Angel Unseen: An Unseen MC Novel

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Angel Unseen: An Unseen MC Novel Page 30

by J Bree

  This whole night has proved to me how much they adore each other.

  “This is taking it easy?”

  She grins at him. “Hell yeah it is! I even managed to talk Poe outta lighting your hog on fire for being a dick to Angel. You’re fucking welcome.”

  He scowls at her and then shoos her out the door, shutting it and locking it behind her.


  He’s still in the house. In my house with me and not driving away with his family. Oh God. This can’t end well.

  He stalks over to me, looking around at all of the cracks and shitty holes I’ve just patched up.

  “I get that it’s a pile of shit but it’s my pile of shit, you know?”

  He frowns at me like I’m being an asshole but he’s the one standing there staring at the peeling paint like it’s so fucking fascinating.

  “Angel, I’m trying to figure out how the fuck you got up there to caulk shit. Like I give a fuck what this place looks like, it’s yours and I’m gonna make sure it’s safe for you.”

  I frown at him, watching as he walks up to the back door and looks out at my backyard like he’s expecting some Demon assholes to show up.

  “What are you doing here, Tomi?”

  He scowls at me and stalks over, grabbing a bottle of beer out of the bag Poe’s left behind. He offers me one but I need to sober up a little.

  “Wherever you are, that’s where I’m staying. That’s how this goes now, Angel.”

  My heart does this stupid flutter in my chest like that was the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.


  It kind of is.

  “And what if I don’t want you here? Do I get a choice in the matter?”

  I don’t know why my mouth is running but I’m too fucking wasted to stop it.

  He shrugs and sits down on the couch with me, moving me until I’m draped over his lap and his hands are tangled into my hair.

  I try not to fucking purr.

  “If you don’t want me here then I’ll go out and sit on my hog all night, watch the place and make sure you’re safe. I’m not letting you outta my sight again, sweetness. If that means I’m outside watching the house while you sleep, then so be it.”

  He sips the beer and stares up at the cracks again.

  I need a TV to distract him from that shit. “Is this because you’re ‘struck?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t care why, I’m just letting you know how it’s gonna be.”

  I lie there while he finishes the beer, enjoying the feel of his hands in my hair and the hard muscle of his thigh under my head. “What if I want you to stay? What if I want you to sleep on this couch with me?”

  He drains the last of the beer and sets it down on the floor. “You don’t have to ask, Angel. I’m staying.”

  I don’t feel all that drunk anymore, just really fucking horny. I never did get the promise of his homecoming, to be able to wear those pretty little panties for him, and when I sit up and climb into his lap I almost feel ashamed of the state I’m in.

  He’s only ever seen me dressed up… or beat up, I guess.

  “I bought some new panties for you, and a corset to go with it. Lemme go get changed.”

  His hands clamp down over my hips and keep me still, his own hips surging up from the couch to grind against my pussy. “Next time. You’re perfect where you are.”

  His eyes are hot when they take in my face, a scowl taking over him when he sees the busted lip. I lean forward to kiss him but he’s gentle with me, treating me like I’m breakable.

  It’s jarring.

  I want him desperate for me, the same way I am for him, and my brain is all types of messed up because I whimper into the kiss. “Please don’t give me up. Please don’t stop wanting me.”

  His hand reaches up to fist in my hair again, tugging tight and holding my lips to his. “I told you. You’re mine, just because I’m not hurting you doesn’t mean I don’t want you just as fucking bad as I always have. Take your pants off, sweetness. Panties too, I want that pussy riding my cock like you ride the pole.”

  I scramble off of him, his hands never leaving my hips and keeping me steady as I shove my pants down my legs and climb back onto his lap, my pussy bare and already wet for him.

  He kisses me as two of his fingers stroke over my pussy lovingly, slowly sinking inside me like he’s savoring the feel of my body clenching around him.

  I pull the sweatshirt over my head and tear my bra off, leaning over to kiss down his jaw to his neck. I’ve never explored someone’s body like this, I’ve never wanted to, but there’s something so fucking perfect about licking and sucking and biting my way down to where his shirt and cut cover the rest of his skin from me.

  He’s still fully clothed.

  I pout and he chuckles at me, hooking his fingers inside me until my pussy weeps for his cock to fill me up. I reach down between our bodies to unzip his jeans and stroke his cock, already hard and pulsing for me. He shifts around a little and pulls a condom out of his pocket with his free hand, all while the other is still pumping inside me until my legs shake.

  He tears the packet open with his teeth, his hand covering mine and together we roll the condom on. It has no business being that hot but, fuck, by the time he’s covered I’m fucking panting for him.

  No flinching here.

  Tomi’s fingers slip out and he pulls my hips closer. “Hurry up, Angel, before I fuck you on the floor. I don’t want to hurt you but a man has limits and you’re pushing mine.”

  I raise up on my knees before sinking down on his cock, groaning at the stretch of taking him like this. It takes me a second to get the hang of how to do this but, like he said, I’m used to riding the pole and my hips can fucking move.

  He’s sweating in less than a minute.

  I find myself so happy that I giggle and he gets pretty fucking serious about making me come after that, a hand on the nape of my neck to keep my body close to his as his fingers work their magic on my clit.

  When I come and clench down hard like a vise around him he follows me over the edge with a grunt, pumping his hips up into me.

  The shaking starts as soon as I come down from my orgasm, my whole body trembling for no reason. I start to panic a little bit, sure that Tomi is going to zip up and leave me because I’m such a fucking mess.

  “Where’s your sweatshirt, sweetness? Here, have this one,” he says, slipping his cut off and then his shirt before helping me into it. He’s still inside me but now he’s focused entirely on easing my tremors.

  “Hips up, good girl. Right, lie down there until I get cleaned up. Do you have blankets? Good, you stay there. I’ll fix it.”

  The shaking doesn’t stop but I fall asleep before he gets back to me.

  I wake up in his arms on the fold-out bed, tucked into his chest and fucking happy.

  Chapter Thirty Two


  Angel wasn’t wrong when she said the house was a pile of shit.

  It needs more work than just a quick paint job but I’ll be goddamned if I don’t do as much of it for her as I can. When I get her tucked up on the couch and sleeping I do a proper walk through the place and start running inventory on what she needs.

  I’ve been working for years for the club, my only expenses being my hog and my bar tab, so I have more than enough cash to sort this place out for my girl.

  Starting with a fucking fridge.

  Her cupboards are full of chips and boxes of Mac’n’Cheese, she’s gonna get fucking sick eating that shit and there’s no fucking way I’m eating it.

  The bathroom tiles are cracked and missing in places. The carpet in the bedroom is fucking terrible, stained and littered with burn marks. Every inch of the kitchen cupboards need to be cleaned and repainted too, if not completely ripped out and replaced.

  She only has a couch and some bags of clothes.

  I text Rue and Trink before I head back into the living room to make up the bed. I’ll need some backup a
nd I don’t care how hungover my sister is, she can come help out. I fall asleep with Angel’s legs tangled up in mine, her arms across my chest and her face pressed up into my neck like she needs to be surrounded by me to sleep.

  I sleep like the dead.

  When I wake up the early morning light is streaming in through the broken blinds and Angel is already awake, watching me with this soft little smile on her face that has my words drying up in my throat.

  She looks exactly like the name she chose, a fucking angel lying there on my chest and stealing my fucking heart away from me.

  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  We get up for the day slowly, like dragging our asses off of the couch is the hardest fucking thing we’ve ever done. Her ass keeps peeking out from under my shirt and, fuck, maybe getting up is the hardest fucking thing because spreading her out on the cushions sounds like a much better use of the morning than painting shit.

  She laughs at me like pure fucking joy.

  I grab my shit from my bag on my hog and I drag her into the shower with me, soaping her up with my shit so she smells just like me. When I leave everything where it belongs she quirks an eyebrow at me from where she’s leaning against the bathroom counter.

  “You leaving your shit here? I have to make space for it all in this tiny bathroom?”

  I huff at her even if I am enjoying the hell outta the flirty tone she’s slinging my way. “I told you, sweetness, I’m not fucking leaving. You better make sure there’s room in your closet for my shit because we both live here now.”

  She huffs out a breath like she’s mocking me but there’s that perfect fucking grin on her face again. “Oh really? Are you paying rent or just freeloading off of me? I gotta tell you, my ass isn’t worth what it used to be.”

  My palm slides down her back until I reach the mouthwatering curve of her ass. It’s worth so much more than she ever made on that stage but this moment isn’t about that shit.

  It’s about manning the fuck up.

  “Sweetness, this place is yours. You bought it, you worked for it, you sacrificed for it, no one can take that away from you. But you’re my woman. I don’t give a fuck about that ’struck shit, you were mine from the second I saw you with or without the curse chiming in.”

  I grab her hips and draw her in closer, watching as her pupils dilate just from being this close to me and my dick is all for that shit. “I’m not paying rent. I’m covering the bills so you can go to school without worrying about a fucking thing. I’m getting whatever you need, covering everything, because you’re mine to take care of. You’re fucking mine.”

  Her cheeks flush and her head ducks. “You don’t have to. I… I made sure I had enough. I’ve got it covered, just so long as—“

  “So long as nothing, Angel. You’ll leave it to me.”

  Angel startles at the knock on the door, ducking out of my arms to answer it. I already know who’s coming so I get to work laying sheets down over the sofa and the floors.

  “I brought beer and a tall guy, I think we’ll have the ceilings sorted in no time at all. Speck was gonna come but Keely caught wind and threatened to drug him to keep him home. He’s still a little… broken, I guess.” Poe shrugs, talking a mile a minute, and Rue steps up behind her, his hands wrapping around her hips to nudge her out of the way. I scoff at him and get a glare in return.

  I might be smug.

  I got my girl wrapped around me all night, I got her pussy gripping me like a fucking vise and her soft morning eyes.

  He’s got blue balls and a fucking brat on his hands.

  “Thank you for helping. I’ve got everything prepped in here and Tomi is doing the living room.”

  Trink slumps into the room like she’s dying but she shoots Angel a smile, a real one which makes her whole face light up. “Let’s get this over with, I need a fucking nap and that couch is comfy as hell.”

  Angel cringes a little and says, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get you outta bed—”

  I’m about to chew Trink out but Poe butts in, always reading the room with ease. “Trink has nothing better to do. Besides, we weren’t gonna let the boys have all the fun. Just promise me you won’t let them choose colors, Angel, because Rue’s colorblind and couldn’t pick paint to fucking save himself. Did he tell you about the Indian he fucking ruined last year? Disgraceful.”

  Rue huffs at her and stalks into the living room, ignoring Trink’s cackling. “Where’s the paint? Are we doing all of the rooms? Flower, quit bitching and call for pizzas. I didn’t get breakfast and I’m fucking starving.”

  She grins at him and starts calling.

  We get to work on the ceilings and the girls head into the tiny bedroom. It’s the only room in the house with carpet still on the floor and Angel’s already made a call about getting it replaced.

  Poe helps her with the carpet while Trink plays with the bluetooth speakers and dances around like a crazy woman. At first I think she’s not really doing anything but when we make it to the ceilings in the kitchen we find her scrubbing out the cupboards there. I haven’t seen that kid ever do real manual labor before because she’s fucking spoiled so I’m impressed.

  I pay for the pizza when it gets here, shooting Angel down hard when she attempts to argue with me, and we eat it on the tiny front porch to get away from the paint fumes. We all talk about nothing, just cars and gossip about people around town and it feels so fucking normal.

  After lunch. Rue drives Trink and Poe back to the compound, leaving Angel and I to go shopping for shit to fill her house up with.

  I drive the Chevy even though she fusses at me like I don’t fucking know how just because I’d rather have her on the back of my hog, wrapped around me with her honey scent all over the leather of my cut. That just means I’m a man who knows what the fuck he wants and my woman is the hottest fucking thing on Earth.

  We pick out a fridge and a whole pile of shit for her house.

  I tell her about Sunday family dinners and she stares up at me like a deer caught in headlights. It’s cute but it’s also non-negotiable, Keely is a force of nature and Hawk made it clear that he’s expecting us to go along with anything she wants.

  She wants to meet Angel properly and she wants grandbabies.

  I’m only bringing one of those things up with my girl today because I’m not a dumbass and I know Angel has a list of shit she wants to get done before I tie her down like that but fuck if it isn’t tempting.

  I buy anything Angel so much as looks at, every little appliance and piece of cutlery, and when she gets flustered at me I swat her on the ass and ignore her fumbling words.

  When we get back to her place Angel is distracted as she puts away her new shit. I give her some space to work her own shit out while I get her fridge installed and the other kitchen appliances plugged in.

  She’s still not right when I go for a shower.

  I try not to let it eat at me but when I walk back out she’s stripped down to my shirt again and something eases off in my chest a little. She’s all over the place tonight, none of the calm she had this morning and it sets my teeth on edge. I don’t fucking want anything upsetting her.

  She ducks into the bathroom to brush her teeth and it only takes me half a minute to get the fold-out set up and the pillows and blankets sorted out. I strip down to my boxers and lie down to wait for her, my mood getting fucking worse as the minutes drag on.

  She’s freaking out about something.

  I hate it.

  She finally comes out and turns all of the lights off on her way in. One of the perks of this place being so tiny, there’s not very far to go in the dark once she’s got everything turned off.

  She climbs in and even though she tucks straight into my body there’s this tenseness to her, like she can’t fully relax and I’m not fucking standing for it. There’s no way I’m sleeping like this.

  “What’s happened, sweetness? Didn’t we agree that I fix your shit?” I murmur, aiming for hushed and
gentle for her nerves.

  “I’m trying to figure something out with the floor in the bedroom. I could polish the floorboards but there’s a few spots that need to be patched. I’ve just got a lot of classwork going on and Rue mentioned you’ll be at The Boulevard more often so I need to figure it out.”

  I shift her around a little so she’s lying over my chest more securely. “What happened to Kyle and his boys laying the carpet? You change your mind?”

  She fidgets like she’s being interrogated and I have to force myself to stay calm and relaxed underneath her even though I feel anything but fucking relaxed. “They cancelled the job and gave me the money back. Apparently they don’t like money from my type. It’s—I mean, it’s not a big deal. I’ve got other options. I just need to figure out what I can get done around school.”

  My arms turn to stone around her.

  There’s no fucking way that I’m letting that shit fly. This goes beyond her being my fucking girl. Nah, this is about a girl who has worked her ass off and sacrificed fucking everything to support herself and take care of her own shit and I’ll be fucked if I let people think they can treat her like that.

  There’s no fucking way I’m letting it go without setting them straight on how my girl will be treated around here.

  I have to grit the words out through my teeth. “I’ll sort it out.”

  She cringes a little like she’d like to get away from me but my arms stop her from going far. “It’s fine. Honestly, what can I expect from people? We’re in the south and I—”

  I’m too harsh but I’m also fucking livid. “Don’t finish that fucking sentence. I said I’d sort it out so you’ll trust me to get it sorted out, Angel. Forget about it, sweetness, and go to sleep.”

  Chapter Thirty Three


  I completely forget about the family dinner until there’s a knock at my door on Sunday while I’m scrubbing out the bathroom. I haven’t decided on tiles yet so it’s staying just a little gross until I do.


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