Healing a Cowboy's Heart (Cowboy Dreamin' 2)

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Healing a Cowboy's Heart (Cowboy Dreamin' 2) Page 17

by Sullivan, Sandy

  “Hell no. I planned on staying in one of the cabins at the ranch until you said you loved me again.”

  He kissed her quickly, a little smooch that left her wanting a lot more. “I never stopped, baby. I just can’t commit to marriage right now.”

  She ran her tongue across his jaw, enjoying the stubble of the unshaven line. “I know and I’m sorry I pushed you. It wasn’t fair to you.”

  “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  “If you want me to.”

  “Yeah, I do. The thought of not havin’ you in my bed tonight had me goin’ crazy.” His gray eyes reflected the love he felt for her.

  After all, a ring didn’t mean anything. The feelings between two people resided in their hearts. “You can have me every night in your bed with no strings. I promise not to pressure you anymore about a ring.”

  “I hope you know how much I love you.”

  “You mean everything to me, Jeff. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I don’t plan on feeling this way about anyone ever again. You’re it for me.”

  He pushed her back, forcing her to stand. “Come on. I’ve got a woman to love on for the next hundred years.”

  “Only a hundred?” she asked with a giggle as he swept her up into his arms and headed for his bedroom.

  “We’ll start there.”

  “I can do a hundred or a thousand. As long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter how many years go by. We’ll be together.”

  “In this house, in this bed. Together. Just the two of us.”

  “Or three depending on how many times Ben ends up in bed with us.”

  “Oh, he might too. He does tend to crawl into bed with me when he has a nightmare or something. Since he has a new momma, he might tend to be there more than we want him to be.”

  “I’m sure he’ll get over it soon enough,” she said as he gently laid her down on the comforter.

  He stripped off his shirt, revealing the smattering of chest hair to her gaze. She loved running her fingers through the springy curls. The belt buckle and jeans came next, leaving her to take in his hard cock as he pushed everything to the floor. She loved having all that hard flesh inside her. Would he want her ass this time since they’d been interrupted before? She kind of hoped so. She wanted to feel everything with him.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  She sat up on the bed on her knees and pulled the tank top over her head. The softness in his eyes as he took in her body told her more than anything how much he loved her. She laid back down to remove her shorts in one swoop. Luckily, she left her sandals in the living room when she’d taken a seat on the couch.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “You aren’t so bad yourself, cowboy.”

  His cock bobbed against his stomach, begging for her touch or her mouth in a little dance she wasn’t sure he didn’t orchestrate just to torment her. She wanted both. With her hand wrapped around his length, she took him between her lips and sucked the head.

  A soft moan broke from his mouth. “I love when you suck me.”

  She took him deeper, swallowing as much of his length as she could. He wasn’t a small man by any means.

  His hips shifted, pushing more of him into her mouth. He wrapped his hands in her hair, pulling slightly. The sting of his tug made her weak and wet. She didn’t realize how much rough sex turned her on, until Jeff came along.

  He reached over to land a heavy smack on her ass cheek. The pain of his heavy hand had juices dripping down the inside of her leg.

  “Enough.” He pulled her back by her hair until she released his cock. “I don’t want to come in your mouth. I want so much more from you.”

  “Like what, cowboy?”

  “Your pussy, your ass. Can we make it a triple penetration night?”

  “Maybe. Goin’ for the trifecta huh?”

  “You bet. Spread them legs for me, babe.” His cock pushed against her opening. “You okay with no condom?”

  “Yes. I trust you, but I’ll see about birth control in the next few weeks.”

  “Do you want a baby with me?”

  “Of course, I do. I love you, but I think we should wait a bit.”

  “Then let’s use the condom until you’re on something to keep it from happenin’ until we’re ready.”

  He grabbed one from the nightstand drawer and rolled it on. “It’s not foolproof, but it’s better than nothin’.”

  “If it happens, it happens, Jeff. It’s God’s will if we make a baby even using a condom.”

  The slow penetration of his cock drove her wild. She loved having him inside her. Her swollen tissues stretched to accommodate his size as her pussy dampened even more.

  “I love bein’ inside you.”

  “I like it too. Fuck me, Jeff. Give it to me hard. I need this more than you know.”

  He shoved inside her in one thrust, tearing a groan from deep in her chest. The rapid push of his thrusts had her on edge in seconds. “Yes,” she whispered in a rapid mantra to the rhythm of his pace. Heat crawled up her legs in a rush to reach her pelvis. The burst of sensation ripped a moan from her lips as she came in a heated gush.

  “Now, I want your ass,” he said, as she slowly came down from her orgasm.


  “Got it.” He grabbed a tube from the nightstand drawer and set it on the bed next to her.

  “Tell me what to do.”

  “Roll over onto your stomach.”

  When he had her positioned how he wanted, she heard the squirt of lubrication and felt the liquid on her ass. “Damn, that’s cold.”

  “Sorry, I should have warmed it up a little.”

  “It’s okay.” He spread the wet slickness around her anus before he shoved a finger past the ring of muscles. The burn felt odd, but not too bad this time.

  “Ready for two?”

  “Okay.” Her ass contracted around his fingers when he stick two inside and scissored them to stretch her hole.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” She pushed back against the invasion, wanting more. “I need more.”

  More lube ran down the crack of her ass as he spread it inside. “Ready for me?”

  “I guess. Just go slowly.”

  “Sure, babe. You can drive this train.”

  The feel of having his cock bumped at her ass and then slowly push inside felt like hell. The burn! “Wait.”

  He stopped pushing.

  She breathed through the pain. “Okay.”

  He moved a little more. “Okay?”

  “Yeah. I want to push back against you.”

  “Good. That’s what you’re supposed to feel. Do what you want. I’m almost all the way inside.”

  “Really? Wow.”

  She pushed back taking the rest of him inside until she felt the hair at his groin touch her butt. “Oh my God!”

  “Pretty intense, huh?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” She wiggled her butt.

  “You’re gonna kill me woman. I can’t hold still much longer.”

  “I don’t want you too. Fuck me, Jeff.”

  He slowly drew his cock out, and then just as slowly pushed back in. The sensation was something she couldn’t even describe. The burn had disappeared with the deliberate slide of his cock in and out of her ass.


  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, please.”

  He increased the pace of his thrust, pulling a tortured moan from her mouth. The gritty sound torn from her lips felt foreign, but good. It felt incredible to share this with him. Something she’d never given to another man in her entire life, only to give it to the man she loved with her whole heart.

  One of his hands snaked around her hip to run a finger over her clit. Her whole body vibrated with need. She had to come soon or the top of her head would explode into a splattering mess all over his bed.

  “Come for me, darlin’.”

  Stars exploded in her head as her body d
etonated into a thousand tiny particles of sensation. Every nerve ending in her body prickled like tiny electrical charges on her skin.

  Jeff moaned softly as his hips pistoned at an uncoordinated rhythm meant to bring him to satisfaction. She wanted it, needed to feel him come hard and enjoy the fulfilling intimacy they’d just shared.

  “Oh God,” he whispered as his body shivered against her backside and then collapsed along her back, driving them both to the bed in a heap.

  “Good for you?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Hell yeah.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Did you like it? I mean if you didn’t we don’t have to do it again, but I thought…”

  “I loved it, Jeff. You made it special. It wasn’t something I’d been able to trust anyone with before now, but you are the man I love. I want to experience everything with you.”

  “I love you, Terri.”

  “Good. Now, I think you need to clean up and I know I do. All this cum and goo between my legs is sticky.”


  “Hmm. That would be great especially if you’ll join me.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  He pulled his cock from her ass and stood, then helped her stand too. “First one in gets to adjust the temperature,” he said, racing for the bathroom.

  “Women first, mister!”

  The laughter ringing through the house brought goose bumps to her body. She’d found the man she could love for the rest of her life. She sent up a silent thank you to God for helping her see the error of pushing him too far too fast. He would come around in time, but for now, loving him and Ben, building a family with them would take up all the time she had.


  Christmas was a time for family. The family she’d built with Jeff and Ben meant everything to her. She’d moved her business to Bandera and had to finally take time off from work to spend the season with them.

  The four-year-old child of her heart sat by the Christmas tree bouncing on his butt waiting for his father to say he could open the mountain of presents.

  “Now, Daddy?”

  “Nope. Wait just a minute.” Jeff crawled on the floor toward the tree and sat down next to the boxes. “Okay now I’ll give you one at a time to open.”

  She smiled. The amount of presents under there probably set her back a pretty penny, but she didn’t care. This was their first Christmas as a family.

  “This is from, Grandma and Granddad.”

  The brightly wrapped box became a shred of paper within seconds and he squealed in delight at his present. “More?”

  “Slow down, buddy, or you’ll have them all opened so fast, it’ll be over.”

  Ben frowned. The next present was opened a little piece of paper at a time. Another squeal at the train set she’d bought with Jeff brought a smile to her lips. He still loved Toy Story, but Thomas the Train was quickly becoming his new favorite thing. Kids.

  She had a special surprise for Jeff, but it would have to wait until Ben went to bed.

  Within thirty minutes, all the presents under the tree were opened. Ben jumped up and hugged Terri, bringing tears to her eyes. “Thank you, Momma. Thank you, Daddy.”

  “You’re welcome, honey,” she said, hugging him right back. Her love for this little boy grew every day.

  “Time for bed.”


  “Yes,” Jeff said. “Santa won’t come if you don’t go to bed.”

  Ben looked at her with wide eyes. “Off to bed with you, Ben.”

  “All right.”

  Jeff laughed and she smiled. They went through this ritual almost every night. Jeff would tell him to do something, but as soon as Terri told him to do it, he’d automatically say yes and off he’d go.

  “I’ll be right back.” Jeff grabbed Ben, tossed him over his shoulder to the gleeful squeals of the boy and off to bed they went.

  Nervousness gripped her stomach. How would he feel when she gave him his present?

  Within moments, he returned to take the seat next to her on the couch and wrap her in his arms. He winced a little, drawing her concern. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You’re acting like you’re in pain.”

  “Well, it’s a surprise.”

  “Really? What kind of surprise?”

  “First I need to give you your gift.” He grabbed a small box from the end table, she hadn’t noticed before. “Open it.”

  Anticipation coiled her nerves. It looked like a jewelry box of some sort. Dare I hope?

  The blue velvet box shook in her hands as she slowly slid open the top. A gorgeous diamond necklace winked back at her with two hearts entwined.

  “Oh my.”

  “Do you like it? I thought it signified what we have at least for now. I love you so much, I wish I could express it more.”

  “Baby, you do every day in how you treat me and love me. It’s beautiful. It’s perfect. Will you put it on?”

  She spun around to let him clasp the necklace behind her neck. When she turned back, she saw tears in his eyes.

  “There’s one more thing. I hope it means as much to you as it does to me.” He pulled his T-shirt over his head and turned around. There on his tattoo was her name next to Ben’s, the skin still raw and red from application.

  “Oh Jeff.” To have him ink her name on his body meant the world to her. It wasn’t an engagement ring, but it almost meant more. He’d accepted her as a permanent part of his life just as he accepted the permanent ink on his body. “Thank you.”

  He spun around and kissed her. Her world tipped on its axis as he stuck his tongue into her mouth and dueled with hers. A moan escaped her lips, but she couldn’t get caught up in his kiss just yet.

  She pushed him away and smiled at the exasperated look on his face. “You already opened your gift from me.”

  “And I love the new belt buckle with our names engraved on it. It’s great.”

  “Thanks, but there is one more thing and I hope you’re okay with it.”

  “I’ll love anything you have to give me, baby. I hope you know that.”

  “What about a baby?” she asked as she bit her lip.

  “A baby?”

  “Yeah. I know we didn’t plan this, but I’m pregnant.”

  “Seriously? Wow.”

  A slow smile spread across his lips, bringing down her anxiety to a tolerable level. “You’re okay with this?”

  “I would love to have a baby with you, Terri. I’ll love any child we have between us whether it be another ornery little boy like Ben or a beautiful little girl who looks just like her mother.” He pulled her onto his lap. “When did you find out?”

  “A couple of days ago.”

  “When will he or she be born?”

  “I don’t have an actual due date yet since I haven’t been to the doctor, but sometime late summer.”

  He kissed her in a slow, loving kiss of two hearts beating as one.

  *The End*

  About the Author

  Sandy Sullivan is a romance author, who, when not writing, spends her time with her husband Shaun on their farm in middle Tennessee. She loves to ride her horses, play with their dogs and relax on the porch, enjoying the rolling hills of her home south of Nashville. Country music is a passion of hers and she loves to listen to it while she writes.

  She is an avid reader of romance novels and enjoys reading Nora Roberts, Jude Deveraux and Susan Wiggs. Finding new authors and delving into something different helps feed the need for literature. A registered nurse by education, she loves to help people and spread the enjoyment of romance to those around her with her novels. She loves cowboys so you'll find many of her novels have sexy men in tight jeans and cowboy boots.

  Secret Cravings Publishing





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