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Donnchadh Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  It was close to noon when Getty stuck his head out the front door, making sure no perverts were lingering on his front porch.

  Perverts who exploded into dust.

  Perverts with sharp teeth that wanted to bite him.

  Getty tried to tell himself it had all been a bad dream, but he knew it hadn’t been. He could still feel his attacker breathing down his neck, still smell his rancid breath, and still felt rough fingers digging into his skin.

  Plus Getty had bruises from where the guy had held him in place. But as frightening as the experience was, he was determined to get answers. And the only person who could give them to him was Donnchadh.

  Unfortunately Getty wasn’t going to call Donnchadh and ask him to come over. Not when his dad was still home. They had to meet in a neutral location. The park by Bistro seemed like the best place.

  When he was in the driveway, Getty pulled out his phone and dialed Donnchadh’s phone number. He’d been reluctant to take it at first, when he’d been eating breakfast with the guy, but now Getty was glad he’d programmed it into phone.


  God, even that single word was spoken in a deep, laidback way. Getty shivered as he held back his sigh of appreciation. It was like desire and warmth had wrapped together to create Donnchadh’s voice.


  “Getty.” Donnchadh said his name like he was making love to it. “Is something wrong, hon?”

  Hon? “Can we meet?” And why in the hell was he suddenly excited to see him? That handsome face, those pretty dreads, that muscular body. Sigh times infinity.

  Fuck. Getty was turning into an idiot just thinking of Donnchadh. Even so, let the butterflies in the stomach begin.

  “Sure. When and where, shorty?”

  Getty was even beginning to like that nickname. “Are you available now?”

  “I can be anywhere you want me to be in a flash.”

  Which only reminded Getty of how Donnchadh had simply disappeared from his bedroom. He was going to get answers for that, too.

  “I’m heading to the park next to Bistro.”

  “Meet you there.” Donnchadh hung up, no good-bye or see you in a minute.

  Getty shoved his phone into his pocket and got into his car. Screw walking. One encounter with… He shook his head, refusing to think about it until he met with Donnchadh.

  Getty pulled from the driveway and saw Bimbo in the upstairs window looking down on him. He stopped and tried to remember if he’d locked his bedroom.

  Unsure, Getty turned his car off and rushed inside. Sure enough, his dumb ass had forgotten to lock it. He’d installed the deadbolt the day after his father and Bimbo had moved in. Even though it was his father, Getty had trust issues.

  Growing up, money had gone missing out of his room from time to time. He never thought Pete had taken it. His brother was as honest as they came. Hell, when Pete had gotten his first job, he used to give Getty pocket money. He didn’t want to believe his own father was stealing from him, but there had been no other explanation.

  This time when Getty got into the car, Bimbo wasn’t in the window.

  Rolling his eyes, he reversed from the driveway and headed into town. Since it was the weekday, there were parking spots.

  As soon as Getty pulled in, he saw Donnchadh coming out of the coffee shop, two drinks in his hands.

  Getty’s heart sped as he got out.

  “Thought you might like this. It’s strawberry lemonade.”

  “Thanks.” Getty took the offered drink. He had a million questions to ask but didn’t know where to start. “About last night…”

  Donnchadh took a sip of his lemonade, looking toward the park. He started walking, and Getty was mesmerized by the guy’s swagger. God, now he wanted to have sex again, but that wasn’t why he was there.

  He needed answers.

  “Everything you see is what we want you to see,” Donnchadh said when Getty caught up to him. “Blending in is how we’ve survived for so long.” He pointed toward the diner. “You would never know that Moose is a bear shifter or that Cyril is a panther shifter.”

  He tapped his own chest as Getty’s mind exploded. “Would you guess that I’m a demon?”

  Getty slowed, staring at the diner across the street, watching as Moose moved from table to table to assumedly take orders. Getty looked at Donnchadh. A demon?

  “Don’t flip your lid, shorty. I don’t have a pitchfork and horns or a tail. I just have powers.”

  “And the guy who attacked me?”

  “A hellhound. They zap all your happiness whenever they’re around. If he’d bitten you, you’d have died.” Donnchadh took another sip of his drink. “I’m just asking you to open your mind to the fact that other things do exist.”

  Getty found a bench and sat down before he crumpled.

  Donny tapped his ear. “The only way to kill a hellhound is to stab them in a mark behind their ear. As you saw, they explode into dust and are sent back to Hell.”

  Hell was real. After setting his cup next to him, he pressed his elbows into his knees and cradled his face in his hands. When he glanced up, Donnchadh was spread out on the grass, one leg cocked up, resting on one elbow, and looking at the people walking by.

  He couldn’t see the guy as anything other than human. One thing was certain. Donnchadh had saved his life last night, and whether he was a human, a demon, or whatever, Getty was indebted to him.

  Chapter Four

  Donny was waiting for Getty to call him a liar, say he was nuts, to tell him that he never wanted to see Donny again. He’d never had to tell anyone what he was. Those who knew him already knew the truth. Others didn’t need to know.

  If Getty hadn’t turned out to be his mate, Donny never would’ve said a word. A mate was a rare find, someone to cherish and protect. Someone to make happy and keep safe. Donny knew all this, knew how important the human was to him.

  But he didn’t rush things. He didn’t tell Getty to get over what he’d just found out. They stayed in companionable silence as Donny let his mate absorb everything.

  Donny had been rejected before, and he’d always brushed that shit off. He’d also been through hell before, literally, and this was nothing compared to what he’d suffered through.

  Yet, how Getty reacted, what he would say, affected Donny in ways he didn’t want to think about. He didn’t like someone else in control of his emotions. He’s sworn a thousand years ago that he would never be at anyone’s mercy again.

  Getty got off the bench, and Donny thought his mate was about to walk away. Instead, Getty took a seat beside him. He folded his legs and started plucking at grass blades. “I’d say you’re crazy, but I saw what happened last night.”

  Donny wasn’t sure what to say. He still had no idea what was going through his mate’s mind.

  “Are there more than one of those things?” Getty glanced at Donny from under the fall of his lashes. God, the male was sexy as fuck. If the guy only knew the dirty thoughts racing through Donny’s head.

  “A lot more,” he answered.

  That was one thing he wasn’t going to do. Lie to his mate.

  “Was he purposely after me because of you?” Getty asked. “I mean he could’ve seen us together that night at the club.”

  That was a possibility, but hellhounds usually tried to stay out of the limelight. Then again, one had become mayor of some Podunk town. Hadn’t Panahasi said they were gathering in greater numbers? “I’m not sure, Getty. They aren’t behaving normal.”

  Getty’s eyes widen. “Normal?”

  “Yeah, normal. They like to keep a low profile, but lately they’re not giving a fuck. We demon warriors can’t figure out why, either.”

  Getty fell to his back and laughed. “Demon warriors. I’m definitely losing it.”

  Donny couldn’t help but laugh, too. He was certain, if he were human and hearing this, he’d have a hard time believing it, as well.

  Getty sobered. “So I gue
ss I’m a target now.”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t want to take any chances.” Donny sat up then pushed to his feet. With the hellhounds becoming bolder, he doubted he’d have his two-week honeymoon period with Getty. What truly puzzled him was the fact that, normally, you had to cut off a hellhound’s head after you stabbed them and then set them on fire.

  Not the ones he’d run into. They’d just exploded.

  Nothing made sense to him, but he wasn’t taking a chance with his mate. Donny was desperate to take Getty to the demon realm, to have his mate stay in his apartment, but first he had to gain the human’s trust.

  “I guess I should get back.” Getty stood and dusted his backside off. “I have deadlines.”

  “What if I were to tell you that I can take you somewhere safe so you can get your work done? Somewhere that you didn’t have to worry about hellhounds attacking you?”

  Getty arched a brow. Though he looked interested, he also appeared cautious. “Go on.”

  Donny moved closer and touched Getty’s jaw. It was a simple act, but damn if the connection didn’t feel good. He also needed to explain to Getty about mates, and so much more. What his mate knew about Donny’s world wasn’t much, and whether he passed out or not, Getty needed the entire truth.

  Getty’s eyes fluttered closed for a brief second before they snapped opened and he took a step back, severing their connection. He looked around and took a long sip of his drink.

  “What is it?” Donny looked around, but no one suspicious stood out. Everyone was going on about their day, paying them no attention.

  “It’s…” Getty curled an arm around his midsection and turned away, staring to walk. Donny kept pace. “It’s complicated.”

  “Whenever someone says that, it’s usually not. We’ve had sex, Getty. I had my dick in your mouth. I’m pretty sure anything past that should be easy to talk about.”

  Getty gaped at him. “You don’t have to be so blunt.”

  His cheeks caught fire, and Donny was amused his mate was so shy when it came to talking about sex. “What? It’s the truth.” He wiggled his brows. “And if you’re a good boy, I just might have your dick in mine.”

  “Oh my god!” Getty whipped his head around, clearly to make sure no one was listening. “Keep your voice down.”

  Donny chuckled. “How can you be intimate with someone but become shy when talking about what you’ve done?” Donny bumped arms with Getty. “Or what I want to do to you.”

  “It’s just…” Getty stopped walking and raked his teeth over his bottom lip. Fuck, Donny was popping a boner just watching his tempting mouth and remembering how much pleasure it had brought him. “Believe it or not, especially the kind of town I live in, I have to hide…” He sighed and rubbed a finger over his brow. “My dad doesn’t know I’m gay.”

  Donny was starting to see Getty’s issue, even if Donny thought it was no big deal.

  “How do you think he’ll take it?” If Getty’s father ever found out and decided to lay a hand on Donny’s mate, the guy would regret ever being born.

  “I have no idea,” Getty admitted. “Like I said, it’s complicated. My father has always had a problem holding down a job, drinks too much, and is dating Bimbo. I’m not sure if she’d fuel the flames of my dad’s anger.”


  A wry chuckle escaped Getty. “I can’t remember her name. It’s something my brother and I call her. She wears skirts that are so short they should be illegal, cakes on her makeup, wears big hoop earrings, and if you ask me, she’s not faithful to my dad. Bimbo is all about the dollar bills, which my dad doesn’t have because he’s jobless.”

  The guy sounded like a real winner. “Is that why they live with you?”

  Getty nodded. “He was losing his apartment and asked if he could stay with me.”

  Now Donny was really confused. “If he’s that bad, if she’s that bad, why did you say yes?”

  “God, you sound like Pete.” They’d circled around the walking paths and ended up back at the bench where they’d been seated. “Could you tell your dad no?”

  “I don’t know my father and my mother isn’t worth the breath I’m using to talk about her.” That was a subject Donny never wanted to discuss. His gut clenched just thinking of the things she used to do and how no mother should ever treat her child that way.

  “I’m sorry.” Getty stopped and placed a hand on Donny’s arm. Their connection was back, which made the dark cobwebs in his mind ease. “I guess you could say I don’t have a backbone. I felt trapped when he asked me, and to be honest, I didn’t have the heart to see him on the street.” Getty rolled his eyes as his hand fell away. “I told you it was complicated.”

  Donny knew all too well what it felt like to be trapped in a situation you didn’t want to be in. At the time, he’d been powerless to do anything about it. He’d been young and untrained and at the mercy of others.

  He’d vowed never to be in that situation again. Donny would eviscerate anyone who even thought of wielding that much power over him.

  Yet, looking at his mate, he knew in his heart that Getty held power over him. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for the human. He was ready to go to Getty’s house and put his guests out on their asses.

  All Getty had to do was ask.

  “Is where you’re talking about far?” Getty asked, interrupting Donny’s thoughts.

  Donny grinned. “It’s complicated.”

  “No way.” Getty poked at Donny’s arm. “You can’t use my words against me.”

  “It’s better I show you.” Donny coaxed Getty into walking again. Until they had the hellhound problem under control, he didn’t like being on the streets with his mate.

  From the corner of his eye, he saw Cadeym lingering near Bistro, drinking from a brown and white to-go cup, leaning against the side of the brick building. He was keeping an eye on things, making sure it was safe for Donny and Getty to have their talk.

  Donny hadn’t told Cadeym that Getty was his mate. Cadeym was the last demon warrior who was single, and he was already depressed as fuck that he hadn’t found his. The news that Getty was Donny’s mate… Shit, Donny wasn’t sure how the brother would act.

  “Did you drive here?” Getty asked.

  Donny repeated himself. “It’s complicated.”

  “Lord, now you’re stuck on that.” They stopped at a gray sedan. “I need my laptop and a few other things from my house. I have a feeling we’re going to your place, so I’m guessing I’ll need some clothes, too.”

  “Just like that?” Donny asked. He was amazed his mate had agreed to go anywhere with him. But it set Donny at ease knowing Getty would be tucked away in the demon warriors’ apartment building. Donny would be able to do his job without his attention split, without worry about Getty’s safety.

  He was also glad his mate wouldn’t be around his father. The guy was a piece of shit, someone Donny had very little respect for. Men like that didn’t deserve to have such a sweet and caring son. Thank fuck Getty hadn’t turned out to be a loser like his old man.

  “Just like that,” Getty said. “I’m agreeing to go with you. After all, you saved my life, and you’re not human. I’m bonkers for even considering this, though. You could get me to you lair and do evil things to me.”

  Donny slid his tongue over his lower lip. “Oh, you can bet I have some very wicked things in mind.”

  There went that fiery blush again.

  “You’ll have to stay here. I don’t want my dad all up in my business.” Getty headed toward the driver’s side of his car. The male had no clue that what Donny had done last night was teleportation. He could be in Getty’s backyard before his mate even made it home.

  He touched Getty’s arm. “All you have to do is shout my name and I’ll be there, wherever you are. I just want you to know that.”

  Getty shook his head. “Mind blown again.”

  He let his mate get into his car and drive off. Donny had a few mi
nutes to spare before he took off to Getty’s to ensure his safety.

  Donny walked over to Cadeym. “Can you handle patrolling on your own for a bit? There’s something I need to take care of.”

  “I’ll call Deandre,” Cadeym said. “I know he’s out of the game, but if we need him, he’ll be there.”

  Donny bumped fists with Cadeym before he went into the bathroom at Bistro and let his corporal form fade. He walked outside, Cadeym the only person who saw him, and used his teleportation to get to Getty’s.

  Keeping invisible, Donny watched as Getty pulled into the driveway and headed for the front door. Donny followed him inside.

  * * * *

  Cadeym needed to pull his head out of his ass. So what, he was single. Big deal. It wasn’t as if there was a lack of willing men in his life. And who needed to be pinned down with a mate?

  He gave a low growl and pushed away from the building he’d been leaning against, using the nearby trashcan to toss his cup into. It was obvious that Donnchadh was digging the human. He’d never seen the brother act this way, so focused on someone.

  Cadeym needed to set his sights on someone, too. Work off a little steam. After all, his life revolved around being a demon warrior, taking down the assholes of his world. He didn’t have time for any commitments.

  Deandre had found a mate with kids, and that had totally screwed up the warrior. He wasn’t even in the game anymore unless he absolutely needed to be.

  And Cadeym wasn’t calling him. He could handle a patrol on his own.

  “Fancy seeing you here.”

  Cadeym looked to his right. The male was tall, lithe, and had stunning blue eyes. His dark hair fell in waves, and he was dressed in a business suit, polished shoes, and had a low-trimmed beard.

  He was also a hellhound.

  “Do I know you?” Cadeym pulled himself up to his six feet four inches, a full head above the hound.

  The guy stuck his hand out. “Hello, Cadeym. It’s good to see you again. I’m Ari Gray.”

  Red-hot rage rolled through Cadeym. If they hadn’t been in public, he would’ve killed Ari where he stood.

  Ari shoved his hands into his front pockets when Cadeym wouldn’t shake and smirked. “Now do you remember me? It took me a while to get back to the human realm after you and your dejected warriors killed me.”


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