Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 2

by Paige Cameron

  “I suppose you mean sex. I believe it’s highly overrated.”

  Lann put his hand over his mouth but he couldn’t hold in the laughter. “Oh, baby, you just haven’t been with the right man.”

  * * * *

  “And I suppose you think you’re the best?” Oh, my goodness, what was wrong with her? She’d never been so outspoken with anyone, much less a man.

  “I’d be glad to volunteer my services.” Lann’s eyes sparkled with amusement. Even in the dim light she could see the bright-green color of them.

  “Thank you, but I have no need of them.” Her face burned with embarrassment. She hurried to the door, but heard his words as she went out.

  “Darlin’, I think you need them badly.”

  When Bliss came around the barn, she almost ran into her brother. “Where have you been? Your face is all red.”

  “Leave me alone, Alan. I want to enjoy myself.”

  “So do I. Watch the kids.” He turned and walked across the yard to join several men drinking beer.

  Bliss spotted her niece and nephews playing with the other children. They’d be fine. She looked around and found her best friend, Sunn Handley, sitting under a large oak tree and saving her a seat.

  “I just got here and wondered where you were,” Sunn said when Bliss sank into the lawn chair beside her.

  “As usual, I lost my cool with Alan, and I walked off to calm down.”

  “Your face is still rosy. It must not have helped. When are you going to take back your own life?”

  “Earlier today, I told him he had three months to find someone else. Then when he spouted off in the truck, I said it was a month. He can hire a nanny if he’d quite fighting in court with his ex.”

  “Good for you. Are you still planning on opening a lingerie shop? I bet it would be successful. The ladies and gentlemen would like it.”

  “My brother has done all he can to try and get me to give him my money. I’ve had to use some of it this past two years. You know he never gave me a cent. I’m hoping what I have left will be enough.”

  “If not you can go to the bank and get a loan.”

  “I’m trying to avoid that step. It’s going to be difficult to make ends meet as it is though.”

  “You said you were left half of the ranch.”

  “Yes, but my dad put in the will that Alan is in charge and will make all decisions including about when to give me my part of the money if he ever sells it.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “I know, but Dad didn’t believe women had a good head for handling money. He gave Mom an allowance. Alan is very much like our father. He says his marriage failed because his wife ran off with two men. I say it failed because he treated Addie, his ex, like a second-class citizen.

  “Look at how I’m dressed. He threw a fit and said I should not dress in a way to bring attention to myself. I finally agreed to dress this way because I have no desire to attract a man. Once I’m free of my brother’s strong will, I have no intention of surrendering myself to a husband.”

  “You felt so sorry for him at first that you went along with whatever he said. But I see my old friend remerging, and I can’t believe some of these hunks here today don’t make your heart beat faster. They sure do mine.” Sunn looked closer at Bliss. “You’re blushing. That’s why your face was red. Have you met one of them already?”

  “He found me in the barn.” Bliss turned more toward Sunn. “It was strange. He put out his hand to help me up. I’d been sitting on the edge of a haystack. I hesitated. He was so big, and broad, and sexy.”

  “Wow, I’ve never heard you describe anyone with that word.”

  “When I did put my hand in his, I got a jolt. He felt it, too. Sunn, I’m so embarrassed. You wouldn’t believe what I said to him and I mentioned the word sex.”

  “You didn’t?” Sunn bent over in gales of laughter. “My most modest, unassuming friend had a real conversation with one of these hunks. Which one?”

  “It’s not that funny.”

  “Yes, it is. Point him out.”

  Bliss glanced around the yard. The children were playing a game and squealing in pleasure. “He’s talking to Bern.”

  “I can’t see his front, but his backside is definitely sensational. Those jeans fit him just right.”

  “Are you my real friend Sunn? I’ve never heard you talking about men this way.”

  “I think my hormones have decided it’s about time. I want a sexy husband who’ll make love to me every day.”

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “Of course not. I’m just tired of being overlooked by the few real men left. Maybe I’ll have better luck with the new neighbors. Let’s go get some food and introduce ourselves to a few of them.”

  “I’m not in the market. But I am hungry.” Bliss walked with Sunn to where the barbecue had cooked and was ready.

  “Those two”—Sunn nodded toward where Bern and the new man were standing—“are watching you closely. They may be able to change your mind.”

  “Definitely not. If I did decide I wanted a husband, it would be with someone who I can have equal say in the relationship. Those two are much too macho.”

  “Then enjoy them and walk away.”

  Bliss glanced at the two men. The one she’d met in the barn winked at her. She jerked her head forward. Her heart pounded and a strange warm feeling settled in her abdomen. Those two were dangerous to her plans and well-being. She would stay as far away as possible.

  Chapter Two

  Bern chuckled. “You must have made quite an impression on Bliss Meades. She took one look at you and blushed.”

  “She’s the one you were talking about being interested in.”

  “How’d you guess?”

  “I notice when you look at her, your tough face goes soft.”

  “Yes, something about her makes me want to bring her home and keep her safe.”

  “Me, too, but she’s tougher than you think. She stood up to me.”

  “That’s good. She’s going to give us a good fight before she gives in.”

  Lann nodded. “It wouldn’t be any fun if she didn’t.”

  “She’s headed this way with her niece, and she’s keeping her head down. Bliss, I’m pleased to see you and your family at the barbecue.” Bern knelt down to face Clara. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes, sir. So much fun.” Clara smiled and patted Bern’s cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for coming.” He straightened and faced Bliss. “Can I help you?”

  “She needs to go to the ladies’ room.”

  “Go through the living room and into the hall. You’ll see it.”

  Bliss nodded, and holding her niece’s hand, she went inside the house.

  “What did you do to her? She won’t look directly at you.”

  “We discussed sex.”


  “My guess is she’s a virgin or it’s been a very long time. I offered my services.”

  Bern stared at his friend. “You must have left the real Lann in Wyoming.”

  “No, I just let him out.”

  “Good for you.” Bern lifted his beer. “To the capturing of our lady’s heart.”

  * * * *

  She tried to not stare at the inside of the ranch house. But that was impossible. As Bliss walked with Clara through the living room, she noted the large leather chairs, a wooden table in front of them, and an enormous fireplace taking up most of one wall. It shouted male. There were no soft touches. Magazines on farming, cattle, and the sort covered the few tables. The walls were tan and the curtains a darker brown. She smelled the scents of leather, and the remnants of a fire.

  “Hurry, Auntie Bliss.” Clara pulled on her hand.

  “Sorry, honey. I was looking at Mr. Aznar’s house.” They walked into the hallway and found the bathroom, the second door on the left.

  When Clara had finished and had washed her hands, they stepped out in the hallw
ay. Bern waited in the living room. “I thought I’d make sure you found the bathroom. Would you like a tour of the downstairs?”

  “I couldn’t put you to the trouble and take you away from your guests.”

  “They’re doing fine.” He took her arm and led her into the dining room. “We don’t use this room much. I suppose when I marry my wife might want to have fancy dinners.” He led her on into the kitchen.

  “Oh, it’s lovely.”

  “My favorite spot, too. I have a cook, and she said she wouldn’t work for me unless I redid the kitchen to suit her.”

  “Mrs. Stout?”

  “Yes, she comes four times a week and cooks meals, then freezes them. She’s good.”

  Bliss smiled. “That’s why she can be bossy. But she was right about this kitchen. It’s lovely and gives the person cooking plenty of space to move around.” Bliss nodded at a door. “Is that the pantry?”

  “You must see it. Mrs. Stout was very particular about having a big pantry.” He opened the door.

  “It’s wonderful.” Bliss walked into the huge pantry. It was arranged neatly with everything in a specific place.

  “I’m glad you like the kitchen. I saw you frowning at my living room.”

  “You were looking in the door at me.”

  “I wanted to be sure you found your way.”

  She noted the twinkle in his eye and suspected he and his friend were much alike. “I’d better take Clara out to play.”

  “Sure. I’ll show you the rest on your next visit.”

  “Unless you have another barbecue for the neighbors, I doubt I’ll be back.” She took Clara’s hand and marched out of the house.

  “Oh, I think we’ll meet here again,” Bern said as she hurried off to join Sunn.

  “Looks like you rattled our lady, too. She’s so much fun to tease,” Lann said. “I think I’ll walk across the yard and join the group of men that includes her brother.”

  “I’ll go with you. This should be interesting.”

  The men looked surprised when Lann and Bern stopped beside them. “Do you mind if we join you? I wanted to introduce my friend and new neighbor, Lann Quinlain,” Bern said.

  Lann shook each hand as they were individually introduced.

  When Bern got to Alan Meades, he said, “He’s Bliss’s brother, Alan. You met her earlier.”

  “You have a lovely sister and daughter.”

  Alan shrugged. “You don’t have to be polite. She’s a bit plain, but has a good heart.”

  “Your sister, or your daughter?” Lann’s jaw tightened.

  The men chuckled, and Alan turned red. “My sister, of course,” he snapped.

  “She’s the prettiest woman I’ve seen in a long time,” Lann drawled. He kept eye contact with Alan and noted his clenched fists. “I understand she’s helping you with your children, temporarily.”

  Alan stepped forward, his chin went up. “My business and my sister’s is none of yours.”

  “True.” Lann shrugged. “Unless, I decide to make it mine.”

  “What type of friend is this, Bern? I doubt he’ll fit in our community very well.”

  “Give him a chance. He sort of grows on you.” Bern grinned.

  “Sorry I riled you, Alan. Actually I’d like to have a business discussion with you in the next few days. When would be convenient for you?”

  “I can’t think of any business I want to do with you, Mr. Quinlain.”

  “All right. I just thought it might be profitable for you and help me out.” Lann started to walk off.

  “Wait. I can give you a few minutes tomorrow morning at my ranch.”

  “Is nine o’clock all right?”


  “Bern, I think there are a few other guests I haven’t met. Then I’d like to borrow your truck and go see my new house.”

  They said good-bye and headed toward the corral where one of Bern’s cowboys was letting the children ride a pony. Lann noted the smiling faces and children’s laughter. Bliss and her friend sat on the rail, urging the kids on. She didn’t see Bern or him coming up behind her.

  “I can remember riding my pony. My dad walked the pony and me around the corral. I thought I was so big.”

  Startled, Bliss turned too fast and fell backward. Lann caught her in his arms. “Look at what I found,” he grinned at Bern. “Let’s keep her.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Bern winked at Bliss.

  “Put me down this minute. I’m not usually so clumsy. But when you spoke right behind me, you surprised me.”

  “But you fit just right in my arms.”

  “Mr. Aznar, make him put me down.” Bliss pushed at Lann’s shoulders and chest.

  “Here, Bern. See if she likes you better.” Lann handed Bliss off to his friend.

  “Stop this right now. I am not a sack of potatoes to be thrown back and forth.”

  “Sorry, Bliss, I’ll set your feet on the ground. But I have to agree with Lann, you feel right in my arms, too.”

  * * * *

  She shook her skirt out. “Have you both gone crazy?”

  “Nope.” Lann touched her skirt. “Where did you get the material for that dress? It looks like a potato sack and hides your pretty body.”

  “You won’t get anywhere with compliments. I know I’m not pretty. Go away, both of you.”

  “If you insist. But we’ll be around. We won’t let you forget us,” Lann said.

  Bliss put her hands on her hips and glared at both men. Smiling, they walked away.

  “What I am going to do with those two?” she said to Sunn.

  “I’d take them to bed, and then maybe I’d marry them.”


  “Just saying they’re two very handsome men, and they seem taken with you.”

  “Bern has that scar and limp.”

  “Does it bother you?”

  “No, it makes him more interesting and sexy. But I don’t want to like them.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, but I doubt it will work.”

  “What about you?” Bliss swung her arm out to encompass the groups of men talking and drinking. “Who are you interested in?”

  “I have my eye on a few. We’ll see. First, I want to watch your courtship.”

  “There isn’t going to be a courtship. Here comes Alan. I’d better get the boys and Clara from where they’re standing in line to ride the pony again. They’ve already had two turns. Alan doesn’t look like he’s in the mood to wait for them to have another.

  Her nephews and niece pleaded, but Alan was emphatic. “I’ve had enough. We’re going home.”

  As Alan shuffled his children toward the truck, Bliss said good-bye to Sunn. She noticed Lann and Bern talking with some men she’d not met. It must have been more of the new neighbors.

  “I can take you and the kids home later,” Sunn offered.

  “I appreciate it, but they’re tired and I have to get them settled for school tomorrow.”

  “Remember, you told him a month. Keep to it and open your shop.”

  “Bliss, come and get in the truck,” Alan yelled across the yard. Bliss blushed when several of the men’s heads turned, including Lann’s and Alan’s.

  She stalked across to Alan. “If you yell at me one more time, I’ll move out that moment.” She swung up and into the seat, then slammed her door.

  “You wouldn’t.” Alan frowned at her. He’d gotten into the driver’s seat and took off with the wheels squealing.

  “Watch me.”

  “You wanted to stay longer to flirt with those two, Quinlain and Bern. They’re playing with you. They can have any beautiful woman they want.”

  Bliss stared out the window. A soft hand reached between the seats and touched her arm. “I think you are beautiful, Auntie Bliss.”

  She couldn’t look at Clara for the tears running down her face. She cleared her throat and thanked her. But the little girl knew. She climbed over the seat and into Bliss’s arms.

sp; “Don’t cry. I’ll kiss it all better,” Clara said, repeating what Bliss said to them when they were upset. Then she kissed Bliss’s face and hugged her neck.

  Bliss buried her face in the curve of Clara’s sweet neck. She still smelled like a baby, although this year she attended a half-day, four-year-old prekindergarten class.

  When Alan parked, Bliss got out and sent the children upstairs to take showers. “Clara, I’ll be along to help you bathe. Undress and put your dirty clothes in the hamper.”

  She walked in the kitchen and found Alan pulling out another beer. “You’ve had enough.”

  He took long strides and got into her space. “You don’t order me around in my own home. My wife didn’t, and you don’t.”

  “You have the same stupid opinion of women that Dad had. It’s from the past. No wonder she left you.”

  The slap rang loud. Bliss put her hand to her face. “Did you hit Addie, too?” She hurried out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

  Alan came to the doorway and called up to her. “I’m sorry, sis. Everything is overwhelming me right now, and I’m stressed.”

  Bliss ignored him. She went to her room and put powder on the red spot. He’d hit her hard.

  I'll have to cover it with makeup when I go to town to see about starting my lingerie shop and finding a place to live. I have to leave as soon as possible, not four weeks from now.

  Clara came to her door, naked. “I’m ready, Auntie Bliss.”

  “So you are. Let’s go dump you in the tub.” She grabbed Clara around the waist and carried her to her bedroom and through to the bath. Once the water was running, she sat Clara down in it.

  Suddenly, Clara’s lip stuck out. “I love you, Auntie Bliss, but I miss my momma.”

  “I know, sweetie. You’ll see her soon.”

  “Promise?” Clara’s eyes brightened.

  “I promise.” If I have to take you and the boys there against Alan’s will.

  Once the children were in bed, they went instantly asleep. They’d worn themselves out. Bliss took her shower, put on her pajamas, and sat at her small desk. She unlocked the drawer that held her plans for her lingerie shop and her checkbook.


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