Savage Seduction

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Savage Seduction Page 10

by J. Woods

  She dared to ask, “Want to share something?”

  “What did you have in mind?” Was she imagining his voice deeper, huskier? Oh she had lots of things in mind; most of them included him getting naked.

  “I don’t know. What do you want?” she asked. She didn’t know if he was talking about food anymore but she knew she wasn’t. She watched his eyes darken the way they had earlier and she found herself instinctively licking her lips. He was drawn to the movement causing the muscles in his jaw to clench. The waiter chose that moment to approach their table and list off the specials. Logan placed the order managing to do so without taking his eyes off of her. He hadn’t even touched her and she couldn’t remember a time where she had ever been so turned on. Her skin felt hot and tingly, her mouth dry as she impulsively pressed her thighs together against the building pressure.

  “Cheers,” he held his glass up waiting for her return. “To great company,” he finished with a smirk. She clinked her glass with his, taking an ungraceful gulp of wine. She was determined now; she wasn’t imagining his reaction just as she hadn’t imagined it in the store earlier. Logan Savage wanted her, maybe almost as much as she wanted him. Zoe made a vow to herself that he would be in her bed by the end of the night, she didn’t care if she had to parade around naked, she would do it just to be with the man sitting in front of her. She wanted him - and she always got what she wanted. Almost as strong as the need to be with Logan, was the need to know more about him.

  “So tell me something about Logan Savage that I don’t already know.”

  “Like what?” He was so controlled; it was making her crazy wondering if he felt the same urge to reach across the table and grab her, throw her over his shoulder and take her home.

  “Why did you join the military?” Immediately she regretted her decision when his eyes lost some of the heat they held before she opened her too curious mouth. She so wished she could turn back time. Worried she was going to screw it up even more, she kept her lips clamped tightly together and waited.

  He took a deep breath before he started. “Originally I thought I joined because it was the family business. David was in the military and when I was young, and even now, he was my hero. From the outside it looked like my mom had everything together before she met David, but we knew that wasn’t true. We were slowly drowning. My mom had four young children, her husband walked out on her leaving her with nothing as she worked sixty hours a week just so we could eat.” Zoe couldn’t help it; she reached out her hand and threaded her fingers through his. She needed him to know that she was listening, that he wouldn’t regret opening up to her. He stared down at their joined hands for a long moment before continuing. “Then she met David, and he literally turned our lives around. He always told us stories about his army days, would always discipline us with a firm kindness and one day I asked him why he was so different than my other dad. He told me because he was raised differently, that he’d had many years in the army and it taught him more than anything else in his life. I saw him as a protector and I wanted to be that. I wanted to protect people, wanted to make a difference in someone’s life like David did to ours. I just… I needed to prove to myself that I was different than my father. That I could be the man I wanted to be.” Zoe stayed quiet not knowing how to respond. She wanted to tell him that he was all of that, that he had proved to her that he was more man than any other she had met. Hell, look at what he did now, how he treated his family, how he treated her. Even with his rough and hard exterior he had always made sure she was alright, safe, protected. She felt the breath whoosh out of her lungs when he brought her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against the inside of her palm. She could tell he was still stuck in the past and whatever he still wasn’t telling her, whatever he experienced during his time in the military was quickly coming back to haunt him. And just like she was sure he had no control over kissing her hand she had no control over what she was about to do. She stood up quickly placing her hands on either side of his face before bending down and pressed her lips gently against his. She could feel his surprised tension before he gave in. His lips moved masterfully under hers quickly taking control. Zoe felt the flames of desire burn through her like white hot fire yet it was the sweetest kiss she had ever experienced. She pulled back slightly and opening her eyes, she found him staring at her with unadulterated want. “Take me home,” she told him against his lips. He stood, placing enough money for five dinners on the table. He slid his palm against her jaw as his fingers threaded through the hair at the base of her neck. He leaned in taking her mouth under his in a quick but sure kiss. He ran his thumb over her lower lip before taking her hand and leading her out of the restaurant.

  Chapter Nine

  Logan didn’t know what was happening; he didn’t know and he didn’t understand. But he didn’t need to understand. All he knew was that Zoe was finally in his arms and he wasn’t going to let her go, at least not tonight. His head was reeling. He couldn’t believe he had told her all that stuff about himself. What was he doing? He had never told anyone that; but Zoe made it so easy to talk, to open up to her the way he never had before. There were no expectations or judgments from her, she was just truly interested in what he had to say. He had only planned on telling her what he told anyone else when he was asked that question, but for some reason what ended up coming out of his mouth was the truth. When she threaded her small, delicate fingers through his, all he could do was marvel at how soft her skin felt, and how he wanted to tell her more. He had never had the urge to open up to a woman, to tell her his secrets without feeling gutted afterwards. But Zoe was able to do that; she shone a light into his darkness and somehow made his past seem less haunting. And when she stood up and kissed him - it was the hottest kiss of his life. It wasn’t overtly sexual or inappropriate PDA but it was full of emotion and gratitude, and it was something he had been dying to do since he first laid eyes on her. He wanted this woman more than he wanted anything in his life and when she told him to take her home he almost exploded in his jeans. He knew it was trouble, because whatever she had asked him at that point, the answer was going to be yes. He couldn’t help kissing her again before he walked her out of the restaurant. She was a draw for him, a magnet that he couldn’t manage to break hold from and after he’d had his first taste, he didn’t want to. He was done fighting it. He was done fighting her and tonight he would make sure it was a night she wouldn’t forget. Because he knew he wouldn’t. He wanted to rip her clothes from her and take her on top of the table in the restaurant, fuck if everyone else watched. He needed her and the desire he felt for her was overwhelming any other thought that was telling him to take a step back. Because all he could think about doing was taking her lips under his again, sliding his tongue within the warmth of her mouth as his hands ran over every single inch of her naked, luscious curves. He slid his hand to rest possessively on her lower back as they walked out of the restaurant toward his truck. Suddenly her place seemed too far away, he wondered if they would make it. But as much as he wanted her, he didn’t want their first time to be a savage seduction in his truck. He wanted her sprawled across a bed so he could take his time loving her.

  “Zoe? Zoe Alcott?” Zoe turned at the sound of her name and his hand fell away at the movement.

  “Steven? Oh my god! How are you?”

  “I’m great! And you? You’re looking fantastic!” Logan tensed at the appreciation in the other man’s eyes. He watched as he looked at her leisurely from her fuck me, black heeled toes to the thick strands of raven hair that flowed around her like a halo. He had the sudden urge to stake his claim, to lay his lips on her, pull her into his side and prove to whoever this guy was that Zoe was his. He didn’t understand his reaction, he’d never felt so possessive over a woman before. He didn’t know if it was because she knew he was waging an internal war or because she was feeling the same needs he was but she slid her arm around his waist curling into the warmth of his side as she seamlessly continued her

  “It must be high school reunion week! I just met with Alex Sullivan this morning.” Logan bit back his smile when he felt her shiver under his touch while his thumb created small circles against the nape of her neck. He didn’t know what the warmth around his heart was when she made the move to lay claim; pride surged through him when Steven lost some of the heat in his eyes as he watched Zoe’s movements toward Logan.

  “You met with Alex Sullivan?”

  “Yeah, he’s back in town.” He noticed the immediate flicker of worry in the other mans eyes when Zoe mentioned Alex’s name. Did he know something? Logan was always cautious of other people; he’d been especially over protective ever since he’d been charged with Zoe’s safety and something about this guy seemed a little off to Logan. He was watching Zoe’s movements too closely; a flare of anger or jealousy sparked in his eyes when Logan wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer into his side. “Have you seen him lately? I know you two were close in high school.”

  “No, haven’t seen him in… a long time.” He didn’t like the way he paused. Steven was hiding something and Logan wanted to know what it was. But right now, all he wanted was Zoe beneath him, crying out his name. Just the thought of it had him biting back a grunt of pain while his jeans tightened uncomfortably. He shifted from one foot to the other at the same time Zoe started lightly running her nails in circles through the cotton of his shirt. The thought of her fingers on him, without the barrier of his shirt in the way…They needed to go home. Now. He realized they were on the same page when she turned to give him a wicked little smile before telling her friend they had to get going. They parted ways and Logan practically dragged her to the parking lot and threw her into the cab of his truck. He could hear her laughing at him but he was beyond the point of control. He jumped behind the wheel and slammed the truck in reverse before peeling out of the lot toward her apartment.

  “You’re going to have to tell me about that guy, I want a background check. But later.” He groaned when she reached out and started playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Zoe,” he warned. She hummed her response unlocking the seatbelt that was keeping her in her place, where he needed her to be right now. The last thing he wanted was to drive off this road and that was exactly where they were headed if she kept up her teasing. She moved closer trailing her lips across his jaw, her tongue peeking out to taste the desire on his skin. “Thank God,” he breathed pulling into the underground parking of her building. Practically ripping her door open he picked her up causing her to squeal, the echo of her laughter bouncing off the cement walls. The sound of someone approaching was the only thing that could force Logan to put her down, but not without stealing her lips first. A young woman walked toward the elevator at the same time they approached and Logan could feel her eyes on him. Zoe could too; not that she was trying to hide it. He didn’t care, didn’t pay her any attention as he pulled Zoe in front of him, wrapping a strong arm around her waist. He bent down inhaling the scent of her hair; he was so turned on. He loved the fact that she was so confident in front of the other woman trying to get his attention with flirty glances. She wasn’t jealous, she knew he wanted her and her only, and that only made him harder. She playfully wiggled her sweet ass against the bulge in his pants causing him to bite down on her shoulder. “I want you so bad,” he whispered in her ear. Of course the girl rode the elevator with them until Zoe’s floor. “See you later,” she smiled at Logan walking the opposite direction down the hall. As much as he wanted to slam open the door and take her against the wall, he wasn’t willing to put her safety at risk. He took her keys and stepped inside. He pulled his gun, “Stay here.” She dropped her purse to the floor and leaned against the wall waiting for him to finish his search. Axel followed him from room to room, just as alert as he. With everything in place, he would have killed someone if it wasn’t; he walked back into the living room, placing his gun at the small of his back and to the goddess that was waiting for him and so willing.

  He found himself stalking toward her watching as her pulse sped up, the rapid beat of her heart pounding against the soft skin of her neck. He couldn’t believe this moment was finally here. He wanted to make slow, sweet love to her and ravage her hard and fast all at the same time. When he finally stood in front of her, he reached behind her turning the locks on the door before surprising her by picking her up at the same time she wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms around his neck. Logan consumed her lips under his. Running his tongue along the seam she obliged him permission by opening her mouth. The breath of her contented sigh had his dick jerking in his pants. He started walking her toward the bedroom - he needed a bed, and now before he took her like a caveman on the hardwood floor. He didn’t want that for her, he wanted to relish and cherish, he wanted her to enjoy every single second of their lovemaking and not look back on it with disdain. He wanted her to know she wasn’t just some quick fuck for him. He didn’t know what she was yet, but he knew it wasn’t that. Not even close. His tongue plunged into the depths of her hot, wet mouth. He couldn’t control the groan that escaped him when she licked him back before nipping at his lower lip. She laved the sting of hurt before trailing her lips across his cheek and down his jaw. His arms tightened around her, his fingers trailing lower to the luscious curves of her ass before digging in and pulling her impossibly closer to him. He loved that she wasn’t shy. She was a woman who knew what she wanted and with every breath he had in him he knew what she wanted in this moment was him. When the bed came into view he clenched his jaw against the urge to run toward it, rip off her clothes and plunge hard and deep inside of her. It was a need unlike anything he had ever experienced. He had never remembered wanting anything as much as he wanted Zoe naked and writhing underneath him. He wanted her cries of pleasure and the haze of desire clouding her eyes. But what he wanted more than anything was his name on her lips. He wanted to brand her, to make her his. It was a connection, something that ran deep he had never had with anyone else. He allowed her to slowly slide down his body. “I want you naked. Let me undress you,” he told her hungrily. She raised an intrigued eyebrow and her expressive eyes told him he had the green light. His fingers found the hem of her shirt and as much as he wanted to tear it from her body, and he was sure Zoe wouldn’t mind, he was going to make sure there was another time for that. Tonight he wanted to take his time with her. Pulling the shirt over her head he was left staring at the thinnest, sexiest black lace he had ever seen, her nipples rigid with her arousal.

  “Logan…” she said in a whispered plea. His hands reached out, his calloused palms against the softest skin he had ever touched. He felt her shudder as his fingers skimmed her ribs, god she was so tiny he could span her waist with his hands. He stepped closer bending his head to press his lips against her bare shoulder.

  “Patience, Zoe. I want to take my time with you.”

  “Take your time later. Right now I need you.” He lifted his head feeling the small smile form on his lips. God this woman was amazing; so beautiful and strong, he wondered how he got so lucky. Tonight. He took her lips under his as he deftly undid her pants, allowing them to pool at her feet. Lifting her up he placed her in the middle of the king sized bed. He marveled in her sensuality as she stared at him with mirroring hunger. He narrowed his eyes watching her crawl toward him before straightening and pulling his mouth down to hers. “My turn,” she murmured against his lips. He clenched his teeth, how was he supposed to get through her touching him, her hands on his skin, god just thinking about it he felt his stomach clench at holding himself back from embarrassing himself. He found himself sucking in a deep breath; a small calculating smile spread across her face as her hands disappeared underneath the cotton of his shirt. It was he who was shuddering now as she detailed the hard lines of his stomach; almost as if she couldn’t tease herself any longer she quickly pulled his shirt over his head. She sat back on her heels staring at him. As she made a reach for his pants he knew he wasn’t go
ing to make it. Grabbing her wrists he kissed the inside of her palm, “If you want this night to last, I need you to let me do it.”

  “But I want to touch you.”

  “So do I, and you will, soon.” Logan undid his jeans, taking his boxers with them as he kicked them off his feet. Zoe sat staring at him with her mouth open. He looked down and almost growled at the sight of his erection; standing to attention, he didn’t think he’d ever been so hard in his entire life. He could hammer nails right now. Still keeping her eyes on his cock, she slowly licked her lips. That was it. He pounced on her effectively pinning her underneath him. Rubbing his hands up her arms he found her fingers and entwined his with hers. She sighed, letting out a breathy moan as he started to trail hot, wet kisses down her neck, stopping to nip and lave as he went. All he wanted to do was taste every inch of her, she had the sweetest skin; if he could do it all night and nothing else, he would be a happy man. “You taste so good, so sweet.”

  “Logan… Please.”

  “Please what, baby?”

  “I need...” He knew exactly what she needed and as he reached his destination she arched her back providing her breasts as a feast. Still bound by a sheer piece of lace, he wanted to tease her a bit, drag out her pleasure. He hadn’t even put his mouth on her yet and she was already begging him. He loved it. He had to admit to himself that he was riding a precariously thin line and if he didn’t keep himself in check this night, this moment would be over far sooner than either of them wanted. He licked over the rigid peak once then twice biting back a grin as she squirmed underneath him. Letting his teeth graze over the dark pink underneath black she bucked and he took his chance sucking her nipple into his mouth. Her little moans were driving him crazy, as was the lace that was prohibiting him from fully tasting. He needed to - it was an urge that grew inside him - he found himself ripping the thin piece of material from her body followed by the matching panties. And even though he told himself he wasn’t going to treat her like that tonight, something inside of him didn’t have the patience to wait. Zoe moaned her approval and as she reached to drag his head back down to her she should have realized it was unnecessary, he was already there. Squeezing and playing, he first sucked one into the hot cavern of his mouth before the other. He felt the quivers run through her body and as her moans became louder and her nails in his hair sharper he moved slowly down, covering every inch of skin he could. He licked and sucked the ridges of her ribs down toward her belly button where his teeth caught onto the barbell that ran through it as he tugged playfully. Her hands travelled his shoulders into his hair and he bit back a moan of his own at just her touch.


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