His to Protect

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His to Protect Page 9

by Alice Cain

  "Move, sunshine," Brody said, "before my sister breaks your arms."

  "Oh," the kid said as he finally seemed to realize the direction of his gaze. "Sorry."

  Thankfully the trip to the house in question took only a few minutes by car. It was barely midday, so if a vampire was lying in their supposedly secure room with all of their veins sliced open they had a good chance of saving them.

  Adrian considered leaving the kid in the car, but it was obvious that he believed he'd done nothing wrong. As dangerous as it was to reveal the existence of vampires to a human, it seemed the only way this kid was going to understand what he'd done.

  Lilly was already on the phone as they followed the kid into the safe. There, lying exactly where he'd left her, was a female vampire—quite young judging by the deathly pale skin—with every vein sliced open just like all the other victims.

  "See, I told you. It's just a stage prop."

  "That's not a stage prop," Adrian said as he dragged the kid into the room. "That's a woman who will wake up in a few hours and bleed out if we don't help her."

  The kid actually snickered. He smiled when he saw the annoyance on Adrian's face. "No offense, man. Your acting's way cool. I just…I mean like, wow. This quest was hell expensive but way worth the money."

  "You paid to do this?"

  "Of course," the kid said frowning at Adrian. "You pay for each level of the game. Not many reach the level I reached, but, hey, that's what credit cards are for, right?"

  "Daddy's money, no doubt," Lilly said with a sneer in her voice. "I've watched a lot of generations grow up, but yours is the most perplexing. Do you even have a life outside your computer?"

  The kid at least had the good grace to blush. He sure as hell fit the stereotype of a prepubescent computer geek even if he was nearly twenty years old.

  Lilly dismissed the kid with a shake of her head and turned her attention to Adrian. "I've called in the same medical team that saved the last one. They should be here is a few moments."

  "Medical team?" the kid asked, looking more confused now than he had since they'd met him. "Look guys, I really appreciate your attention to detail, but…well, you're kind of freaking me out now. Just, you know, drop it. I'll tell the quest master you did a really good job."

  "Kid," Brody said with an exasperated shake of his head, "take a seat. You've got a long wait ahead of you."

  Something about Brody's demeanor must have registered because the kid sat on the sofa, as far away from the vampire as he could get, clasped his hands together and shut his mouth. Adrian was about to leave this situation in his siblings' capable hands when one more question occurred to him.

  "Why were you wandering around the house on Fourth Street?"

  The kid actually looked frightened now. He opened his mouth to speak several times before words actually came out. "A g–guy I know online, vamphunter459, was freaking out. He said they were real, that his quest proved that vampires really existed." He shrugged, but the movement was far from casual. "There was nothing there, so I just figured he was bat-shit crazy. Some gamers get so involved they start to mix up fantasy and reality, you know."

  "Unfortunately for you," Adrian said as thick dark hair sprouted all over his arms and his fingers turned into wicked-looking claws, "you're about to learn that not all fantasy is computer gaming."

  The kid squeezed his eyes shut. "Please don't hurt me," he begged quietly.

  Adrian stopped the change and returned to his full human form.

  "We're not going to hurt you, Chester," Lilly said, taking a little bit of pity on the kid. It was obvious that he'd been misled by whoever was running the computer game. "But you are going to stay here and watch the agony you caused. If Rebecca doesn't bleed out she'll still be in awful pain. There isn't a painkiller on the planet that will work for a vampire."

  "R–Rebecca?" the kid asked as he paled considerably. He stared at the woman's face in horror. "Rebecca Ridgley?"

  Lilly nodded.

  "Fuck, I…she looked familiar. I just thought it was good artwork." He didn't try to stop the tears that slid down his face. "I went to high school with her. She was real smart, on the debating team and everything." He didn't take his eyes off the vampire's face. "She…she died from…I think it was cancer."

  "Well it would seem that Rebecca found a way around that," Lilly said gently. "Let's hope you didn't rob her of her second chance at life."

  "Fuck," the kid said on a heavy exhale.

  "Chester, I need to get a look at that online game. Can you give me access?"

  Cheater nodded but didn't look at Lilly. He kept shaking his head and blinking as if he thought he might soon wake up. It didn't take long then for the sobs to start.

  Adrian ran a hand down his face tiredly as he turned toward the exit.

  At least they had some idea of what was happening. Unfortunately there was also a good chance that the attackers were victims of this situation as well. Once Chester had realized that the vampire he'd attacked was an actual person and not a stage prop, he'd crumbled into a remorse-filled heap.

  Adrian was almost to his car when his phone rang. When he saw the sheriff's number he wasn't quite certain he wanted to answer.

  "Sheriff," he said as his sense of duty overrode self-preservation. After witnessing their prime suspect's emotional meltdown he really hoped the sheriff was calling with good news.

  "Adrian, I've got a suicide I'd like your opinion on."

  "Sure," Adrian said quickly. Part of the reason Alateeka Protection Services got along well with the law in this town was because they offered their unique skills to assist the sheriff whenever they could. Obviously the sheriff felt something wasn't quite right with the scene currently listed as a suicide. He quickly gave Adrian the address.

  Within minutes Adrian was striding into the small, but well-appointed house following the scent of the man who'd killed William Danker, mortally injured Logan, and attacked Derek in the alleyway beside Santutegia.

  The sheriff tilted his head toward the back room and then quickly followed Adrian into the crime scene. Adrian tried not to look at the devastated couple—most likely the kid's parents—as he walked past and then tried very, very hard to claw back his professional distance.

  The moment he stepped into the room, he knew the sheriff's instincts had been right on the money. This wasn't a suicide scene. It was a murder.

  He grabbed his phone, quickly scrolled to his sister's number, and waited impatiently for her to answer.

  "Lilly, take Chester into protective custody, and try to get his help to identify the others. William Danker's murderer has just been found dead."

  The sheriff shook his head. "I was hoping I was wrong."

  "So was I," Adrian said truthfully. It meant that the men they'd been seeking were probably all in danger. Not only did they have to find them fast, they now had to protect them as well. Right from the beginning he'd worried that these humans would never be brought to justice, but he'd never expected them to be victims, too.

  How the hell did things get so fucked up so fast?

  Chapter Eleven

  It was nearly dark when Adrian finally came in the front door. It was probably silly to worry about the man—he was an experienced investigator and a werewolf, for heaven's sakes—but Tyler couldn't deny the relief he felt when he saw him.

  Tyler was out of his seat, ready to throw himself into Adrian's arms before he even considered whether it was something Adrian might want him to do. He was only his sub. That's all they'd agreed on. Did subs greet their Dom at the door so enthusiastically? Tyler hesitated in the doorway from the living area long enough for Adrian to notice. He gave him a grim smile and opened his arms, and Tyler ran into them faster than he previously thought he was capable of.

  Then Adrian held him close for a very long time as they stood quietly in the small foyer.

  "Rough day?" Gavin asked when he apparently got tired of waiting for Adrian to come further into the house. />
  "We found William's killer. Somebody murdered the guy before we got there and tried to make it look like suicide."

  "I'm assuming you have evidence," Gavin said in a very serious voice. For a man who'd spent most of the past day and night cracking jokes it was interesting to see him switch to "work mode."

  "Yeah, I picked up the scent of a vampire in his room. The kid—"

  "Kid?" Tyler asked anxiously. He'd been teaching in this town for more than five years. Chances were if he'd gone to the local high school he'd taught him at one stage.

  "Lenard Baldan was twenty-two," Adrian said, pulling Tyler just that little bit closer, "so not really a kid, but some of the others are as young as seventeen."

  Tyler was both relieved and a little worried that he didn't remember anyone by that name. Surely if he'd taught him in high school his name would at least spark a memory or two.

  "Others?" Gavin asked curiously as he led them back into the living area.

  "Lilly is still scouring the Internet but we think we've identified and moved to protect most of the ones involved, including a couple who had yet to go on their 'quest.'"

  "Now I know you're going to explain that," Gavin said with a frown.

  "Sorry," Adrian said, "it's been a couple of long days." Tyler was tired, yet by his calculations Adrian hadn't even gotten the small amount of sleep he'd managed.

  "You want to talk long days," Gavin said with a smart-ass grin, "try staying home to babysit that complaining asshole."

  Tyler turned to find Derek standing in the doorway of the medical room. It was obvious that the doorjamb was the only thing holding him up, but he still managed to flip a finger in the air at his brother even as he winked at Tyler in apology.

  "What was the connection?" Derek asked in a voice that belied his physical condition.

  "A computer game," Adrian replied, apparently accepting that his brother wasn't going to go back to bed anytime soon. He released Tyler only long enough to help his brother to the nearest couch. Derek was white as a sheet and sweating by the time he got into a comfortable position, but it was clear he was stubborn enough to try to ignore it.

  His brothers apparently knew Derek's stubbornness well, because they made an effort to ignore his pain and go on with business.

  By the time Adrian was finished explaining the events of the day, Tyler was feeling rather ill himself.

  "It certainly seems a deliberate move by whoever set up the game to cover their tracks. That kid was ranting pretty wildly when he attacked me. It would definitely be seen as a threat to the entire operation." Derek shook his head slowly. "But we can't dismiss the idea of a revenge attack either. Vampires might not have many advantages over humans, but even brand new ones can compel a weak-minded individual. I doubt many would be strong enough to force a human into suicide, but they could certainly nudge a confused and frightened person into doing something they might have been inclined to do anyway."

  "Do you think maybe that's why the guy came to the club and attacked Derek?" Tyler asked as possibilities swirled through his head.

  Gavin and Adrian looked shocked but both nodded. "I suppose it's very likely. According to Chester, Lenard had been freaking out over the vampire being real and had sent private messages to the contacts he knew outside the game."

  "What if one of those contacts was the person behind all this?" Tyler asked. From Adrian's explanation there had been no way of identifying people in the game. Only Chester and his circle of friends had known each other from other games they played together.

  Adrian suddenly reached for his phone and then waited anxiously for his call to be answered. He was pacing the floor by the time his sister picked up.


  Adrian practically growled the words into the phone. "Lilly, one of the kids you have in protective custody could be the one behind the computer program."

  "Way ahead of you, big brother," Lilly said with her usual casual laugh. "Brody smelled the vampire the moment we knocked on the door."

  "Where are you?" Adrian asked as he reached for his keys.

  "Relax Adrian, everything's under control. The vampire is in custody. The website creator is still on the run, but as soon as I've finished wasting time talking to you, I plan to change that."

  Adrian glanced at the window, surprised to see that the sun had already gone down. He turned toward the hallway where Logan stood waiting timidly at his bedroom door. Gavin grinned, and waved him over to where he was sitting, but Logan gave him a furious look and went to sit beside Tyler instead.

  Gavin reached for his keys, brushed a kiss to Logan's lips even though the vampire still looked angry enough to smack him, and headed toward the front door.

  "Your turn to babysit," he said tilting his head toward Derek, who gave him the finger once more. "Tell Lilly I'll meet her and Brody at the office."

  "Perfect," Lilly said obviously having heard Gavin's words. "Looks like you get the night off, big brother. Go get some rest."

  Adrian wasn't quite used to being relegated to the sidelines of an investigation, but one look at the gorgeous human sitting on his sofa and he couldn't say he hated the forced exclusion from work.

  "Okay, call me if you need anything."

  "Will do," Lilly said cheerfully before the phone line went dead.

  He wanted to lift Tyler into his arms and race down the hallway to his bedroom, but right now he had a stubborn-ass brother to put back to bed and a newly made vampire that needed time with his friend.

  "Have you had dinner?" he asked Tyler. He and Derek both nodded.

  "There's a tossed salad in the fridge," Tyler said as he stood up and headed toward the kitchen. "I just need to throw your steak under the grill. Gavin said you like it well done, but I figured that was another one of his jokes."

  Adrian grinned at Tyler's perceptiveness. Since becoming a werewolf he enjoyed his steak quite rare. "I can do it," he said reaching for the man as he went to go past him.

  "I don't mind," Tyler said quickly, but then he seemed to double guess his offer to help. "Unless you…um…would rather do it yourself."

  "No, I'm happy to let you cook for me," Adrian said with a wide grin. Yeah, he was a bit old fashioned that way. So sue him. "But I thought maybe you can make sure Logan is fed while I make my own dinner."

  Tyler glanced at his friend who was smiling wider than Adrian had ever seen from the guy. It was the type of shit-eating grin Gavin usually wore when he knew something Adrian didn't.

  "I…um," Tyler said as he glanced at his friend hesitantly. "Um…after last night, I'd…um…prefer it if you were…um…not busy after I…" He let the words trail away, obviously embarrassed by what he was asking.

  Logan wasn't quite so polite. "Tyler needs you to fuck his brains out after he feeds his friend the vampire. You okay with that, Adrian?"

  Tyler seemed shocked by his friend's words. It was obvious that Logan was still going through the hormonal changes of becoming a vampire. From the little Adrian knew, Logan would never have said something so outrageous before being changed.

  Derek laughed. "You're so lucky Gavin isn't here right now, little vampire. He'd turn your ass the same shade of red as Tyler's face."

  Logan laughed too, but it was the surly kind of laugh one would get from a teenager well out of their depth but trying to brazen their way through an uncomfortable situation.

  "You okay, sweetheart?" Adrian asked in a low voice as Tyler shook his head and tried not to react to Logan's teasing.

  "I'm fine," he said finally turning a wry smile in his friend's direction. "I've heard way worse from the teenagers at the high school." Logan dropped his gaze, apparently reading the gentle rebuke from Tyler correctly. "But Logan does have a point."

  Adrian grinned. There was no way he was going to turn Tyler down. Hell, his cock was growing hard just thinking about sinking into Tyler's warm, willing body.

  "Food first," Tyler said in a slightly bossy tone.

  Derek laughed softly
, but quickly stopped when it apparently hurt.

  "Fine," Adrian said in an indulgent tone. "You cook while I have a quick shower, and then well see about getting Logan fed."

  Tyler's smile was so sweet that Adrian couldn't do anything but lean down and take a taste of those lips. As always the heat between them grew quickly, and they were both panting when they moved apart.

  "Hot damn," Derek said with another pain-filled laugh. "How much did I miss while I was sleeping?"

  Tyler blushed and then fled into the kitchen. Adrian shook his head at his brother, but didn't bother to rebuke him for embarrassing his sub. Derek was simply being himself. He hadn't changed in their long lifetimes, so it wasn't going to happen now.

  And besides, Tyler was adorable when he blushed.

  That thought carried Adrian through the fastest shower on record and back into the kitchen minutes later to wolf down a steak that had been cooked to perfection.

  Now that the time had come to feed Logan, Tyler actually seemed pretty nervous.

  "Everything okay?" Adrian asked in a whisper. It was probably unnecessary to keep his voice low since Derek and Logan both had better-than-human hearing, but it did give them the illusion of privacy.

  "I just…" Tyler lowered his gaze. "All I can think about is how much I want you inside me, even without the rapturous feeling I get when Logan bites me."

  Adrian was very tempted to suggest a few of the kinky ideas that flowed through his head at that moment—he might not share his lover, but he wasn't against exhibitionism—but he was fairly certain Tyler wouldn't be comfortable doing that sort of thing in front of his best friend.

  The next best idea, however, also came to mind.

  Adrian reached for Tyler's hand and practically dragged him into the hallway. As soon as they were in the privacy of his bedroom, Adrian urged his sub to bend over and brace himself with his hands on the foot locker. He quickly undid Tyler's jeans and lowered them and his underwear to his knees.

  Adrian stood back to admire the beautiful view for a moment before moving to the drawer where he kept his toys. He rummaged through until he found the brand new butt plug he'd put in there only a few days ago.


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