The Snowflake Trilogy

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The Snowflake Trilogy Page 14

by J. J. Jones

  One man sat behind the counter reading a magazine. Logan walked directly to the counter without even glancing at any of the equipment in the store.

  “I would like the Apple TS 2014, please.”

  The man nodded and handed Logan a key, but didn’t say anything. I looked at him expecting him to do or say something else, but he just went back to reading his magazine.

  Logan turned around and walked out of the store. I almost missed following him until I noticed he had exited the store and quickly ran after him. I just barely saw a flash of him turn the corner of the building and go around the back. I ran to catch up.

  “What happened to you?” Logan asked me.

  “Nothing,” I said a little out of breath.

  I watched as Logan used the key the man had given him to unlock a metal door in the back of the store that opened leading to a hidden basement.

  “Make sure to close the door behind you,” Logan instructed me. “It will automatically lock behind you, so don’t worry about that.”

  “Oh, okay,” I said, pulling the door shut as I walked down the stairs behind Logan.

  We walked down the stairs and entered a completely different world compared to what we saw above. The technology downstairs was state of the art. In fact it was technology that I’ve never been exposed to, nor would I even know how to navigate. There were screens everywhere and people walking around behind heavy glass doors and walls. I felt like I had walked into the future.

  I heard a sultry voice from behind me, “Snowflake!”

  I turned to see a beautiful blonde woman gracefully running down the hallway to greet us. From the top of her head to the tips of her toes, everything about her was perfect. Every piece of hair was perfectly placed on her head. She had curves in all the right places. Her eyes were a gorgeous blue. Her make-up looked like it was professionally done. And to top everything off she had a smile that made even me melt and want to be her friend.

  I could tell by the way Logan reacted to her greeting that they were close. He gave her a hug that said they had met more than one or two times. It was obvious they had some sort of history together. Part of my brain wanted to know every little detail about their history, but my heart told me that it’s probably best if I don’t know at all.

  I was immediately jealous of their relationship, whatever it was or wasn’t. She was a shifter and that means whatever they have was something I can never have with Logan. I was a human and he was a werebear, he could never share that part of himself with me. It made me ache inside knowing we had something so drastically different about each other that we could never share.

  It might sound selfish but I also felt jealous that Logan clearly had other women in his life. Even if she was just a friend. Not that we were official or anything like that but I just wanted him all to myself. Jealousy can be a bitch sometimes.

  “Tanisha,” Logan grabbed my attention, “this is Jasmine.”

  “Jasmine,” Logan turned back to Jasmine, “Tanisha.”

  We exchanged greetings, shaking hands, but Logan interrupted us.

  “We really don’t have much time. I’m sure the Lone Wolf won’t be far behind. I need to know everything you know about him, Jasmine,” Logan’s tone turned desperate.

  “Yes, Logan. So you have seen the Lone wolf? One ugly motherfucker isn't he?” Jasmine said. “Please come with me, let’s walk and talk.”

  “Did you hear what happened to Lionel? Why has the mission changed?” Logan asked. “Why have they decided that he should kill rather than capture us and bring us in?”

  “After you and the others escaped the program,” Jasmine explained, “the government decided that the program wasn’t worth all the money they were putting into it. You probably understand all the problems the government has been facing in recent years with spending and deficits. With the people breathing down their backs to find more money and balance the budget, they weren’t afraid to cut programs that weren’t really seeing any growth or profit. The fact that you managed to escape so easily probably showed them the program was much weaker then they thought it was.” Jasmine paused allowing Logan to digest the new information.

  “So if they cut all the funding, how is the Lone Wolf still out there?” Logan asked.

  “I wasn’t finished,” Jasmine continued. “So the government cut all it’s funding, and it’s ties with the program. But the Big Dog, he didn’t stop the program altogether. He still continued the program by himself. He is using the Lone Wolf to eliminate all the werebears as a means to prove to the government that his program is effective. He wants to show that with the program he has currently built, he can and will be taken seriously by those in charge.”

  “So we are just pawns in the Big Dog’s’ scheme to take back his power and funding from the government? He wants us all dead just to prove a point?” Logan asked angrily.

  “Essentially, yes,” Jasmine agreed. “But Logan, you know how powerful the Lone Wolf is. The safest option is to get out of the country and far, far away from here. Although, that is not to say he can not track you abroad also..”

  I had been listening to this entire conversation, and wasn’t sure about everything they had talked about, but now even leaving the country didn’t sound safe. I wasn’t sure what to think anymore. Logan looked over to me with a disappointed look on his face as well. I wasn’t sure if he was disappointed that Jasmine didn’t have more information about killing the Lone Wolf or that she had just told them it wouldn’t be safe out of the country, but either way, he looked disappointed.

  “Did you get the package that was left for you at the docks, Logan?” Jasmine asked.

  “Yes, I received it,” Logan replied, turning his attention away from me and back to Jasmine.

  “I’m so sorry that I don’t have better news for you. It’s disappointing to hear, I’m sure. We all should get out while we still can. We’ve been fighting for so long, but I think it’s time we stopped fighting. There’s only so much we can do,” Jasmine looked first at Logan and then at me.

  “Thanks, Jasmine for everything,” Logan said, reaching out and touching her shoulder. “Why haven’t you left yet if you feel the situation has become so dire?” he asked. “I mean, the Lone Wolf has targeted me right now, but he will target you soon and then the others.”

  “Yes, I know,” she replied. “But I have decided that it is my job to stay here and help people like you to get out. I’ve helped many and that’s what matters most to me. If I don’t make it, that’s okay. Without my help, we would have lost this war a long time ago. ”

  Logan turned away and grabbed my hand. We started to walk back down the hall and toward the stairs. I was still trying to make sense of everything I had heard and seen while we were down in the basement, when we heard Jasmine coming after us.

  “Snowflake, wait!” she called.

  “Here,” she handed Logan another package. I could see there were quite a few cans of the aerosol cans with wolf repellent inside. “You might need some of that in the next few days.”

  “Thanks,” Logan said.

  We turned again to leave when Jasmine stopped us again. “I have something else that just might help you.”

  Logan stopped and turned around still holding my hand, but his gripped tightened.

  She handed Logan a small bag and a plastic file with the label “Eskimo” and “Top Secret” printed across the front.

  “There is something, read it over and see how you feel. This should only be used as a last resort. It has never be tested though so it is your call Logan.” Jasmine cautioned.

  Logan didn’t say anything but nodded his understanding and his thank you. He took everything and cupped it under his arm, and climbed up the stairs.

  I looked back at Jasmine one last time to see a single tear fall down her face before Logan’s grip on my hand pulled me up the stairs and away from her sight.


  We jumped in the car, and I could tell that Logan’s mind was elsewh
ere. He didn’t even offer to drive, which normally he does unless the situation is dire.

  I turned the keys in the ignition and started driving. I wasn’t even sure where I was driving to, just that he wanted me to drive.

  “Jasmine mentioned the ‘Big Dog,’” I asked trying to connect all the dots.

  “Yeah. He’s the reason we have this fight in the first place.” His voice is distant and unfocused.

  “Does the Big Dog have a name?” I asked.

  “Yes. Big Dog.” Logan replied bluntly. I wasn't sure if he was joking or just did not want to tell me.

  I ignored his rudeness and moved on. “And Jasmine? I assume she’s a shifter, too?”

  “Yeah,” Logan replied unaffected.

  “What does she shift into?” I asked.

  “Oh, ” Logan moved uncomfortably in his seat. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

  I sat for a minute, processing the information before asking anything else. “So that is headquarters?”

  “Well it’s one of a few, but yes that was the closest headquarters to Florida,” he replied.

  “Oh there is more than one headquarters, how many?” I asked.

  “A few,” Logan replied obviously not willing to expand on the question.

  “I just don’t get it,” I said talking aloud, “all of the money, the equipment, the vehicles, weapons, everything. Where does it all come from? Who is helping you and how do they have that kind of money?” I glanced over at him.

  “Oh,” Logan replied like he was surprised by my question. “That’s a long story, perhaps one for another time. You could probably write a whole book on that side of things. Anyway, I need to read what’s in this file that Jasmine gave me.” It wasn’t really a question, but more like a statement letting me know that he was going to focus on the file and didn’t want me asking more questions.

  He pulled out the file Jasmine had given us as we’d left the underground facility and started reading. I wasn’t sure what the file contained, but Logan seemed enthralled by its contents.

  Twice I asked him what it said, and he brushed me aside telling me that he would explain later.

  Finally a little frustrated at his lack of communication, I asked, “Well at least can you tell me where we are driving to? I have been aimlessly driving for the last half and hour.”

  “Oh,” Logan seemed to snap away from the file and finally realize that we were driving in a car. “We need to find a hardware store, and soon. It’s getting late and we need to find one before they close.” His voice was hard and matter-of-fact.

  I grabbed my phone and had the GPS help me find the closest hardware store that was still open. It wasn’t too far away, so we would make it with plenty of time. Still, I drove a little faster than usual to ensure that we made it with a good cushion just in case.

  When we arrived, Logan scanned the file again making a short list of the things he was planning to purchase inside. I heard him mumble a few words about bleach and other cleaning chemicals. My mind reeled with the different reasons he might need things like that.

  He jumped out of the car and started into the store. I followed a little unsure of what he wanted me to do. He seemed to be in his own world now, one that I didn’t belong. I felt like his shadow as we walked through the store, not wanting to leave his side, but not feeling welcome with him either.

  “What is all this stuff for?” I tried to ask.

  “Not now, Tanisha,” he scolded me like I was a child. “I’ll explain later.”

  I felt heat rise to my cheeks, not that I was angry, but that I was embarrassed that he would talk to me that way. I understood his secrecy and the importance of keeping the information quiet. It was foolish of me to ask about it while we were out in the open of the hardware store. But that didn’t mean he needed to treat me like I was immature and young.

  I left him in the hardware store and walked back out to the car. I sat and watched from the driver’s seat while he finished gathering the things he needed, purchased them and then walked back out to the car. He stashed everything in the back seat before climbing back in next to me.

  “Tanisha,” he rubbed his forehead like he was stressed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken like that to you inside. It was wrong of me.”

  “Thank you,” I replied. “I’m sorry that I asked while we were there. It wasn’t the right time or place to be asking questions. I understand that now.”

  “I know that you want answers, and I don’t intend to hide anything from you. I just need time to figure things out myself – process them before I can explain them to you.” He took a deep breath and then continued. “We need to drive back to your father’s house. Please don’t ask why, just trust me. I’ll explain when I have things figured out, but right now I’m still trying to form everything in my mind.”

  “Okay,” I said starting the car. “I can wait until you’re ready.” I backed out of the hardware store and started our long trek back to Florida.

  I drove all through the night in order to get back to my father’s house by morning the next day. It was a long drive, but I could tell that it wasn’t a time to suggest finding a hotel. Logan was focused and intent.

  “Thanks for driving, I know it’s a long night. Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m doing okay. We might need to make a stop for some caffeine at some point, but right now, I’m doing okay. Probably the next gas stop we make, I’ll get a coffee or an energy drink.” I replied.

  “Okay, just let me know if you’re getting tired and want me to take over,” he offered.

  “I’ll be fine. You focus on our plan once we get there,” I turned and smiled over to him.

  He reached across the car and took my hand in his caressing each of the fingers gently in his calloused hands. It felt nice to have his touch, even if it was small. I yearned for more, but knew that holding his hand would have to be enough for now.

  When we were about an hour from my father’s house, Logan finally seemed to relax a little and sit back in his chair.

  “Feeling okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said feeling weary, but not tired. I had drank an energy drink at our last gas stop, so although my body was feeling the weight of everything, my mind was buzzing with activity. “So we have a plan then?” I asked carefully.

  “I think so,” Logan replied. “At least it’s the best I’ve come up with for now. And I think it’s going to have to be good enough, since we’re practically out of time.” His voice sounded tired and stressed.

  “Soon this will all be over, and we can focus on something else. We can start our new lives like you said,” I smiled reassuringly at him, but I knew even my own voice wasn’t that convincing.

  “I know you’re right,” he lifted my hand and kissed it gently.

  “I know I have asked a lot of questions already but.... so why do they call you Snowflake?” I asked trying to move the conversation away from our impending encounter with the Lone Wolf.

  Logan became distant and his eyes stared out the window when I asked him about his name.

  “It was back when we were training as soldiers. I think it was a commander thing to do, give us nicknames. Lots of us had them during training. I think it may have started because most of us refused to give real names, so the commanders had to find a way to address us individually, thus the nicknames.”

  “Oh,” I said sensing that he didn’t like thinking about training.

  “I hated the nickname for a long time, because it reminded me of the training and losing my freedom. But even after training the nickname just kind of stuck. People both that I had met during the training and after started calling me Snowflake. After a while I realized that continuing using the nickname was like a defiant sign of beating the system. I didn’t mind it so much after that. Every time I heard it, I remembered that their system hadn’t been strong enough to keep me captured. It fills me with a sense of empowerment.”

  We both we
re silent for a few minutes.

  “We’re almost there,” I said realizing we were in my father’s neighborhood.

  “Great, let’s get this over with,” he said.


  We walked quickly up to the house, and immediately my heart sank into my stomach. I pictured my father’s body laying in his blood on the floor. I didn’t want to see him again like that. I felt my stomach lurch with the thought of his decaying body, now a few days old still sitting in the blood.

  “Here you wait outside for a few minutes,” Logan said. “I will take care of Lionel. You shouldn’t have to see him like that again.”

  It was like he could read my mind. Words couldn’t express my gratitude. I reached out and squeezed his hand, knowing that it would be hard for him to see my father that way, too. “I will sit here on the porch until you let me know I can come in,” I said sitting on the front step.


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