spa 187
George, Jennie 306, 346
Germany 169, 370, 384–7, 443
Geyer, Renee 412
Giles, Senator Pat 165
Gillard, Prime Minister Julia 296, 362, 367, 412, 416, 418, 419, 423, 424–5, 426, 435
farewell speech xv, 424
‘sexism and misogyny’ speech 348, 420
sexualised attacks 417–8
achievements as PM 425
Sydney Opera House talk with Anne Summers 426–30
Gillespie, Dizzy 200
Gillespie, Marcia Ann 227, 271
Gillette 251
Gilligan, Carol 69
Gilman, Howard 276–9
Ginsberg, Allen 39, 187, 192
Glass, Philip 414
Global Summit of Women 358
‘God’s Police’ stereotype 363
Goldman, Emma 187
Goldstein, Vida 35
Goldsworthy, Lyn 400
Gonski, David 420–1, 423
Good Housekeeping 282
Good Weekend 290, 332–3, 334–445, 361, 364–5, 367, 369, 410, 424
Goodes, Adam 433–4
Gorbachev, Secretary-General 182
Gordon, Linda 270
Gore, Lesley 187
Gorton, Prime Minister John 135
Go Set 39
Goss, Wayne 154
Gottliebsen, Robert 8
Goward, Pru 274
Grade, Sir Lew 254
Grady, Diane 412
Grafton Gaol 16, 19–21
Graham, Lorrie 318
Grahame, Jack 15
Gramm-Rudman amendment 182
Grange Hermitage 88, 89
Grant, President Ulysses S. 277
Grattan, Michelle 72, 73, 82, 87, 88, 90, 117–18, 397
Greece 169, 171, 172
Greenhouse, Linda 7
Greenpeace 138, 368–73, 377–81, 382–9, 390–7, 400, 405–6
see also climate change; Dingwall, Anne; Leipold, Gerd; McTaggert, David; Manaus; Rainbow Warr
ior; Stannard, Jenny
Greenwich Village 40, 64, 177, 193
Greer, Germaine 349
Gribble, Di 35
Guilfoyle, Senator Margaret 131
Gunston, Norman 319
Gyngell, Bruce 338–9
Haigh, Bruce 103–4; 105–8
Haines, Janine 158
Hancock, Lang 179
Hanford, Bruce 25
Hannah and her Sisters 185
Hanson, John 304
Hanson, Pauline 364–5, 366
Harper & Row 201
Harradine, Senator Brian 355
Harriman, Pamela 232
Harvard Business School 247
Harvey, Peter 82, 91
Haupt, Robert 203
Havel, Vaclev 394–5
‘having it all’ 216, 224
Hay, David 188, 200, 201, 276, 422
Hayden, Bill 79–80, 135, 145, 167–8
Hayes, Terry 10
Hawke, Bob 134, 146, 151, 152, 156, 158, 286, 296, 327, 373
leads ALP to victory 135–6
and Simone de Beauvoir 158
introductions to US leaders 180–1
Hawke, Hazel 152, 373–4
Hearst Corporation 235, 237, 253
Heide 414
Heilbrun, Carolyn 213, 220, 280
Henry Ansbacher Inc. 205, 211
Hepburn, Katharine 201
Hermannsburg Ladies Choir 321
Hershey, Lenore 239, 242
Hewett, Dorothy 321
Hewett, Jenni 212
Hewitt, William 54
Hewson, John 293, 313, 320
Heydon, Dyson 27
Hickie, David 11, 33, 34, 332
Higgins, Chris 84
High Court of Australia 158
‘Hill Arches’ 53
Hinch, Derryn 10
Hoare, Judith 81
Hobart Women’s Actin Group 11
Hocking, Taren 411
Hodgman, Michael 85
Hoffey, Frank 12, 32–3, 121
Hoffman, Abbie 187
Hogan, Ashley 422
Hogan, Gwen (SM Mercedes) xii, 404
Hogan, Nance xii
Hogan, Paul 217, 334, 354
Hogan, Sheila xii
Hogg, Bob 161, 290, 313, 327
Hogue, Cavan 166
Holder, Peter 309
Holiday Cocktail Lounge 188
Holmes à Court, Janet 298
Holmes à Court, Robert 212, 244, 298 interest in Ms. and Sassy 254–5, 263
Homer 171
homosexuality 17, 41
gays in the military 292
Hooke, Huon 337
Hooker, John 71
Hope, Deborah 292
Hordern, Nick 30
Horin, Adele 11, 14
Houston Conference 70
Hove, Richard 117
‘How women are trained’ 25–7
see also Ingham; rape; The National Times
Howard, Christine 430, 440, 442
Howard, Janette 354
Howard, John 90, 189–91, 298, 365–7, 397
reference for Summers RBT charge 145
‘the times will suit me’ 190–1, 353
reverses women’s gains 351–5, 361
‘black armband view of history’ 366
Howe, Brian 317, 318
Hoy, Michael 332, 339
Hughes, Robert 71
Hui, Siu Ling 337