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Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 19

by Paige Cameron

  “He still can be when he’s determined about something. I called him controlling. It helped me when I understood the responsibility he’d had, and how he was the one to make the final decisions for many years.”

  “As I said, I couldn’t be happier for the three of you. You all glow, and I’m sure your marriage will be a happy one. I hope you will feel accepted and part of our family.”

  “You and your daughters have been so nice to me. I’m sure I will feel more and more a part of the family as time goes by. You have only the two sons?”

  “Yes, I lost a son at birth. When the twins were born, we felt truly blessed. Lann’s dad and Cad and his family will be here late tomorrow.”

  “May I hug you?” Bliss asked. Mrs. Quinlain put out her arms.

  “Someone told me I’d find my two favorite girls here.” Lann walked to their side and hugged them both. “I like group hugs,” he teased and kissed his mom’s cheek and Bliss’s mouth.

  “You’ve chosen well,” his mother said. “Take good care of her.” She waved and walked back toward the ranch house.

  Lann stood behind Bliss and put his arms around her waist. “Happy?”

  “Very, but I’m worried. Bern’s parents will be here for the ceremony, but he hasn’t heard from his brother.”

  “He’s more of a loner than Bern ever was, and he’s probably still searching for Cameo’s ex-husband.”

  “That’s no excuse. I’m going to find his number and call him.”

  “I have it. But are you sure Bern would want you to interfere?”

  “No, I’m not. Still, he’ll be hurt if his only sibling doesn’t show up to his wedding.”

  “All right, come to the house. I’ll wait while you call.”

  “Do you want to speak with him?”

  “Nope, but if he upsets you, then I want to be there.”

  She put her arm around his waist as they walked back. “You two are very protective, but I’m beginning to like it.”

  “Good, because we don’t know any other way to be.”

  At the house, Lann took her into his study. He looked for the number, then dialed the phone, and handed the receiver to her.

  “Hello,” a harsh voice snapped at the other end.

  “Is this Rodolfo Aznar?”

  “Who wants to know?”

  “I’m Bliss Meades.

  “Ah, the lady who’s marrying my brother and his friend.”

  “Yes. I’m hoping you’re coming to our wedding.”

  “We just got back from finding the no-account ex-husband. He’s been turned over to the authorities. You can tell Bern. But I’m not the type of guy who likes crowds or formal occasions. I don’t think I’ll make it.”

  “It won’t be a formal occasion. We’re being married at the ranch with only family and close friends.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line. Then Rodolfo spoke. “I guess I’ll have to come to meet the spitfire he’s marrying. My family and friends call me Rod.” He hung up.

  Bliss stared at the phone. “He didn’t say good-bye.”

  “From what I’ve heard about him, you’re lucky he talked to you at all. Is he coming?”

  “Yes, I think he is. I’m curious to meet him.”

  * * * *

  Her big day was finally here. Bliss had stayed at her apartment last night and Sunn was due anytime now to help her get ready. Bliss stood in front of the full-length mirror behind her door.

  Being in love must be agreeable to me. My skin is glowing, and I can’t quit smiling. She’d met Bern’s parents yesterday when they arrived. His mother and father had been very kind to her and welcomed her into the family. His mother admitted she and her husband didn’t really understand the threesome marriage, but as she said, “We try to be open to new ideas and customs. Bern and Lann are both obviously in love with you and happy with the arrangement. We’re very fond of Lann, and we’re exceptionally pleased to see Bern happy again.”

  Bliss heard the doorbell and pulled on her robe to let Sunn in. She peeked out first to make sure it was her best friend.

  “Good morning, bride,” Sunn said, greeting her and giving Bliss a big hug. Then she twirled around. “How do you like my maid-of-honor dress? You chose very well. This color is one of my favorites.

  The lemon-yellow dress complemented Sunn’s light-blonde hair. It had a heart-shaped neckline and a flared skirt. Her friend looked beautiful. I wonder if I should tell her Chandler Larsson and Todd Carrigan might be at the wedding?

  “You look pensive. I hope you aren’t having second thoughts. Your guys are really special.”

  “No second thoughts at all. I’m all a flutter inside with excitement.”

  “Have you eaten?”


  “Then while you shower, I’ll make coffee and toast. I’m sure you don’t want much, but toast will settle your nervous stomach.”

  “Yes, Mother.” Bliss smiled and hurried to the bathroom. They had to leave within the next hour.

  But she stopped at the bedroom door and turned back to face Sunn. “Guess what? I got a call from Addie. She, her husbands, and the children will be at the wedding. I can’t wait to see them, and I’m so glad my brother moved far away. We don’t have to worry about him causing a disturbance.”

  “That’s good news. I always liked Addie. Now go get ready or you’ll be late to your wedding.”

  While she was drying from her shower, Sunn knocked on the door and called out, “Eat first. Then we’ll get you into your dress and do your hair.”

  “All right,” Bliss answered. She pulled her robe on and went to the living room. Sunn was placing coffee and toast with jelly on the two-person dining table.

  “I’m joining you. I didn’t eat either, but I’ll be careful not to mess up my pretty dress.” Sunn grinned at her.

  After they’d eaten their toast and were finishing their coffee, Bliss took a deep breath and decided to tell Sunn about her two old boyfriends. Being surprised wouldn’t be fair or pleasant for her.

  “Sunn, I didn’t know but Bern and Lann are friends of Chandler and Todd. Bern told me last night they’d called and he invited them. I thought you should know so you can be prepared.”

  “No problem. I’m over them. There’ll be plenty of handsome cowboys around to keep me entertained.”

  “I hope you mean that. I’d hate for you to be hurt at my wedding.”

  Sunn jumped up and hugged Bliss. “Don’t you worry a bit. This is your wedding day. I want to see you smiling all day. I’ll be fine.”

  “Good. I’m glad I got that off my chest. We’d better get me dressed and out to the ranch. I don’t think Bern or Lann would be amused if I'm late.”

  Bliss had chosen an ankle-length, white lace gown for the first ceremony. The bodice was white satin with fine lace over it and long, lace sleeves. She put on white heels to match.

  Sunn pulled her hair back from the sides and threaded a white satin ribbon through the strands. “What jewelry are you going to wear?”

  “I have my mother’s pearls for something old.” Bliss took them out of her jewelry box. She held them up and thought about the few times her mother had gotten to wear them. Bliss shook her head to get rid of her negative thoughts. My marriage will be different. Neither Lann nor Bern are at all like my father or brother.

  As though Sunn knew her thoughts, she took the necklace and fastened it around Bliss’s neck. “Your mother would be happy for you and proud of you.”

  “I think you’re right.” Her fingers slid across the creamy pearls. “It was the only nice gift my father gave her. She received it on the day she gave him a son.”

  “Here’s your blue garter for something blue,” Sunn said, changing the subject. She helped Bliss put it on.

  They both heard the knock at the same time. “Who can that be?” Bliss asked.

  “I’ll go see.” Sunn left the bedroom and went to the door.

  Bliss heard voices and then Sunn came in
carrying a beautiful bouquet of white roses and purple violets.

  “They are gorgeous. We’ll steal a few out and place them in your hair ribbon.” Sunn carefully mixed a few of each and tucked them in Bliss’s hair. She handed Bliss a mirror to look at the back.

  “You’ve done a great job with me, Sunn. The hairdo, makeup, and dress make me look beautiful.”

  “I can’t wait to see Lann and Bern’s expressions when they look at you coming down the aisle. They’re going to have huge smiles on their faces.”

  “They will if we get there soon.” Bliss grabbed her purse and urged Sunn toward the door. “You’re driving, and I’ll be holding on.”

  “I don’t drive that fast.”

  “You do. But today it’ll come in handy.”

  * * * *

  Bern’s mother let them in through the back door. “You look beautiful, my dear.”

  “Thank you, but anyone can look good in this outfit.”

  “But you have a natural beauty that shines through.”

  “Now I know where Bern gets his smooth talk from,” she teased. Mrs. Aznar smiled and led her and Sunn into one of the bedrooms where Lann’s mother waited.

  “Most of the guests have arrived. The two grooms were anxiously waiting to see Sunn’s car come up the drive.”

  “I didn’t want to be too early, or I’d be more nervous than I am.”

  Mrs. Quinlain and Mrs. Aznar busied themselves fluffing out her skirts and fussing around her. Sunn winked behind their backs, and Bliss smiled. Bliss didn’t mind the attention. It helped keep her mind off of the thought of how she’d love to have had her own mother at her side.

  Lann’s mom glanced at her watch. “It’s time. We’ll go sit and wait for you two to come down the aisle.”

  Once they’d hurried out, Sunn gave her a last hug. “Be happy.”

  “I will. You go on out the front door, and I’ll be right behind you.”

  Bern had arranged to have a lady play the wedding march on the piano in his family room. Speakers had been set up so the guests could hear the music.

  Through the screen, Bliss watched Sunn calmly walk down the white satin aisle. Another item Bern had procured. Then the wedding march started, and she walked out the door, down the porch steps, and toward a smiling Bern and Lann.

  As the groom, Bern was dressed in a gray suit and Lann, who was his best man for today, wore a dark-blue one. They looked handsomer than usual. If that was possible. Both smiled the minute they saw her. Bliss tried to remember to listen to the music and step slowly toward them, and not run down as she wanted to do.

  Bern took her hand as she got to his side. He whispered in her ear. “My heart jumped when I saw how gorgeous you looked.”

  His friend, a justice of the peace, started the ceremony.

  Bliss kept her eyes on Bern as she said her vows and handed her bouquet to Sunn when Bern slid the wedding band on her hand. He lifted her hand and kissed it. Then Bliss took his ring from Sunn and put it on his finger.

  When his friend pronounced them man and wife, Bern pulled her close and gave her a long, sexy kiss. The guests laughed and clapped.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Mr. and Mrs. Aznar.”

  They hurried down the aisle and into the ranch house. Bern pulled her into his arms. “You’ve made me the happiest man alive,” he said, and hugged her tight.

  * * * *

  Chandler Larsson nudged his friend, Todd Carrigan. “She’s still as lovely as ever.” He nodded toward Sunn walking beside Lann.

  “I know. I hadn’t forgotten her. Had you?”

  “Nope. I’ve dated others and had fun, but no one touches me like she does,” Chandler admitted.

  “Damn it,” Todd swore under his breath. “I hadn’t planned on marrying until I was forty.”

  “I know. I thought my career would be enough, too. It sure keeps me busy. But the days are flat since we left her.”

  “She’s going be difficult. We’ll have a hard time making amends,” Todd said.

  “Maybe we’ll get a chance to start today.”

  “I doubt it. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re outnumbered. Most of the men around us have been staring at the wedding party, and I don’t think they were paying that much attention to the bride.”

  “Where’s your fighting spirit? We can win her. Wait and see.” Chandler spoke with confidence in his voice, but he wasn’t kidding himself or Todd. He suspected they’d hurt her, badly. He didn’t think Sunn was the type to forgive and forget easily.

  * * * *

  Sunn forced herself not to look in their direction. She’d seen them as soon as she got close to where they were sitting. Her heart ached at the sight of them. She did not love them anymore, she reminded herself. They couldn’t be trusted not to hurt her again, and she didn’t intend to give them the chance.

  Now walking back with her arm through Lann’s, she kept her eyes straight ahead. But she hadn’t realized her hand had tightened on his arm.

  Lann leaned down. “Are you all right? You look pale.”

  “I’m fine. I guess you’re anxious to have your ceremony tomorrow morning. I’m going to hate having to get up so early, but I’ll be there. I’m honored you all invited me.”

  “I’m looking forward to the second ceremony, but I intend to see that we all three enjoy the reception here today. Only you and very few others know about the early-morning wedding and have been invited to attend.”

  “Thanks for including me.”

  When they got to the house, Sunn stepped away from Lann. “Go find her and Bern. I’m going to find a few cowboys to keep me company.”

  “Have fun. We’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  Sunn glanced around and immediately two of Bern’s cowboys came to her side. She took hold of their arms. “I’m thirsty. Is there any punch around here?”

  “Yes, madam. We’d be glad to escort you.”

  She gave them a big smile and ignored Chandler and Todd when she walked by them. Or she tried, but her body was aware of their nearness and yearned to be by their sides.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Bliss, Bern, and Lann enjoyed their reception. They ate, laughed at people’s jokes, and moved around the crowd to greet everyone.

  “Auntie Bliss,” Clara called out to her.

  Bliss turned just in time for Clara to throw her arms around Bliss’s wedding gown.

  “You are beautiful, Auntie Bliss.” She rubbed her little hands along the sides of the dress. “So pretty.”

  Buddy and Mark walked up with their mom and her husbands. Addie hugged Bliss. “It’s about time you found happiness. We’re all overjoyed to see you married to such a good man. I expect the other one is going to be your husband, too.”

  “He is, but we're only telling the people who’d understand.”

  “We won’t keep you. All you guests want to give you congratulations, but do plan on visiting soon.”

  “I will.” Bliss hugged her nephews, much to their chagrin. She laughed and bent down to hug and kiss Clara. “I’ve missed you three. When the formal opening of my shop is over, I plan to come see you. You can tell me all about your new town and school.”

  Lann and Bern shook hands with them, and they walked on to greet their other guests.

  Bern stopped by his parents. “You’ve met Mom and Dad. This tall, dark, dangerous-looking stranger is my brother, Rodolfo. We call him Rod.”

  She put out her hand, and he clasped it tight in his. He looked much like Bern, but his eyes were a metallic silver and hard.

  “So this is the little lady who stole your heart. I had to see who managed such a feat.” He smiled, sardonically.

  “She bowled me over. It didn’t take long for me to know she was the one,” Bern said.

  Bliss cocked her head to the side and studied Rod. Then she said, “I doubt you’d let any woman close enough to steal your heart.”

  His eyes narrowed, and she saw a throbbing vein in his forehead. She’d irrit
ated him. Good.

  “I assure you I have no heart to lose.”

  “Rod, don’t tease her. Be good,” his mother admonished.

  “Who says I was teasing.” Rod gave them a smile that looked more like a grimace. “I really wanted to see the spitfire you’d married, brother. I like her.” Then he raised his drink glass to salute them and wandered off.

  “Don’t mind him, Bliss,” Mrs. Aznar said. “He’s been so different since he returned from the wars. I’m glad he got out of the service.” She smiled at Bliss. “Maybe he’ll be lucky and find a nice girl like you. You’ve done wonders for Bern.”

  When they walked on, Bliss mumbled to Bern, “The woman who tackles your brother will have to be more than nice. She’ll have to have some powerful magic.”

  Bern laughed. “That is true, my darling.”

  Gradually the guests began to leave. The three of them stood in the driveway waving. It was understood, by most, that Lann was the third in the threesome and accepted by their friends and family.

  Lann put his arm around Bliss. “Finally, we can go to my ranch and tomorrow at dawn we’ll have the other ceremony. Then”—he wiggled his eyebrows at her—“we leave on our honeymoon to the beach.”

  She rode between them to Lann’s ranch. The few others who were attending both ceremonies followed behind in trucks driven by Bern’s men, who knew a little about Lann and that his people had certain customs. They didn’t know the full story. In the three trucks were Lann’s family and Sunn.

  It had been decided not to tell Bern’s parents about the other ceremony. They’d left the party with the rest of the guests, and they were driving their rental car to the airport to fly home to Pennsylvania.

  Bliss knew many of Lann’s friends had flown in late last night, but she hadn’t realized how many until they got out of the truck. Elle and Pruet came over right away to greet them.


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