Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings) Page 6

by Cameo Renae

As soon as the whistle blew, we all took off. My legs felt extra light as I ran down the track, breath and heart rate steady. After my first lap, I looked over my shoulder and was shocked to be leading the rest by almost half a lap. Crazy, I wasn’t even tired.

  I continued at an even pace, not too fast, but not at a jog either, and was almost alarmed at the strength of my newfound endurance. By the fourth lap, I had caught up to the bulk of the group, passing the stragglers.

  Coming around the last bend of my seventh lap, a familiar stench hit my nose. An overwhelming flood of fear surged through me, and after I had turned my eyes to the forest, I swore I saw a shadow dash behind the trees, about fifty yards away.

  In a split-second, I tripped and was in the air tumbling into the grass, pain shooting through my ankle. When I turned back toward the trees, I heard a growl. I froze, a cold chill surged up my spine.

  The coach came sprinting up to me. His eyes were laden with worry. “Eden, are you all right?”

  “I think so,” I replied sitting up and assessing the damage and already seeing swelling. I unlaced my shoe and gingerly pulled it off, then slowly peeled back the sock from my ankle—showing discoloration.


  The coach knelt beside me, pressing the swollen flesh. I sucked air between my teeth, and he stopped.

  “What happened?” There was a look of shock in his eyes. “You were about to break some records.”

  “I don’t know,” I groaned. “I thought I saw something in the woods and just…tripped.”

  Coach Meeks turned his attention to the trees. “What did you see?”

  “I’m not sure. I saw a shadow and heard a growl.”

  “Let’s hope it’s not a predator.”

  Trissa and Kimi jogged over, their faces bright red and sweaty. Once there, Kimi fell to the ground dramatically, out of breath, while Trissa knelt beside me.

  “Eden, what the heck happened?” Trissa puffed.

  I shrugged. “I fell.”

  “Obviously. But how? You were alone in the front.”

  “She tripped over herself.” One of the other girls exhaled.

  Kimi sat up and joined Trissa at my other side, both looking at my ankle with concern. Kimi pressed above the swelling. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  Coach Meeks gestured toward them. “Trissa and Kimi, could you please escort Eden to the nurse?”

  “Of course,” Trissa answered. I knew she’d be happy this would get her out of running.

  I wasn’t going to bring up the creature. They’d all think I was mad.

  I looked toward the dark woods one last time, and it sent a shiver up my spine. With the looming gray clouds overhead, the entire place was eerie as hell. I took in one last breath…one final attempt to catch that nightmarish scent again, but instead, caught the scent of. . . Alex?

  My eyes searched the entire area, but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Weird.

  Trissa stood and extended her arm to me, and Kimi did the same, pulling me up while I balanced on one foot. Kimi picked up my sock and shoe, and sidled up to my right, putting her arm around my waist, while I laid mine over her shoulder.

  Glancing back to the woods, I couldn’t help but think of the creature I’d seen the other night was out there, somewhere. The ghastly smell took me right back to that moment, painting a horrific picture, sending a cold shiver up my spine. It could have been watching us the entire time. Stalking from the shadows.

  What the hell was it? The only warnings we’d had from the school were to watch for vandals and standard, wild animals. Until now, nothing had been seen or heard of from the forest, much less a threat.

  I would have to do some research tonight and see if I could find out more information. The mere thought of that monster still out there made my insides tremble.

  What would have happened if it came out and attacked one of the other girls or me? What if there was more than one?

  “You ready?” Trissa asked, snapping me from my chilling thoughts.

  “Yeah,” I said, laying my left arm over her shoulder. “Let’s get out of here.”

  They assisted me off the field as I hopped on one foot.

  “I’m sorry you’re hurt, but thanks for getting us out of that,” Trissa whispered. “Your timing was impeccable. I was dying. Literally dying.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Kimi added, still breathing heavily. “I wasn’t made to run long distances. I have shorter legs. It takes me double the effort. Totally not fair.” Her cheeks were bright red, and her bangs were sweaty and stuck to her forehead.

  Trissa side-eyed me. “How the hell did you become a world-class, long-distance runner overnight?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I felt light today; not sluggish, like I normally do. It was weird.”

  “You probably would have broken the boys’ record if you’d kept going,” Kimi admitted.

  “Maybe Alex asking you to the ball gave you wings.”

  We all laughed at Trissa’s ridiculous comment.

  To be honest, I didn’t care about breaking any records. The real concern on my mind was the reason I fell. And there was no one I could share it with. No one who saw the shadow.

  “Hey, did you guys smell something on the field earlier, when we were running?”

  “No,” Trissa answered. “But it smells like rain is coming now.”

  Kimi turned to me. “What kind of smell are you referring to?”

  “Like a dead flesh kind of smell,” I answered, although it was much worse than that.

  Kimi shook her head. “I didn’t smell anything.”

  Weird. But I’d been a good distance in front of them.

  As we made our way toward the front of the school, Alex came walking out the front door. His timing was impeccable. His brow creased and concern filled his eyes as they traveled down toward my ankle, which was even more swollen, and now a plum color.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “She fell,” Trissa answered. “Literally tripped over herself while running.”

  I turned to her. “Thanks.”

  Trissa smiled. “Just giving him the 411.”

  “We’re taking her to the nurse,” Kimi added. “Would you like to help?”

  I was going to kill her. “No, guys. What if he has to be somewhere?”

  A crooked grin adorned Alex’s handsome face. “As a matter of fact, I was just going to take a walk around the grounds to kill some time, and familiarize myself.” Alex walked over to us, and I found myself holding my breath as he stopped directly in front of me. “I’d be more than happy to help, if it’s all right with you?”

  “Yes,” Trissa blurted, nudging my side. “She definitely needs help. If you take her, we’ll show you the way to the nurse’s office.”

  I narrowed my eyes at my friends, who were more than eager to let me go. Alex didn’t move and looked at me for approval. I sighed. “It appears my besties have given up on me, so your help would be much appreciated.”

  “We haven’t given up on you,” Kimi exhaled. “We’re tired from running.”

  “Yeah, we just ran five laps, then had to drag your ass across the field,” Trissa chimed. “We don’t have the kind of endurance you do.”

  “Excuse me for being a burden,” I grumbled.

  She giggled. “Hey, why not accept help from the strapping young man standing in front of you?”

  I looked to Alex, who held his hands up. “You’re not a burden. I have no problems helping out a friend.”

  As my friends stepped away, he took their place. In one swift move, he wrapped one arm around my back and slid the other under my knees, cradling me in his arms, like I was light as a feather.

  “Oh my heavens,” Kimi bre
athed, throwing a hand over her chest.

  “Damn. You just swept her up like nothing, even after all those pancakes she packed away this morning,” Trissa added, giggling.

  I shook my head. “Aren’t you both hilarious today.”

  “Which way?” Alex asked.

  Kimi held the door open. “Follow us.”

  “You guys can go back to class. I can show him the way,” I said.

  “Heck no! We’re killing time,” Trissa replied. “Work with us, girl. Coach Meeks will have us running again if we go back too soon.”

  “Good point,” I agreed. “Lead the way, slackers.”

  As we followed them, I couldn’t help but take in a deep breath. Alex’s beautiful scent wrapped around me, making my head tingle. Without realizing it, I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. His smell was intoxicating, and briefly, I forgot about the pain in my ankle.

  When I opened my eyes, Alex was looking at me. “We’re here.” Even his voice was magical.

  “Oh, thanks,” I whispered, a little woozy.

  Trissa and Kimi gave the nurse the rundown as Alex kept me in his arms, and I didn’t mind one bit.

  “All right Miss East, I’ll need you to sit on the exam table, so I can have a look at your ankle.”

  Alex carried me, setting me on the edge of the table.

  “Thank you, girls. I’ll take it from here,” the nurse replied. I waved as Trissa and Kimi backed out of the office.

  “I’m free sixth period,” Alex explained. “I’m just here to offer help.”

  The nurse smiled at him, then came over and inspected my ankle. “Looks like you have a bad sprain.”

  “Dang it,” I exhaled. “How long will I be out of commission?”

  “Possibly a few weeks. You’ll need to implement the RICE therapy.”

  My face scrunched. “What’s that?”

  “RICE equals rest, ice, compression, and elevation, “she instructed, holding up a different finger with each step. “You’ll need to rest your ankle as much as possible. I have some crutches you can use to get to and from classes. Also, for the first two days, you should ice it for twenty minutes every 2-3 hours. I’ll give you a bandage to keep it compressed. Wrap it lightly, not too tightly. And lastly, for the first 48 hours, elevate your ankle higher than your heart whenever you’re lying down.”

  “Do you think I’ll be able to walk by the Senior Ball?”

  “If you stay off it, you might be able to get around with some pain.” She stepped up to her desk, and I turned to Alex and shrugged.

  “I guess you’ll have time to watch those dance videos.” He chuckled.

  I sighed. “I don’t think there are enough dance videos out there to help me.”

  The nurse tore off a note from her pad. “This note will excuse you from classes for the next two days. That way, you can stay off your foot, and keep it elevated and iced.”

  “Thank you,” I sighed.

  She proceeded over to Alex. “Would you mind taking this note to the office for Miss East?”

  “No, not at all,” he said, taking and folding it in half, then slipping it into his pocket.

  He stepped back to my side as the nurse walked away from us.

  “How tall are you?” she asked with her head inside a closet.

  “Five-six,” I replied.

  She took out a pair of crutches and brought them over to me. Alex helped me stand as she measured and adjusted the crutches to fit my height. “Are you allergic to ibuprofen?”

  “No,” I answered.

  She handed me a few packets. “Take these with lots of water. It’ll help with the pain and inflammation.” She then headed toward a freezer. “Here are two ice packs.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Do you need my help?” Alex stepped beside me, his eyes concerned.

  “No, I’m pretty sure I can manage from here. You’ve done more than enough. Thank you so much.”

  “Are you sure?” His eyes narrowed.

  “I’m sure. You’ve been so kind to me today. Thanks.”

  “It was my pleasure.” His lips turned up to a grin, making my heart pitter patter. “I’ll just run this note to the office. If you need anything, contact me.”

  “How?” I asked.

  He slipped his phone from his pocket and held it up.

  “I don’t have mine. It’s in my locker. Just text me, and I’ll reply as soon as I get it.”

  He handed me his phone, and I input my information. When I handed it back to him, he pressed a bunch of buttons.


  “What does it say?”

  “When you get your phone, you’ll find out.” He slid his phone back into his pocket. “You sure you don’t need help?”

  “I think I’ve got this. How hard could it be?” I stood like a pro with the crutches.

  “All right. Get well soon. I’m off to the office.” He waved the note the nurse gave him, then walked out the door.

  My heart twisted watching him leave. He was so unbelievably nice. How was that even possible? I mean, the guy looked like a cover model and could have his pick of practically any girl he wanted. But he didn’t seem interested in a relationship. Instead, he chose to be my friend. Mine.

  I guess I should thank Sebastian for that. He was the one who’d invited him over to our table in the first place.

  It was weird though. I felt a connection to him like I’d known him for a long time. But I’d only known him for just one day. He was different than the rest of the guys at the school. A good different.

  I thanked the nurse and hobbled my way out of the room. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I knew I was in trouble. I could almost envision walking up the stairs, making it halfway, then somehow losing my balance and falling back down. It was that kind of day, and the thought of doing it alone seemed like a horrible idea.

  I gazed up at the three flights of stairs and groaned.

  “That doesn’t sound good.” Alex’s voice floated from behind me, sending a shiver up my spine.

  I turned to face him.

  His hands were tucked in his pockets, and I noticed how defined the muscles in his arms were. No wonder he could pick me up so easily. “I think I might need to take you up on your offer to help. If it’s not a problem.”

  He laughed. “Not at all. I was just about to head up to my room anyway.”

  “This is so embarrassing,” I groaned. “What a way to welcome you to Brindle Hall. But you’ve been quite the hero, carrying me when I can’t walk.”

  He chuckled. “I think helping you to the nurse’s office and up some stairs, doesn’t quite add up to me being a hero. I’ll chalk it up to my do-good deed for the day.”

  He’s humble too. God, does he even have a flaw? “Thanks.”

  ”I took your note to the office, and the lady at the front said she’ll have the teachers send your homework assignments to the office. I offered to pick them up at the end of the day.“

  “You did? Are you sure you don’t have other places to be?”

  He shook his head. “I’m free for sixth, remember?”

  “Right,” I said, nodding. “Forgive me. I’m usually not this lame.”

  “You were kind enough to show me to my classes, and even give me a heads-up on the wolves. Let’s say we call it even.” He held out his hand, and as I placed mine in his, it was a perfect fit. Like it was molded to wrap around mine.

  In seconds, he lifted me back into his arms, cradling me. I breathed in his wonderful scent and wished there were more than three flights of stairs. “I could get used to this,” I said, so comfortable in his arms. I was tempted to wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle deep.

  He smiled, and I melted insid
e. Before I knew it, we were at the door. “If you need help up or down stairs, just text me.”

  “Wow. My own personal escort service. Thanks, again.”

  “Always a pleasure, Miss East.” We both laughed as he gave me a bow.

  Chapter 11


  There was a knock at the door, and I knew exactly who it was.

  “Come in,” I hollered. I’d left my door unlocked to avoid walking back and forth, knowing I’d have visitors.

  “Aww, look at our little invalid,” Sebastian muttered, walking in with a handful of wildflowers, Trissa and Kimi in tow.

  “Did you pick those from the garden outside?” I questioned, knowing there was a huge sign which read: Do NOT pick the flowers.

  “My girl deserves the best, even if it’s illegal.” He laughed heading toward my bathroom to add water to a paper cup he’d found on my nightstand.

  “You’re so naughty, Sebastian,” Trissa scolded.

  “Mostly, but unfortunately these were legal,” he sighed. “Nico was trimming the garden, so I handpicked these from the trash pile.” He arranged the flowers into a lovely formation. “He’s a good-looking man. It’s a damn shame he’s straight.”

  “Girls think it’s a damn shame you’re gay, Sebastian,” Kimi added, setting my bag next to the bed.

  “At this point, I wish that were true,” he added. “The guys here are too uptight.”

  Sebastian was finally happy with the arrangement and set it on my desk. “There.”

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you,” I chimed.

  He offered me a cheesy smile. “Nico asked about you, checking to make sure you made it back safely last night. I told him about the unfortunate turn of events you experienced when you were attacked by a beast, but had a can of pepper spray to ward it off. Then how you fell and injured your foot, but before the creature ate you, Bob the Glob came to your rescue. And now, you are laid up, contemplating how to get back at him and Megan for making you walk home alone.”

  “You did not tell him that!” I gasped.

  “I did.” He laughed. “He was horrified. The fool actually believed me.”


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