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Donnchadh Page 10

by Lynn Hagen

  Each held one of Getty’s arms, making it impossible for him to get free.

  “If you don’t call Donnchadh, I’ll let my friends snack on you.” Ari drew closer, the air around him filled with menace. “And if you aren’t aware, a hellhound bite for a human is fatal.”

  The guy on Getty’s right leaned in close and sniffed at him. He smiled, showing off his sharp canines. “Please resist.”

  The one on Getty’s left transformed into a huge Rottweiler. Getty was terrified of dogs, and seeing a Rottweiler snarling at him made him feel faint.

  The dog’s ears were flat, his muzzle was pulled back, and saliva dripped from his mouth. His nails looked razor-sharp and would tear skin from bones.

  “Call him,” Ari repeated.

  It was the last thing Getty wanted to do. He wasn’t dealing with regular dogs. One bite and he was dead.

  Donnchadh, please forgive me.

  Getty shouted his warrior’s name as tears trickled down his cheeks. He’d betrayed the man he loved. And yes, he loved Donnchadh.

  Ari snatched Getty from the guy holding him and tossed him back into the cage, locking it.

  “Get ready,” Ari said to the two men. “Take him down quickly. Don’t give him a chance to—”

  Donnchadh appeared behind the thug who’d held Getty and stabbed him in the head. The guy exploded as the dog barked and lunged.

  Donnchadh spun, snarled, and attacked. He moved so fast that Getty could barely keep up with his movements. The Rottweiler stood on his hind legs and snapped at Donnchadh’s throat, and Getty feared the dog would bite him.

  He held his breath as he watched Donnchadh knock the hellhound sideways and drive his knife deep.

  Another explosion of dust.

  “Not so fast.”

  Getty jerked his head to the side and saw Ari holding out a gun. It was pointed right at him.

  “A gun?” Donnchadh seethed. “A preternatural with powers is using a gun?”

  Ari shrugged. “It’s most effective against humans. I pull the trigger and your mate is dead.”

  Getty had no clue how this guy knew Donnchadh was his mate. He also didn’t like being a tool for Donnchadh’s demise. “That’s Ari Gray,” Getty said. “He plans on taking the warriors out one by one.” He glared at Ari. “What? You gonna stop me from telling Donnchadh your diabolical plan?”

  “Ari Gray.” Donnchadh said the name as if he knew the guy. “I thought you were sent to Hell.”

  “I crawled back out,” Ari said from between gritted teeth. “No thanks to you and your friends, my plans for Fever’s Edge were ruined.”

  “Hellhounds don’t get to be mayors,” Donnchadh said. “The only thing they get to do is go back to Hell.”

  As the two exchanged words, Getty worked at the lock. It was a simple sliding mechanism. Ari must’ve thought Getty wouldn’t have the guts to escape with three hellhounds in the room.

  He swung the door open and scrambled out as he heard a gunshot. Getty rolled, rushing toward the stack of crates, getting out of Donnchadh’s way.

  Ari swung his gun around and fired at Donnchadh.

  Getty screamed.

  Donnchadh barreled forward, slamming into Ari.

  Fuck this. Getty shouted Hondo’s name. He’d learned that trick from Donnchadh, and was damn glad he had when the demon warrior emerged from a darkened corner.

  Hondo erupted into flames, and honestly, Getty was mesmerized. He was fascinated with Donnchadh’s entire world. It was a frightening place, but it was also riveting.

  Getty gagged when Donnchadh used his blades to sever Ari’s head then plunged his hand into the guy’s chest. Hondo set the body on fire, and Getty dry heaved as he watched the body burst into ashes.

  Getty dropped to his knees and swallowed back the bile. That image would be forever burned into his memory.

  “Are you okay?” Donnchadh scooped Getty up and held him close.

  “I wasn’t bitten.” Getty clung to Donnchadh. “I knew you’d come.”

  Not at first, but that was only because the hellhounds had drained all hope from him. But deep down, he knew his warrior would find him. Just like Donnchadh had found a place in Getty’s heart.

  “I love you.” He pulled Donnchadh down for a toe-curling kiss. “I needed to tell you that.”

  Donnchadh cupped the back of Getty’s head and deepened the kiss, smashing them together, pulling Getty where he belonged.

  * * * *

  Donny pressed his hands on either side of Getty’s head as he punched his hips forward, driving his cock deep into his mate’s ass. He pressed a kiss to Getty’s nape as he used his knees to shove his mate’s legs wider apart.

  “You’re unbelievably hot,” Donny said, his fingers holding Getty a little tighter. “Like a damn furnace. So tight.”

  Getty chuckled. “You say the sweetest things.”

  “That’s ’cause I love you.” Donny licked his lips, testing those words for the first time.

  “Love you, too.” Getty hitched his ass higher.

  Getty moaned, and Donny nearly lost his load. He was buried so deep inside his mate that he was holding it together by a thin thread.

  He pulled out, flipped Getty onto his back, and drove his cock back inside his mate’s tight heat.

  Donny felt the fire on the surface of his skin. His body was urging him to move faster. The fire seemed to own him as Donny gave in, grunting as he thrust harder. Getty was panting and shuddering, the glow of the moon enveloping the man, making his little human seem waiflike and fragile.

  That was far from the truth. Getty was the strongest human Donny knew. He’d faced hellhounds and had come out on the other side, stronger from his experience.

  It was Getty who was the true warrior.

  Scooping Getty up into his arms, Donny moaned as his mate sank deeper onto his cock. His legs trembled and grew tight as he held on to Getty. His mate wrapped his legs around Donny’s waist, his arms locking around Donny’s neck as he held on.

  His hands slid behind his mate tenderly, his fingers curving around the small globes of Getty’s ass. Donny didn’t know what packed the stronger punch—the tight heat of Getty’s ass gripping his cock as he thrust his hips upward or his mate’s sudden, wholly unexpected nip at Donny’s neck.

  “You trying to eat me, shorty?” Donny chuckled.

  “Mmm, just tasting your salty skin.” He tugged at Donny’s dreads, and Donny didn’t protest. He loved the sensation tingling across his scalp. He’d let Getty do whatever the hell he wanted to him, because that was how much he loved his mate.

  Donny hungered for Getty, so deeply that it seemed to wring him out from the inside. He let his head fall to the side as Getty’s lips explored him. His body began to move at a fierce, demanding tempo. The scent of sex and sweat on hot skin intoxicated him.

  Donny punched his hips higher, faster, until Getty had to cling to him to hold on.

  Then he dropped forward, putting Getty on his back. He stared into his mate’s beautiful eyes, drowning in them as he curled his hand around Getty’s erection and stroked him.

  “God, yes!” Getty cried out.

  “Come for me, baby.” Donny nipped at Getty’s throat. “I want to feel you erupt in my hand.”

  Getty bucked and jerked, driving down on Donny’s cock. It was the most amazing sight Donny had ever seen. He was enthralled with his human as Getty fell apart, cum coming out in spurts as his ass clamped down on Donny’s dick.

  With a hiss and a few more thrusts, Donny came, snarling his release.

  He eased out of Getty and dropped next to him, kissing along his bare shoulder. If Donny had it his way, Getty would never leave the apartment again.

  “Move in with me.” Donny rested his chin on Getty’s shoulder. “This is where you belong.”

  “In your bed?” Getty chuckled.

  “In my life.”

  Getty wiggled until Donny lifted his arm and his mate faced him. He thought Getty would reject
the idea.

  “On one condition.”

  “Name it,” Donny said.

  “Show me how the hell to get back into this building whenever I go out.”

  Donny smiled. If that was Getty’s only condition, the guy would be so easy to please. “Got a hankering for wings?”

  “God, I’m addicted to those things.” Getty slapped his chest. “Let’s go get some, and then I want to check on my dad.”

  After they showered and gorged on wings, Donny took Getty to the human realm.

  They went to Getty’s house to find Richard there, looking a lot better than he had in the clinic. He wasn’t as pale, and he seemed a bit stronger.

  “Getty!” Richard smiled. “I found a job.” He shrugged. “It ain’t much, but I’ll be working at the vet clinic a few days a week.”

  “That’s great,” Getty said. “Where’s Amanda?”

  Richard cleared his throat and looked away. “When I got home, I found her in our bed with some jerk. I kicked them both out.” He looked up and gave a watery smile. “I guess I’m a bachelor again.”

  Getty hugged his father, and damn it, Donny teared up. Richard wouldn’t be his first choice for dads when it came to Getty, but the guy truly did care for his son.

  “You can stay here as long as you want,” Getty said when he pulled back. He took his keys from his pocket. “You can even drive my car.” He snatched them back when Richard reached for them. “On one condition. No drinking and driving.”

  Richard huffed. “I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of, but that has never been one of them.”

  Getty handed the keys over, and Donny went outside to let them talk. He took a seat on the front steps and looked at the horizon, finally feeling at peace.

  It had taken him thousands of years to get to this point, and with the help of his mate, Donny was finally there. He leaned back on his arms and smiled, wondering what else the future held for them.

  A one-night stand turned into something deeper, a mate, a best friend, a lover he could weather the storm with. Donny couldn’t ask for more.

  * * * *

  “He’s escaped.”

  Panahasi gritted his teeth as he held the phone to his ear. “How the hell could Surkath escape from the cell you put him in?”

  “I have no idea, but I’ll find him. No one can hide from me.”

  Panahasi had his doubts. The Keeper might be all-powerful, but Surkath had already done the impossible. Until he was captured, Panahasi would put his men on high alert. All mates would remain in their homes, too.

  Panahasi wasn’t taking any chances. Two of his warriors had nearly lost their lives to hellhounds. Cadeym was still recovering, but thankfully, he hadn’t been bitten. Panahasi knew without a shred of doubt that Surkath had been behind the attacks.

  And until Surkath was dead, Panahasi wouldn’t rest.



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  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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