Just One Night

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Just One Night Page 14

by Charity Ferrell

  I could eat her out for the rest of my life and never go hungry.

  I apologize with my tongue.

  Own her with it.

  Beg her not to turn her back on me and plead to her to give me another chance.

  If my words aren’t convincing enough, I hope my tongue can do the trick.

  “Shit, that feels so good,” she mutters when I drive two fingers into her pussy and flick my tongue at her opening at the same time.

  My dick stirs when I peek up at the image I’m getting. I’m on the verge of combusting from the view of Willow grinding her pussy into my face. I don’t stop until I know she’s on her way to falling apart.

  “I’m close,” she chants over and over again. Her foot arches off the edge, and she holds the back of my head in place as she lets go, her juices running onto my tongue while she moans out her final release.

  So fucking gorgeous.

  So fucking delicious.

  My cock is hard as a rock. I’ll be taking a cold shower and jacking off to thoughts of what happened in here when Willow goes to bed.

  “Does that at least make up for some of my dickness?” I ask, looking up at her.

  She spreads her fingers a few inches apart and massages my scalp. “A little. You still have some making up to do. I can take payment with your tongue a few more times.”

  I stand up, rub my hands down her sides, and then squeeze her hips. “Lucky for you, I don’t mind paying interest.”

  She laughs. “Good to know.”

  I jerk my head toward the outside of the shower. “You ready to hit the sheets? It’s late, and I know you’re beat.”

  She nods. “You did just lick all the energy out of me.”

  I grunt when she wipes her mouth, and my hands are shoved off her hips. This time, she’s the one dropping to her knees.

  I stop her when she opens her mouth and bobs her head toward my dick. “No, this was about you.”

  I’ve turned down blow jobs on more than one occasion, but my body has never physically ached when I did, like it is doing now. I eye her full lips, the way she’s licking them and staring at my cock like she can’t wait to taste it.

  “Trust me,” she says. I tense and moan when she licks the pre-cum from the tip. “Me sucking your cock is just as much for me.”

  Her lips wrap around me before I can even come up with a response. My cock twitches, growing even harder, and I let her set the pace even though I want to plow my cock in and out of her mouth, fuck it until she can’t breathe.

  She takes me in, sucking me hard, and adds her hand to stroke me.

  I throw my head back. “Shit, Willow. This is amazing.”

  She devours my cock, not stopping to catch her breath once, as water pours down over us. I thought the sight of pleasuring her with my tongue was my favorite, but her on her knees, sucking my cock, is running in close second.

  I can’t wait to fuck her again.

  I know that’ll be number fucking one.

  “So fucking good.”

  My plan of not controlling her speed annihilates when I feel it coming. I jerk my hips up, and she moans against my cock, exciting it more.

  “So good.” I swipe the hair away from her face, so I can see every inch of her and give her a warning when I come, but she doesn’t pull away.

  The water turns cold at the same time she swallows my cum with a smile.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “And then what happened?” Stella asks, nearly jumping off the couch in eagerness.

  I’m back at work, and we’re hanging out in her over-the-top trailer while she’s making me do another rundown of what happened last night. She knows everything but the part where we dry-humped each other and had an oral face-off.

  She’ll get that story another time. It’s still fresh in my mind, and I don’t want questions to ruin the image yet.

  Nervousness is an understatement of what I felt when I woke up this morning. The bed was empty. A bad sign. I grabbed my phone, and my heart settled when I heard the shower running. Joining him crossed my mind, but I’m not as gutsy as him.

  When he got out, he said the truck was ready to pick up, and a shop employee would give us a ride there.

  An hour later, we were back on the road.

  No more kissing, hugging, or talks of what went down, literally, last night. It gave me relief yet also fried my brain at the same time. I’m concerned. Scared. Terrified.

  We made light conversation. He told me about Maven’s call last night. She was homesick and wanted to hear his voice. We listened to the radio, and I let him choose the music. It was not Justin Bieber.

  “You know what happened,” I answer.

  Stella gives me a puppy-dog look. “No, I don’t,” she whines. “More happened than what you’re telling me. I know you better than you believe.”

  I throw my arms out and fall back on the couch. “You’ve pulled every detail out of me. What more do you want? I can start making stuff up if it helps your weird imagination. We got married. Adopted kids to go with the baby on the way. Bought a house with a four-car garage. Surprise!”

  She rolls her eyes. “No one copped a feel while you were sleeping together? Surely, the two of you are horny as hell, considering you’ve both been celibate for a minute. There you were, stranded in the rain, cold and lonely. How romantic.”

  “Now, you’re making shit up. We weren’t cold and lonely.”

  She clips a dark strand of hair behind her ear. “Work with me here.” She narrows one eye at me, studying, like the answer she wants is marked across my skin. “You have every side effect of an orgasm.”

  “Side effect? Since when did you get into the pharmaceutical business?”

  “I haven’t seen a smile that bright on your face in a long time. Your skin is glowing. You look like you’ve been wandering around Wonderland all day.”

  “Pregnancy gives me mood swings. I could get crazy angry in three seconds.”

  She jumps up from the couch to lock the door, and I squirm in my seat when she joins me again.

  “Uh, what are you doing? Keeping me hostage until I give you what you want?”

  Her lips curl up. “How’d you know?”

  I rub my hands together. “You have to promise you won’t tell Hudson.”

  “Jesus, Willow,” she moans out, her smile collapsing. “Do you not trust me anymore?”

  My cheeks burn. “The whole scenario at your party scares the crap out of me.”

  She sucks her cheeks in before answering, “The only reason Hudson found out was because he was eavesdropping, not because I told him. I would’ve kept your secret.”

  She rises from the couch again. I’m afraid I’ve pissed her off when she unlocks the door and sticks her head out the door.

  “Hudson?” she yells, looking around before slamming it shut, the lock clicking back. “No fiancé in sight. Half of the cast and crew have left for the day. You have my word that my lips are sealed.”

  I inhale a long breath before giving her the real rundown of what happened. She squeals, claps her hands, and is on cloud nine with every word.

  I snag my phone from the nightstand when the doorbell rings. No missed calls or texts, and I didn’t make plans with anyone.

  Dallas texted earlier, asking me to go out for tacos, and I declined. Getting stared down while eating isn’t on tonight’s agenda. It’s getting more difficult, hiding my baby bump. I’m going to have to get more creative.

  I throw my post-shower wet hair into a sloppy ponytail and peek through the peephole when I reach the door. Dallas didn’t give me a heads-up that he was coming, which is irritating because my baggy gray sweatpants and three-sizes-too-big T-shirt isn’t the most attractive outfit to greet the guy who gave you a fantastic orgasm the night before.

  He moves into my apartment with grocery bags covering half of his face. His muscular arms are securely wrapped around the bags, and he nearly runs into me when I stand in the middl

e of the doorway because I can’t take my eyes off them.

  “What are you doing?” I ask when he sets the groceries on the kitchen counter.

  “You didn’t want to go out for tacos, so I brought the tacos to you.” He winks. “I promised tacos, so they’re coming your way, and you can bet your ass that they’re better than anything you’d get at a restaurant.”

  Shit. Fingers crossed he’s not expecting me to help him.

  We’ll be eating grilled cheese by the end of the night. Burned grilled cheese.

  I watch him while he digs out the groceries and starts moving around my kitchen as if he were my roommate. He sifts through the cabinets before pulling out pans and bowls.

  “You know how to cook?” I stupidly ask.

  He cuts open the hamburger, drops it in the pan, and turns a burner on low. “I’m a single dad.”

  “Good point,” I mutter.

  This soon-to-be mom had better take some notes. Takeout has always been my main food group, but that doesn’t mean I eat like shit. I get healthy takeout—at least, I did before, but there’s not a big market for that here.

  “I cook dinner every night. Come over and eat anytime you want.”

  That’s a big hell no. Any appetite I build up will be lost when I step into his house, and the memories of his freak-out flood me.

  I take in my T-shirt and pull at the bottom. “I wish you had told me you were coming over.”

  He snags a cutting board and starts cutting the bell peppers. I slide into his spot, pushing him away and causing him to grin, and take his place. I start slicing the peppers, the simplest task for me to take over, without saying a word.

  “You would’ve bailed,” he replies.

  “No, I wouldn’t have.” That’s the truth. I bailed on going out to dinner but would’ve been up for his company. “I would’ve made myself not look like a train wreck.”

  “You look gorgeous.” He nods toward my belly. “You’ve been hiding it well. Anyone know about the twins yet?”

  I shake my head. “You spill the beans to anyone?”

  “I’m waiting for you to give me the green light. You do know, we have to tell everyone sooner or later, right?”

  “I do, but why does it feel like it’s shock after shock? Guess what?” The knife waves through the air when I dramatically throw my arms up. “I’m pregnant. Guess what? It’s with twins!”

  “Put the knife down, Mike Myers.” He laughs while peeling an avocado and then mashing it in a bowl. “You realize, life is full of surprises as you get older. You grow wisdom with age.”

  I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth. “Appreciate the insight, old man.”

  “Whoa, who are you calling old?” He smirks and bumps his hip against mine. “You want to be on dish duty tonight?”

  I slide the peppers off the board and into a glass bowl. The lettuce is my next victim. “I’m calling you an old man.”

  “Sweetheart, we’re six years apart.”

  “Six years is a long time. You were in kindergarten, learning how to write your ABCs, when I was born.”

  “You seemed to find this old man attractive enough to sleep with.”

  “Eh, let’s blame it on the alcohol.”

  “I’ll keep waiting for you to admit it.”

  I drop the knife. “Admit what?”

  “Admit this so-called old man made you feel better than any boy you’ve been with your age.” He rests the spatula on the stove, and his eyes fix on me. “You lose a taco for every lie you tell, so I’d suggest you stick with the truth if you have an appetite.”

  Fucking tacos.

  Are they worth honesty?

  My stomach growls.

  Hell yes.

  “I don’t have much to compare since I’ve slept with only two men. Brett cared about pleasing me in the beginning.” I sigh. “That changed in the end. He’d get off, slap my ass, thank me, and then go back to his video games.”

  “Shit, you dated a fucking loser,” he grumbles. “LA is saturated with men, and you stuck around with him? I never understood that.”

  “That’s what everyone says.”

  “Why’d you stay with him then?”

  “I don’t know. Convenience?”

  “That’s a piss-poor excuse to stay in a relationship.”

  “You’re telling me, you’ve never stayed with someone because starting over sounded too rough?” My voice is filled with defensiveness. I’m not alone on this.

  “Fuck no. I’d never be with someone I didn’t love. I stayed with Lucy for so long because my life would’ve been a nightmare without her. I loved her more than my own air. I would’ve given my life for her, taken her cancer, given her my health.”

  “It might not be with Lucy, but you’re doing it now.” I shift around him and go to the fridge for a bottle of water.

  My response really catches his attention.

  “What was that?”

  I take a drink and slowly swallow it while he stares at me in confusion.

  “Nothing,” I mutter. I place my water on the counter and go back to my chopping duty.

  He plucks the knife from my hand. “Not so fast. Tell me what you mean.”

  Here goes nothing. “You’re doing the same thing!”

  He raises a questioning brow and reaches back to turn the stove off.

  “You’ve accepted being alone because the thought of starting over without Lucy seems too rough. Convenience.”

  My eyes pierce his, and I wait for him to turn around and leave me with a half-cooked dinner. I should feel guilty about what I said, but I don’t.

  His shoulders draw back while he takes a pained breath. “She was my wife. You’re not supposed to get over the love of your life.”

  My mention of Lucy has put a damper on taco night, but it needed to be said. His answer will tell me if last night was just sex or if he’s ready to open his heart and try something with me.

  “I’m not saying you have to get over her but more of coming to terms that she’s gone. I stayed with Brett because the thought of something new scared the living shit out of me, and you’re doing the same. Don’t throw stones at glass houses.”

  He wipes his hands down his jeans. “How’d you do it then?”

  The fact that he’s still standing here shocks me. “Do what?”

  “Let your heart move on.”

  “It wasn’t easy. It was one of the hardest decisions I’d ever made.”

  His jaw twitches, and his eyes are downcast on me. I suck in a breath. “I’m trying, trust me. I’m fucking trying for you.” We’re so close, I can feel his heart beating against my chest. “You’ve opened up what I feared for months. It doesn’t seem as fucking scary, exploring with you.”

  I point my fork at my plate. “This is delicious.” Screw those fancy taco joints. Dallas Barnes kills anything they serve. “Seriously, the best guacamole I’ve ever had.”

  He showed me how to make it step by step. I’m in charge of taco night next time.

  “Told you I knew my way around a kitchen,” he says proudly and then takes a drink of water.

  I offered to run upstairs and grab a beer from Lauren’s fridge for him. Tacos always taste better with beer. He wouldn’t let me because it wasn’t right for him to drink when I couldn’t.

  “How was work today? Stella drill you about our trip?” he asks.

  Yep, drilled me as hard as his tongue did in the shower. I give him my best duh impression, and he laughs.

  “Hudson pulled the same shit with me.”

  “They’re more invested in our relationship than their own.” I scrunch up my face. “I can’t blame them though. I did the same thing with them.”

  “I’ll admit, it’s fun when you’re on the other side.” He tilts his water glass my way. “Did I thank you for the company the night we got them back together?”

  A while back, Stella and Hudson broke up after the tabloids went after their relationship. I called Dallas, and we set u
p a plan to get them back together. It worked, and Hudson and Dallas flew to New York to surprise her.

  I didn’t want to be a cockblock during their making up, so I hung out in the lobby. That was where Dallas found me. We spent the night tasting food at every food cart, and I showed him my favorite spots in Times Square.

  “You gave me my first good night in a while,” he says. “No matter how shitty I’m feeling, you seem to always bring me back to the light.” He runs his hand over his jaw. “Since we’re talking about fixing relationships, about last night …”

  “I know, I know. It was a mistake,” I rush out, sensing his regret. Did he make tacos to soften up the blow? “We were tired, not thinking clearly, horny again because we hadn’t been laid in months.”

  “Whoa, hold up. I wasn’t tired, and my mind was crystal clear.” He stretches his shoulders back and grins. “Although you hit the nail on the head with the horny part.”

  What’s he saying?

  “I didn’t eat your pussy last night just to get off. I don’t do pity sex or pity oral sex.” His tone turns serious. “In fact, I thought my sex life was over, but then you sat your perky ass across from me at the bar with your sexy-as-hell red hair pulled back to show off your contagious smile.” He chuckles and leans in to rest his elbows on the table. “So, let’s quit using the horny-and-not-thinking excuse.”

  Why do my words always come back to bite me in the ass? I’m judging him for pushing me away yet doing the same.

  “In case you forgot, I was there in the morning,” he continues.

  “’Cause you were stranded.”

  Why can’t I stop pulling away? Rejection still scares me.

  “That was part of the reason, yes, but the other was you.”

  “Good. So, we can confirm we’re both sexually attracted to each other. Maybe we should explore that and leave our feelings to the side for now.”

  “You want this to only be about sex?”

  I nod.

  “You sure about that?”


  We’ll screw for now and get each other out of our systems. In my head, I want to believe the only reason I’m pursuing him is that he gives me the best orgasms I’ve ever had. I want sex, and then we can worry about a relationship later. The opposite of what I was taught as a kid, but whatever.


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