Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings) Page 11

by Cameo Renae

  Me: Ok. Thank you! I’m good.

  Kimi: Okay. Be up soon.

  Me: You rock.

  And lastly, Sebastian.

  Sebastian: Pizza. Tonight. Your place. My treat.

  Me: I can’t wait!!!

  Sebastian: Cheese on cheese?

  Me: You know it. :)

  Sebastian: U r so cheesy. :p

  Me: Ditto

  Just texting my friends helped my mood. It took my mind off the craziness, and made me feel a little more normal. I’d had the roughest day ever, and couldn’t wait to see their faces.

  I still couldn’t grasp that Alex was here for me. Me!

  I thought back to my trip to the park and how I happened to run into him at the lighthouse. Then wondered if he was watching over me while I had been sitting at Dead Man’s Cove.

  “Guardian angel.” I exhaled, shaking my head.

  Walking over to the window, I peeked outside. The rain was coming down in sheets, the clouds even darker than before—almost sinister. I dared not let my eyes linger on the forest beyond.

  Checking to make sure my window was locked, I closed the curtains and checked the time. A knock at the door sent a jolt through my entire being. I exhaled, trying to shake the nerves.

  “Eden!” Someone yelled through the door.

  It was Kimi. I unlocked the door and opened it.

  She stood there staring at me. “Hey, Kimi,” I said.

  “Where are your crutches?” she asked.

  “Oh, I hopped over here. I needed some exercise,” I lied with a smile.

  “Get back in bed. Have you iced it?”

  “Yep.” Another lie. “It feels much better.”

  “Don’t walk on it because it feels better. You’ll only make it worse.”

  “Yes, mother,” I moaned, hopping back to bed. I laid down and propped my foot up on the pillows. She walked some paperwork over to my desk.

  “Here are your assignments for today. She said you could just take them to your classes on Thursday.”

  “Thanks, Kimi. You really didn’t have to do that.”

  “We graduate soon. I didn’t want you to fall behind.”

  “You’re the best.”

  She smiled and sat on the edge of my bed. “I can’t wait for the ball on Saturday. Kevin said once I choose a dress, to send him a picture. He decided on a black and white tuxedo since it’ll match anything.”

  Friday. Oh, God. The trip to Seattle. There was no way I was leaving this building, let alone traveling anywhere. I had to figure a way out of it. Some excuse they’d buy. It was going to be tough because they were the kind of friends that would drag me out in my pajamas and throw me in the car.

  I still had a few days to work it out. I’d have to talk to Alex and see if he could help me come up with an excuse. He was my Guardian after all, maybe he could protect me from my friends.

  “That’s so sweet,” I said. “So, do you and Kevin have a thing going on?”

  “Oh no.” She blushed. “At least, I don’t think so. He’s nice, but he’s timid.”

  “So are you…well, sort of. You have your moments.” We both laughed. “I think you two would be cute together.”

  Her eyes went wide and bright. “You do?”

  “Of course I do.” That wasn’t a lie. They did make a cute couple.

  Kimi and Kevin were cut from the same cloth. They were both nerds, had strict parents and good grades. Kevin was a bit more reserved than Kimi, which is why I was shocked he asked her to the ball.

  She stood, crossing her arms over her chest, the weight of her backpack causing her to strain. “I’ll see you tonight,” she said, and then her eyes narrowed. “Did Sebastian tell you about—“

  “Yes, the pizza party. I can’t wait,” I said pumping my fist in the air. It was something I would normally do. I didn’t want her to think something was off. “And thanks again for my homework. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “It was nothing. You’re my sister-friend.” She headed for the door and waved. “See ya at six!”

  “See ya.”

  I really did have the best friends. We’d all come to Brindle Hall the same year, but Kimi and I had met first. We’d been in homeroom together. I’d forgotten my pencils and paper in my room, and she’d offered me hers. She’d had a glittery pink pencil case, with colorful sharpened pencils. I’d offered her a piece of gum in return, and that was that. Friends for life.

  Trissa and Sebastian we’d met during an assembly when the principal thought it would be an excellent idea to do some team building exercises. We’d been split into groups of four, and given an egg and a bunch of materials. The goal had been simple. Build something around your egg, a package of sorts, for it to sustain an eight-foot drop, keeping the egg intact.

  From the start, we’d known who the born leaders were. Trissa and Sebastian. They’d fought over who’s idea was better, while in the end, Kimi had given the best suggestion, and I’d voted to go with her plan.

  We’d watched egg after egg drop. Two out of ten had survived when it was our turn.

  Sebastian had been our designated speaker and gave a thirty-second spiel on our egg’s unique container and how it worked. Then the principal had walked our precious egg up the ladder.

  That was when Trissa muttered a prayer, and Sebastian swore. And once our egg landed and was found to be intact, we screamed our heads off like lunatics, and group hugged. It had been at that moment when we’d become best friends.

  After Kimi had left my room, I wondered if they’d invited Alex. I wanted him to come as well.

  I wasn’t sure what it was I felt about him, but it almost felt as if he’d bewitched me. Every time I tried to steer my thoughts away, he was there. Maybe it was because I still had a gazillion questions to ask, and needed him here to answer them.

  I sent off a quick text to Sebastian.

  Me: Is it okay if I invite Alex?

  Sebastian: Girl, hell to the yes! Drooling.

  Me: He’s straight, weirdo.

  Sebastian: So is spaghetti until it gets hot and wet.

  Me: OMG. Gag! Lol What time?

  Sebastian: 6ish. I’m jumping in the shower. I’m naked. Butt naked. Are you envisioning it yet?

  Me: Nope.

  Sebastian: LIAR!!! ttyl

  Laughter rolled from me. God, I loved him. He was a pervert, but fun as hell.

  My insides began to twist as I pulled up Alex’s name to text him.

  Me: Pizza tonight at my room. 6pm. If you want to come.

  Alex: I’ll be there.

  My entire body relaxed, glad he accepted.

  I ran to the door, locked it, then ambled over to my desk to check over my homework assignments. It was easy work, and I had a few hours to get it all done. Hopefully, doing homework would take my mind off the madness for a bit.

  Chapter 17


  I stood by the window in my dorm room and looked outside. The rain was still falling, yet there were no signs of Fallen in the sky. But that didn’t mean much. The risks were higher now. Eden was in danger more than ever before.

  The Darkling knew where she was and would keep trying to pick her off. Meanwhile, the Fallen would be watching, waiting for her to leave the protective barrier.

  I had to be vigilant. For her.

  I grabbed Eden’s file and read over it again. Eden East. Seventeen. Raised by a single mother: Laura East. Born and raised in Tacoma, Washington.

  There wasn’t much more information. She’d been invisible until a few nights ago, and now, hell was literally after her.

  At ten minutes to six o’clock, I threw on some jeans and a T-shirt and made my way into the hall. Stepping out, I bumped into Sebastian.

  “Whoa,” he exhaled, throwing his arms up in the air. “Oh! Hey, Alex! Are you headed to Eden’s room?” The smell of his cologne was coming off him in waves, making me hold back a cough.

  “Yeah, I was just heading up now.”

  “Awesome. The pizza guy just called. He’s downstairs.”

  “I’ll come with you then.”

  “Cool.” He smiled and nodded toward the stairwell.

  Once we were up at the girls’ floor, Sebastian handed me the hot pizza boxes while he texted Trissa. In seconds, she was at the door letting us in.

  She took in a deep breath and smiled. “Food of the gods. Get in here. I’m starving.”

  We headed toward Eden’s room, and the nearer I got, the more I could identify her scent, even above the strong aroma of the pizza and Sebastian’s cologne.

  “Party time!” Sebastian sang, dancing into her room with the pizza boxes over his head.

  “Hey!” Eden chimed, a wide smile rose on her full, glossed lips.

  Her smile lit up the room, and I was shocked she was behaving so normally after everything she’d been through. She was either stronger than I imagined or a damn good actress. The longer I was in her presence, the more I didn’t want to leave. And it was so damn hard to resist, especially after having held her in my arms.

  Either way, it made my heart swell to see her smiling.

  We ate until we were full, and then the four of them reminisced about how they’d first met. Each shared funny stories of their years at Brindle Hall, and it was then I realized how much love and respect they had for each other. They’d been through a lot boarding here, and relied on each other for support. And here I was…on the outside looking in. I felt a pang of regret that I hadn’t gotten the same amount of time to know Eden as they had. She was special and loved equally by each of them.

  Hours later, after they’d exhausted their stories, all attention turned to me.

  “So, Alex.” Trissa popped a stray olive in her mouth. “Tell us about your life before Brindle Hall. What was it like?”

  I glanced over to Eden, who was settled in, chin resting on her hands. She was the only one who knew the truth, and I wondered how she would react to me telling my rehearsed backstory. Under the circumstances, I had no choice. They couldn’t know who or what I was, and I hoped she understood that.

  So, I gave them exactly what they wanted. I shared all about my life—my childhood and years before Brindle Hall—and after I was done, they’d completely bought into it. Except for Eden. I could see in her eyes she knew it was false, but there was also a sparkle and a grin, which told me she was impressed.

  “What brought you to Brindle Hall?” Kimi asked.

  I looked over to Eden, her smile disappeared.

  “Eden,” would have been the correct answer. But my verbal response was that my parents had a close connection to one of the faculty members. They’d set it all up before they left overseas, and here I was.

  “Where will you go after you graduate?” Sebastian asked next.

  “I’ll probably join them,” I replied. “I’ve traveled internationally practically all my life.” That was the truth.

  When I looked at Eden, a deep furrow had set in her brow. My response had affected her.

  “At least someone here knows what they’ll be doing after they graduate.” Sebastian pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “Oh, damn. It’s late, and I have a history final tomorrow.” He stretched his long limbs and stood.

  “Wow, it is late,” Kimi said, jumping up.

  “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Trissa laughed.

  I stood and acknowledged each of them as they said their goodbyes.

  “It was nice getting to know you, Alex,” Trissa said, holding her hand out.

  “You’re part of our group now—you’re family,” Sebastian said, offering me his fist. I was careful to pound it with the force of a human. I had to constantly remind myself they were mortal. If I used my actual strength without thinking, Sebastian’s hand would be fractured in numerous places, and he’d be on his way to the hospital.

  “I’m honored. Thanks for accepting me.” My angelic charms had impressed them.

  Eden’s friends left after their goodbyes, but I lingered, making good on my promise to answer any questions she had. As she closed the door, we stood face to face, less than a foot apart. I could feel the warmth from her body; her sweet scent swallowing me whole.

  “What do we do now?” she asked.

  I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and surround her with my wings, keeping her safe until her transformation. But that would be impossible, especially in a place like Brindle Hall, where faculty and friends were constantly watching.

  Being around her was so much different than it had been with any other mortal I’d ever had to protect.

  Why was Eden so different? Was it because she was Nephilim and I was attracted to the angel part of her?

  It didn’t matter. We could never be together. Not unless the immortal bond chose us. And it hadn’t. So, after this assignment, I’d have to return to Midway and await my next assignment, and Eden would move on, living out the rest of her life.

  I wondered how Ephraim would treat her once she transformed. Would he send someone to help her understand her new gift and the importance of not letting mortals see it? This was my first solo assignment with a Nephilim.

  Emma Wise had actually been the first, but she’d been guarded by six of us. She immediately bonded to Kade, her assigned Guardian. Lucky bastard. We’d guarded her for almost a year, and to this day, she still wasn’t out of danger. But she had protection. Her father, Samuel, was a Fallen warrior, and her mother, Alaine, was Nephilim with the gift of invisibility, who could also kick ass. Kade, her now husband, was the son of the Archangel Raphael, and one of the strongest and fastest Guardians I’d ever known. And after her transformation, Emma had developed her own powers. She was just as strong as any angel, now that she’d been given the gifts of wings, strength, and invisibility.

  Besides, after taking on and killing one of Lucifer’s guards herself, the Fallen would second guess messing with her. Which is why I questioned Dom’s visit to Alaska to see them.

  “I need to ask you for a favor,” I said. Her cheeks flushed pink as I stepped closer.

  “Okay,” her sweet breath wrapped around me.

  “As a Nephilim, you will have a mark on the back of your neck. Will you let me take a look?”

  “A mark?”

  “The mark of your father,” I explained. “His identification. It will be located on the back of your neck.”

  “If I have this mark, you’ll know who my father is?”

  “I won’t know until I see it.” I could sense her uneasiness. “Are you okay?”

  “All this time, since I was old enough to think on my own, I’d forced myself to forget about my birth father. That he was just some random sperm donor.” Tears pooled in her chestnut eyes. “I built a wall around my heart. It was the only way I could keep him out. And now you tell me I could find out who he is by a simple mark on my neck.” She shook her head. “I don’t know if I’m ready.”

  “If you aren’t ready, I won’t tell you. I’ll keep it to myself for now.”

  Her brow furrowed with worry as she glanced at me. “What if he’s a Fallen angel?”

  I reached out and took hold of her hand. “Then, we’ll deal with it. I won’t force anything on you. I’m here to protect you—and that includes your heart.”

  She pulled her hair over her left shoulder and turned around. When I saw her mark, I vaguely recognized it. I knew I’d seen the mark before. I’d met her father. I just didn’t remember who or where.

  I’d have to take this to Ephraim.

  “What does
it look like?” she asked.

  “Like a cross with a curving symbol running through it.” She attempted to feel it, but the mark wasn’t raised. It was more like a tattoo. I took her finger and traced over it.

  “Does it look familiar to you?”

  “Yes.” I exhaled. “But I can’t put my finger on who it belongs to.”

  “You said there is a way to find out?” She twisted back to face me, her eyes swirling with a mixture of confusion and worry.

  “Yes. I’ll need to get this information to Midway. If he’s an angel, they’ll know pretty quickly.”

  “And if he’s not?” Her eyes narrowed, piercing mine.

  “It might take a little more time, but they’ll find him.”

  Chapter 18


  My mother couldn’t have known the origin of my father…could she? She’d said she spent less than one day—and night—with him. She also mentioned that I’d had a birthmark on the back of my neck, but she said it was barely visible. Besides, I’d always had hair covering it. So, out of sight, out of mind.

  I sat down on the edge of my bed, overwhelmed with the information.

  “Do you have a mark?” I asked. I thought I’d ask the easy questions first and get them out of the way.

  “Yes.” He stepped forward, then sank onto the edge of the bed with his right side facing me. When he pointed, I saw his mark. It looked almost like a sword, but one side was longer, with a small circle at one end.


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