Dirty: Loving Him Against All Odds

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Dirty: Loving Him Against All Odds Page 5

by Christine Gray

  “And why are you changing?” he questioned with a deep frown creasing his forehead.

  “To help out.”

  His frown only deepened. He pulled her backwards until she stood in front of him.

  “Why do you think you have to strap on a belt and help?”

  “Are you saying that I can’t—”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying, Trish,” he cut her off quickly. “What I’m saying is that you don’t need to. Why the hell would I want my woman to get down in the mud and do all this grunt work when she doesn’t have to? Why would I want to embarrass you in front of my employees?” he responded hotly.

  “Well, shit…I didn’t think that me offering to help would have caused you to get all pissy.”

  “Damn right I am. You seem to think that I’m not capable of taking care of whatever you need,” he replied in a loud, deep voice. He saw her look over her shoulder towards the house to see if the workers were watching them, which only served to anger him more. He had told himself that he was going keep it professional on the job site. However, he found himself wanting to send a message to everyone, including her, that he was in control.

  He brought his arm around her, grabbed a handful of her ass, and pulled her to his body. He heard her sharp intake of surprise, but he didn’t give a fuck. He lowered his head until his eyes locked with her light brown ones.

  “I can’t wait ‘till I dominate your ass. I’m going to show you what being with a real man is like. I don’t need you to hold my hand to do a damn thing, and I don’t care who’s watching us either. I want all those fuckers to understand just who you are to me,” he growled.

  He flexed his hand and softened his hold on her ass. “I’m going to enjoy getting under your skin until you finally give me control, your trust, and everything in between.” He ran his callused thumb over her bottom lip while he bit his. His touch was light as he trailed it down her arm until his hand was in hers. “Come on.”

  “Wait! Hold up, we can’t—”

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” he chuckled, now back to his regular cocky self. “I told my foreman that we need to go order the cabinets and tile for the bathrooms and kitchen. I’m taking you to where I buy my stuff to make sure you aren’t cheated.”

  She immediately stopped fighting him after hearing that. Her sigh of relief was so loud that he tossed his head back and laughed again. He opened the door for her, then walked around to the driver side of his Dodge and got in.

  “Please don’t tell me you hate sex?” he asked as the high-performance car roared to life. “Or is it the thought of having sex with me that frightens you?” He watched her work her mouth. “We have an hour drive to the store, so you can take your time in answering.”

  Trish shifted in the seat. She acknowledged the fact that she had experienced a rush of excitement, followed by disappointment, when he told her he wasn’t taking her to have sex.

  Am I that hard up? It’s only day two, and I’m ready to drop the panties, she thought.

  Her eyes went to his hand on the gear shift of the car. They were long, strong, and tanned, and she knew they would feel hot and callus on her skin. He down-shifted for the car to come to a stop in traffic.

  He turned to face her, causing her to break from her trance.

  “You really should wear those plastic things over your nipples,” he suggested. His hand passed over it, making it perk out even further. He kissed her neck and watched her lean her head back onto the leather seat.

  “Oh God,” she moaned when he pinched her nipple hard.

  He took her hand and placed it on his leg.

  “I think I would cum in my pants if you touched my dick, so this will have to be good enough.”

  “Shit,” she hissed.

  Kiss him you fool, the voice in her mind screamed.

  A knowing smile formed on his lips. He waited for her to make the move, only to hear the cars behind him begin to honk. With a wink and a shrug, he righted himself in his seat, shifted the car into gear, and took off.

  “Now, as you were saying,” he said, stealing a glance at Trish.

  Her hand felt warm and soft on his hairy thigh. She was sure he could hear her gulp.

  “I think you can tell that I have no issues with having sex with you,” she exhaled. She tried to remove her hand from his leg, only for him to stop her.

  “I like the way your hand feels on my skin.”

  The sound of his Barry White voice combined with his words were making her go crazy. Unknowingly, her hand tightened on his leg for a brief moment.

  Dear God, his freaking muscles…goddamn!

  “I haven’t been with anyone else since, well my ex…and it’s been a very long time since we were even together,” she added.

  “How long are we talking?”

  He could feel her hand begin to shake slightly. He didn’t know if it was out of nervousness, or out of need.

  “Three years,” she whispered.

  He had to have heard her wrong. Her confession hit him like a ton of bricks.

  Three fuckin’ years, he replayed it in his mind.

  “You haven’t had sex in three years?” he questioned her in awe.

  “Well, not with any living male, no,” Trish admitted.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  He didn’t care that he was on Interstate 20 heading toward downtown Atlanta. He jerked hard right, crossed over the right lane, and onto the grassy side of the road to bring the car to a halting stop. He silenced the loud curse words that were streaming out of her mouth with a crushing kiss. His mouth was unforgiving as he devoured her. It wasn’t long before the small fire that had been building between them burst into a brush fire. He controlled his urges to touch her body with more than his mouth. Instead, he let her have her way. The fact that she had been untouched for so long excited him beyond words. He knew that once he had her in his bed, he would be well upon his way to capturing her heart. However, it wasn’t anything that he wanted to force, although she had been all he had been craving for a very long time. He needed her to come to him.

  Trish moaned. Her hands began to explore his body, just like she had dreamt of doing since yesterday. She marveled at how hard his entire body was. His muscles felt as if they had been chiseled from a slab of marble. She captured his tongue and began to suck hard on it. She felt him stiffen. Quickly, she pushed away from him.

  “I’m sorry,” she stammered.

  Brayden blinked at her, a bit confused.

  “Sorry? Sorry for what,” he panted.

  “For doing that,” she pointed at his mouth.

  He looked at her as if she was crazy. He leaned back against the door to stare at her. He bit his bottom lip. “You think I didn’t like it when you sucked on my tongue?” he whispered. “No, don’t just shrug your shoulders at me.”

  “I think…no, I have a fear of having sex with someone else. No, correction, it’s not a fear, but it’s more of …” she trailed off as she tried to find the right word.

  “You’re nervous,” he interjected.


  “About what?”

  “Cause I’m out of practice, that’s what…about not doing something right, or being too freaky, being seen naked,” she replied in a rush.

  Trish frowned at the sound of his chuckle.

  “Whatever,” she grumbled with a wave of her hand. “I’m sure after I do it a couple of times with somebody, I won’t have any problems fucking anyone else.”

  Brayden’s laughter stopped as if someone had switched off the lights. He narrowed his eyes and pinned her with his gaze.

  “The only man that will be stretching your pretty cunt will be me,” he hissed, coming off the door to lean toward her. He placed his finger under her chin and lifted her head. “You won’t need your fingers, a dildo, or a cucumber, because I’m going to be fucking you every day of your goddamn life.” He took her hand and pressed it firmly on his hard dick. “There isn’t a part of me that yo
u can’t suck, Trish. I know he’ll enjoy spitting his salty cream in your mouth, and painting your lips white,” he smiled.

  Suddenly, he backed away from her. There was a strange light in his eyes that she might have asked him to explain if she wasn’t so light headed. Her hand still rested on his dick enough, though he was no longer keeping it there with his on top of it.

  His dick is so big. It’s long and thick, the voice in her mind was singing loudly. Hell, she might have joined in if she had been alone to do so.

  Brayden shifted the car out of park, putting it back into gear. Quickly, she moved her hand, but not to her own lap. She moved it back to his leg. With his head turned away from her to watch the traffic to find the right time to speed back onto the road, he grinned.

  She’s almost ready. Dear Lord, I hope it won’t be too much longer, he prayed.

  He didn’t think his balls or his willpower could take too much more. For the next forty-five minutes, he kept the conversation light and comical. He could see that Trish was confident in many areas of her life, but lacked that same confidence when it came to men and her love life, which made sense. However, the fact that she was hot, eager, and clearly attracted to him was all he needed to breach her walls, but not just to gain entry into her honey pot. His desire to possess Trish, to give her the life, the laughter, and the love that she had been missing was so strong that it was borderline maddening for him to restrain himself. He was never a man that was happy waiting on the sidelines. If things weren’t progressing fast enough, he had no problem setting things in motion himself. He wanted to let the cat out of the bag, and he knew just that patsy to do it.

  Brayden turned into the large parking lot and parked the car. Trish happily sat in the car while he walked over to her side.

  “Ok girl…oh my Lord, I can’t believe this is happening? Brayden, of all people. Look at his fine ass and he’s so perfect. Please Lord, please let this be real, shit…I wanna just fuck the shi—”

  She closed her mouth just in time, and got out of the car.

  “Were you just talking to yourself?” he asked, entwining his strong hand in hers.

  “I was going over the list,” she lied a bit too quickly.

  “Humm,” he chuckled.

  He tilted his head. His expression turned serious, which made her falter in her step. “You never have to be scared to be naked in front of me…physically or emotionally. You are a very beautiful woman, you know that?” he whispered, stopping to force her to look up into his handsome face.

  He stole a quick kiss, and then opened the glass door for her to walk through.

  “Now, let me show you the right way to do business.


  Carlos pulled off the thick gloves and tossed them on the pile of 2x4s he had stacked up on the pallet. He wiped the sweat from his brow and leaned against the shelf to catch his breath. He closed his eyes and felt the sweet calm of sleep beginning to overtake him. It amazed him that his body was so trained to having an afternoon nap that it was already sending him the signal to started heading to his upstairs office. Unfortunately, the fates had something else in mind for him. There would be no sleeping today. His day was going to be filled with phone calls.

  “Hey, hey dude, your cousin just came in here with some black chick.”

  Carlos rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath. Why the hell should he care about who was fucking who? Now he was going to have to walk all the way up to the front to handle the order for whoever it was. He marched past the many aisles, looking down each one until he found the family member that was cutting into his daily power nap. He tripped over the standing display when he caught sight of Brayden. He quickly rolled on the ground, got to his feet, and hid at the end of the aisle to watch the couple. His hands shook with pure excitement as he took out his cell and snapped a few pics of the two. He was smiling so hard that he had to wipe a string of spit that began to hang from his open mouth. He looked on, watching Brayden as he held the mystery woman’s hand. He stuck his whole fist in his mouth to keep from making a sound when his cousin pulled the woman into an embrace and started to kiss her on the neck.

  “Oh damn, I gotta get that one too,” he whispered, stealing another pic. “Shit, why doesn’t she turn around and face my way?” he groaned.

  With a sigh, he shoved his phone into his back pocket, took a deep breath, and walked from out of his hiding place.

  Brayden saw Carlos coming his way the second he rounded the corner. Actually, he had saw his short, chubby ass fall on the ground and run to hide, but had played it off as if he hadn’t. It was by no mistake that he had chosen to come here with Trish. He could have just as easily called in the order. No, he had come here so that his big mouth cousin could run his mouth and bring on the storm that he knew being with Trish would bring.

  “What up?”

  Trish turned to greet the man, as Brayden knew that she would. He saw Carlos eyeing the possessive hand he had on her hip.

  “I tried to catch you before you took off upstairs for your nap. I told you that if you come to the gym and drop a few pounds, you won’t have to do that shit.”

  “Hell, why should I? The ladies like all this,” teased Carlos as he swiveled his hip.

  “I’m not talking about the blow-up kind you be poking at night,” chuckled Brayden.

  Trish tossed back her head and laughed.

  Carlos rolled his eyes. He extended his hand toward Trish. “I can’t stand his ass. Hi, I’m Carlos.

  “Hi, I’m—”

  “This is my cousin,” said Brayden, cutting her off. He wanted to be the one that told Carlos who she was. “And you know him. This is Mookie from school.”

  Trish’s mouth fell open. She covered it with her other hand as she began to laugh. She remembered him alright, but not like the way he was now. While Brayden had been tall and thin, Mookie had been short and buff, unlike his chunky self now.

  “Bullshit, I would have remembered her,” he huffed, still holding her hand.

  Brayden pulled her hand out of his. He didn’t like the way his cousin was hanging on to her, and the glare he gave him made the man take a step back.

  “This is Reese…Trish,” he stated at last.

  He would have laughed if it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t want to give Trish a reason to question the strange reaction of his cousin. Carlos turned pale, his eyes grew twice their size, and he bit down on his fist from the rush he felt.

  “This is Trish…from school,” he pointed at her. “The one that married the quarterba—”

  “Yeah, that’s me; but I’m divorced, so don’t hold that against me.”

  “Pick your damn jaw up off the ground and help her find some stuff for the remodel I’m doing at her investment property,” mumbled Brayden.

  He stood behind Trish to make sure she didn’t see the message he gave Carlos. He pointed his finger at him, made the talking motion with his hand, made a gun out of his fingers, then brought it to his temple before he pulled the trigger.

  Carlos nodded his head quickly, then clapped his hands together.

  “So, what you wanna get?” he asked as he took off through the store with them following in step.

  He was happy that Brayden was there, because he could barely keep up with anything she said. His mind was in a tailspin. He was ready for them to buy their stuff and get the hell down the road, so he could get to calling folks to tell them what was going on. He danced on his feet, no longer tired at all while he took down their order. He was so overjoyed that he gave Trish such a deep discount that he didn’t make any money off the purchases at all.

  “Are you sure? I mean, all this stuff for only two grand?” she questioned in awe.

  “Baby, why you want to ask him that?” mumbled Brayden.

  He snaked his arms around her waist from behind and kissed the side of her neck.

  Carlos practically fainted at the sound of her low moan before she elbowed his cousin for him to stop.

; “So, was it the house that brought you two together?” He finally asked the question that had been burning a hole in his brain.

  “No, we’ve been talking for a few months. Deliver the stuff by Monday,” Brayden replied quickly. He could tell that Carlos was getting ready to pick.

  “Hey wait, don’t forget about tonight…at your Mom’s house,” cried Carlos. “We have a lot to talk about,” he grinned.

  Trish heard Brayden curse under his breath.

  “It’s alright. It’s just one night. I was starting to get tired of seeing you every day anyway,” she teased.

  “Hum, but I’m starting to wear you down. Me and my cock can’t afford a setback,” he whispered in her ear.

  The sound of his deep voice and his breath on her had an instant effect on her pulse, causing it to pick up. The entire time while they were in his cousin’s store, his hands had been on her—touching, stroking, or holding her tight. She hadn’t experienced anything like it before. Even with George, she had always been the one that showed the affection while he yelled at her whenever she tried to touch him. She realized now, years later, that her ex-husband had never wanted her. If she hadn’t run after him and fought every woman he cheated or flirted with to keep him, he never would have married her. It was nice to be desired, to be wanted, and to be shown it by a man.

  “You know I have to play hard to get, for a while anyway.”

  She chuckled at the hard expression he gave her. She felt his grip tighten on her hand, as if to tell her not to tease him like that.

  “I’ll skip tonight with you, but that means we have to spend Saturday together…the kids and us. We can cookout while the kids swim,” he suggested.

  There was a reason behind him picking that day, but he knew she didn’t know that.

  Trish opened her mouth to speak, then shut it. She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes.

  “How did you know I have a pool? You’ve never been to my house.”

  “No,” he said sheepishly. “Not really, but Google Earth might have taken me there once, twice, maybe four times.”

  She frowned while she listened to him call back to Carlos to tell him that he would see him later tonight. It wasn’t until they had gotten back in the car to leave that she spoke what was on her mind.


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