With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4

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With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4 Page 14

by J. L. Langley

  Goose bumps radiated out from the touch, and a small shiver racked his body. He closed his eyes and sighed. If just a touch could do this, what would it be like when they actually had sex? It was a scary thought. “I’m going to lock up the rest of the house.” He kissed Matt and patted his butt. “Go.”

  He watched Matt’s fine ass all the way out of the kitchen and headed toward the front door. It was already locked, so he started up the steps. He’d search Keaton’s room. His brother-in-law, Chay, was the king of lube. The last time Aubrey had stayed at their house he found the stuff stashed everywhere. Keaton had jokingly said he was going to buy stock in K-Y. After Aubrey had found a bottle on the shelf in the laundry room with the detergent, he’d thought maybe his brother was on to something.

  Bypassing his brother’s nightstand, Aubrey went right to Chay’s side of the bed. The water turned on down the hall, and the image of Matt wet and naked popped into Aubrey’s head. He moaned and flung the drawer open.

  Chay’s top nightstand drawer held two tubes and four bottles, three of them flip-top, the other one a pump. Rolling his eyes, Aubrey took the pump bottle. Maybe he’d buy stock in lube companies too.

  In his room, he set the borrowed lube on the nightstand and headed into the bathroom. His erection had dwindled during his search, but the sight that greeted him hardened him right back up. It had his pulse ringing in his ears too. The image in his head hadn’t compared to the real thing. This picture would be branded in his brain every time he stepped into the bathroom.

  Matt stood in the glass shower enclosure in the corner facing away from Aubrey. A line of bubbles trailed down the middle of his back to the cleft in his ass. The lean muscles in his shoulders and arms rippled as he washed his hair. Best of all, he was humming a song. Every few notes he’d shake his butt just a little.

  Only Matt. Torn between watching the show and joining his mate, Aubrey smiled. He never wanted this to end. What if there was a way he could keep Matt? Could he be convinced to go into business instead of criminal justice and become a partner? Or maybe he could persuade Matt to go into agriculture and they could turn Reynolds Hall back into a working plantation. Matt would live here and be waiting every time Aubrey came home.

  And when you marry? What then, idiot?

  As if sensing his presence, Matt turned. The front view was even better than the back. A beatific, butterfly-inducing smile lit his face. He held Aubrey’s gaze and dipped his head back in the water to rinse. Suds ran down the middle of his chest, bisecting his stomach. They collected briefly in the black pubic hair before separating into two rivulets as they reached his cock.

  Aubrey strode forward. Figuring out what to do about their future could wait.

  Matt’s erection stood out from his body, taunting Aubrey. He knew what it felt like in his hand. Would it fit as perfectly in his mouth? His mouth watered just thinking about it. He wanted to try everything with Matt over and over again. It was unsettling and exciting. This infatuation couldn’t last, could it?

  Opening the door, Aubrey stepped into the heated spray.

  “Hi.” Closing his arms around Aubrey, Matt rubbed his back.

  The soft touches felt good, and Aubrey arched into them. He ran his hands down Matt’s stomach and around his hips, petting the smooth skin. “Hi, yourself.” He pressed them tighter together. Because of their height difference, Matt’s prick mashed against Aubrey’s stomach. It was nice but not enough. He maneuvered Matt until he could squash his own cock against Matt’s thigh. Oh, yeah that was better. It put a little pressure on his balls too, just enough to edge up his desire. Damn, he was so turned-on it was a wonder his legs were holding him upright.

  Matt didn’t help matters any. He squirmed, rubbing their bodies together as his mouth found Aubrey’s. The sound of wet skin slapping and Matt’s grunts surrounded them.

  They kissed for several seconds, both exploring and gently caressing. It wasn’t a rushed kiss or as intense as the other times. This was a seductive melding of mouths. Of two souls. Aubrey groaned. Good Lord, what the hell was he thinking? Breaking their kiss, he opened his eyes.

  The look of pure, relaxed bliss made Matt even more beautiful. Which was no easy feat since Matt was almost ridiculously pretty. After running a finger down Matt’s cheek, Aubrey forced himself to turn away and toward the spray. His stomach tied up in knots. It was an odd feeling to have at a time like this. Wanting to fuck was one thing. This was something entirely different. He grabbed the shampoo and washed his hair. He shouldn’t be this off kilter. It was just sex. He’d been doing it since he was sixteen. So why did it feel like it was? The need to analyze this new reaction was as scary as the feeling.

  Matt’s hands ran over his back. “Did I do something?”

  “No.” Turning his head, Aubrey smiled and gave what he hoped was a provocative waggle of his eyebrows. “I just want to hurry and get showered. This stall is way too small to start anything. For what I have in mind we need the bed.”

  Matt blushed and his eyes bled out into canine eyes.

  Damn, that was hot. Aubrey’s muscles tensed, making his cock jerk. He nipped Matt’s chin. “That isn’t going to help me wash any faster.”

  “What?” Matt’s voice came out as a whisper.

  “Your eyes shifting like that.” Aubrey couldn’t seem to take his gaze off Matt’s face. The wolf eyes added a mystical element to his loveliness. It reminded Aubrey of their bond. His own vision blurred. “Good gawd, sugar.” He kissed Matt’s nose and turned back to rinse his hair.

  As Aubrey was soaping up with a mesh sponge, Matt grabbed his ass. He squeezed and caressed, petting all over. It was the first time he’d really touched Aubrey. Aubrey loved his mate’s hands on him.

  Pretty soon Matt’s arms wrapped around Aubrey, and Matt’s chest nestled against Aubrey’s back. The warmth and the firmness of his body were intoxicating. The head of his cock hit right in the small of Aubrey’s back. Matt’s hands never stopped moving. They continued around to the front, fondling Aubrey’s prick hesitantly.

  “Oh fuck.” Aubrey arched into his mate’s hand. He closed his eyes and laid his head back on Matt’s shoulder.

  Matt tightened his grip, getting more aggressive. His breath panted in Aubrey’s ear.

  Aubrey couldn’t take any more. Turning off the water with one hand, he freed his dick from Matt’s fist with the other. He opened the door and nudged Matt out of the shower. When he grabbed two towels and tossed one to Matt, it hit him right in the face and slid down his body.

  Blinking, Matt stood there dazed. It was adorable and bothersome all at once. He seemed so damned guileless standing there dripping wet, with wolf eyes and an erection. No one should look innocent with a hard dick. “Matt, dry off.”

  “Oh yeah, okay.” He nodded but made no move to grab the towel at his feet. Instead he watched every move Aubrey made. Aubrey swore he could actually feel that gaze on his skin.

  He was about to bust. Aubrey finished toweling off and dried Matt too. “All right. Bed.” He pushed Matt between the shoulder blades to get him moving. If he didn’t get this gorgeous man horizontal soon, he was going to go stark raving mad.

  Matt wandered into the room, pausing at the side of the bed as Aubrey climbed onto it. He bit his bottom lip. “Is this a good idea?”

  Oh no. He was having doubts now? Aubrey kept his face blank, but it wasn’t easy. He wouldn’t pressure his mate, but he didn’t want to stop.

  “I mean the bed. Is it a good idea?”

  What? Where did Matt think they were going? “Yeah, it’s fine.” He patted the mattress next to him.

  Matt crawled onto the bed beside him and lay on his side facing Aubrey. “You said the bed is over two hundred years old. It’s like part of history.”

  Aubrey grinned and pushed Matt onto his back. “Sugar, the whole house is part of history. We aren’t going to hurt the bed. I’ve slept in it for the past thirty years, or near enough.” He’d used a baby bed for a year, which
was every bit as old as this bed, but he didn’t want to get into antiques at the moment.

  Matt licked his lips and his gaze fastened on Aubrey’s mouth.

  “Mmm…” Aubrey kissed him and scooted against Matt’s side. It was like getting shocked from static electricity. That more than anything said this was not normal, casual sex. This was something altogether different.

  His hand found its way down Matt’s torso until it encountered the leaking tip of Matt’s prick. In response, Aubrey’s teeth grew to their wolf fangs. His entire body became supersensitive.

  Abandoning their kiss, he propped himself up on his elbow and watched more precome ooze from the slit in Matt’s cock as he dragged his hand upward.

  Matt’s belly flexed. “Oooh.”

  Yeah, ooh. He had to know what his mate tasted like. “Be still, okay?” He ran his tongue over his canines and scooted down the bed, making sure Matt knew why he didn’t want him to move.

  Swallowing so hard his Adam’s apple bobbed, Matt nodded.

  Aubrey’s lips closed over the head, and the tangy taste of Matt exploded on his tongue. Goodness, Matt even tasted better than other men. He was going to be a hard act to follow. Rasping his tongue over the tiny slit, Aubrey took his time laving Matt’s cock. He was going to savor this as long as he could.

  Matt’s legs moved restlessly, and his head and shoulders came off the mattress. “Oh God. Oh God, ohmigod.”

  Taking the tip into his mouth and sucking it, Aubrey got to his knees. He needed leverage. He wasn’t planning on turning loose of this lovely piece of meat anytime soon. It felt good in his mouth, warm and smooth. Using one hand to hold himself over Matt, he used the other to play with Matt’s balls. Oh, they were tight. Someone was close. Aubrey backed off a little, wanting this to last for both of them.

  Matt tangled his fists in the covers, bunching them. His whole body arched, pushing his dick to the back of Aubrey’s throat.

  Aubrey swallowed, and Matt’s legs trembled. This was going to be over in no time if he didn’t stop. Damn, he didn’t want to stop. Sitting up between Matt’s spread thighs, he continued to play with Matt’s balls. “What do you want to do, sugar?”

  “Anything. Everything. Whatever you want.” Matt rocked his head side to side. He squeezed his eyes shut as if he was in pain, and his fangs peeked out from under his top lip. He probably was in pain, or uncomfortable at the very least, from holding back. But the release would be so much sweeter for the wait.

  Aubrey chuckled and ran his other palm up Matt’s thigh. He lifted Matt’s balls and traced his finger down, pushing between Matt’s cheeks until he touched the tiny opening. Oh God, he really wanted to look, but he kept his attention on Matt’s face, carefully trying to gauge his reaction.

  Matt met his gaze. His eyes flared for a brief second and closed. His head lolled back.

  As badly as Aubrey didn’t want to know, he suspected that Matt was indeed a virgin. Once again his conscience tried to make an appearance, but Aubrey squelched it. He’d go slowly just in case. “Talk to me, Matt. What do you want to do? Do you want to fuck me? Or do you want me to do you?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “That’s not an answer, darlin’. Tell me.” Aubrey pushed the tip of his finger inside Matt’s body.

  Moving toward the intrusion, Matt moaned and snapped his eyes shut. His lips parted. He didn’t act like this was new to him.

  Aubrey’s balls pulled tighter as the ring of muscle around his finger contracted and released over and over. “Matt?”

  His eyes flew open. They were lupine and unfocused, dazed with passion. “You. I want you.”

  It wasn’t an answer, but Aubrey removed his finger and released Matt’s balls. Tapping Matt on the inside of the thigh, he dipped his chin toward the nightstand. “Hand me that.”

  Matt blinked, focusing on him. He turned his head and found the bottle, staring at it for several seconds. Whether he was debating letting Aubrey use it on him or trying to figure out what it was, Aubrey didn’t know, but finally Matt grabbed it. “Here.” Matt handed him the lube.

  His voice was so soft Aubrey thought he might have imagined it and only read his lips. Staring into the fathomless dark-blue wolf eyes, Aubrey took the bottle and squirted some on his fingers. “Bend your knees and put your feet on the bed.”

  With his chest moving in quick shallow chops, Matt obeyed.

  Aubrey pushed Matt’s feet closer to his butt, exposing Matt’s balls and the dusky opening. A moan slipped out of Aubrey. He gripped his own prick and took a deep breath to calm down. Inserting his slick finger into Matt’s ass, he watched the little hole swallow it. What a sight. A drip of precome slid down Matt’s engorged prick.

  Pulling back out, Aubrey marveled at the tight grip. His cock was going to feel good inside that snug ass. Oh damn. His impatient erection slapped against his belly, leaving a wet spot.

  Matt whimpered and moved his hips, grinding himself on Aubrey’s finger. Matt remained rock hard and leaking. It eased Aubrey’s mind.

  Watching Matt’s ass, Aubrey stroked himself. It wasn’t long before he had to let go of his dick. He dipped forward and took Matt’s cock into his mouth as he eased another digit inside.

  Matt bucked up, shoving his prick deep into Aubrey’s throat. It took some quick adjusting on Aubrey’s part to keep his teeth from catching on that velvet smoothness.

  “Careful, sugar. Fangs,” Aubrey reminded him.

  “Yeah.” Matt nodded repeatedly. His eyes closed. “Yeah, careful.”

  He might as well not have spoken because Matt continued to thrust up into his mouth. He was gorgeous when he went all crazy like that, but it was a good thing Aubrey had lots of practice. He smiled around Matt’s cock and opened wider to keep from snagging the delicate skin. Taking advantage of Matt’s intense arousal, Aubrey pushed another finger into Matt.

  The muscles clenched down on Aubrey’s fingers, and Matt froze. His breath hitched. The sweet sounds that had left him seconds ago ceased, but his erection never faltered.

  When Aubrey glanced up, Matt was watching him. Pulling away from his mate’s prick, he licked it all the way to his balls. “You all right?”

  The muscles in Matt’s torso relaxed a little at a time. He nodded and laid his head back down. His ass relaxed its death grip on Aubrey’s fingers.

  Oh yeah, that’s it, sugar. Aubrey lay down to get a better view. The soft fuzz on Matt’s balls tickled his nose. The scent intoxicated him, and he wanted to wallow in it. Rubbing his face against the soft sac, Aubrey licked. He kissed Matt’s thigh. It gained him a shiver and an anxious pant. He smiled against Matt and moved back to watch his fingers fucking his mate’s asshole.

  Angling his fingers up, he rubbed them across Matt’s prostate. He’d see if he could really make that pretty dick leak.

  “Oh God.” Matt’s hips arched up, and his shaft jerked, oozing come onto his belly. He grunted with every thrust of his hips. His movements grew frantic and erratic. At the moment, his world seemed to center on feeling.

  Aubrey had to give his cock a good squeeze. As lovely as the sight was, they were both about to go off any second. He got to his knees and smeared a generous amount of lube on his cock. Before he second-guessed himself, he lined up and sank into the tightest ass he’d ever felt.

  “Damn, sugar.” He eased in until his balls and the tops of his thighs rested against skin.

  “Uh-huh.” Matt’s gaze met his, and everything seemed to freeze.

  The deep blue of Matt’s eyes swallowed Aubrey in just as surely as his body had. The mix of emotions was laid bare for him. There was something besides pleasure in that stare. Something Aubrey didn’t want to look too closely at, something that scared him to death. In that instant he could swear Matt saw right down to his soul. And whatever he saw, he liked…a lot. A shiver raced up Aubrey’s spine. He had to close his eyes and catch his breath. Distance. He needed to distance himself.

  But before he could throw up any
mental barriers, Matt’s hand cupped his jaw, urging him down.

  He was so lost. Aubrey went without hesitation. Like falling in a dream, he kept going and going. It was terrifying, but exhilarating too. He opened his mouth, but he didn’t kiss Matt. He nuzzled Matt’s cheek with his, trying to make everything slow down. He kept his face against Matt’s, willing his world to stop spinning.

  Stubble scratched his cheek and lips. Matt hugged him and rooted around until he managed to get their mouths together. He licked and bit at Aubrey’s open lips, begging to be kissed. The entire time his body held Aubrey tight, keeping him on the edge of overwhelming pleasure.

  Relenting, Aubrey turned into the kiss. He learned the inside of his mate’s mouth, caressing and tasting. This time the moan was his. He was awash with sensation. Matt’s cock jerked against his stomach, and his ass contracted around Aubrey.

  Aubrey couldn’t take any more, he had to move or go crazy. The sex he could handle, but the gentle kisses and caresses melted him.

  Matt touched him everywhere. He brushed his lips all over Aubrey’s face and neck. “Aubrey.” Catching Aubrey’s face in his hands, Matt forced him to make eye contact.

  When Aubrey did, he could no longer ignore what it was he’d seen, what he saw now. All the love and admiration on that young innocent face was nearly his undoing.

  Matt opened his mouth again to speak.

  Aubrey knew what was coming, and God help him he wanted to hear it, but his conscience wouldn’t let him. His self-preservation kicked in. Sitting up, he did the only thing he could think of. He pushed Matt’s legs to his chest and started moving. Relentlessly, he fucked his mate, watching his cock slide in and out.

  “Oh God!” Matt’s cock seeped. Stream after stream of come dribbled onto his belly. Matt thrashed his head back and forth. He muttered to himself. The only word that made sense was a gasped, “Please.” His muscles rippled around Aubrey’s cock, milking him as he clutched at Aubrey’s arms. The puddle of come on his belly increased. Aubrey had him bent over so far it ran down his chest.

  It took great effort not to climax. Perspiration dotted Aubrey’s upper lip and formed a thin layer on his back. When the last shudders left Matt and his body relaxed, Aubrey threw his head back and allowed himself to come.


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