Viking Slave

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Viking Slave Page 16

by Griff Hosker

  We turned to see how Bjorn and Harald were doing with the rest of the column. They were surrounded. We were the only men left outside the Saxon lines. Haaken grinned in the dark and shouted, “Ulfheonar!” We threw ourselves at the backs of the warriors before us. My sword sliced into one Saxon. His companion turned and tried to hit me with his sword. The edge caught on my mail shirt. I was too close to him to use my sword and so I head butted him. The front of my helmet had a metal strip running down the middle and it was sharp. He fell in a bloody heap at my feet. I stepped over him as I stabbed forward blindly. The press of men made it hard to swing our weapons and I took to punching. The cross guard of my sword took an eye from one man and the boss of my shield broke another’s nose with a satisfying crack. When these two fell I had a space. I took the opportunity to swing my blade shouting, as I did so, “Ragnar’s spirit!” Cnut and Haaken told me later that the sword seemed to glow in the dark but I did not see that. I saw the Saxons quail before me as I hacked, slashed and stabbed in a desperate attempt to reach Bjorn.

  Suddenly there were no more Saxons before us. I saw Bjorn and Harald. Both were surrounded by the bodies of the Saxons they had slain. Bjorn shouted, “Shield wall!” We turned into a defensive circle in case the Saxons returned. They did not.

  No one had the breath to speak. I was sweating and I felt blood trickling down my arm but I was alive and I knew not how. We stood there as dawn slowly broke. All of us expected the Saxons to attack again. They outnumbered us and we would have kept fighting until our enemies were dead but still they did not come.

  “Go and find our wounded. Sweyn, return to the citadel and tell Olaf what has happened. We will continue to Duboglassio.” We could see that Sweyn was wounded and he would be no good if it came to a fight.

  As Sweyn ran back along the valley Harald said, “We still go on? There are so few of us.”

  Bjorn nodded, “We gave our word and the Jarl will be expecting us.”

  “But he would not expect us to go after this.”

  Bjorn’s voice hardened. “We gave our word. We march.”

  There were just twenty of us left. The four wounded were left to guard the weapons of those we had killed. Including Bjorn just five of the Ulfheonar lived. It was a grisly path we trod. We could see how many had been killed and it marked the trail to Duboglassio. When we passed the mail shirted warrior I had killed Haaken said, “This mail belongs to Dragon Heart, he slew the warrior with one blow.”

  I did not say it then but I would give the mail to Cnut. Without him I would not have survived that day. No Saxon came close to my right arm. We found dead and dying men for the next mile. Many had been wounded and had tried to get home. We saw where they had reached before they died.

  Haaken said, “I have counted thirty dead so far.”

  “Out of how many though?”

  It was the first time I had fought with Harald and unlike my friends he was a half empty warrior. He thought the worst in every situation. We preferred to think of what we had achieved. It was mid morning before we reached Duboglassio. We had seen the smoke rising as we had approached. I hoped that Jarl Butar would understand why we were late.

  The gate of the fort lay open with dead Saxons around it. I saw some of our warriors too. They had died with their swords in their hands. Butar and Eric strode over to us as we entered the compound. Bjorn dropped to his knee. “I am sorry Jarl Butar, we are late.”

  “Rise Bjorn. I know what you did. We captured some of the Saxons with whom you fought. The rest ran to their last refuge. It was you and your men who defeated Aella and his army. A handful of you defeated seventy warriors. They were not the fyrd. You have done more than I could have hoped. The island is nearly ours.”

  This time we would not be leaving the Saxon fort. Eric and Harald would hold it while we returned to Hrams-a, with the booty and the wounded. For the first time we had male slaves. These were not the warriors whom we had fought, but the fishermen from the village. I wondered how they would be used. The Saxons would kill all the males when they went slave raiding.

  Jarl Butar was tireless as he instructed Harald and Eric on what they should do. For their part the two leaders had joined our forces and were now being rewarded. “When we have more men Harald then there is another site on the northern end of the island but for now Eric holds Duboglassio for me.”

  “I am your oathsworn and I am happy to do your bidding.” He looked at me. “And this young warrior is a revelation. He looks barely old enough to shave and yet he is like a berserker when he fights.”

  Jarl Butar looked at me, “Your mother would not be happy to see you being reckless.”

  “I was not, Jarl Butar. The three of us knew that they feared us for I heard them shout to each other that we were ghosts.” I took my black helmet off. “They could not see us in the dark. It is why we won. Had they known there were so few of us they could easily have beaten us but they had no idea of our numbers and they were defeated by their own fear.”

  Harald shook his head. “I think you do yourself a disservice, Dragon Heart, and you are truly well named. I saw the Jarl you killed. Your sword went through his helmet and his skull. That was a mighty blow.“

  “The warrior was Jarl Sigfrid. His men fled when he fell and we captured many of them.” Butar nodded. “You did well and we shall reward you. Now let us embark.”

  I looked at Cnut and shook my head. “My brothers and I would return to the field. There is booty we wish to collect.”

  “You should come back with the rest of us on the ‘Ran’. You must be exhausted.”

  “With your permission, Jarl, we will take some of these slaves and a hand cart and bring back the mail shirts we found.”

  Jarl Butar shook his head, “I owe you that at least, but be back before nightfall or you can answer to your mother.”

  I had not asked my two companions but I knew that they would do as I asked. The four slaves we took were tethered to each other by a halter around the neck. Their hands were free but they were unarmed. They pulled the handcart looking fearfully over their shoulders at us. I have to admit that we did look fearsome. As we walked Haaken said, “I will get my helmet blackened too. It is effective.”

  “It also makes them stronger. I am glad that I wore my wolf skin too.”

  “We will go hunting this year and get ours too.” We were still excited about the battle which had seemed impossible to survive and yet, somehow, we had.

  I found myself thinking of the dead. “The Ulfheonar are fewer now.”

  “Aye but they are stronger because of it.” Haaken looked at me. “You are younger than I am and yet you took the decision you did. How did you know what to do?”

  “I cannot put it into words but thoughts came into my head. When I grip the sword I feel that no one can defeat me.”

  Cnut pointed to the blood on my shirt. “You were lucky that blow was not harder. You should wear your deer hide beneath the mail.”

  “You are right and if I were you I would have a metal strip put on the front of your helmet. Your head can become a weapon too.”

  Haaken laughed, “Your head already is my friend. It will be interesting to fight alongside you.”

  We soon reached the first of the dead Saxons and we collected their weapons. When we reached the man with the mail shirt I said to the thralls, “Who is this?” I needed his identity confirming.

  “This was Jarl Sigfrid. He ruled Duboglassio for Prince Aella. He was a mighty warrior.”

  I had spoken in Saxon and one of the others asked, “Who slew him, lord?”

  “I did.” They looked at me in amazement and I could see the disbelief in their eyes. “Take off his shirt and put it on the cart with the weapons.” His helmet was ruined but his axe could be used. I deigned to use an axe but many of the warriors liked them. I found them too dangerous. If you struck an enemy then he would die but it was too easy to avoid the stroke. I preferred the sword. I said to Cnut, “The mail is for you, my brother.�

  Cnut was speechless. He embraced me and Haaken looked crestfallen. We would have to get a mail byrnie for him too.

  When we reached the wounded I had the slaves lift them on to the cart and they pulled them as well. We had to help push the laden cart up the steep parts but it would be worth it. This was our plunder and we would be rich men. I did not need any of it but I wanted my brothers to share in my good fortune.

  It was dusk when we reached the citadel. We saw a tunnel of torches lining the road to the port and we headed that way. All the warriors were there. The slaves held the torches and the warriors banged their shields chanting, “Ulfheonar,” over and over. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. Jarl Butar embraced us all. “With warriors like these our line will last a thousand years!”

  There was a huge roar. Bjorn said, “You three have done all that you need to do. We will take over now.”

  I looked at Cnut and nodded. He grabbed the mail shirt. “And I will take this gift from my brother.” All the warriors laughed and I left with Butar.

  If I thought I would get the same treatment from my mother I was wrong. “Get that mail shirt off and I will tend to your wound. When will you learn that you cannot fight every Saxon alone?”

  As my shirt was pulled from me I said, “I was not alone, I had Haaken and Cnut with me.”

  “Aye and you took on a whole army. Ragnar would not wish you to throw your life away.”

  “Mother I will not, I promise.” She did not understand what it was like to hold a sword in battle and face an enemy. Ragnar had made me believe in myself. I was not afraid of anyone. Since I had had the sword touched by lightning, I had felt invincible.

  We spent the next few months consolidating what we had. Our patrols now left from Duboglassio and were able to control and contain the Saxons who were restricted to the southern side of the island. We had two dragon ships now and other small boats. They constantly harassed the Saxon fishing boats so that they could not fish while all the time we improved our weapons. We were becoming stronger as they were becoming weaker. Butar showed how clever he was at this time. He did not push to finally defeat the Saxons. They were weakening day by day. Instead he sent Olaf with a boat load of warriors to trade with the Franks. We now had much plunder and booty. We needed the swords and the grain which Sigismund could provide. It only left us with twenty warriors to guard the citadel but Jarl Butar was confident that no one would attempt to attack us.

  Bagsecg was overrun with work. Everyone wanted a blade or a helmet. It reached the point where Butar had to restrict the number of requests. Bagsecg could no longer be used as a warrior for he worked as a smith full time. Men still came but not in dragon boats. Sometimes four or five half starved warriors would arrive desperate to fight in this haven of our people. The name of Jarl Butar was known throughout the Norse world and was respected.

  Olaf returned in time for the midsummer solstice. We had not had time for a feast the previous year but we had food aplenty now. We controlled all of the island save for the southern corner and we had gathered every sheep, cow and goat. The Jarl had had the slaves clear much of the woods close to Hrams-a and the pasture suited them. The only food we lacked was pork. We would need to acquire some pigs which meant we would have to raid the mainland.

  Olaf had done well in the trade and we had more of the Frankish blades. The grain was sufficient for the next few months but another reason for raiding would be to get the grain the Saxons harvested in the autumn. The Jarl had already begun to use the male slaves to till the land for our own crops. They would take a year to produce food.

  Olaf also brought news and I was able to hear it firsthand. My reward for my actions had been to include me in the senior council of warriors: the Jarl, Olaf, Eric, Harald and Bjorn. There was also an acceptance that I would be Jarl Butar’s heir.

  “Harald One Eye is set to become a king. His little Saxon princess finally bore him a son and it must have been the incentive he needed. The whole of our land from Stavanger south is his and he has ten ships now, all fully manned. It is said that the king of the Danes is worried about his neighbour.”

  Bjorn’s face darkened, “So long as he stays there I care not.”

  “No Bjorn, he will not stay there. We know what a perilous land it is. He will begin to raid the land of the Angles again. Look what we did with one small boat and a handful of men. Do you think that Aethelred will be able to stop him?”

  “It is not Aethelred Jarl Butar, he died. There is a civil war going on. Osbert and Eardwulf are disputing the throne.”

  “Then it is even more likely that Harald will seize the opportunity. We may have to fight him one day so let us build up our strength. We will let the Saxons in the south wither and die. We now have three boats. We will use two to raid the mainland and the land to the north. We will leave one to watch the Saxons here. The land to the north looks like wild country and we may achieve much booty. Bjorn I would have you lead this raid with men from the three towns.”

  Harald was quite an aggressive warrior. “I think that we should finish off Aella. He cannot have many men left now.”

  “The piece of land he holds will not feed his people and we would not gain enough from a battle. We need more warriors and the pickings will be greater on the mainland.”

  “I beg permission to accompany Bjorn on the raid then Jarl.”

  “So long as your town is defended and the roads patrolled I am happy.” Eric was always quiet. “And what of you, Eric, how is your family settled in Duboglassio?”

  “My mother, the Lady Agnetha, is more than grateful. Aella’s hall is very comfortable and Ingrid too is happy.”

  “And what of your sister, Erica?”

  “She mopes and moans. She had not been married long when her husband was killed. She is just a little younger than Dragon Heart here and she feels her life is over.”

  I shook my head. “Speaking as the youngest here she should be grateful for her youth. She has her whole life ahead of her.”

  “Perhaps you could speak with here then. I think she might take advice from someone who is closer in age to her.”

  “I will do so.”

  “And now we must arrange for the celebrations for Midsummer. Olaf can take the Ran and some hunters. They can go to the mainland and hunt some game. I am desirous of pig!” I must have shown my excitement for he added, “And it will just be hunting. We want no raiding yet. When we do raid I want it to be successful. You can scout out suitable landing sites but that is all.”

  Olaf chuckled. “Besides we only have ten days until the solstice. We will have to leave at dawn.”

  We made sure that all of the Ulfheonar save Bjorn were aboard. I knew that Haaken and Cnut would want to hunt the wolf. I just hoped that Olaf would allow it. It was a short journey to the mainland. We headed north east. We saw no towns but there were farmsteads. We also saw fishermen’s huts on some of the islands. When we landed, Olaf and five men stayed with the boat. There were twenty of us and we split into four parties. I had left Ragnar’s Spirit in the hall for this day I would just need my bow.

  Cnut led us through the forests looking for a trail. We soon found the signs of wild boars. Haaken and Sweyn both had boar spears for a wild boar was a fierce opponent. I had heard of a boar charging even though it was riddled with arrows. Cnut and I led. My bow was notched and ready. We heard the snuffling of the pigs just ahead of us. When we stopped we could smell them. There were only five of us and we spread out. Sweyn and Haaken stood in the centre. Cnut and Ejnar were on their left and I was on the right. We approached step by step and we always kept step with each other. They were a family. There was a male and a sow with six suckling pigs. Haaken pointed to the male and then at Cnut and Ejnar. Sweyn pointed at the female and me.

  I drew back. When I heard Cnut’s arrow being loosed I released mine. I notched another for the sow hurled herself in my direction. My first arrow was in her shoulder and it did not even slow her down. My second s
truck her eye as she leapt at me. Sweyn rammed the spear down her throat. I whipped Screaming Death out and slashed at her throat as Sweyn fought to hold her. Her body sagged as her life blood erupted across the woodland. The boar had taken more arrows and Ejnar was nursing a bloody leg where the boar’s tusk had raked him.

  “Grab the piglets!”

  That was easier said than done. We had a sack with us and we put each one in as we caught it. I bound Ejnar’s leg and gave him the writhing sack of pigs. Haaken pointed to the sea, some two miles distant. “You return the pigs to the ship and we will bring these two.”

  While he and Cnut found the two straight branches we would use to carry the enormous beasts back I headed up the slope. I was looking for more animal tracks. This land seemed to teem with life and I wanted as much information to give Olaf as possible. I found deer tracks as well as game birds and then I stumbled upon some gold; the spoor of wolves. I discovered the tracks after searching around and I followed them for half a mile until they disappeared into a rocky cleft. I marked the spot in my mind and then returned.

  “Where in Thor’s name have you been?”

  “I was looking for animal tracks and I found plenty.”


  “Deer, birds and…” I paused, “wolves.”

  Cnut’s face was alike a small child’s who has just been given a treat. “Where?”

  “Up there in the rocks.”

  “Come let us take these beasts back to Olaf and we can work out how to get ourselves some wolf skins.” The stakes were already sharpened and we thrust them in the mouths of the pigs and out through their rear. Then we lifted them. They were incredibly heavy. That meant a fine feast so we did not mind. We were the first of the hunters to return and Olaf was delighted with our catch. “There are two males and two females in those pigs. If we can catch another couple we will have our own herd.”

  “We found more tracks up there can we go and hunt some more.”

  “The others aren’t back. Aye. We will leave tomorrow.”Olaf was in a good mood and did not suspect our motives.


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