walkers the survivors

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walkers the survivors Page 10

by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda


  He took my arm, kissed my cheek and we slowly made our way down the steps to the applause of my friends. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked, which is hard to do cause each step you take makes your head bounce, but I didn't care. I didn't have to defend my man, he did it for me. I found the energy later to thank him for the gesture in triplicate.

  Joe would have had a fit.


  The next morning found me feeling great. I was thirsty as hell, which Dr. Joe tells me is my body's way of wanting to replace the blood loss, but my strength was back up so I really didn't really care why. Yea! Joe had been in and put a clean bandage on my arm, saying the wounds were healing fine. I had to start physical therapy so I could get the strength back, then I could go on the next trip to town. Being restricted to bed for a while did it for me as far as resting went. I was ready to do something.

  Mason spent the morning at the little table in the camper drinking coffee with me. It was nice and cozy, quiet like and we didn't have to raise our voices to be heard. We talked about nothing really, just spent some quality time together. I think we're going to make a habit out that. It was just plain nice.

  When we walked to the cabin for breakfast, our footsteps made little puffs of dust as we walked. The birds were happy to see us today as were the clouds as they skipped across the light blue sky. The air was fresh and clean with just a hint of chill but not enough to put a sweater on and I felt content for the first time since losing the lodge.

  The dining room was full. Nancy and Bruce sat at the table where they were the day before. Duke was mounting several monitors to the far wall, looked like there would be around eight of them. He had three put up. He was arranging them so he could be in the cabin and monitor security at the same time, like he did in the lodge.

  The plan this morning was to bring all the campers as close as possible to the cabin so Duke could run hot water through them all. Something about piping the hot water from the springs through each camper, blah,blah,blah. I didn't think we needed the extra heat but I have been known to be wrong. Then the room downstairs under the loft would become the clinic, with room for Joe and Sandy to sleep. Sarah, Mandy and Duke would keep the upstairs while the rest of us camped out. I thought it was workable and we needed the clinic somewhere in the cabin. We'd had it in the disaster relief bus which worked at the time but the nights were getting colder and the leaves were getting ready to fall so winter was close.

  While I'd been lazing away in the camper, a chicken coop had been built and the chickens corralled so this morning we had omelets for breakfast. We couldn't do that every day because we had to let the chickens sit on some of the eggs but we had the protein now, so that was a relief.

  Nancy keeps looking over here. She's shooting daggers at you big time.

  I don't care, Lacy. She'll get over it or not. Let it go.

  She gives me the creeps. Mason thought.

  She knows a good thing when she sees it.

  The guys got together after breakfast to discuss plans to find every camper in the area and pull them down to the cabin. Then they planned to go through all the houses again. I'd been there, done that, so I wouldn't be going there again. The next thing I knew Mikey was standing next to me.

  "Miss JD." he asked in that whisper of his.

  "Yes, Mikey," I whispered back.

  "I was wondering if you was still mad at me."

  "Um mm, let me see." I pretended to think about it. "Nope. I don't think so. Do you need something?"

  The loudest voice I'd heard came booming out, "No ma'am, I sure don't. Thank you Miss JD. Yea." He ran from the room, Bubba hot on his tail.

  "Anyone know what that's about?" I asked.

  "He's been moping around here like a sick puppy waiting for you to notice him. You're the only person he's ever seen that survived a gunshot so you're his hero. Or is it heroine?" Mason said.

  "You mean you let a child shoot you?" Nancy said from behind me, surprise laced though the comment. "He's what, six?"

  "He says he's seven so he's small for his age, but yes, Nancy I stood right there and let him shoot me. You should try it, with any luck..."

  "JD," warned Mason starting to rise to confront her but the bitch thought he was defending her.

  "That's alright, hon, don't worry about it." He slowly sat back down and stared at Nancy. Bruce walked over then, took her by the arm and as she turned away she smiled at me.

  "You gonna be ok, with us gone?" Mason asked, hoping to distract me.

  "Yep, darling, I'm gonna help the girls, watch the kids play and take a nap. You be careful out there. One gun shot a week is plenty."

  He finished his breakfast and kissed my cheek giving me a look that make my stomach clench. The look I gave back spoke volumes so he hiked his pants up, grinned big and swaggered out of the cabin.

  "Doesn't take much, does it?" Lacy said, as she sat across from me.

  "Not for him evidently. So it's just us today and after a nap we can play.

  "Well, you're looking a bit peaked so I'll walk you over to the camper."

  "Whoa, there a sec, sis. I was talking about a nap after lunch, not now. I'm feeling great today."

  Joe must've been monitoring the conversation from the clinic cause he yelled out, "She's alright to go, Lacy. She has the smarts to take a nap if she gets tired."

  Shaking her head, she helped me with the cleanup, then I took a cup of coffee out to the porch and found Nancy sitting in my rocker. She was starting to get on my nerves. I sat on the top step putting my back to her as if I didn't care she was a chair thief. I enjoyed the sunshine. Bubba ran up the steps with a ball in his mouth so I took it and threw it down the lane sipping my coffee as I watched him chase it. He brought it back and I threw it again. What's up with that? I thought as the process was repeated again.

  "I think he wants you to keep it since you have to do therapy." Joe said from behind me. "He'll keep bringing it back till he collapses so maybe you should hang onto it. You know what you need to do."

  "I don't think she's smart enough to figure it out. That little dog is smarter than her. I don't know what Mason sees in her." Nancy said, then stomped off the porch in the direction of her cabin. Getting out of work again. I just sat and squeezed the little ball until Bubba turned and raced around the back of the cabin. His job done, I guess.

  "Wow." Joe said.

  "Yep, not a fan." I said, wincing at the pain.

  "Don't overdo it JD. The girls are out back if you get lonesome."

  Something caught my attention at the end of the lane. "Hold on a minute Joe. Do you see what that is at the end of the lane?" He stepped down the steps as he concentrated. We both probably looked like a couple of dogs on a scent the way our heads were bending back and forth. Lacy, would you bring the binoculars out front and tell Sarah to get the kids inside? I stood up now, and bent forward like that would help me see better. "What is that?" Joe asked before I could.

  "It almost looks like someone dragging something. No, wait. It's two someone's dragging something. And those someones are very short."

  "Not short, kids." Just then Lacy came out with the binoculars and when I got the somethings sighted in, I could see two very young kids pulling a rope that was tied to something. Their feet was kicking up so much dust the something was hidden in the cloud. I couldn't determine the sex of the kids but they had the rope over their shoulders, leaning forward with the effort, dragging their 'something' down the lane. Joe and I looked at each other and started down the steps at a run.

  "I don't know why shit like this happens when the guys are away." Joe said while running. I didn't either, I thought but it just seemed to happen that way. Luckily they weren't far away so they could help if we needed it.

  The kids saw us coming and stopped. They dropped the ropes and turned to run away but Joe caught them fast enough. Holding onto them though was looking like a big problem for him. "Help here, JD." he grunted when one of them
socked him in the gut. I said, "If you guys want to be hogtied and dragged to the cabin then keep it up. Otherwise, settle down and behave like little humans instead of animals." Like someone had turned a switch, they settled down. Just stood there glaring at me and puffing from the exertion of struggling with Joe.

  Once the dust settled we saw an old man laying on a sled of some kind. He was naked from the waist down and didn't look too healthy.

  "What's wrong with him?" I asked while Joe held on to them.

  The youngest one or maybe it was just the shortest of the two said, "He's real sick." Causing me and Joe to take several steps back. "Him and our baby sister was real sick but I think she died. We knew you was here so we thought we'd bring him to ya to see if you can fix him." Joe and I exchanged looks. He maintained his hold of the kids.

  "Was either your baby sister or whoever this is, bitten?"

  "Yeah, they both was, ma went crazy after she was sick for a while and bit pa and Bitty. Pa killed ma cause he said she was crazy, then he got sick. We locked him in the shed for a while but he fell down and ain't been hardly breathing for a while now so we brought him to you."

  "Were either of you bitten?" I was circling the sick man trying to see any movement but, so far I couldn't see that he was breathing. Not good.

  Lacy showed up about then with my bow which made me feel better. This guy has been bitten so we need to get the kids behind doors before I have to kill him, again. She nodded and started towards them but I held her back. Just a minute while we find out if they're infected too.

  "Naw, we was too fast for him. When we locked him in the shed, he was chasing me and when I got inside, I crawled out a hole in the back while Mary locked him in."

  "OK why don't you go with Joe..."

  "Not happening, JD"

  Good grief.

  "OK, Lacy you go get Sandy so she can get the kids out..."

  "We ain't leaving pa." and they started struggling again. Well hell.

  "Stop!" I yelled and they did. Hmm. Okay.

  George, would you send Sandy out please? And make sure she's armed.

  "OK, kids this is the way it is. There's a sickness that makes people crazy and then they die. I think your pa has it. Which also means he is gonna wake up pretty soon in a really bad mood. So, we can help you by giving you a nice place to live and some food which means you have to leave with that nice lady running towards us. I promise you we will take care of your pa. The very best care we can give him. Okay?" I really needed to get them out of sight fast cause time was running out and pa would be getting back up any time really, really, hungry.

  They looked down at pa then took Sandy's hand as she led them back to the cabin. I was staring at pa, waiting for any movement while waiting for word that the kids were out of sight. I did not want them to see me put an arrow in his brain. I was stepping back and forth, stomping little puffs of dust in the air each time. I could feel sweat beading on my forehead.

  'How damned long does it take to walk back to the cabin?"

  "They're almost there. The guys are just pulling into the lane behind us."

  I could hear the roar of the engines and when they slid to a stop, dust billowed thick and choking. Although I felt 100% better I still couldn't take my eyes off the dead man laying so still on the sled. My bow was cocked and ready and I was nearly vibrating with the need to kill him.

  "Where are they now?"

  "We're right here, babe."

  "Not you darling, the kids."

  "The door just closed."

  Pa just rose. Straight up like he was connected to an invisible string and pointed right at me. OK, I was ready for this, right? So why was I just standing there staring at him? Would've been half of his jaw missing and one eyeball hanging out resting on his cheek. Would've been the smell which had me swallowing, and breathing shallow. Would've been his penis which hung almost to his knees and dripped...something. I was saved when Mason blew his head off. Pa crumpled into a neat pile exactly in the middle of the sled just as if we'd planned it. Mason stood there, smiling like he just won the lottery. I shook my head.

  "Babe, I can't leave you alone for five minutes." He said as he put his arm across my shoulders and started walking me back to the cabin. The sound of the sled let me know that pa was heading to his final resting place.

  "We got two more kids. They brought pa for medical help."

  "Damn, that's gonna be a tough one."

  "They said something about their baby sister that died and I was wondering about taking care of it." The 'it' I was talking about was putting down the baby. I just couldn't see myself killing a baby but it had to be done. I must of been in some kind of shock cause I kept wondering where pa's pants were, why he was chasing the kids and how he could look so bad after being ill such a short time. Usually little animals snacking on the remains causes that kind of damage but he hadn't been dead long enough.

  We entered the cabin and found Sarah feeding the munchkins some oatmeal and canned milk. I couldn't stand canned milk, but I wasn't much of a milk drinker to begin with so my bad. The kids stunk to high heaven, and the little girls hair would have to be cut, no way those tangles could be brushed out. Id' leave that to Sarah and Lacy who was talking quietly to them. She'd been involved with the little ones lately and I was beginning to wonder if she was getting maternal. Lord, I hope she doesn't want a baby of her own. With that thought came shame, cause why shouldn't she want her own child. It was just that the world was so messed up right then I couldn't see having a baby. Melody had Davy and that had been ok. Still, giving birth right now was too much too deal with.

  I was starting to wonder also where we were getting all these kids. When we arrived Bobby and Sally were waiting for us. We had acquired the shooter Mikey and now these two. I was worried about it but couldn't seem to come up with a reason. Each child had a different story so it didn't seem to be a conspiracy. I'd guess we were just lucky.

  Seemed like all the ladies but me and Nancy were gathered around the kids. All that mothering and they wouldn't miss pa, at least that was my fondest wish. Lacy looked at me and thought, It seems as though 'pa' was molesting these two adorable babies. That's why they were running away from him. They only brought him for help cause they were afraid if he got well on his own he would be mad cause they didn't do anything. He was planning to attack us for the food in a few days but got sick instead. I don't think they'll miss him too much.

  I felt like going out and shooting him again. Well, at least he won't be molesting them anymore and they could enjoy being kids again. Once I had a neighbor that was molesting his kids. They were my friends and I tried to get them help but they were too scared. When I told my mom, she said it wasn't any of our business so they suffered. I hated that man with a passion and went out of my way to avoid him.

  I watched with shinning eyes as the ladies took the kids upstairs to clean them up. I was betting they were going to sleep the rest of the day out after dragging that sorry bastard here. Yep, I'd kill him again, no problem. Just then someone else I could've killed walked in and I sighed. Nancy's head was a jumble of fear, anxiety and anger. She was wondering how many more of the little bastards we were going to take in and have to feed. She was wanting awfully bad to say something but the looks on our faces told her she better keep her mouth shut. Time would tell, but I was betting she'd mess up. I was also betting I would have to set her straight. She had nothing on Sissy though, and I'd had practice with dealing with her kind. I'd better start working on strengthening my arm though, I had a feeling I was gonna need it.


  Mason spent some time with us before he left with the guys to finish what they started before the excitement. The kids were still upstairs letting the ladies fuss over them. I was trying to get the image of pa's penis out of my mind while I worked my arm muscle by lifting a small can of beans repeatedly. I always seemed to be doing therapy of some kind.

  A noise interrupted my thoughts and I looked towards Nancy a
nd Bruce's cabin. They were standing outside yelling at each other. I couldn't hear the words but it didn't matter, I really didn't care. All they seemed to do was fight. She finally pushed him causing him to take a step back while she ran back into the cabin and slammed the door. He stood staring at the door a minute before he headed back to my porch. I ignored him as he wandered up and sat on the bottom step, staring at his feet. I figured if he wanted to talk he would. Since I wanted some peace and quiet I kept lifting the beans and listened to the birds and squirrels.

  I was beginning to think he didn't know I was there until he asked, "Are one of the campers empty? If there is I'd like to have one. Just for myself. I've had it with her. I'm tired of being told I'm worthless."

  "I don't see a problem with that. Why don't ya take the four wheeler and go find the guys. They're bringing as many of the campers as they can find here today. I'm sure they'll be one for you. In fact, I saw a big old truck with a slide in camper the day I got shot. That would be perfect for one person."

  He stood, dusted off his seat, hesitated like he wanted to say something else then went in search of the four wheeler. I could've jumped into his mind and scanned it to see what the problem was but I'd been trying to stop lately. Some peoples mind were a cauldron of misery and it was depressing. I didn't need that. A few minutes later, I heard the four wheeler start up and the dust flew as he went in search of the men. Their cabin remained quiet the rest of the afternoon.

  I'd lifted beans till I was sick of it then went in search of a nap, which left me tired when I woke up an hour later. I couldn't have slept any more anyway cause a procession of campers were driving or being pulled into the area. The smell of venison hung heavy in the air from the elk Flynn killed the day before, making everyone's stomach growl, so a mad dash was made to every sink in the area where hands were washed and faces scrubbed clean. Sarah made that mandatory and enforced it. So the dining room was full and everyone was waiting by the time she called dinner. I enjoyed the show as a lot of good nature d competing went on to get the best part of the meat.


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