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High Page 16

by Zara Cox

  “Escape from what?”

  “From the things I didn’t want to face.” His gaze captured hers, and the jagged pain she saw in his eyes fractured her breath. “Things I don’t want to talk about right now. Right now I just want to take care of you.” There was a naked plea in his eyes she didn’t have the heart to refuse.

  And really, how could she demand anything from him right this moment, when he’d single-handedly taken the fear she’d lived with for so long and compressed it from the super-life sized monster it’d been to something manageable?

  She lifted the hand still meshed with his up to her face and kissed the back of it.

  His breath caught and he watched her for several seconds before he resumed washing her.

  “Remember what you said about taking my fear away, Zach?” she asked softly.

  He nodded.

  “I aim to do the same for you.” She saw the hard glint of denial in his eyes and shook her head. “No. You don’t get to be the macho guy who takes on the world’s troubles but never tackles his own. I don’t know how or even if I can help you but I’m going to try.”

  “You assume too much, Beth. I don’t take on the world’s troubles. Just yours. As for my own troubles,” he shrugged, ”I’ve learned to live with them.”

  Before she could counter that, he shifted round until he was behind her. In silence, he washed her back then lifted her out of the water. He walked over the cushioned seat where a beautiful tea set had been laid out.

  Pouring the menthe tea, he handed her a tiny cup. She cradled the bone china and watched him sip his own. Once again, the message that he didn’t want to talk about himself came over loud and clear. Frustration warred with the gratitude for what he’d done for her, and in the end she bit back the need to push for the answers that were clamoring inside her. For now, at least.

  Her gaze slid to the bath and back to him. “Thank you.”

  “You did it all, Bethany. You mastered your own fear and triumphed.”

  “We both know that’s not true. I would never have been able to do it without your help.”

  His smile was slow and devastating to her senses. “In that case, I accept your thanks. You can show me your gratitude later.”

  She smiled in return. “I’m racking up quite the tab there, Savage. You think I’ll ever be able to repay this debt?”

  “I’m sure you will, Peaches. When the time comes, you just need to put your back into it.” He winked and downed the rest of his tea.

  He waited until she finished her tea before ringing a bell to summon their attendant.

  “What next?” he asked, rising to unlock the door.

  “I have a mani-pedi. Or a waxing. Or something.” Lethargy wound through her, the result of the soothing tea and the fear-fueled adrenaline leaving her system.

  “Stick to the mani-pedi or a facial. You don’t need to be waxed.”

  She couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up. “Is that your inner cave man talking.”

  He leaned down and kissed her, a devilish gleam in his eyes, as a knock sounded on the door. “Yes, and I make no apologies for him.” He pulled her robe more firmly around her and stepped back. “I’m going to hit the pool. I’ll see you in an hour?”

  She nodded and went with him to the door. They parted ways at the end of the hallway, and watched him walk away, unable to take her eyes off his stunning body.

  Two women wearing tiny robes walked past then turned to stare at Zach, their naked interest sending a spike of jealousy through her. That he didn’t even turn to acknowledge their look in any way made the fists she’d unconsciously clench relax a little, but the anxiety wrapping itself around her heart refused to ease.

  Well, Bethany, this is no fun, is it?

  The mocking voice couldn’t be silenced. Nor could the certainty that she was falling for Zachary Savage be shaken.

  The attendant gave a tiny cough, jerking her out of her thoughts.

  She sat through her grooming session, barely aware of what was going on as the realization hit home with brutal force.

  This thing was no longer casual. And it was going to be as messy as she’d predicted the moment she set eyes on Zach.

  “Hey, you’re giving me the silent treatment now?” Zach asked as they were driven back home.

  He’d asked Philip to take the long route home, and the gentle giant had obliged by driving them along the winding roads that led up into the Atlas Mountains.

  The sun was beginning to set and Marrakech was spread out in all its red and gold glory beneath them.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Zach pressed, the light pressure of his fingers on her chin tugging her gaze to his.

  “It’s been a fantastic day. But it’s also been a little bit overwhelming,” she answered truthfully. His compassion and determination to help her overcome her fear amazed her. But the knowledge that she was risking her heart on a man who was an enigma to her was what most occupied her thoughts now.

  Chris had not been an enigma. He’d been a liar and a cheat. But he too had kept her in the dark, and the result had been devastating. She hadn’t known what the man she’d been sharing her bed with had been doing until he’d dropped the bomb at her feet.

  Trouble was, she had a feeling any bomb Zach dropped at her feet would be much more devastating than anything Chris had delivered.

  Her heart tripped and jolted back into rhythm when he tilted her head back and looked deep into her eyes. That intense, unwavering look made her breath catch.

  God, she could so very easily make a big-ass fool of herself over this man…if she hadn’t already.

  “You don’t need to worry about anything else right now, Peaches. I’ve got you. Understand?” he said.

  Her nod was stupidly jerky, and her eyes prickled with unshed tears. She was blinking them away when the SUV slowed to a stop. She glanced out of the window and saw that they’d stopped on a ledge just off the side of the road. Zach got out and helped her out.

  “Why are we stopping?”

  “Because you need to see this.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  He led her to the front of the SUV, leaned back against the hood and positioned her in front of him. For several seconds, she stared at the horizon, unable to determined which aspect of the gorgeous view needed her attention.

  She started to turn.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Wait for it. It’ll happen any minute now.” His breath on her ear sent a shudder through her. One arm tightened around her as he raised the other to point at a spot between two mountains. “Keep your eyes on that spot.”

  She did. Less than a minute later, the setting sun dropped into the spot, splashing the snow-capped mountains in silver and orange flames. Slowly, the color spread over the valley and across the city. The scene was so spectacular, so breathtaking, she clasped her hands over her mouth in wonder.

  They stood like that for several minutes, until the sun disappeared behind the mountains.

  “My God, that was beyond beautiful.”

  “Yes,” he breathed. “It was.” The simple agreement made her glance at him. There was a quiet joy in his face as he stared at the view but there was also a tinge of sadness and pain in his eyes that made her stomach dip alarmingly.

  “You really love being here, but this place also makes you sad,” she observed quietly. “Why is that, Zach?”

  He immediately stiffened. His arm started to drop but she grasped it and held on.

  “Talk to me, Zach. Please. I can’t help you if you don’t let me in.”

  His jaw tightened. “Did it occur to you that I don’t need your help? I told you from the start, there’s nothing important enough to impact what happens between us.”

  “But this is important, don’t you see? I can’t see your pain and just ignore it. Just as I can’t ignore the fact that even though you didn’t want to get on The Indigo Lounge plane, you went ahead and joined the trip anyway. Call me presumptuous, but I think y
ou did that because of me—”

  “Yes, I did.”

  She turned fully in his arms. “But why? What happened? The Indigo Lounge is one of the most successful business ventures of this decade, and yet you’ve had very little to do with it since its inception.”

  “I employ highly paid and highly motivated people—”

  “Don’t give me the company line, Zach. I’m not stupid. There’s something about this place that has a hold on you, same as with The Indigo Lounge. You don’t have to tell me, but please don’t deny that it impacts what’s happening between us.”

  “And what do you think is happening between us?”

  “You give and expect me to take without giving back. I’m not wired that way. I need to know that I can give you something worthy in return.”

  “You do.”

  She sighed. “I’m not talking about sex, Zach.”

  “Neither am I.” His eyes darkened in the fading light and she held her breath and waited. “Being with you…it helps me,” he stated quietly.

  Her heart leapt. “Helps you…with what?”

  “It just helps, Bethany. Can’t we leave it at that?” he whispered fiercely.

  She started to shake her head and caught sight of Philip, sitting behind the wheel, his face averted from them, trying to be discreet. But there was no doubt the driver had witnessed their argument.

  A glance at Zach told her he knew it too, but there was no hint of embarrassment on his face. It made her wonder just how well Philip knew his boss and how many times he’d had to avert his gaze like this. “I know next to nothing about you, Zach. That has to change.”

  Grey eyes narrowed. “Is that an ultimatum?”

  “It’s a simple truth. The sex is great. But I need more; much more or this won’t work for either of us in the long run.” She stopped and swallowed. “Or maybe there won’t be a long run for us.”


  “I’m not demanding. Hell, I was the girlfriend who was so trusting and oblivious to what her boyfriend was up to that he had to spell it out, remember? But today you called me brave. You helped me to take hold of my fear and crush it. All I’m asking is that you think about doing the same.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  It took a surprising amount of effort just to shrug. “I can’t answer that. I’m not an expert on relationships. But I know I won’t be content to live in a vacuum forever.”

  He remained silent for a very long time. Then he nodded. “Understood.”

  They travelled back home in silence. But all through the journey, his arms surrounded her, her head tucked under his chin. The furtive glances she cast his way showed his face shadowed with myriad expressions she couldn’t decipher.

  Whatever demons Zach Savage possessed were raging full force. And although it hurt to think she’d been the one to bring them out in the open, she was glad he wasn’t brushing them away. His chest lifted and fell in a jagged shudder as they drove through the gates of his house.

  Her fingers fisted in his shirt as she felt his pain. Lacing his fingers through hers, he led them into the house but stopped in the large foyer.

  “I need to make some calls. I’ve neglected a few things since we’ve been here. I’ll catch up with you in a few hours?”

  Her heart sank. “Oh, okay,” she murmured.

  “If you’re hungry, just dial the kitchen and they’ll rustle up something for you.”

  She tried to smile despite the vice tightening around her heart. Zach was in full retreat mode. He had no intention of confronting his demons. At least not today. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

  He pulled her to him and planted a hard kiss on her parted lips. Heat immediately engulfed her but he was striding away toward his study.

  She stood there, her fingers touching her tingling mouth as he shut the study door behind him. For the first time since she’d met him, Zach had actively, willingly retreated from her.

  Trepidation welled up in her gut and grew with each passing second.

  Perspective. You need perspective, girl.

  Whirling, she flew up the stairs and headed for their suite. Going to her side of the bed, she sank down and grabbed her phone.

  Keely answered on the third ring. “Hey, Peaches.”

  Bethany grimaced. “If I told you I’m terrified of losing a man I barely knew a week ago, would you call me crazy?”

  “Nope. I live in constant fear of losing men I’ve never even met, never mind fucked yet.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m serious, Keel.”

  A sympathetic sigh echoed down the line. “I know, baby girl. I knew it when we spoke last week. Casual relationships aren’t your thing. Was I was hoping you’d somehow make an exception this time? Probably. And I most definitely wasn’t counting on your no-strings guy being Zachary Savage himself. So I’ve kinda been waiting for this call.” Keely’s voice oozed sympathy.

  “What should I do? He…he won’t talk to me.”

  “You need to find a way to make him.”

  “I’ve tried every way I know how.”

  “Then try something else. Something that’s guaranteed to get his attention. Go for broke, or chalk it up to experience and come home before the hurt gets worse.”

  Bethany kicked her shoes off and slid into bed. Rubbing her foot on the luxurious coverlet, she sucked in a slow breath. “The only thing that gets his attention is sex.” The realization made something in her chest hurt. She rubbed absent-mindedly at the spot just beneath her breastbone and gripped the phone harder.

  “Are you sure? You’ve got him hooked enough for him to send a total stranger flowers and champagne. That might be a billionaire thing to do, but it’s certainly not a casual billionaire thing, especially from a guy who values his privacy the way Savage does.”

  “I don’t want to hope, Keel. I’m scared I’ll get hurt again.”

  “That makes total sense. But isn’t it better to get hurt now than further down the line when you’re even more invested?”

  Bethany didn’t want to admit either scenario although she agreed with Keely.

  “And remember, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from getting on a plane and coming home now.”

  That particular thought made her insides twist with panic and fear. “I don’t think I can.”

  Keely stayed silent for several heartbeats. “Then do what Aunt Keely thoroughly recommends. Go for broke.”

  Go for broke. Could she do it? And if she couldn’t, was she prepared to live with the alternative: that she hadn’t tried at all? A shiver of apprehension washed over her. Relaxing deeper into the bed, she turned her face into Zach’s pillow and inhaled his familiar, heady scent. The idea of never smelling him like this again caused her heart to plummet. Seizing at the opportunity change the subject she smiled. “Speaking of aunts, how’s Auntie Mel doing?”

  “She can make a miraculous recovery tomorrow. Or she can get worse. You tell me which you want it to be, and I’ll make it happen.”

  Crap. Keely was too clever by half sometimes. Bethany had called because she needed perspective. Keely was holding up the mirror far too effectively, and Bethany had no choice but to confront what lay ahead.

  She bit her lip and passed her free hand over Zach’s pillow. She recalled the flash of pain she’d seen in his eyes and her resolve firmed.

  “I think Aunt Mel needs to be sick for just a little bit longer.”

  “That’s my girl. Go show him what you’re made of.”

  She didn’t get a chance to. Not that night. Because once she’d undressed and brushed her teeth, she decided to call her parents. Being vague as to when she would return took more mental dexterity than she’d bargained for. Drained after the call, she pulled Zach’s pillow toward her and wrapped her arms round it.

  Within minutes, she was asleep.


  She woke alone the next morning. Zach’s side of the bed was cold and looked hardly slept in.

bsp; Her heart slammed with fresh panic. Tossing the sheet aside, she pulled on the T-shirt he’d discarded. Having his scent engulf her made her feel a little better but it also brought home to her just how important Zach Savage had become to her.

  Leaving the suite, she went downstairs and headed for his study. The door was ajar and she pushed it open.

  He sat behind a massive roll top desk, his fingers flying over his laptop keyboard. The intensely focused look on his face made her pause.

  “Morning, Peaches,” he greeted her softly without looking up.

  The greeting raised her mood a notch, and she breathed a little easier than she had a minute ago. But the ache didn’t totally subside. She moved forward and sank into the seat across his desk.

  “You wear reading glasses?” Heck, even they were sexy. Black, narrow square rims framed his eyes perfectly and increased his sexiness by at least another thousand degrees.

  He stopped typing and looked up. Grey eyes speared hers. Seeing the familiar hunger in them gave her another tiny boost of confidence. Whatever was going on, sex was still very much a live and potent thing between them. “Why does that surprise you?” he asked.

  “Because you’re inhuman every where else. You fuck me like you can fuck forever—”

  “I can,” he stated with no hint of arrogance. A tingle started deep in her belly.

  “But you need glasses to read words on a page?”

  He smiled as he plucked them off his face. But when his eyes met hers, they were intensely serious. “My eyes may not be perfect, but when you’re in my presence all I see is you, Bethany. Only you. And when it comes to you, my vision is fucking twenty-twenty.”


  How could he say things like that to her and yet not let her in? “You were gone when I woke up.”

  “You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t have the heart to wake you. You were tired after yesterday. I didn’t think it was fair to disturb you.”

  She nodded, and her eyes flicked to his laptop. “And now I’m disturbing you. You looked so serious just now.”

  “I was trying to get stuff done before you woke up.”


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