Dragon's Flight

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Dragon's Flight Page 10

by Jane Jamison

  What would she have done if she hadn’t been able to stop Randall? How could she have lived with herself if he’d taken Molly and run? She was the one who’d come up with the idea of the lunch. She was the one who’d made all the details. And she was the one who’d promised Brenna and Molly that they’d be safe.

  Micah opened the passenger’s side door and helped her get into the truck. Clasping her hands together, she did her best to sort through her feelings. Of course, she was thankful that Micah had shown up when he had. He’d been the one to catch him, not her. She wasn’t even sure she’d been the reason Randall had run.

  What she’d seen didn’t make any sense, and yet, she would’ve bet all her money she’d seen it. And that Randall had seen it, too.

  Each, in their own way, was denying that they’d seen anything. Keeping it a secret. She hated the idea that she and Randall would share anything. Even a secret.

  Micah jumped behind the wheel, turned the motor over, but didn’t put the truck in gear. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “I am now.” Shame filled her. Her first thought hadn’t been for Molly’s or Brenna’s safety, but for her own. “When I first heard Molly shouting, I had this horrible thought.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I was afraid that it was Hank coming after me.” She looked out the window, unwilling to see his expression. He’d have to think less of her. Who wouldn’t? “I almost ran the other way. Away from Molly.”

  “You were scared, that’s all. You reacted like anyone would.”

  Relief and gratitude swamped her. “Maybe. All I know is that I’m frightened. I try to ignore it and go about my day, but every little noise makes me jump.”

  “You’re safe with me. And with Ryan and Dane, too. Trust me. We won’t let him get near you.”

  She wanted to believe him, needed to believe him. “Thank you for being with me.”

  “It’s where I belong.”

  Dragging in a hard breath, she closed her eyes and forced herself to get rid of any and all thoughts of Hank. When she opened them again, her only thought was for Micah.

  Micah revved the motor then pointed the car away from the café. He took the highway and drove toward the outskirts of town.

  He wasn’t taking her to the shelter or to the police station. He wasn’t even taking her home. Still, she remained quiet, letting the silence surround them, cocooning them in a world of their own. She was safe with him.

  By the time he pulled onto a dirt side road and under a large shade tree, she was ready to find an even greater safety in his arms.

  * * * *

  The turmoil inside Micah boiled to a fevered pitch. He’d only known her for a short time, and yet, it was as though he’d known her for a lifetime.

  Love at first sight was a human concept. One he’d never really believed in. Although dragons couldn’t take their mate’s scent and recognize them as other shifters could, they could sense when a woman was meant to be with them. Was it instinct? Perhaps a primal urge forcing them to finally mate?

  Unlike many dragons who never wanted to find their mate and, therefore, never begin the aging process, he’d often longed for the unknown “one.” As a dragon, he was nine hundred years old and would continue to rack up the centuries if he remained without a mate. Yet he’d never relished the idea of immortality. What good was living when you had no one to share life’s joys with? Once he took a mate, his immortality would be gone, and his human body as well as his dragon one would start growing older.

  As he studied Julie, noting her turned-up nose, the curiosity in her bright blue eyes, and the nervousness in her hands as she toyed with the hem of her shirt, he was certain of one thing. If he died tomorrow, having her, loving her would be worth it.

  He didn’t have to speak. If she was the one, as his heart was telling him, he wouldn’t have to say a word.

  He silently rejoiced as she leaned toward him. He pushed her back as their hands feverishly worked on each other’s clothing. Shoes were shoved off and kicked out of the way. Pants were undone and tugged off. She pulled on his shirt, popping buttons as he took the neck of her T-shirt and yanked, tearing the material in half and taking her bra along with it.

  Twisting onto their sides, they slammed together, her lips on his. His heart pounded against his chest as the dragon inside him roared to life, screeching its awareness of its mate. The spark that was always hidden underneath his surface burned brighter, hotter as the flame burst alive.

  She was perfect in every way. From her large breasts, heavy in his hands, to the rounded curve of her luscious bottom. His fingers slid under her panties, took hold, and rid her of the unwanted barrier.

  His mouth couldn’t stay on hers any longer. Her smooth skin beckoned his lips, his teeth, his tongue. Pulling her on top of him, he paused, taking her face between his hands. When she started to speak, he put an end to it, putting his palm over her mouth. Her eyes widened, but she realized he’d never hurt her.

  He lashed her nipple, his tongue flicking at it then pressing firmly against the hard bud. His other hand found the crease of her butt and fondled her ass cheek.

  She arched, her back sloped as she forced her tit against his mouth even harder. His cock throbbed against the opening of her snatch. Aching to thrust inside her, he did his best to delay the ultimate prize, both for his torture and hers. She rubbed against him, wetting his cock, proving herself to be as wantonly wicked as he.

  He closed his eyes, letting his other senses dominate. Her skin was like pure silk against his rough, callused hands. Her scent was like none he’d ever taken in. No makeup, no perfume, no scents other than her own unique aroma. He dragged it in, committing it to memory.


  “No.” Again, he clamped his hand over her mouth. Words would do nothing to enhance the moment.

  Feeling, smelling, touching, licking were so much more than mere words could ever be. Without words, he would know her. Without words, he would promise her to be hers forever. And with that done, she would become his.

  He’d share her with Ryan and Dane, of course. He’d already made that promise long ago. Ryan had already taken her, claiming her as the one. Now he’d prove she was the one for him.

  Taking hold of her hips, he lifted her up. Her eyes, clouded over with passion, met his, giving him a permission he didn’t seek. Keeping his gaze locked to hers, he guided his cock inside her, watched her eyes widen and her kissed lips form a silent “oh.”

  An explosion broke free from deep in his gut. The second he entered her, he pledged his life and his devotion to her. His dragon roared, clawing and scratching to be turned loose. He longed to take her flying, both in a corporeal way as well as to send her heavenward. He’d give her the world and the skies.

  She rode him, undulating her hips, her wetness spreading between her thighs to slicken his balls. Fire burned brightly inside him as he struggled to keep his other side hidden. Nonetheless, a thin trail of smoke snaked its way around the creases of her legs, slipping over his fingers as he drove two of them into her dark hole.

  Turning her breast loose, he reached up and lightly pressed his fingertips to her eyelids, telling her to close her eyes. He couldn’t let her see the smoke, much less any flashes of flame that might escape him.

  They rode each other, their bodies moving up and down, never separating, proving they were two pieces to an intricate puzzle. Catching her nipple in his mouth, he tugged her even closer, loving the sensation of her other nipple pushing against his shoulder.

  His balls drew tighter, threatening to end their union, but he fought back. If he had the power, he’d stop time and keep them in the same position forever. Her body thrilled him, driving him to a dizzying height that even he couldn’t reach no matter high he flew. They loved together, their bodies becoming more than two separate beings. They were one, joined physically and spiritually. The only sounds breaking the beautiful silence were the soft “uhs” they gave each other.

  No. Not yet.

  Dragons were powerful, but even he couldn’t hold back the force of his impending climax. He strained, trying to force mind over body, but he was no match for his climbing need to release his seed. Tensing, he clung to her and brought his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply and completely as his dragon fought to keep from bursting into flight.

  She held on to him, her nails digging into his shoulders. Her cry of release joined with his, two sounds making one. As though he’d stolen her last ounce of strength, she slumped against him. He could feel her heart beating on top of his, could feel her breath against his sweaty skin. Taking her gently at the back of her head, he held her against him and watched the final tendril of smoke drift toward the roof of the truck before vanishing into nothingness.

  He’d hold her for as long as she needed. She’d put on a good front while answering the policeman’s questions, but he’d seen how difficult it was. Bit by bit, she’d become more frazzled. Had she been aware of it? He wasn’t sure, but it no longer mattered.

  As her heartbeat slowed to a normal pace, he picked her up and moved her next to him. Brushing back her hair, he did his best not to seem concerned. Had she noticed anything? They’d have to tell her about them soon enough. But not yet. Not until they’d all lain with her. Not until they’d shared her. Not until they were sure she wouldn’t run.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her hand shook as she placed it against his cheek. “Yes. And you?”

  “Better than ever.”

  He had to be certain she knew. “You’re safe. With me, Ryan, and Dane. You’ll always be safe with us.”

  “I don’t know how I can believe it so soon, but I do. I’m safe. I know it.” The passion that had been in her eyes was gone, replaced by another emotion, an even stronger emotion. Was it love? He hoped he was right.

  A car drove by, startling both of them. He covered her body, leaning forward so the other driver would see only him.

  “We’d better get going.”

  As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. “Yeah. Here. Take my shirt. We’ll swing by your place and let you get dressed again before going to the police.”

  She pulled on his shirt then tugged on her jeans. “Do you think Officer Holcomb will notice that I’m wearing a different shirt?”

  “He might, but I think he’s smart enough not to ask you why.”

  She chuckled, a lovely, lively sound that made his heart feel light. “Let’s hope so, but what choice do I have?”

  “I guess you could walk into his office topless,” he joked.

  “Not happening. You’re right. Let’s make that quick trip to my home then on to the station. I want to give my statement and be done with it.”

  “Okay. Although you might be asked to testify at the eventual trial.”

  She groaned and tugged his buttonless shirt together. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. If he’s smart, he’ll plead out and won’t waste the court’s time.”

  “Whatever happens, we’ll be there.”

  He would’ve done that and more for the smile she gave him. And yet, the one thing she asked of him was the one thing he couldn’t give her. At least, not yet.

  “Micah, did you see anything strange before you grabbed Randall?”

  Shit. He tried to keep his expression neutral.

  “You did, didn’t you?” She scooted even closer, searching him with the intensity of a cat on the prowl.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t say you didn’t, either. Your face did all the answering.”

  “I saw you and Molly, and then I saw Scruggs. After that, it was just a matter of chasing him down.”

  “But I didn’t see you.” Her beautiful eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t I see you, Micah?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged, wanting to do anything but tell her the truth. Although he wished he could, telling her without Ryan and Dane agreeing to do so would be wrong. “I guess you were too busy helping Molly to see anything else.”

  She eased away from, obviously not believing him yet the need to trust him still showing in her eyes. “So you didn’t see anything weird in the air?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean, but no. Clouds, blue sky, the usual.” His gut twisted. Lying to her was too hard. He’d end up tossing and turning all night, kicking himself.

  “Nothing like maybe an odd rippling effect in the air?”

  “A ripple effect? No. Like I said, the usual.”

  He faced the steering wheel, knowing that if he didn’t get out of there soon, he’d end up telling her everything. And probably scaring her off. It wasn’t as if he could shift and show her what he was to prove it. Not out in the open, in the middle of the day.

  He felt her disappointment and found it difficult to look at her after lying. Instead, he checked his phone. “Ryan’s meeting us at the station to help you with your statement.”

  “Okay. That sounds good.”

  “Then we should get going.”

  “Yeah. You’re right.”

  His own disappointment came when she slid to the other side of the seat. Until his friends were ready to tell her, his hands were tied.

  Chapter Eight

  Julie never had a chance to knock on the front door of the Flying D Ranch. Arms wrapped around her waist from behind and swept her off her feet. She let out a yelp and started kicking, fighting as hard as she could. Panic overwhelmed her, ridding her of her ability to think of anything other than getting away.

  “Hey, calm down, it’s me.”

  When her feet hit the porch, she shoved away and was halfway down the steps before Micah grabbed her again and spun her around.

  “Julie, sweet thang, it’s me.”

  Her mind understood who it was, but her flight instinct had difficulty coming to terms with it. Her racing heart still urged her to run. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t think about how you’d react first.”

  “Well, think about it the next time.” She let out a breath then dragged in another, trying to get her breathing back on an even keel. “Damn it. Sneaking up on me is never a good idea.”

  “I got it. Never again.” Micah came toward her, taking it as carefully as he would when approaching a coiled rattlesnake. “Are you okay now?”

  Was she? Maybe. If she could get her heart to slow down. “I’m fine. I should’ve called first. And I should’ve come by to thank all of you before now. I mean with Ryan and Dane showing up at the station. And then, of course, you at the restaurant. But I needed some time to let it all sink in.”

  “No need to thank us. And, just so you know, you never have to call first because you’re always welcome here. Any time for any reason.”

  She was beginning to feel better. “I wanted to personally thank you for what you did for me and the others yesterday.”

  “You don’t have to thank us. Ever.”

  “Yes, I do.” She started walking, taking in the simple brick house and the green barn in the pasture beyond it. “A lot of people wouldn’t get involved, especially in domestic battles. If you hadn’t been there…” She shook her head. “Well, I don’t want to think about what Randall might’ve done to Molly.”

  “Then don’t. It’s over.”

  “For now maybe.”

  He took her hand, altering the direction they were walking. “Let’s go inside and get a drink. You look like you could use one.”


  She allowed him to lead her into the home and took in the large, open concept area. Where she might have expected to find masculine furnishings, instead she saw tasteful furniture making the room feel stylish, yet comfortable. A large ceiling fan hung over the foyer and dark hardwoods ran as far as she could see. The only items that screamed “men live here” were the pool table in the room that should’ve been used as a dining room and the massive television dominating most of one wall in the living area.

sp; “I like your house. It’s really nice.”

  “You seem surprised.” The kitchen was up-to-date with stainless appliances and a good-sized island for prep work and stools for others to watch whomever was cooking.

  “I kind of am.”

  He picked out a bottle of red wine from the rack decorating one wall then opened a cabinet and got out two goblets. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  She slid onto one of the stools and accepted the wine. “Thanks.”

  “Might as well get two more glasses.”

  Ryan and Dane rounded the corner from an adjoining mudroom. They slipped past a scowling Micah to take a seat on either side of her. Micah snagged another couple of goblets and filled them.

  “Hey, sugar. It’s good to see you.” Dane clicked his glass against hers. “Not that you need a reason, but why’d you come all the way out here?”

  “Like you said, she doesn’t need a reason.”

  Ryan’s attraction oozed off him just as Dane’s sexual appeal and Micah’s came at her from the other sides. She was caught in a triangle of heat. Could any men be hotter? She could search the entire world and never find any one man, much less three, that could turn her on so quickly.

  Her gaze flicked to Micah and Ryan then finally to Dane. Did he know she’d had sex with his friends? Somehow it felt like cheating, and yet, she couldn’t put her finger on the reason. Besides, once she told him that she’d been thinking about him, thinking about finally having sex with him, too, she reasoned he’d probably be interested in evening the score.

  Everything had moved so fast. One day she was sure she’d never want any man in her life and then, in the next, she had not only one, but three men. Her instincts had taken over, drawing her to them until she hadn’t been able to resist. They’d opened her up to the possibility of love again.

  “I came to thank you guys for helping me. For Brenna and Molly, as much as for me.”


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