Immortal Promise

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by Magen McMinimy

  “I never wanted that for myself or my family. To rule would take too much time away from Bain, Rowan, and Holly.”

  “It is what I wanted!” she snapped. “Perhaps if that had mattered to you, the embarrassment that walks around as part of this family would never have been born.”

  Tyr growled. “The only embarrassment in this family is the choices you make when it comes to your own flesh and blood.”

  “I should have let her father take her… her real father.”

  “Well, what kind of disgrace would you have faced then? The cheating wife of a warrior… you aren’t exactly royal material at this point.”

  Esperanza glowered at him. “Perhaps I should have had a mage take care of the problem before she was allowed to take her first breath.”

  Tyr moved in a blind rage as he pushed her against the wall and slammed his fist into the brick at the sides of her head.

  “Don’t you ever speak like that again! I am not a violent man. I have forgiven you for many digressions, and I have loved and given you everything you needed in order to live comfortably and to raise our children. However, because I refused to give into your dreams of royal grandeur, you stepped out on me and still I forgave you. And I love Holly, whether she carries my blood or not. So, you will remember that next time you speak of her.”

  “Back up, Tyr.” Esperanza was tough and never let anyone push her around. She was the one who did the pushing.

  He glared at her a moment longer before stepping back. “I have to go to the Human World; Mount Pelee is acting up.”

  Esperanza closed the door, shutting out the room of her biggest regret. Holly had been her mistake. It was a cruel thought for a mother to have, but that’s what Holly was. She was the result of a stupid mistake Esperanza had made with a worthless elf. Yet Tyr loved Holly as his own. It was fortunate for the child; at least the weakest of her children had received some of what she needed. Rowan and Bain, they were what mattered to Esperanza then and definitely now. They were what brought her out of this mediocre existence in the first place. Tyr was a warrior. It was why she went after the massive, hulking Fae. As one of the elite warriors, Tyr had been given the option to live in the Light Fae castle, but he wanted his children to live a normal life. The thought was ludicrous. Why live a normal life when you were obviously special and superior?

  A light knock on the door drew her from her reminiscing. Good. The past was just that, the past. Her future and getting out of this nightmarishly simple existence was what mattered now. Esperanza straightened her dress and gave a quick glance to the mirror. Every piece of flaxen hair was in place, and her makeup hid the light discoloration under her purple eyes.

  Her perfectly placed hair was soon mussed as two dark figures rushed her when the door opened. With narrowed eyes that held the strength of the cold woman she was, Esperanza refused to let the moment of startle show. The room waved and gave way to darkness. She felt the rustling of wind around her as the earth seemed to disappear from beneath her feet. Her eyes shut against the harsh air that slammed over her face. Her feet found purchase once more, and her eyes opened. The two men, who now held her arms tightly, forced her to her knees on a plush, red carpet. Lifting her gaze, she traced the carpet up a set of six stairs to where it travelled under a black throne. She lifted her narrowed eyes higher to the handsome face of the Dark Fae leader. Darion’s features held a smug and sinful set. His lips were twisted into his impression of a smile, and his silver eyes shimmered as he looked down upon her.

  “Esperanza, I wish I could say there was something wrong with the sight of you bowing at my feet, but I admit I do enjoy the view.”

  Chapter Five

  Esperanza glared at the Dark Fae Leader. “Tell your goons to release me, Darion. Now.”

  Darion arched a brow at her but dipped his chin, signaling for her release. Esperanza got to her feet, her hands fussing over her dress and hair.

  “Why am I here, Darion?”

  “You must know why, unless your banishment from your daughter’s castle means you are completely cut off from the issues in your lands.”

  Her eyes narrowed at the leader of the Dark Fae. His face hadn’t aged in the past centuries, but he looked nothing like the boy she had once known. The boy she had called her friend until the day of their coronation. The whole room had exploded into shock as he aligned himself with the Dark. He had been raised in the light lands, but rumor was that his parents hailed from the Dark.

  “I’ll ask once more, why am I here?”

  Darion rose from his throne. Tall and imposing, he was graceful as he descended the steps to stand next to her.

  “Your daughter and her Warriors have pushed me too far this time,” he said, leaning in to come face to face with Esperanza. “She stole something important to me, and now I have you.”

  Esperanza sighed. “So I am your bargaining chip?”

  Darion smiled at her.

  “You better have a nice suite for me, Darion. I have been living in that shack Tyr forced me into all those years ago.”

  Darion’s eyes sparkled with mirth as he slung an arm around her shoulders. “There’s the Essie I know so well. Come, I will take you to your room.”

  “You mean my suite,” she corrected and let him lead her from the throne room.

  Darion chuckled but nodded. “I have missed you.”

  “Well, you chose the Dark. Warring alliances can put a strain on a friendship.”

  Darion slid his gaze to her beautiful face. The years had stopped aging her centuries ago. She looked to be in her late thirties by human standards, but she was well over a thousand years old, just like him. After giving birth to the next two warriors of Tyr’s line, the Immortal Four had graced her with their blood and immortality. Her beauty was different from that of the young, fresh-faced beauties he kept around. There was something intoxicating about the more mature and seasoned look of Esperanza’s features.

  “Yes, well, look where I ended up. In a castle of my own. The Light hasn’t been as gracious to you. You may find you like it here,” he said as he pushed open the door to her suite. The nearly eleven-hundred-square-foot room was lush and extravagant, just like the man to whom this castle belonged. The large, four-poster bed was draped in purple and black. The walls were covered in black velvet and adorned with tapestries and sconces. Esperanza imagined the bathroom was just as richly wonderful.

  “I may. It really all depends on what the Dark has to offer,” she agreed as she stepped into the room.

  Darion smirked “Isn’t it obvious? Look around you, Essie, the Dark can offer you everything you’ve ever desired.” He leaned in and ran a finger along her jawline. “You never belonged to the Light, Essie—the Dark resides deep inside you.” Darion stepped back, grasping the doorknob. “I’ll be back to check on you later,” he offered before shutting her door.

  Esperanza moved to her window. The sun had set over Darion’s land, and a light mist cast shadows over the already mysterious landscape. Pushing her window open, she let the damp air seep into her room and the cries and howls of the forest float up to caress her senses. Was Darion right? Did she make the wrong decision all those centuries ago? Did she allow her family’s pressure and the attention of a warrior to influence her choice? The scream of a Banshee drew her attention out the window to the forest below. The trees seemed to buzz in the deep black of night. Dim light shimmered through the tree branches as the creatures who always chose the dark came to life before her. Time passed and questions flowed through Esperanza.

  “Lady Esperanza?” a voice called to her from the door.

  Esperanza attempted to tamp down the shock in her purple eyes as they fell upon the interesting looking fairy. A magma stood in front of her. A fairy born of the Human World. Magma’s were created from volcanic eruptions; the size of the eruption and the amount of destruction determined the size of their swarm. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius had flooded the Middle World with the lava-born fairies. They always fo
und their way to the Middle World where they’d find their volcanic line—their brethren from former eruptions of the same volcano. The fairy that stood in front of Esperanza was not surprisingly beautiful, they always were, with interesting coloring, and bright red hair with black streaking through the curled tresses. Her irises were dark; they looked almost black. The only color that separated the black from the white in her almond-shaped eyes was the thin line of glowing red.

  “My name is Ardea. Lord Darion asked me to help you prepare for dinner.”

  Esperanza pursed her lips and, with a slight narrowing of her eyes, she asked, “What does Lord Darion think I need to do in order to join him for dinner?”

  The fairy stepped into the room and closed the door. With a flourish of her hand, she produced a sleek, red gown, with a one-shoulder cut that would be fitted to her waist and then flowed loosely to the ground.

  Esperanza lips loosened to a normal set and her brow arched. “Red is not a great color for me. It clashes with my eyes.”

  The fairy tilted her head. Esperanza eyes were a light variation of purple. They were cold, like lavender ice, and seemed to have that almost transparent feel to them, but they would match nicely the hue of red she had chosen. Not willing to argue with the older Fae woman, understanding the challenge in Esperanza’s tone, she held her head high and touched a finger to the silk fabric. The dress shimmered and turned the darkest shade of black possible.

  Esperanza eyed the dress. “What other colors can you make it?”

  The fairy hung the dress from a hook on the back of the door. “I can only conjure in shades of black, red, and orange.”

  Esperanza smiled. “Black will work fine. I am sure your lord will like it… it matches his heart.”

  Chapter Six

  The blonde-haired, blue-eyed succubus stared at Lothar through a rather clear security photo. She stood next to a vampire that he recognized from Evan’s coven. The red desert that surrounded the portal, as the two waited for the drifters to bring the next family of Fae through, was brightly lit by the setting sun. Lucas had sent over the picture in an email titled ‘We might have a problem’. The email subject line was enough to cause Lothar to groan. Seeing Sergio and Gwen meeting the drifters was pull-your-hair-out frustrating. Ignoring the security Evan had around his complex, Lothar flew over and dropped to the ground just in front of the Plexiglas bridge. Stalking towards the door, Lothar’s fist barley slammed against the thick wood before the door was flung open, with Evan standing in the shadows. The sun was nearly set, but the few rays that still lit the desert were enough to irritate the Master Vampire’s pale skin.

  “You piss my security off when you do shit like that. What is so important that you couldn’t respect my security and announce your arrival?”

  Lothar grunted and entered the home, slamming the door behind him. “Where is Gwen?”

  Evan narrowed his eyes on him. “Who is Gwen?”

  “Don’t play fucking games. I know you’re helping the drifters. I saw Gwen and Sergio at the Red Rock Portal. Cree and Bain are tracking the portal, and I am here to deal with you.”

  “Let’s take this to my office.”

  Lothar growled. “Get Sergio and Gwen.”

  “Let me make something very clear—Sergio answers to me, so you can leave him out of this, and there is no Gwen here.”

  Lothar pulled out his phone and opened up the picture Lucas had sent him.

  “The succubus right there, her name is Gwen. So, either Sergio isn’t telling you everything, or you aren’t being honest with me about Gwen.”

  “You know Gwen?” a soft voice asked from the open office door.

  Lothar turned to see the beautiful, blond-haired, blue-eyed woman who had just joined them. She was the spitting image of Gwen; one of the succubi Katarina had escaped with. It had taken some time, but all the succubi who had fled from Darion with Kat, and the ones who Kat had helped to escape had all registered with the Light. This succubus looked just like her, maybe a little taller and her eyes were a fraction darker.

  “Synawen?” Lothar asked.

  “Most call me Syna; you know my twin?”

  Lothar’s eyes drifted between Evan and Synawen, finally landing and narrowing on Evan. “How many secrets are you hiding?”

  “Close the door, Syna,” Evan said, taking a seat. “We have a few things to discuss.”

  She nodded, and then closed the door before sitting next to Evan on the small settee in his office. Lothar took the armchair across from them.

  “Your sister and the others you were imprisoned with believe you’re dead,” Lothar said simply.

  Syna dipped her chin. “I know, but when I saw the chance to flee, I had to take it. You have no idea what I went through.”

  Lothar dipped his chin. “No, and that brings me to my other issue about this place and all of you. Why can’t I feel the emotions in this home? Why can’t I feel your dishonesty?”

  Evan’s mask didn’t break as he answered. “I have magic surrounding my home, myself, and a few others as well. I find yours and Cree’s powers invasive.”

  Lothar chuckled. “Well, I am so sorry,” he said sarcastically. “I find your need to block us suspicious.”

  Syna smiled softly. “I don’t blame you for being angry, Lothar, but we really aren’t doing anything wrong. I know the extent of Darion’s malice, and we are only trying to help those who need it.” She reached behind her neck, under her long, wavy blonde hair, and unclasped a gold necklace that held a diamond and sapphire pendant. She handed the necklace to Evan.

  Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and called up the memory of her last night in Darion’s castle.

  There was silk wrapped around her wrist while magic held the silk ties in the air. She was on her knees on the soft, large mattress. The flicker of the fireplace and candles spread through the room, dancing over her naked, stretched body. Ardea, the magma who seemed to truly love Darion and all the games he played, moved in front of her. Her finger trailed down Syna’s face. “Have some fun this time, Syna,” she whispered before her mouth descended on her bare breast. Darion moved between her legs, his tongue striking out at her sensitive folds. Pleasure flooded her body as the two worked on her.

  “Let my arms go,” she begged Darion.

  Shame and disgust poked at her. Every time she was in this room she found pleasure in what they did, but shame always followed. However, she was turned on and she wanted to join in.

  “What do you want to do, Synawen?” Smugness dripped from Darion’s mouth.

  “I want to join,” she managed through the bliss she was feeling.

  Darion flicked his fingers, and her arms fell free. Ardea caught her, her lips slamming to Syna’s.

  Syna flashed through the memories of that night when Darion invited an incubus to join them. Darion had allowed the male to take him into his mouth, while he watched Syna lick and tease Ardea. All the pleasure, shame, and fear she felt from that night came bubbling to the surface. Most of all, she felt hate for herself for having left her twin, but when Darion fell asleep and forgot to either return her to her room or tie her back up, she took advantage of the opportunity to escape from a hell that hid itself in moments of ecstasy.

  When she opened her eyes and met Lothar’s gaze, she spoke softly. “That is why I hid my emotions, and it is why I help those who want to escape Lord Darion. Everything you just felt was from the last time Darion used me to feed his lust.”

  She looked at Evan, who clasped the necklace back around her neck. The second the metal touched her skin, her emotions disappeared behind a wall of indifference.

  Lothar sighed. “I am sorry for what happened to you and the others. Your sister has been living in the Human World for the past fifteen years. Why haven’t you tried to contact her?”

  “I heard about her escape, but I couldn’t face her. Luckily for me, Darion never brought her or any of the other succubi in on our nights together, but shame still fills me at my
response to the things Darion used to do.”

  Lothar tilted his head. “You’re a succubus—those were normal emotions I felt. You shouldn’t be ashamed by anything that happened to you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Darion stood outside Red Oasis; the vampire-owned club was busy with human and Fae patrons. He knew a few of the vampires inside were linked to the loss of his harem. They would pay, and perhaps he would find some replacements. Vampires couldn’t really replace his succubi, but they would certainly fill the void. Darion sighed as he thought of the beautiful, lavender-eyed woman who awaited his return. He would have Esperanza before this mess was over, and if he truly got his way, she would find his castle fitting for the rest of her days. She may not be his true mate, but she was just the right amount of beauty, ruthlessness, cunning, and cruelty. She would make the perfect queen of the Dark.

  “Put the humans to sleep,” Darion ordered the siren next to him. He had little patience to wait for the lesser creatures to disperse for the night, but he still had no plans of exposing the Dark to the idiotic species.

  Luna smiled, her bright blue eyes sparkling as she moved towards the club entrance. This was going to be fun.

  Turning to the three vampires that stood to his left, Darion glared at them. Their incompetence had led to the loss of his succubi. “Try not to kill too many and certainly none of the females. This is a take-what-I-want mission and not a kill mission. I realize the concept is hard for you, but fear and pain are easier to inspire if your prey is still alive.”

  With that final directive, the vampires headed into the club , closing the doors once inside.


  The air sparked with magic around him, and something was pressing down on him. Sergio turned on his bar stool where he’d been watching Holly move around with a sultry grace.


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