Savage Seduction

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Savage Seduction Page 12

by J. Woods

  “His name is Steven Ledetski; I went to high school with him. He and Alex Sullivan used to be best friends, attached at the hip. And before you start asking me questions I don’t know the answer to, I haven’t seen him since graduation.” She got up taking her empty plate and mug, disposing of them in the dishwasher before going to brush her teeth. She needed to get away from him before she did something stupid, like tell him that last night was more to her than sex, that he was surprisingly turning into more than whatever the hell he was, or something even stupider. Like cry.

  She stared at herself in the mirror with the monotonous routine of running the hard bristles over her teeth. Patting her face with a towel she turned with a yelp to find Logan leaning against the doorframe. Damn, but she wished he would put a shirt on. “What’s wrong, Zoe?”

  “Nothing,” she shrugged.

  “What did I do?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  “Zoe I have three sisters, you think that I don’t know that ‘I’m fine’ is code for ‘you fucked up’?”

  “In this case, it’s not code for anything other than, I’m fine. I have to get going to work. I have a lot to do before tonight’s event.” He stared at her for a long moment assessing if he should continue his pushing or not. She would have caved eventually if he did, especially with his arms crossed over his chiseled chest looking extremely foreboding and sexy all at the same time. But he didn’t.

  “Okay, I’m going to have a quick shower then we can get going.”

  She nodded, walking past him and out of the web of sensuality he was trying to weave around her. Or maybe she was weaving it around herself and he was completely clueless.

  She flopped down on the couch desperately trying to ignore the sound of the shower from her bedroom. Her body and her mind were at odds, her mind screaming at her to get it together while she fought against the strings of control he already possessed over her body. Axel jumped up on the couch resting his head on her thigh. “Hey boy. Do you feel left out? I’m sorry,” she soothed, petting his head. The contented look on his face told her he wasn’t too shaken up about it. “So tell me,” she started, smiling as Axel lifted his head, his ears perked waiting for her question. “Does he keep you out too?” He cocked his head as if in misunderstanding. “Do you know his secrets?” With a sigh, Axel rested his head back on her thigh, apparently Logan’s secrets were an off limits subject. With a sigh of her own she blew a rough breath through her lips and let her head fall back against the sofa.

  “Ready?” Her head snapped up. She hadn’t even heard him come down the hall. “Is the ceiling that interesting?” he smirked.

  “Yep, ready,” she said purposefully ignoring his question and the real meaning behind it. She stood pulling on her heels and grabbing her purse. He never allowed her to walk in front of him and she knew it was because he was using himself as her shield. With everything that was Logan Savage, she almost forgot why he was here in the first place. Truthfully even with the quiver of fear the notes she had received instilled within her, she still believed it was some stupid kid trying to cause a stir. But she went along with it and allowed him to lead her to her car with Axel glued to her side.

  Zoe sat behind her desk, the comfort of her white leather chair a familiar reassurance to her out of sort’s morning. She watched as Logan answered the phone she hadn’t heard ring. She listened to his clipped, one word answers and watched the frown that had an almost permanent place between his eyebrows form. Ending that call he made another with the cryptic message, “I need your cover.” Zoe’s eyes widened not understanding and knowing there could be multiple meanings behind that one sentence. He turned to her taking in what had to be a stricken look on her face.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked concerned.

  “What’s going on?” she asked in return standing up from her desk. She didn’t like the worry that settled low in her belly. He quickly walked toward her; reaching out he cupped her jaw caressing her cheek softly with his thumb. Instinctively she leaned into the warmth of his touch.

  “Everything is fine. That was my brother, I want to check on some leads he has. I’m going to have one of the members from my team here, his name is Ace, so don’t worry.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about,” Zoe confessed.

  “Everything is fine,” he repeated with a small smile. “I’ve rescheduled your hair appointment to come to your place. I don’t want you going anywhere alone. I’ll be back this evening, in time for the ball.”

  “How did you know I had a hair appointment?”

  “Zoe, it’s my job to know everything.”

  “Oh. I don’t know how I feel about that.” Just when she thought he was going to lean in to kiss her Rachel walked in with a small gasp causing Logan to immediately remove his hand. The loss of his warmth was something she didn’t want to admit to missing.

  “Sorry,” she stammered.

  “No, I was just leaving. Ace will come to your office to pick you up after lunch to take you home for your appointment. I’ll meet you there. Don’t go anywhere on your own.” Zoe raised an eyebrow at the command. He leaned in, his breath hot against her ear, “Please.” God why did Rachel have to walk in when she did? Zoe was sure she could have had this man pushed up against some surface in her office while she put those teasing lips to use. She managed, just barely, to control the shiver that wanted to race through her at the one word. When he pulled back she narrowed her eyes in defiance before sitting back down at her desk. His uncommon chuckle floated over her as he walked out, disappearing down the stairs.

  “So that’s a new twist to the story,” Rachel commented, taking a seat across from Zoe. She kept her eyes on her computer screen as the grin that spread across her face belied her nonchalant demeanor.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rachel brought in a bouquet of red roses; Zoe frowned, what was it with her getting red roses lately? "It seems you have an admirer," she mused. Zoe rolled her eyes shooing her friend away at the same time she grabbed for the white card within the bouquet. 'Can't wait to have you in my arms tonight. L.A.S.' She flopped down into her chair pursing her lips at the card. Was this Logan's apology from this morning? She didn't need flowers, she just needed him to open up to her, she needed him to not shut her out. Did his gesture of flowers mean that he didn't think she was just a hot lay one night? He said he can't wait to have her in his arms tonight and truthfully, she couldn't wait either. She wondered what the 'A' in L.A.S. meant - why didn't he just sign it Logan? Or even better, why didn't he just give her the flowers himself. She blew out a breath; it was a sweet gesture, even if she hated roses. She frowned trying to remember why the red petals spurned the wrinkles between her eyebrows. She put the card to the side and pulled up her email. Staring at the screen she wanted to laugh at herself, she couldn't stop her mind from straying to fantasies about Logan's demure promises. Securing a ticket for Logan, she looked up to a firm knock at her door. She was momentarily taken back by the large man who took up her entire doorway. He was well over six feet, six four or five she would guess, his blond hair matched his eyebrows and rough stubble that covered his face. His ice blue eyes were almost unnatural but it was the tree trunks for arms crossed across the broadest chest she had ever seen that had her swallowing before gathering up her courage. "Let me guess. Ace?"

  She received a mimicking raised eyebrow at her question. "Logan was right, you are trouble."

  "I don't know what you mean," she said baiting her lashes innocently.

  The male disbelieving snort she received in return only grew the grin on her face. "You need to be more cautious. You had no idea who I was. I could have been anybody, including the person sending you those love notes."

  "I knew exactly who you were, and you're not the person sending me love notes. Or are you?"

  "I'm here to take you home." She smirked, staring at him for a victorious moment.

  "Come in, I still need a minute."

  "I'll wait for
you here." She shrugged her shoulders going back to responding to Alex's email about their next meeting. She suggested they meet at her office again instead of the new wine bar that opened up down the street. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Ace leaning against her doorframe, his attention caught by something. Hitting send, she shut down her computer and grabbed her bag. Gesturing to stay behind him, Ace led her out of her office. Rachel came into view, leaning over her desk signing for a package and Zoe knew exactly what had caught Ace's attention, or rather who. She looked up as they walked toward her, a faint blush spread across her cheeks at the sight of the Nordic warrior in front of her.

  "Leaving already?"

  "Yes, and you should be too," Zoe reprimanded her.

  "I know, I know. I am, I promise. I'll see you tonight."

  "Good, is James still coming?"

  "Um, no. He's not." She noticed the hard glint in her friends’ eyes.

  "What? Rach, why didn't you tell me?"

  "We'll talk soon. You've got your own stuff going on." She pushed aside the pang of hurt and guilt showing her concern in her face. "Don't worry. I'm still going tonight."

  "Yes but you shouldn't be alone, I don't feel comfortable with that. Maybe... Ace, are you free tonight?" He cleared his throat, uncomfortable with being put on the spot. Zoe swallowed the smirk that was trying to form on her face. Rachel's eyes were so wide she looked like she had seen a ghost. It was at least partly true; she didn't feel comfortable leaving her friend solo tonight if her secret admirer was real. The other part of her, well, the tension between the two was almost choking, and her friend needed a fun night with a hot guy. "Yeah, I'm free."

  "Great!" Zoe clapped in glee. "I'll have Logan relay the details, oh and it's black tie," she grinned. The audible male groan was comical. She ignored the daggers Rachel was sending her and blew her a kiss instead, leaving her with her mouth hanging open. Oh yes, tonight would consist of greatness indeed.

  Zoe turned side to side admiring the deep purple satin of her dress, the waterfall of curls down her back and the smoky shadow that rimmed her eyes. "Not too shabby, Alcott," she murmured to herself. She checked her phone frowning at the blank screen, where was Logan? She knew Ace was within her apartment somewhere; his pat down and interview when her hairdresser arrived, she thought, was a little over the top as she rolled her eyes sending a silent apology over her intimidating protector. Her fabulously gay stylist didn’t seem to mind one bit as he mouthed ‘Oh. My. God’ while Ace effectively patted him down. Slipping on her matching purple heels, Zoe grabbed her clutch checking the time. If he wasn’t here soon, she would give him an earful. She had cancelled her entire schedule for him apart from this one function; this was important to her. She contributed to the children’s hospital every year. She knew everyone on the board and had been asked to join herself. If she was late because of Logan, she was going to be pissed. She didn’t care how sexy he was or how he planned to make it up to her. Although the thought of it sent a shot of heat straight to her core. Planning out her plan of attack in her head as she walked down the hall toward the living room, she stopped suddenly staring into the dark eyes of the man who she was just silently reprimanding. She stood trying to drag oxygen back into her lungs but as he stood casually with his hands in the pockets of the dark tuxedo, Zoe couldn’t help but think he was everything of every fantasy she had ever had. Unable to tear her eyes away as he took measured, sauntering steps toward her, she heard the word hi whisper from her lips. The slow smile that spread across his lips forced her eyes to the gesture, making her realize how badly she wanted them against her own. Placing his hands softly on her hips he leaned in pressing his mouth to her cheek. “You look absolutely stunning,” he murmured to her. She closed her eyes allowing the deep timbre of his voice to travel over her skin causing a shiver to run through her.

  “You clean up pretty nicely yourself.” He took her hand and stepped away from her; he lifted her fingers silently commanding her to spin. She tried and failed to contain her smirk as she forced her feet to move underneath her, turning in a small circle. She could feel his eyes on her, like a seductive caress and she so badly wanted it to be a physical touch.

  Turning back to face him she asked, “Satisfactory?”

  “Gorgeous. Ready to go?”

  “Yes.” He placed her hand in the crook of his arm, leading her out of her apartment.

  Opening the door to their sleek black limo, she thanked the driver before sliding into the plush leather of the seats, Logan quickly behind her. She felt the smooth transition of the car into traffic as Logan turned to her. “I heard you were causing trouble this afternoon.”

  “Who, me?” she asked batting her eyelashes.

  “Yes you. What did I tell you about that?”

  “About what?” she asked exasperated.

  “About being more careful! Damn it Zoe, you’re going to give me grey hair,” he growled.

  She grinned at him. “Calm down. Everything was fine, I couldn’t have mistaken him for anyone else. Now have you had enough of lecturing me so we can get on with having some fun tonight?”

  “No, not yet. I heard about what you did with Ace and Rachel. What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking I was staring at two people who were so obviously hot for each other and needed to get laid.”

  “Zoe,” he said in warning.

  “Okay, what about this answer. Rachel dumped her asshole ex-boyfriend leaving her alone. Would you prefer that my best friend of twenty years be alone tonight when there is some psycho sending me deranged love notes?”

  “No,” he sighed in defeat. “And don’t call them love notes.”

  Zoe laughed, leaning in to press her lips against the rough stubble on his cheek. “Can we have some fun now?” she asked in a playful whisper against his skin. Before Logan could answer the car came to a stop. She could see a handful of photographers lined up outside taking photos of whoever graced the red carpet leading inside. Logan stepped out first, Zoe smiling at the flashing bulbs knowing he was swallowing his grimace. Placing a possessive hand on her lower back, he guided her down the carpet.

  “Zoe!” she turned at the sound of her name and smiled when she saw a familiar reporter waving at her for a photo. Ensuring Logan wasn’t trying to escape the cameras, she snaked her arm around his waist snuggling in close to him. He looked down giving her a knowing smile as she beamed up at him. She barely registered the flash before he pulled her through the doors.

  The large ballroom was already abuzz and filling up quickly with shimmering floor length dresses and black tuxedoes. Greeted by a server who handed them glasses of golden bubbly, Zoe clinked her glass against Logan’s when she noticed Rachel across the room putting an empty champagne flute on the bar before taking a new one, Ace behind her looking dapper and very uncomfortable in his monkey suit. With a small giggle Zoe leaned in, “I see Rachel and Ace.” Logan sought them out and with an audible sigh his hand found the small of her back again, leading her through the crowd. “You’re fixing this.”

  “Fixing what? I’m sure they’re having a great time. And you’ll see, they’ll thank me at their wedding.” Logan choked on his champagne at her statement causing her to throw her head back laughing at his shocked face. Rachel’s head turned at the sound of her giggle, a look of relief flashed quickly on both hers and her impromptu date’s faces. “Hey kids! Everyone is looking dashing tonight! And darling, my goodness you are gorgeous! Spin for me baby.” Rachel laughed making a show of showing off her stunning navy blue gown; her smile sparking one from Ace.

  “I’m just going to steal Rachel for a moment.” Logan’s eyes darkened making her quick to placate. “Just a couple steps, promise.” He gave her a slight nod and she took her opening, grabbing Rachel’s hand and stepping away from her overprotective date. “

  So what’s going on? What the hell happened with James? Are you okay?”

  Rachel pulled her into a quick hug. “I love you.”

  “I love you too but tell me what the hell is going on? Are we planning a drive by with eggs or what?” She laughed along with her friend remembering when they were sixteen and they did exactly that with one of Zoe’s ex-boyfriends. “No, no drive-by’s. He left his phone at my place, I picked up when it rang not thinking anything of it and some girl told me she was his girlfriend,” she finished shrugging her shoulders. “I told her the same thing, and when he came by that night after work I had all his things packed in a box and told him never to contact me again.”

  “Oh Rach, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be, he was a douche bag anyways.”

  “Well I’m not going to argue with you on that point, especially with what you just told me.” Zoe lowered her voice knowing the guys were listening. “How’s it going with Ace?”

  “Zoe, I’m going to kill you for that! But my god, the man is fine!” Zoe grinned a victorious smile before sauntering back to the watching masculinity.

  “Why don’t we dance?”

  “Dance?” Logan and Ace asked at the same time.

  “Dance,” Zoe nodded turning toward the dance floor. She watched momentarily at the couples who had taken up residence in the middle of the room before grabbing Logan’s hand urging Rachel to do the same. Venturing out into the music, Zoe wrapped her arm around Logan’s neck while he pulled her toward him, as they started to move and glide to the fine tunes of the live band. She turned to see Ace pulling Rachel closer. She looked up at him with a smile, and as he leaned down to whisper in her ear Zoe watched the bubble of laughter escape her friend. With a sigh of contentment she felt Logan squeeze her hip causing her to look up into the warmth of his eyes. With a moment of silent conversation she heard Ace’s deep voice, “We’re going to get out of here.”


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